LDAP client binding module for KControl
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Andrei Stepanov 5e83e4cf4c
Added translation using Weblate (Russian)
3 週前
cert-updater Drop automake build support. 4 年前
cmdline Drop automake build support. 4 年前
pics Drop automake build support. 4 年前
src Replace Qt with TQt 2 個月前
translations Added translation using Weblate (Russian) 3 週前
AUTHORS Initial import of (blank) ldap kcontrol skeleton for development 12 年前
CMakeL10n.txt Use centralized cmake version 1 個月前
CMakeLists.txt Use centralized cmake version 1 個月前
COPYING Initial import of (blank) ldap kcontrol skeleton for development 12 年前
ConfigureChecks.cmake Use common CMake tests. 5 年前
INSTALL Drop automake build support. 4 年前
README.md Change README to markdown format. 3 年前
config.h.cmake conversion to the cmake building system 5 年前


kcmldap - a Kerberos control module for the Trinity control center.

Kcmldap is a Trinity control center module to manage connections to Kerberos realms.



If you wish to contribute kcmldap, you might do so:

Translations status


Translations status

desktop files

Translations status