/**************************************************************************** ** ui.h extension file, included from the uic-generated form implementation. ** ** If you want to add, delete, or rename functions or slots, use ** Qt Designer to update this file, preserving your code. ** ** You should not define a constructor or destructor in this file. ** Instead, write your code in functions called init() and destroy(). ** These will automatically be called by the form's constructor and ** destructor. *****************************************************************************/ void KbfxConfigDlgTooltip::init() { img_on = ConfigInit().KbfxOnImg; img_off = ConfigInit().KbfxOffImg; } void KbfxConfigDlgTooltip::KbfxTooltipAnimationButtonToggled ( bool ) { if ( KbfxTooltipAnimationButton->state() == 2 ) { KbfxTooltipAnimationButton->setText ( tr2i18n ( "Turn the animation 'OFF'" ) ); KbfxTooltipAnimationPixmapLabel->setPixmap ( img_on ); ConfigInit().m_ToolTipAnimation = TRUE; } if ( KbfxTooltipAnimationButton->state() == 0 ) { KbfxTooltipAnimationButton->setText ( tr2i18n ( "Turn the animation 'ON'" ) ); KbfxTooltipAnimationPixmapLabel->setPixmap ( img_off ); ConfigInit().m_ToolTipAnimation = FALSE; } kdDebug() << "Tooltip animation state: " << ConfigInit().m_ToolTipAnimation << endl; } void KbfxConfigDlgTooltip::KbfxTooltipTextEditTextChanged() { ConfigInit().m_ToolTipText = KbfxTooltipTextEdit->text(); kdDebug() << "Tooltip text: " << ConfigInit().m_ToolTipText << endl; } void KbfxConfigDlgTooltip::KbfxTooltipOnButtonToggled ( bool ) { if ( KbfxTooltipOnButton->state() == 2 ) { KbfxTooltipOnButton->setText ( tr2i18n ( "Turn the tooltip 'OFF'" ) ); KbfxTooltipOnPixmapLabel->setPixmap ( img_on ); ConfigInit().m_ToolTip = TRUE; } if ( KbfxTooltipOnButton->state() == 0 ) { KbfxTooltipOnButton->setText ( tr2i18n ( "Turn the tooltip 'ON'" ) ); KbfxTooltipOnPixmapLabel->setPixmap ( img_off ); ConfigInit().m_ToolTip = FALSE; } kdDebug() << "Tooltip state: " << ConfigInit().m_ToolTip << endl; } void KbfxConfigDlgTooltip::ChangeForm() { if ( ConfigInit().m_ToolTip == TRUE && KbfxTooltipOnButton->state() == 0 ) KbfxTooltipOnButton->toggle(); if ( ConfigInit().m_ToolTip == FALSE && KbfxTooltipOnButton->state() == 2 ) KbfxTooltipOnButton->toggle(); if ( ConfigInit().m_ToolTipAnimation == TRUE && KbfxTooltipAnimationButton->state() == 0 ) KbfxTooltipAnimationButton->toggle(); if ( ConfigInit().m_ToolTipAnimation == FALSE && KbfxTooltipAnimationButton->state() == 2 ) KbfxTooltipAnimationButton->toggle(); KbfxTooltipTextEdit->setText ( ConfigInit().m_ToolTipText ); }