You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

395 lines
11 KiB

begin : Sun Jul 20 2003
copyright : (C) 2003 by Jeroen Wijnhout (
(C) 2006 by Michel Ludwig (
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <kate/document.h>
#include "kiledebug.h"
#include <klistview.h>
#include <kurl.h>
#include <kdialogbase.h>
#include <latexcmd.h>
#include "kileconstants.h"
#include "kileextensions.h"
#define TEX_CAT0 '\\'
#define TEX_CAT1 '{'
#define TEX_CAT2 '}'
#define TEX_CAT3 '$'
#define TEX_CAT4 '&'
#define TEX_CAT6 '#'
#define TEX_CAT7 '^'
#define TEX_CAT8 '_'
#define TEX_CAT13 '~'
#define TEX_CAT14 '%'
namespace KileStruct
//Different types of elements in the structure view
None = 0x1, Label = 0x2, Sect = 0x4, Input = 0x8,
BibItem = 0x10, Bibliography = 0x20, Package = 0x40, NewCommand = 0x80,
Graphics = 0x100, Reference = 0x200, BeginEnv = 0x400, EndEnv = 0x800,
BeginFloat = 0x1000, EndFloat = 0x2000, Caption = 0x4000, BeamerFrame = 0x8000,
BeamerBeginFrame = 0x10000, BeamerEndFrame = 0x20000, BeamerFrametitle = 0x40000, BeamerBeginBlock = 0x80000,
ToDo = 0x100000, FixMe = 0x200000, NewEnvironment = 0x400000
//Different levels (in the parent-child hierarchy) in the structure view
Hidden = -4, NotSpecified = -3, Object = -2, File = -1
* A convenience class to store info about how LaTeX elements should appear in the
* structure view. A TQMap<TQString, KileStructData> should be created, so that the
* actual LaTeX elements can be mapped to this class.
class KileStructData
KileStructData(int lvl = 0, int tp = KileStruct::None, TQString px = TQString(), TQString fldr = "root" ) : level(lvl), type(tp), pix(px), folder(fldr) {}
/** At which level the element should be visible **/
int level;
/** The type of element (see @ref KileStruct) **/
int type;
/** The name of the icon that goes with this element. The icon is located using SmallIcon(pix). **/
TQString pix, folder;
* KileDocument::Info is a decorator class for the Document class. We can't derive a class from an interface
* without implementing the interface, a decorator class is a way to add some functionality to the Document class.
namespace KileDocument
struct BracketResult
BracketResult() : option(TQString()), value(TQString()), line(0), col(0) {}
TQString option, value;
int line, col;
struct TodoResult
int type;
uint colTag;
uint colComment;
TQString comment;
class Info : public TQObject
static bool containsInvalidCharacters(const KURL&);
static KURL repairInvalidCharacters(const KURL&, bool checkForFileExistence = true);
static KURL repairExtension(const KURL&, bool checkForFileExistence = true);
static KURL makeValidTeXURL(const KURL & url, bool istexfile, bool checkForFileExistence = true);
static KURL renameIfExist(const KURL& url);
const TQStringList* labels() const{ return &m_labels; }
const TQStringList* bibItems() const { return &m_bibItems; }
const TQStringList* dependencies() const {return &m_deps; }
const TQStringList* bibliographies() const { return &m_bibliography; }
const TQStringList* packages() const { return &m_packages; }
const TQStringList* newCommands() const { return &m_newCommands; }
TQString lastModifiedFile(const TQStringList *list = 0L);
bool openStructureLabels() { return m_openStructureLabels; }
bool openStructureReferences() { return m_openStructureReferences; }
bool openStructureBibitems() { return m_openStructureBibitems; }
bool openStructureTodo() { return m_openStructureTodo; }
bool showStructureLabels() { return m_showStructureLabels; }
const TQString & preamble() const { return m_preamble; }
virtual bool isLaTeXRoot() { return m_bIsRoot; }
virtual KURL url();
virtual void updateStructLevelInfo();
void setBaseDirectory(const KURL& url);
const KURL& getBaseDirectory() const;
virtual bool isTextDocument();
virtual Type getType();
* Returns a file filter suitable for loading and saving files of this class' type.
