========= - CHANGED layout and font configfile specs - UPDATED help documentation - ADDED fade transition effect on the KBFX Button - ADDED install guides for using checkinstall - ADDED Hungarian translation (thanks to Ferenc Stelcz for it) - ADDED option to watch for KDE global changes like new installed applications - ADDED option for Theme Info - ADDED resizable configuration dialogs - ADDED drag&drop hover, pressed and normal images over the KBFX button - ADDED tooltip support for the KBFX button - ADDED switch between KBFX and K Menu - ADDED new two panel skin - "2panels" - ADDED configurable middle background - middleboxbg.png - ADDED fonts support in every part of the menu - ADDED layout support in the KBFX Configurator - ADDED support for the new versions of strigi - ADDED support for use of strigi in Gentoo - ADDED support for SVN version in Gentoo - ADDED support for PCLinuxOS rpm build (thanks to @PaGal and @tom777 for the testing) - ADDED support for future KDE4 (part 1) - ADDED uninstall option for "build.sh" script - FIXED cmake uninstall - FIXED RPM .la issues - FIXED some major bugs - REMOVED Water effect (too much CPU time consuming and not a favorite one for our users) ================ - Initial Release of the Series - KBFX Silk ( - New Build system (cmake) - Re-write of the data backend - Re-write of the GUI - Totally new theme - Improved configuration dialog ========== - CHANGED some aspects of autoconf/automake behavior - CHANGED "Toolbar Resize" behavior - turned off by default so kicker doesn't change its size anymore - ADDED support for Mandriva 2007 compilation (no menudrake there by default) - FIXED Search bar behavior (thanks @gropiuskalle) - FIXED some minor bugs ========== - ADDED support for preparing .kbfxtheme files in Konqueror (look the explanation in HOWTO file) - ADDED "--prepare" command line option to pack existing KBFX Skin Folders to .kbfxtheme files - ADDED "Default Theme's Personal Image" to the "KBFX Configurator Application" - ADDED "Toolbar Resize" option to the "KBFX Configurator Application" for the toolbar where the KBFX Button resides - ADDED it, bg and nl translations - FIXED some minor bugs ========== - CHANGED "KBFX Configurator Application" - rewritten from scratch and is no more part of "kcontrol" - CHANGED "Tooltip Animation" behavior - turned off by default - ADDED new Default Theme - ADDED fonts configuration option to the "KBFX Configurator Application" - ADDED Install/Delete Themes to the "KBFX Configurator Application" - ADDED support for .kbfxtheme files in Konqueror (look the explanation in HOWTO file) - ADDED possibility to change "dude" image to the "KBFX Configurator Application" - ADDED Free-BSD Support - FIXED font alignment problems - FIXED long applications name problem - FIXED some memory leaks - FIXED some minor bugs =================== - UPDATED make system =================== - ADDED PC-BSD Support - ADDED Drag and Drop Support - FIXED a bug with showing icons in "Recently Used" items - FIXED a bug with the placement of ".face.icon" (thanks @Nucc) - Flicker Free KBFX Button - Flicker Free KBFX SPINX Menu TOP - Better scrolling =================== - ADDED support for Fedora rpm - ADDED an option to disable tooltips (see HOWTO file) - FIXED a problem with building SUSE rpm ========== - ADDED support for Buttons with Drop shadows - ADDED Font settings as part of the Theme itself - ADDED Kiosk mode support - ADDED Handling of submenus - FIXED make system for all distributions - Better support for Mandriva distribution - More applications for the menu - Grouping header for each application group and sub groups ======= - New HTML based Config - Spinx Bar improved and redone for MAX icandy with better theme support - Double buffered rendering for kbfx button - image support - Animated scrollbars like thing - icons zoom - Improved skin support - themeable tooltip ( two types animated and none animated) - KDE user icon support (KDM icons) - user Name support (login name) - Application Items are sorted - Better user support and Help - login and lock buttons are working now - Mouse Cursor has more sense - KControl Module uses HTML ..old config removed - Automatic icons and theme installation with source code - The applet is renamed , from kbfxvista to kbfxspinx - Animated User Image - Add more to Menu Action for Application List Better Customizations. - 32x32 icons support