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/* This file is part of the KDE project
Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000 Torben Weis <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef BARKODE_H
#define BARKODE_H
#include <tqcolor.h>
#include <tqstring.h>
#include "barkodeengine.h"
* Enumeration values for sequence modes
typedef enum { NUM, ALPHA, ALPHANUM } ESequence;
/** This values are used to indicate the feature supported by a
* certain barcode typedef
enum { NOCUT = 0x00001, MULTILINE = 0x00002, NOTEXT = 0x00004, NOSCALE = 0x00008,
* Different advanced option modes.
PDF417BARCODE = 0x00100, TBARCODEADV = 0x00200, PUREADV = 0x00400, DATAMATRIX = 0x00800,
COLORED = 0x00010,
* Checksum ID's
POSTNETCHECK = 0x01000, CODE128CHECK = 0x02000, EAN8CHECK = 0x04000, EAN13CHECK = 0x08000,
UPCACHECK = 0x10000, UPCECHECK = 0x20000, MODULOALLCHECK = 0x40000, MODULO10CHECK = 0x80000,
* Short cut's
/** This structure holds information about a supported barcode encoding typedef
struct tBarcodeInfo
/** the name which is stored for identification in the xml file
* and used as commandline parameter for external tools
TQString xml;
/** the user visible name of this typedef
TQString name;
/** the barcode engine to use
EEngine engine;
/** features supported by this type orred together
unsigned int features;
/** internal value (e.g. identifier of GNU Barcode)
int internal;
/** A regular expression that validates
* a value for this barcode.
TQString validator;
TQString validatorNot;
typedef TQValueList<tBarcodeInfo> TBarcodeInfoList;
class BarkodeEngine;
class TQPainter;
class TQPicture;
class TQSize;
class TQPaintDevice;
class TokenProvider;
class Barkode {
Barkode( const Barkode & barkode );
virtual ~Barkode();
/** set a TokenProvider for data field parsing
void setTokenProvider( TokenProvider* token );
/** restore default values
void defaults();
/** call this method after you changed a property
* to update the internal structures
void update( const TQPaintDevice* device );
/** get the barcode value after all sequences and datafields have
* been parsed
const TQString parsedValue();
const TQPixmap pixmap( double scalex = 1.0, double scaley = 1.0 );
const TQPicture picture();
const TQSize size() const;
bool isValid() const;
const TQColor & background() const;
const TQColor & foreground() const;
const TQColor & textColor() const;
const unsigned int fontsize() const;
const unsigned int quietZone() const;
const unsigned int barHeight() const;
const TQString & type() const;
const TQString & value() const;
const bool sequenceEnabled() const;
const ESequence sequenceMode() const;
const int sequenceStart() const;
const int sequenceStep() const;
const TQString & databaseMode() const;
const bool textVisible() const;
const int rotation() const;
const double scaling() const;
const unsigned int index() const;
const double cut() const;
const int datamatrixSize() const;
void setBackground( const TQColor & c );
void setForeground( const TQColor & c );
void setTextColor( const TQColor & c );
void setFontsize ( unsigned int f );
void setQuietZone( unsigned int q );
void setBarHeight( unsigned int h );
void setType( const TQString & type );
void setValue( const TQString & value );
void setTextVisible( const bool b );
/** Set the index of the barcodes for barcode sequences.
void setIndex( unsigned int i );
void setSequenceEnabled( bool b );
void setSequenceMode( ESequence e );
void setSequenceStart( int s );
void setSequenceStep( int s );
void setDatabaseMode( const TQString & mode );
void setRotation( const int r );
void setScaling( const double d );
void setCut( const double c );
void setDatamatrixSize( int s );
/** Sets the barcodes data structures
* the same as operator=
void setData( const Barkode & barkode );
void operator=( const Barkode & barkode );
bool operator==( const Barkode & barkode ) const;
inline BarkodeEngine* engine();
inline const BarkodeEngine* engine() const;
/** Test if the encodingType @p type has a certain
* @p feature, as defined in the codes TQValueList.
static bool hasFeature( const TQString & type, unsigned int feature );
/** Returns the internal value for the encoding type @p typedef
static int internalType( const TQString & type );
/** Returns all supported encoding types
* ready for displaying them to the user
static const TQStringList* encodingTypes();
/** Convert the uservisible encoding type @p name
* to the internal identifier
static const char* typeFromName( const TQString & name );
/** Convert the internal identifier @p type
* to the user visible encoding name
static const char* nameFromType( const TQString & type );
static TQString* validatorFromType( const TQString & type );
static TQString* validatorNotFromType( const TQString & type );
/** return the barcode generation engine for type @p typedef
static EEngine engineForType( const TQString & type );
/** Draw an invalid barcode sign to TQPainter @p painter
void drawInvalid( TQPainter & painter, int x = 0, int y = 0 );
/** returns whether barcode functionallity
* is available
static bool haveBarcode() {
return ( s_haveGnuBarcode || s_havePdfEncode || s_haveTBarcode || s_havePurePostscript );
static bool haveGNUBarcode() {
return s_haveGnuBarcode;
static bool haveTBarcode() {
return s_haveTBarcode;
static bool haveTBarcode2() {
return s_haveTBarcode2;
static bool havePDFBarcode() {
return s_havePdfEncode;
static bool havePurePostscriptBarcode() {
return s_havePurePostscript;
static tBarcodeInfo createInfo( const char* xml, const TQString & name, const EEngine engine,
const unsigned int features = 0, const int internal = 0 );
void drawBarcode( TQPainter & painter, int x = 0, int y = 0 );
static void initInfo();
static void initValidators();
void updateEngine();
BarkodeEngine* m_engine;
TokenProvider* m_token;
bool m_valid;
bool m_sequence;
ESequence m_esequence;
int m_sequence_start;
int m_sequence_step;
bool m_text_visible;
TQColor m_background;
TQColor m_foreground;
TQColor m_textcolor;
unsigned int m_quietzone;
unsigned int m_bar_height;
unsigned int m_fontsize;
unsigned int m_index;
int m_datamatrix_size;
int m_rotation;
double m_scaling;
double m_cut; // temporarly used for the pixmap engines
// won't be needed for the Barkode engine
TQString m_type;
TQString m_value;
TQString m_database_mode;
static TBarcodeInfoList s_info;
static TQStringList* s_encoding;
static bool s_haveGnuBarcode;
static bool s_haveTBarcode;
static bool s_haveTBarcode2;
static bool s_havePdfEncode;
static bool s_havePurePostscript;
BarkodeEngine* Barkode::engine()
return m_engine;
const BarkodeEngine* Barkode::engine() const
return m_engine;
#endif // BARKODE_H