You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

2331 lines
89 KiB

date : Sep 15 2004
version : 0.23
copyright : Thomas Fischer <>
restructured, improved and completed by Holger Danielsson
(C) 2004 by Holger Danielsson
email :
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include "quickdocumentdialog.h"
#include <tqstringlist.h>
#include <tqtabwidget.h>
#include <layout.h>
#include <tqwidget.h>
#include <tqcheckbox.h>
#include <tqlabel.h>
#include <tqlistbox.h>
#include <tqpainter.h>
#include <palette.h>
#include <tqstyle.h>
#include <tqlistview.h>
#include <tqwhatsthis.h>
#include <tqregexp.h>
#include <kcombobox.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <klineedit.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <kpushbutton.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include "kiledebug.h"
#include "kileconfig.h"
namespace KileDialog
enum {
// list with index numbers for the stringlist with all information of a document class
enum {
//////////////////// ListBoxSeparator ////////////////////
class ListBoxSeparator : public TQListBoxItem
ListBoxSeparator(int h);
virtual void paint( TQPainter * );
virtual int width( const TQListBox* ) const { return listBox()->width(); }
virtual int height( const TQListBox* ) const { return m_height; }
int m_height;
ListBoxSeparator::ListBoxSeparator(int h) : TQListBoxItem(), m_height(h)
// setText("-"); // not necessary, use TQString()
setCustomHighlighting( true );
setSelectable(false); // doesn't work here, so set it again after creating item
void ListBoxSeparator::paint(TQPainter *painter)
// TQRect r( 0, 0, width(listBox()), height(listBox()) );
//////////////////// EditableCheckListItem ////////////////////
class EditableCheckListItem : public TQCheckListItem
EditableCheckListItem(TQCheckListItem *parent, const TQString &text);
virtual void paintCell(TQPainter *p, const TQColorGroup &cg,
int column, int width, int alignment );
EditableCheckListItem::EditableCheckListItem(TQCheckListItem *parent, const TQString &text)
: TQCheckListItem(parent,text,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox)
void EditableCheckListItem::paintCell( TQPainter *p, const TQColorGroup &cg,
int column, int width, int alignment )
if ( column == 1) {
TQColorGroup colorgroup( cg );
TQListViewItem *item = dynamic_cast<TQListViewItem*>(this);
if ( item && (item->text(1)==i18n("<default>") || item->text(1)==i18n("<empty>")) ) {
colorgroup.setColor( TQColorGroup::Text, TQt::gray );
colorgroup.setColor( TQColorGroup::HighlightedText, TQt::gray );
TQCheckListItem::paintCell( p, colorgroup, column, width, TQt::AlignHCenter );
} else {
TQCheckListItem::paintCell( p, cg, column, width, alignment );
//////////////////// QuickDocument class ////////////////////
QuickDocument::QuickDocument(KConfig *config, TQWidget *parent, const char *name, const TQString &caption) : Wizard(config, parent,name,caption)
KILE_DEBUG() << "==QuickDocument::setupGUI()============" << endl;
TQTabWidget *tabWidget = new TQTabWidget( this );
tabWidget->addTab( setupClassOptions(tabWidget), i18n("Cla&ss Options"));
tabWidget->addTab( setupPackages(tabWidget), i18n("&Packages"));
tabWidget->addTab( setupProperties(tabWidget), i18n("&Document Properties"));
// read config file
//////////////////// GUI ////////////////////
TQWidget *QuickDocument::setupClassOptions(TQTabWidget *tab)
KILE_DEBUG() << "\tsetupClassOptions" << endl;
TQLabel *label;
TQWidget *classOptions = new TQWidget( tab );
TQGridLayout *gl = new TQGridLayout(classOptions, 6,4, marginHint(), spacingHint());
// Document classes
m_cbDocumentClass = new KComboBox(classOptions);
m_cbDocumentClass->setSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding, TQSizePolicy::Minimum);
// m_cbDocumentClass->listBox()->setVariableHeight(true);
connect(m_cbDocumentClass, TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotDocumentClassChanged(int)));
label = new TQLabel(i18n("Doc&ument class:"), classOptions);
label->setBuddy(m_cbDocumentClass); label->setSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy::Maximum, TQSizePolicy::Maximum);
