/**************************************************************************** ** ui.h extension file, included from the uic-generated form implementation. ** ** If you want to add, delete, or rename functions or slots, use ** Qt Designer to update this file, preserving your code. ** ** You should not define a constructor or destructor in this file. ** Instead, write your code in functions called init() and destroy(). ** These will automatically be called by the form's constructor and ** destructor. *****************************************************************************/ void KbfxConfigDlgAbout::init() { KbfxPixmapLabelNookie->installEventFilter ( this ); KbfxPixmapLabelSiraj->installEventFilter ( this ); KbfxPixmapLabelNathanael->installEventFilter ( this ); KbfxPixmapLabelPhobosK->installEventFilter ( this ); KbfxPixmapLabelEphracis->installEventFilter ( this ); KbfxPixmapLabelJohnny->installEventFilter ( this ); KbfxMemberTextNookie = tr2i18n ( "Name: Mensur Zahirovic (Nookie)" "

" "Country: Sweden" "

" "KBFX: co-author, Q/A, system design, web designer, bug hunter, project administror" "

" "Email: nookie@mail.kbfx.org" ); KbfxMemberTextSiraj = tr2i18n ( "Name: Siraj Razick" "

" "Country: Sri Lanka" "

" "KBFX: author, maintainer, developer, project administror" "

" "Email: siraj@mail.kbfx.org" ); KbfxMemberTextNathanael = tr2i18n ( "Name: Nathanael Dracor Gogniat" "

" "Country: Switzerland" "

" "KBFX: project technical writer, documentation manager, co-author" "

" "Email: nathanael@mail.kbfx.org" ); KbfxMemberTextPhobosK = tr2i18n ( "Name: PhobosK" "

" "Country: Bulgaria" "

" "KBFX: package & release manager, Q/A, bug hunter, mandriva packages, project administrator, developer Qt/C++" "

" "Email: phobosk@mail.kbfx.org" ); KbfxMemberTextJohnny = tr2i18n ( "Name: Johnny Henry Saenz Acuna (scarebyte)" "

" "Country: Peru" "

" "KBFX: developer Qt4/C++" "

" "Email: saenzac@mail.kbfx.org" ); KbfxMemberTextEphracis = tr2i18n ( "Name: Christoffer Brodd-Reijer (Ephracis)" "

" "Country: Sweden" "

" "KBFX: library developer for Raptor" "

" "Email: ephracis@mail.kbfx.org" ); } bool KbfxConfigDlgAbout::eventFilter ( QObject *obj, QEvent *ev ) { QCursor kbfxCursor; kbfxCursor.setShape ( Qt::PointingHandCursor ); this->setCursor ( ( const QCursor ) kbfxCursor ); if ( ev->type() == QEvent::FocusIn || ev->type() == QEvent::Enter ) { if ( obj == KbfxPixmapLabelNookie ) { KbfxTeamInfo->setText ( KbfxMemberTextNookie ); KbfxUnmarkAllPixmaps(); KbfxPixmapLabelNookie->setFrameShape ( QFrame::WinPanel ); return TRUE; } else if ( obj == KbfxPixmapLabelSiraj ) { KbfxTeamInfo->setText ( KbfxMemberTextSiraj ); KbfxUnmarkAllPixmaps(); KbfxPixmapLabelSiraj->setFrameShape ( QFrame::WinPanel ); return TRUE; } else if ( obj == KbfxPixmapLabelNathanael ) { KbfxTeamInfo->setText ( KbfxMemberTextNathanael ); KbfxUnmarkAllPixmaps(); KbfxPixmapLabelNathanael->setFrameShape ( QFrame::WinPanel ); return TRUE; } else if ( obj == KbfxPixmapLabelPhobosK ) { KbfxTeamInfo->setText ( KbfxMemberTextPhobosK ); KbfxUnmarkAllPixmaps(); KbfxPixmapLabelPhobosK->setFrameShape ( QFrame::WinPanel ); return TRUE; } else if ( obj == KbfxPixmapLabelJohnny ) { KbfxTeamInfo->setText ( KbfxMemberTextJohnny ); KbfxUnmarkAllPixmaps(); KbfxPixmapLabelJohnny->setFrameShape ( QFrame::WinPanel ); return TRUE; } else if ( obj == KbfxPixmapLabelEphracis ) { KbfxTeamInfo->setText ( KbfxMemberTextEphracis ); KbfxUnmarkAllPixmaps(); KbfxPixmapLabelEphracis->setFrameShape ( QFrame::WinPanel ); return TRUE; } } /* if ( ev->type() == QEvent::Leave ) { if( obj == KbfxPixmapLabelNookie || obj == KbfxPixmapLabelSiraj || obj == KbfxPixmapLabelNathanael || obj == KbfxPixmapLabelPhobosK || obj == KbfxPixmapLabelEphracis || obj == KbfxPixmapLabelJohnny ) { KbfxTeamInfo->setText(""); return TRUE; } } */ return QWidget::eventFilter ( obj, ev ); // return FALSE; } void KbfxConfigDlgAbout::KbfxUnmarkAllPixmaps() { KbfxPixmapLabelNookie->setFrameShape ( QFrame::NoFrame ); KbfxPixmapLabelSiraj->setFrameShape ( QFrame::NoFrame ); KbfxPixmapLabelNathanael->setFrameShape ( QFrame::NoFrame ); KbfxPixmapLabelPhobosK->setFrameShape ( QFrame::NoFrame ); KbfxPixmapLabelEphracis->setFrameShape ( QFrame::NoFrame ); KbfxPixmapLabelJohnny->setFrameShape ( QFrame::NoFrame ); }