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11 years ago
* kbiffmonitor.h
* Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Kurt Granroth <>
* $Id$
#include <config.h>
#include <sys/select.h> // Needed on some systems.
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <qobject.h>
#include <qlist.h>
#include <qfileinfo.h>
#ifdef USE_SSL
#include <kssl.h>
class KBiffURL;
class QString;
* @internal
* Internal class to store UIDL list
class KBiffUidlList : public QList<QString>
int compareItems(Item s1, Item s2)
QString *str1, *str2;
str1 = (QString *)s1;
str2 = (QString *)s2;
if((*str1) == (*str2))
return 0;
return -1;
* @internal
class KBiffSocket
virtual ~KBiffSocket();
bool connectSocket(const QString& host, unsigned short int port);
bool active();
bool isAsync();
void setAsync(bool on);
#ifdef USE_SSL
bool isSSL();
void setSSL(bool on);
#endif // USE_SSL
int numberOfMessages();
int numberOfNewMessages();
void close();
QString readLine();
int writeLine(const QString& line);
bool async;
struct timeval socketTO;
int socketFD;
fd_set socketFDS;
int messages;
int newMessages;
QString banner; // the first line read from a new connection
#ifdef USE_SSL
bool usessl;
KSSL *ssltunnel;
#endif // USE_SSL
* @internal
class KBiffImap : public KBiffSocket
virtual ~KBiffImap();
bool command(const QString& line, unsigned int seq);
QString mungeUserPass(const QString& old_user);
void resetNumbers();
* @internal
* @brief Encapsulates all authentication to the IMAP server
* All authentication, including the determination of which authentication
* mechanism to use, is performed in this method. To add an
* authentication method, one will need to modify this method,
* KBiffMonitor::checkImap and KBiffImap::command
* @param pseq a pointer to the number of the next IMAP command.
* This value will be incremented depending on the number of
* commands necessary for authentication.
* @param user the user name required for authentication
* @param pass the password required for authentication
bool authenticate(int *pseq, const QString& user, const QString& pass);
* @internal
* @brief does the IMAP server support AUTH=CRAM-MD5 ?
bool auth_cram_md5;
* @internal
* @brief the CRAM-MD5 challenge (base64 decoded) as issued by the server
QString chall_cram_md5;
* @internal
class KBiffPop : public KBiffSocket
virtual ~KBiffPop();
bool command(const QString& line);
KBiffUidlList getUidlList() const;
void close();
// Parses the banner message in the initial server response
bool parseBanner(void);
// Unset to disable APOP authentication
void setApop( bool enabled );
* @internal
* @brief Encapsulates all authentication to the POP3 server
* All authentication, including the determination of which authentication
* mechanism to use, is performed in this method. To add an
* authentication method, one will need to modify this method,
* KBiffMonitor::checkPop and KBiffPop::command
* @param user the user name required for authentication
* @param pass the password required for authentication
bool authenticate(const QString& user, const QString& pass);
KBiffUidlList uidlList;
* @internal
* @brief does the server support APOP authentication ?
bool auth_apop;
* @internal
* @brief the APOP challenge from the server
QCString chall_apop;
* @internal
* @brief does the server support CRAM-MD5 authentication ?
bool auth_cram_md5;
* @internal
* @brief the CRAM-MD5 challenge (base64 decoded)
QString chall_cram_md5; // the CRAM-MD5 challenge (base64 decoded)
* @internal
* @brief does the user want APOP authentication
bool use_apop;
* @internal
class KBiffNntp : public KBiffSocket
virtual ~KBiffNntp();
bool command(const QString& line);
int first() const;
int last() const;
int firstMsg;
int lastMsg;
typedef enum
NewMail = 0,
} KBiffMailState;
* A "biff"-like class that can monitor local and remote mailboxes for new
* mail. KBiffMonitor currently supports eight protocols.
* <UL>
* <LI>mbox</LI> Unix style mailbox files
* <LI>pop3</LI> POP3
* <LI>imap4</LI> imap4
* <LI>maildir</LI> Mailboxes in maildir format
* <LI>mh</LI> Mailboxes in MH format
* <LI>file</LI> Simple files (no parsing)
* <LI>nntp</LI> USENET newsgroups
* <LI>imap4s</LI> imap4 over SSL
* <LI>pop3s</LI> POP3 over SSL
* </UL>
* A typical usage would look like so:
* <PRE>
* KBiffMonitor mon;
* mon.setMailbox("imap4://");
* mon.setPollInterval(15);
* mon.start();
* connect(&mon, SIGNAL(signal_newMail()), this, SLOT(processNewMail()));
* connect(&mon, SIGNAL(signal_oldMail()), this, SLOT(processOldMail()));
* connect(&mon, SIGNAL(signal_noMail()), this, SLOT(processNoMail()));
* connect(&mon, SIGNAL(signal_noConn()), this, SLOT(processNoConn()));
* </PRE>
* @short A "biff" class that monitors local and remote mailboxes
* @author Kurt Granroth <>
* @version $Id$
class KBiffMonitor : public QObject
* Constructor. Does not take any arguments
* Destructor.
