/* * Copyright (C) 2006 * Siraj Razick * PhobosK * see Also AUTHORS * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kbfxplasmaindexview.h" KbfxPlasmaIndexView::KbfxPlasmaIndexView ( TQWidget * parent, const char *name, WFlags l ) : TQCanvasView ( parent, name, l ) { m_itemGroup = new KbfxPlasmaCanvasGroup (); m_itemGroupList = new KbfxPlasmaCanvasGroupView (); m_itemStack = new KbfxPlasmaCanvasStack (); m_pluginLoaded = ""; m_itemStack->addGroup ( m_itemGroupList ); viewport ()->setMouseTracking ( TRUE ); m_currentPos = TQPoint ( 0, 0 ); m_mousePollTimer = new TQTimer ( this ); m_pluginList = KbfxPlasmaPluginLoader::scanPlugins (); viewport ()->setAcceptDrops ( true ); this->setVScrollBarMode ( TQScrollView::AlwaysOff ); this->setHScrollBarMode ( TQScrollView::AlwaysOff ); setFrameShape ( TQFrame::NoFrame ); m_currentItem = 0L; m_selectedItem = 0L; // m_pluginList = ""; connect ( this, TQT_SIGNAL ( clicked ( KbfxPlasmaIndexItem * ) ), this, TQT_SLOT ( slotClicked ( KbfxPlasmaIndexItem * ) ) ); m_currentView = 0; setDragAutoScroll ( true ); } KbfxPlasmaIndexView::~KbfxPlasmaIndexView () { } void KbfxPlasmaIndexView::checkMousePos () { KbfxPlasmaCanvasGroup *tmp = 0; if ( TQCursor::pos () == mapToGlobal ( contentsToViewport ( m_currentPos ) ) ) { TQMouseEvent me ( TQEvent::MouseButtonPress, this->mapToGlobal ( m_currentPos ), TQt::LeftButton, TQt::LeftButton ); clearAll (); TQCanvasItemList l = canvas ()->collisions ( m_currentPos ); for ( TQCanvasItemList::Iterator it = l.begin (); it != l.end (); ++it ) { if ( ( *it )->rtti () == CANVASITEM ) { KbfxPlasmaIndexItem *t = ( KbfxPlasmaIndexItem * ) ( *it ); if ( t->type () != KbfxPlasmaCanvasItem::SEPARATOR ) { emit clearSelected(); t->mousePressEvent ( &me ); m_selectedItem = t; t->setSelected ( true ); emit clicked ( t ); } if ( t->type () == KbfxPlasmaCanvasItem::SEPARATOR ) tmp = KbfxPlasmaCanvasGroup::groupContaining ( t ); // groupContaining ((KbfxPlasmaCanvasItem *) l.first ()); } } } // if (tmp != 0) // tmp->shade(); } void KbfxPlasmaIndexView::setView ( KbfxPlasmaCanvasView * view ) { if ( view == NULL ) return; m_currentView = view; } void KbfxPlasmaIndexView::clearAllButOne ( KbfxPlasmaIndexItem * i ) { i = i; TQCanvasItemList list = canvas ()->allItems (); TQCanvasItemList::Iterator it = list.begin (); for ( ; it != list.end (); ++it ) { if ( *it ) { if ( *it != m_selectedItem ) { KbfxPlasmaIndexItem *t = ( KbfxPlasmaIndexItem * ) ( *it ); t->setCurrent ( false ); } } } canvas ()->update (); } void KbfxPlasmaIndexView::clearSelection () { TQCanvasItemList list = canvas ()->allItems (); TQCanvasItemList::Iterator it = list.begin (); for ( ; it != list.end (); ++it ) { if ( *it ) { KbfxPlasmaIndexItem *t = ( KbfxPlasmaIndexItem * ) ( *it ); t->setCurrent ( false ); t->setSelected ( false ); } } canvas ()->update (); } void KbfxPlasmaIndexView::leaveEvent ( TQEvent * e ) { e = e; clearAllButOne ( m_currentItem ); emit expand (); } void KbfxPlasmaIndexView::contextMenuSlot ( int id ) { id = id; /* m_pluginList.remove ( m_pluginList.at ( id - 1 ) ); if ( m_currentView != 0 ) emit pluginRequest ( m_pluginMenu->text ( id ), m_currentView ); */ } void KbfxPlasmaIndexView::contentsContextMenuEvent ( TQContextMenuEvent * event ) { event = event; /* m_pluginMenu = new TDEPopupMenu ( this );; connect ( m_pluginMenu, TQT_SIGNAL ( activated ( int ) ), this, TQT_SLOT ( contextMenuSlot ( int ) ) ); m_pluginMenu->insertTitle ( "Insert Plugin", 0, 0 ); int _index = 1; for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = m_pluginList.begin (); it != m_pluginList.end (); ++it ) { m_pluginMenu->insertItem ( *it, _index, _index ); _index++; } m_pluginMenu->exec ( event->globalPos () ); */ } void KbfxPlasmaIndexView::loadList ( KbfxDataStack * stkPtr ) { if ( stkPtr == NULL ) { kdDebug() << "Loading Stack Failed:KbfxListBox->loadList()" << endl; return; } int _height = 0; KbfxPlasmaCanvasItem *box = 0; KbfxPlasmaCanvasItemWrapper *boxwrapper = 0; KbfxPlasmaCanvasItemWrapper *indexitemwrap = new KbfxPlasmaCanvasItemWrapper ( canvas () ); m_itemGroup = new KbfxPlasmaCanvasGroup (); boxwrapper = new KbfxPlasmaCanvasItemWrapper ( canvas () ); box = ( KbfxPlasmaCanvasItem * ) boxwrapper-> itemIndex ( KbfxPlasmaCanvasItem::SEPARATOR ); box->setLabelText ( stkPtr->name () ); m_itemGroup->addItem ( box ); _height += box->height (); KbfxDataStack::DataDict _dict = stkPtr->getDataDict (); KbfxDataStack::DataDict::Iterator it; for ( it = _dict.begin (); it != _dict.end (); ++it ) { KbfxPlasmaIndexItem *item = ( KbfxPlasmaIndexItem * ) indexitemwrap-> itemIndex ( KbfxPlasmaCanvasItem::INDEX ); if ( item == 0 ) return; item->setType ( KbfxPlasmaCanvasItem::INDEX ); item->setText ( it.data ().name ); item->setName ( it.data ().name.ascii() ); item->setLabelText ( it.data ().name ); item->setIcon ( it.data ().icon ); item->setId ( it.key () ); m_itemGroup->addItem ( item ); item->setBelongsTo ( stkPtr->name () ); } m_itemGroupList->addGroup ( m_itemGroup ); if ( m_itemGroupList->height () > this->height () ) canvas ()->resize ( this->width (), m_itemGroupList->height () ); canvas ()->update (); m_itemStack->raise ( 0 ); for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = m_pluginList.begin (); it != m_pluginList.end (); ++it ) { if ( *it == stkPtr->name() ) { m_pluginList.remove ( it ); break; } } } void KbfxPlasmaIndexView::setKbfxCanvas ( TQCanvas * cnv ) { setCanvas ( cnv ); canvas ()->setBackgroundPixmap ( ( *KbfxPlasmaPixmapProvider::pixmap ( "listboxbg" )) ); canvas ()->update (); } void KbfxPlasmaIndexView::loadPlugin ( TQString name, KbfxPlasmaCanvasView * view ) { if ( m_pluginList.contains ( name ) <= 0 ) { KbfxPlasmaPluginLoader *m_loader = new KbfxPlasmaPluginLoader (); KbfxDataStack *m_stack_R = m_loader->getView ( name ); if ( m_stack_R == NULL ) return; if ( m_currentView != 0 ) view->addStack ( m_stack_R, name ); this->loadList ( m_stack_R ); canvas ()->update (); m_pluginLoaded += name; delete m_loader; return; } else { kdDebug() << "Plugin already loaded" << endl; return; } } void KbfxPlasmaIndexView::mouseMoveEvent ( TQMouseEvent * me ) { me = me; } void KbfxPlasmaIndexView::contentsMouseMoveEvent ( TQMouseEvent * me ) { if ( canvas () == NULL ) return; m_currentPos = me->pos (); // TODO: Get wait time from config this->setCursor ( TQCursor ( TQt::PointingHandCursor ) ); TQTimer::singleShot ( 800, this, TQT_SLOT ( checkMousePos () ) ); if ( contentsToViewport ( me->pos () ).y () < this->height () / 5 ) { scrollBy ( -10, -10 ); } else if ( contentsToViewport ( me->pos () ).y () > ( ( this->height () * 2 ) / 3 ) ) { scrollBy ( 10, 10 ); } TQScrollView::contentsMouseMoveEvent ( me ); // KbfxPlasmaCanvasGroup *tmp = 0; TQCanvasItemList l = canvas ()->collisions ( me->pos () ); if ( l.count () <= 0 ) return; for ( TQCanvasItemList::Iterator it = l.begin (); it != l.end (); ++it ) { if ( *it == 0 ) return; if ( ( *it )->rtti () == CANVASITEM ) { KbfxPlasmaIndexItem *t = ( KbfxPlasmaIndexItem * ) ( *it ); t->mouseMoveEvent ( me ); if ( m_currentItem != NULL ) { if ( !m_currentItem->isSelected () ) m_currentItem->setCurrent ( false ); } m_currentItem = t; t->setCurrent ( true ); } } canvas ()->update (); } void KbfxPlasmaIndexView::contentsMousePressEvent ( TQMouseEvent * me ) { if ( me->button () == TQt::RightButton ) return; clearAll (); this->setCursor ( TQCursor ( TQt::WaitCursor ) ); KbfxPlasmaCanvasGroup *tmp = 0; TQCanvasItemList l = canvas ()->collisions ( me->pos () ); for ( TQCanvasItemList::Iterator it = l.begin (); it != l.end (); ++it ) { if ( ( *it )->rtti () == CANVASITEM ) { KbfxPlasmaIndexItem *t = ( KbfxPlasmaIndexItem * ) ( *it ); if ( t->type () != KbfxPlasmaCanvasItem::SEPARATOR ) { t->mousePressEvent ( me ); m_selectedItem = t; t->setSelected ( true ); emit clicked ( t ); } if ( t->type () == KbfxPlasmaCanvasItem::SEPARATOR ) tmp = KbfxPlasmaCanvasGroup::groupContaining ( t ); // groupContaining ((KbfxPlasmaCanvasItem *) l.first ()); } } if ( tmp != 0 ) tmp->shade (); // m_clickPos = me->pos (); TQScrollView::contentsMousePressEvent ( me ); canvas ()->update (); this->setCursor ( TQCursor ( TQt::PointingHandCursor ) ); } void KbfxPlasmaIndexView::slotClicked ( KbfxPlasmaIndexItem * it ) { if ( it == NULL ) return; KbfxPlasmaIndexItem *_it = ( KbfxPlasmaIndexItem * ) it; KbfxSignal signal ( _it->belongsTo (), _it->Id () ); this->setCursor ( TQCursor ( TQt::WaitCursor ) ); emit loadRequest ( signal ); this->setCursor ( TQCursor ( TQt::PointingHandCursor ) ); } void KbfxPlasmaIndexView::clearAll () { TQCanvasItemList list = canvas ()->allItems (); TQCanvasItemList::Iterator it = list.begin (); for ( ; it != list.end (); ++it ) { if ( *it ) { KbfxPlasmaIndexItem *t = ( KbfxPlasmaIndexItem * ) ( *it ); t->setSelected ( false ); } } canvas ()->update (); } #include "kbfxplasmaindexview.moc"