virtual TQString getFileFilter() const;
virtual bool isDocumentTypePromotionAllowed();
void setDocumentTypePromotionAllowed(bool b);
public slots:
* Never call this function directly, use KileWidget::Structure::update(KileDocument::Info *, bool) instead
virtual void updateStruct();
virtual void updateBibItems();
void urlChanged(KileDocument::Info* info, const KURL& url);
void isrootChanged(bool);
void foundItem(const TQString &title, uint line, uint column, int type, int level, uint startline, uint startcol,
const TQString & pix, const TQString & folder);
void doneUpdating();
void depChanged();
void completed(KileDocument::Info* info);
protected slots:
void slotCompleted();
void count(const TQString line, long *stat);
enum State
stStandard=0, stComment=1, stControlSequence=3, stControlSymbol=4,
bool m_bIsRoot;
TQStringList m_labels;
TQStringList m_bibItems;
TQStringList m_deps, m_depsPrev;
TQStringList m_bibliography;
TQStringList m_packages;
TQStringList m_newCommands;
TQString m_preamble;
TQMap<TQString,KileStructData> m_dictStructLevel;
KURL m_url;
KConfig *m_config;
bool m_showStructureLabels;
bool m_showStructureBibitems;
bool m_showStructureGraphics;
bool m_showStructureFloats;
bool m_showStructureReferences;
bool m_showStructureInputFiles;
bool m_showStructureTodo;
bool m_showSectioningLabels;
bool m_openStructureLabels;
bool m_openStructureReferences;
bool m_openStructureBibitems;
bool m_openStructureTodo;
KURL m_baseDirectory;
bool documentTypePromotionAllowed;
Extensions *m_extensions;
* The URL of a text document is managed directly by the corresponding Kate::Document.
class TextInfo : public Info
* @param defaultHighlightMode the highlight mode that will be set automatically
* once a new document is installed
TextInfo(Kate::Document *doc, Extensions *extensions, const TQString& defaultHighlightMode = TQString());
virtual ~TextInfo();
* @returns the document for which this class is a decorator
const Kate::Document* getDoc() const;
Kate::Document* getDoc();
void setDoc(Kate::Document *doc);
void detach();
* Used by @ref KileDocInfoDlg to display statistics of the Document.
* @returns an array with some statistical data of the document.
* The array is filled as follows: [0] = #c in words, [1] = #c in latex commands and environments,
[2] = #c whitespace, [3] = #words, [4] = # latex_commands, [5] = latex_environments **/
virtual const long* getStatistics();
* @returns the URL of the Kate::Document.
virtual KURL url();
virtual Type getType();
bool isTextDocument();
void setHighlightMode(const TQString & highlight = TQString());
void setDefaultHightlightMode(const TQString& string);
* "Overridden" method that installs custom event filters by using the "installEventFilters"
* method.
* @warning Only this method should be used to create new views for text documents !
* @return NULL if no document is set (m_doc == NULL)
KTextEditor::View* createView(TQWidget *parent, const char *name=0);
protected slots:
void slotFileNameChanged();
Kate::Document *m_doc;
long *m_arStatistics;
TQString m_defaultHighlightMode;
TQString matchBracket(TQChar c, uint &, uint &);
TQString getTextline(uint line, TodoResult &todo);
void searchTodoComment(const TQString &s, uint startpos, TodoResult &todo);
* Installs an event filter on a view. Subclasses can override this method to
* provide custom event filters. The default implementation does nothing. Whenever this
* method is overridden, "removeInstalledEventFilters" should be overridden as well.
* @param view the view that is considered
virtual void installEventFilters(KTextEditor::View *view);
* Removes the event filters that were previously installed by the "installEventFilters"
* function. Subclasses can override this method to remove custom event filters. The
* default implementation does nothing.
* @param view the view that is considered
virtual void removeInstalledEventFilters(KTextEditor::View *view);
* Installs the event filters on all the views that are currently open for the
* managed document object. The function "installEventFilters(KTextEditor::View *view)
* function is used for a specific view.
void installEventFilters();
* Removes the event filters from all the views that are currently open for the
* managed document object. The function "removeInstalledEventFilters(KTextEditor::View *view)
* function is used for a specific view.
void removeInstalledEventFilters();
class LaTeXInfo : public TextInfo
* @param eventFilter the event filter that will be installed on managed documents
LaTeXInfo(Kate::Document *doc, Extensions *extensions, LatexCommands *commands, const TQObject* eventFilter);
virtual ~LaTeXInfo();
const long* getStatistics();
virtual Type getType();
virtual TQString getFileFilter() const;
public slots:
virtual void updateStruct();
LatexCommands *m_commands;
const TQObject *m_eventFilter;
virtual void updateStructLevelInfo();
virtual void checkChangedDeps();
* Installs a custom event filter.
virtual void installEventFilters(KTextEditor::View *view);
* Revmoves the custom event filter.
virtual void removeInstalledEventFilters(KTextEditor::View *view);
BracketResult matchBracket(uint &, uint &);
class BibInfo : public TextInfo
BibInfo (Kate::Document *doc, Extensions *extensions, LatexCommands* commands);
virtual ~BibInfo();
virtual bool isLaTeXRoot();
virtual Type getType();
virtual TQString getFileFilter() const;
public slots:
virtual void updateStruct();
class ScriptInfo : public TextInfo
ScriptInfo(Kate::Document *doc, Extensions *extensions);
virtual ~ScriptInfo();
virtual bool isLaTeXRoot();
virtual Type getType();
virtual TQString getFileFilter() const;