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tbarcode2.cpp - description
begin : Mon Feb 20 2006
copyright : (C) 2006 by Dominik Seichter
email :
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include "tbarcode2.h"
#include "barkode.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <tqdom.h>
#include <tqfile.h>
#include <kprocess.h>
#include <tdetempfile.h>
void TBarcodeOptions::defaults()
m_escape = false;
m_above = false;
m_autocorrect = false;
m_checksum = 0;
m_modulewidth = 0.353;
m_height = 20;
void TBarcodeOptions::load( const TQDomElement* tag )
this->setModuleWidth( tag->attribute( "tbarcode.modulewidth", "0.353" ).toDouble() );
this->setEscape( tag->attribute( "tbarcode.escape", "0" ).toInt() );
this->setAbove( tag->attribute( "tbarcode.above", "0" ).toInt() );
this->setAutocorrect( tag->attribute ( "tbarcode.autocorrect", "0" ).toInt() );
this->setCheckSum( tag->attribute( "tbarcode.checksum", "0" ).toInt() );
this->setHeight( tag->attribute( "tbarcode.height", "0" ).toInt() );
void TBarcodeOptions::save( TQDomElement* tag )
tag->setAttribute( "tbarcode.modulewidth", this->moduleWidth() );
tag->setAttribute( "tbarcode.escape", this->escape() );
tag->setAttribute( "tbarcode.above", this->above() );
tag->setAttribute( "tbarcode.autocorrect", this->autocorrect() );
tag->setAttribute( "tbarcode.checksum", this->checksum() );
tag->setAttribute( "tbarcode.height", this->height() );
const TBarcodeOptions& TBarcodeOptions::operator=( const BarkodeEngineOptions& rhs )
const TBarcodeOptions* tbarcode = (dynamic_cast<const TBarcodeOptions*>(&rhs));
this->m_escape = tbarcode->m_escape;
this->m_above = tbarcode->m_above;
this->m_autocorrect = tbarcode->m_autocorrect;
this->m_checksum = tbarcode->m_checksum;
this->m_modulewidth = tbarcode->m_modulewidth;
this->m_height = tbarcode->m_height;
return *this;
: PixmapBarcode()
const TBarcode2 & TBarcode2::operator=( const BarkodeEngine & rhs )
const TBarcode2* barcode = dynamic_cast<const TBarcode2*>(&rhs);
if( barcode )
m_options = barcode->m_options;
return *this;
bool TBarcode2::createPostscript( char** postscript, long* postscript_size )
TQString cmd;
const char* text;
const TBarcodeOptions* tbarcode = (dynamic_cast<TBarcodeOptions*>(barkode->engine()->options()));
if( !tbarcode )
return false;
if( !barkode->textVisible() )
text = "hide";
else if( tbarcode->above() )
text = "above";
text = "below";
cmd = cmd.sprintf( "tbarcode -f PS -b %s -d %s -t %s --translation=%s --autocorrect=%s --modulewidth=%.3f -h %i --checkdigit=%i --72dpiraster\n",
barkode->type().latin1(), KShellProcess::quote( barkode->parsedValue() ).latin1(),
text, tbarcode->escape() ? "on" : "off",
tbarcode->autocorrect() ? "on" : "off",
tbarcode->checksum() );
tqDebug( "Cmd = %s", cmd.ascii() );
if( !readFromPipe( cmd.latin1(), postscript, postscript_size ) )
return false;
return true;
TQRect TBarcode2::bbox( const char* postscript, long postscript_size )
const char* gs_bbox = "gs -sDEVICE=bbox -sNOPAUSE -q %1 -c showpage quit 2>&1";
char* buffer = NULL;
long len = 0;
TQRect size;
KTempFile psfile( TQString(), ".ps" );
psfile.file()->writeBlock( postscript, postscript_size );
if( !readFromPipe( TQString( gs_bbox ).arg( psfile.file()->name() ).latin1(), &buffer, &len ) || !len )
return TQRect( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
size = PixmapBarcode::bbox( buffer, len );
free( buffer );
return size;