kgtk-qt3 – TDE dialogs in GTK 2.x applications
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Andrei Stepanov e6da4c7569
Translated using Weblate (Russian)
6 dias atrás
common Fixed kde- --> tde- tmp folder. 4 anos atrás
gtk2 Add gtk2 link directories 1 ano atrás
kdialogd3 Use new TQ_METHOD, TQ_SIGNAL, TQ_SLOT defines 3 meses atrás
tqt Replaced various '#define' with actual strings - part 4 5 meses atrás
translations/messages Translated using Weblate (Russian) 6 dias atrás
AUTHORS Initial CMake conversion attempt 13 anos atrás
CMakeL10n.txt Use centralized cmake version 1 mês atrás
CMakeLists.txt Use centralized cmake version 1 mês atrás
COPYING * Added kgtk-qt3 14 anos atrás
ChangeLog Rename KCModule, KConfig, KIO, KServer, and KSocket to avoid conflicts with KDE4 11 anos atrás
ConfigureChecks.cmake Fixed support for building with glibc >= 2.34. 2 anos atrás
INSTALL Drop automake build support. 1 ano atrás Drop automake build support. 1 ano atrás
config.h.cmake Fixed support for building with glibc >= 2.34. 2 anos atrás
kdialogd-wrapper * Added kgtk-qt3 14 anos atrás
kgtk-wrapper qt -> tqt conversion: 6 anos atrás * Added kgtk-qt3 14 anos atrás

ktgk-qt3 - allows to use TDE dialogs in Gtk apps

This is an LD_PRELOAD hack that allows most GTK applications to use Trinity's file dialogs when run under TDE.

It overrides the gtk file chooser functions to communicate with this TDE module/application.

kgtk-qt3 is composed of the following pieces:

  1. An application called kdialogd.
  2. LD_PRELOAD libraries that are used to override the Gtk2 and TQt3 file dialogs.

Start an application using the following command to use the functionality:

kgtk-wrapper <application>

kgtk-wrapper determines whether it is a Gtk2 or TQt3 application and then sets the LD_PRELOAD environment variable to point to the approriate kgtk library. When the application tries to open a file dialog, the kgtk library intercepts this and asks kdialogd to open a file dialog instead. There will only ever be one instance of kdialogd, and all apps communicate with the same instance - and it terminates itself 30 seconds after the last Gtk/TQt app has disconnected. This timeout can be changed by editing kdialogdrc and setting/changing




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