virtual ~KBiffMonitor();
* Returns the current state of the mailbox (NewMail, OldMail, NoMail, or
* UnknownState)
KBiffMailState getMailState() const { return mailState; }
* Returns the simpleURL of current mailbox being monitored
const QString getMailbox() const { return simpleURL; }
* Sets or Returns the key of current mailbox being monitored
const QString getMailboxKey() const { return key; }
* Returns the type of mailbox being monitored
const QString getProtocol() const { return protocol; }
* Returns <CODE>true</CODE> is KBiffMonitor is currently monitoring
* a mailbox.
bool isRunning() { return started; }
* Returns the number of new messages for the current mailbox
int newMessages() { return newCount; }
* Returns the number of messages for the current mailbox
int curMessages() { return curCount; }
void saveConfig();
void readConfig();
public slots:
* Sets the mailbox to monitor. It uses a KBiffURL to specify the
* protocol, host, username, password, port and path (depending on
* protocol type). KBiffMonitor recognizes eight protocols:
* <UL>
* <LI>mbox</LI> Unix style mailbox files
* <LI>pop3</LI> POP3
* <LI>imap4</LI> IMAP4
* <LI>maildir</LI> Mailboxes in maildir format
* <LI>mh</LI> Mailboxes in MH format
* <LI>nttp</LI> USENET newsgroups
* <LI>imap4s</LI> imap4 over SSL
* <LI>pop3s</LI> POP3 over SSL
* </UL>
* Some examples:
* <PRE>
* mbox:/var/spool/mail/granroth
* </PRE>
* This would monitor a local file called '/var/spool/mail/granroth'
* <PRE>
* pop3://
* </PRE>
* This would monitor POP3 mailbox 'granroth' on server ''
* using 1234 as the port and 'password' as the password.
* <PRE>
* imap4://
* </PRE>
* This would monitor IMAP4 mailbox 'Mail/mailbox' on server ''
* with 'granroth' as the user and 'password' as the password.
void setMailbox(KBiffURL& url);
* Overloaded for convenience
void setMailbox(const QString& url);
void setMailboxKey(const QString& k);
* Sets the password for the POP3 and IMAP4 protocols.
void setPassword(const QString& password);
* Set the interval between mailbox reads. This is in seconds.
void setPollInterval(const int interval);
* Start monitoring the mailbox
void start();
* Stop monitoring the mailbox
void stop();
* Fakes KBiffMonitor into thinking that the mailbox was just read
void setMailboxIsRead();
* Forces a mailbox check
void checkMailNow();
* This will get <CODE>emit</CODE>ed when new mail arrives
void signal_newMail();
* This will get <CODE>emit</CODE>ed when new mail arrives
void signal_newMail(const int num_new, const QString& mailbox);
* This will get <CODE>emit</CODE>ed when no mail exists
void signal_noMail();
* This will get <CODE>emit</CODE>ed when no mail exists
void signal_noMail(const QString& mailbox);
* This will get <CODE>emit</CODE>ed when the mailbox is read
void signal_oldMail();
* This will get <CODE>emit</CODE>ed when the mailbox is read
void signal_oldMail(const QString& mailbox);
* This will get <CODE>emit</CODE>ed when no connection can be
* established
void signal_noConn();
* This will get <CODE>emit</CODE>ed when no connection can
* be established
void signal_noConn(const QString& mailbox);
* This will get <CODE>emit</CODE>ed everytime mail will be
* fetched externally
void signal_fetchMail(const QString& fetchClient);
* This will get <CODE>emit</CODE>ed everytime the mailbox
* should be checked (determined by @ref #setPollInterval)
void signal_checkMail();
* This will get <CODE>emit</CODE>ed everytime the mailbox is
* checked. It contains the current mailbox name, state, and number
* of new messages
void signal_currentStatus(const int, const QString& , const KBiffMailState);
* This will get <CODE>emit</CODE>ed everytime there was an
* invalid login or incomplete connection to a remote server.
void signal_invalidLogin(const QString& mailbox);
void timerEvent(QTimerEvent *);
protected slots:
void checkLocal();
void checkMbox();
void checkPop();
void checkMaildir();
void checkImap();
void checkMHdir();
void checkNntp();
// protected (non-slot) functions
void determineState(unsigned int size, const QDateTime& last_read,
const QDateTime& last_modified);
void determineState(unsigned int size);
void determineState(KBiffUidlList uidl_list);
void determineState(KBiffMailState state);
void onStateChanged();
int mboxMessages();
void invalidLogin();
// General stuff
int poll;
int oldTimer;
bool started;
int newCount;
int curCount;
int oldCount;
bool firstRun;
// Mailbox stuff
QString key;
QString simpleURL;
QString protocol;
QString mailbox;
QString server;
QString user;
QString password;
QString fetchCommand;
unsigned short int port;
bool preauth;
bool keepalive;
// New state cache
unsigned int new_lastSize;
QDateTime new_lastRead;
QDateTime new_lastModified;
KBiffUidlList new_uidlList;
bool b_new_lastSize;
bool b_new_lastRead;
bool b_new_lastModified;
bool b_new_uidlList;
// State variables
KBiffMailState mailState;
unsigned int lastSize;
QDateTime lastRead;
QDateTime lastModified;
KBiffUidlList uidlList;
// Socket protocols
KBiffImap *imap;
KBiffPop *pop;
KBiffNntp *nntp;