/* * Copyright (C) 2006 * Siraj Razick * PhobosK * see Also AUTHORS * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kbfxspinxtop.h" KbfxSpinxTop::KbfxSpinxTop ( TQWidget * tqparent,const char * name ) :TQWidget ( tqparent,name,TQt::WNoAutoErase | WStaticContents | TQt::WPaintClever | TQt::WNoAutoErase ) { m_background = ( *KbfxPlasmaPixmapProvider::pixmap ( "topbg" ) ); m_currentTextBuffer = ""; this->resize ( ConfigInit().m_topBar_w,ConfigInit().m_topBar_h ); // this->resize(m_background.size()); loadFaceIcon(); createDudeBox(); m_userName=getUserName(); } KbfxSpinxTop::~KbfxSpinxTop() {} void KbfxSpinxTop::mousePressEvent ( TQMouseEvent * e ) { e = e; emit sizeChange ( 10 ); } void KbfxSpinxTop::createDudeBox() { m_dudeBox = ( *KbfxPlasmaPixmapProvider::pixmap ( "dudebox" ) ); // int padding = ((m_dudeBox.height()-m_faceIcon.height()))/2; TQPainter p; p.begin ( &m_dudeBox ); // p.drawPixmap(TQRect(padding,padding,m_faceIcon.width(),m_faceIcon.height()),m_faceIcon); p.drawPixmap ( TQRect ( ConfigInit().m_faceIconX,ConfigInit().m_faceIconY,ConfigInit().m_faceIconW,ConfigInit().m_faceIconH ),m_faceIcon ); p.end(); } TQString KbfxSpinxTop::getUserName () { KUser *user = new KUser (); TQString logInName ( user->fullName () ); // Nookie says some might find it discriminating... We don't want that. if ( logInName == "root" ) logInName = TQString ( "Administrator" ); delete user; return logInName.upper (); } void KbfxSpinxTop::loadFaceIcon() { TQImage UserImage ( ConfigInit().m_SpinxDudeImage ); UserImage = UserImage.smoothScale ( 48, 48 ); m_faceIcon = TQPixmap ( UserImage ); } void KbfxSpinxTop::paintEvent ( TQPaintEvent * pe ) { pe = pe; TQRect * r = new TQRect ( 0,0,ConfigInit().m_topBar_w,ConfigInit().m_topBar_h ); m_pixmapbuff = new TQPixmap(); m_pixmapbuff->resize ( r->size() ); m_pixmapbuff->fill ( this, r->topLeft() ); TQPainter p; p.tqbegin ( m_pixmapbuff,this ); // Draw commands are here p.drawPixmap ( *r,m_background ); p.setPen ( TQColor ( ConfigInit().m_userNameColor ) ); p.drawPixmap ( TQRect ( ConfigInit().m_facePos_x,ConfigInit().m_facePos_y,m_dudeBox.width(),m_dudeBox.height() ),m_dudeBox ); if ( !ConfigInit().m_faceBoxHideText ) { TQFont * _font = new TQFont(ConfigInit().m_userNameFont); p.setFont ( *_font ); // p.setPen(TQColor(199,187,206)); // p.drawText(ConfigInit().m_userNamePos_x+1,ConfigInit().m_userNamePos_y+2,m_userName); p.setPen ( TQColor ( ConfigInit().m_userNameColor ) ); p.drawText ( ConfigInit().m_userNamePos_x,ConfigInit().m_userNamePos_y,m_userName ); delete _font; } p.end(); bitBlt ( this, r->x(), r->y(),m_pixmapbuff, 0, 0, r->width(), r->height() ); // delete [] pe; delete m_pixmapbuff; delete r; } #include "kbfxspinxtop.moc"