m_btnDocumentClassAdd = new KPushButton(SmallIcon("edit_add"), "", classOptions);
TQWhatsThis::add(m_btnDocumentClassAdd, i18n("Add current text to this list"));
connect(m_btnDocumentClassAdd, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotDocumentClassAdd()));
m_btnDocumentClassDelete = new KPushButton(SmallIcon("eraser"), "", classOptions);
TQWhatsThis::add(m_btnDocumentClassDelete, i18n("Remove current element from this list"));
connect(m_btnDocumentClassDelete, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotDocumentClassDelete()));
// Fontsize
m_cbTypefaceSize = new KComboBox(classOptions);
label = new TQLabel(i18n("&Typeface size:"), classOptions);
label->setSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy::Maximum, TQSizePolicy::Maximum);
m_btnTypefaceSizeAdd = new KPushButton(SmallIcon("edit_add"), "", classOptions);
TQWhatsThis::add(m_btnTypefaceSizeAdd, i18n("Add current text to this list"));
connect(m_btnTypefaceSizeAdd, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotTypefaceSizeAdd()));
m_btnTypefaceSizeDelete = new KPushButton(SmallIcon("eraser"), "", classOptions);
TQWhatsThis::add(m_btnTypefaceSizeDelete, i18n("Remove current element from this list"));
connect(m_btnTypefaceSizeDelete, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotTypefaceSizeDelete()));
// Papersize
m_cbPaperSize = new KComboBox(classOptions);
m_cbPaperSize->setSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding, TQSizePolicy::Minimum);
m_lbPaperSize = new TQLabel(i18n("Paper si&ze:"), classOptions);
m_lbPaperSize->setSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy::Maximum, TQSizePolicy::Maximum);
m_btnPaperSizeAdd = new KPushButton(SmallIcon("edit_add"), "", classOptions);
TQWhatsThis::add(m_btnPaperSizeAdd, i18n("Add current text to this list"));
connect(m_btnPaperSizeAdd, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotPaperSizeAdd()));
m_btnPaperSizeDelete = new KPushButton(SmallIcon("eraser"), "", classOptions);
TQWhatsThis::add(m_btnPaperSizeDelete, i18n("Remove current element from this list"));
connect(m_btnPaperSizeDelete, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotPaperSizeDelete()));
// Encoding
m_cbEncoding = new KComboBox(classOptions);
m_cbEncoding->setSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding, TQSizePolicy::Minimum);
label = new TQLabel(i18n("E&ncoding:"), classOptions);
label->setSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy::Maximum, TQSizePolicy::Maximum);
// Class Options
m_lvClassOptions = new TQListView(classOptions);
gl->addMultiCellWidget(m_lvClassOptions, 4,4, 1,3);
connect(m_lvClassOptions, TQT_SIGNAL(selectionChanged()),
this, TQT_SLOT(slotEnableButtons()));
connect(m_lvClassOptions, TQT_SIGNAL(doubleClicked(TQListViewItem *,const TQPoint &,int)),
this, TQT_SLOT(slotOptionDoubleClicked(TQListViewItem *,const TQPoint &,int)));
label = new TQLabel(i18n("Cl&ass options:"), classOptions);
label->setSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy::Maximum, TQSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding);
// button
TQWidget *frame = new TQWidget(classOptions);
TQHBoxLayout *hl = new TQHBoxLayout(frame, 0, spacingHint());
gl->addMultiCellWidget(frame, 5,5, 1,3, TQt::AlignCenter);
m_btnClassOptionsAdd = new KPushButton(SmallIcon("edit_add"), i18n("&Add..."), frame);
TQWhatsThis::add(m_btnClassOptionsAdd, i18n("Add a new class option"));
connect(m_btnClassOptionsAdd, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotClassOptionAdd()));
m_btnClassOptionsEdit = new KPushButton(SmallIcon("edit"), i18n("Ed&it..."), frame);
TQWhatsThis::add(m_btnClassOptionsEdit, i18n("Edit the current class option"));
connect(m_btnClassOptionsEdit, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotClassOptionEdit()));
m_btnClassOptionsDelete = new KPushButton(SmallIcon("eraser"), i18n("De&lete"), frame);
TQWhatsThis::add(m_btnClassOptionsDelete, i18n("Remove the current class option"));
connect(m_btnClassOptionsDelete, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotClassOptionDelete()));
return classOptions;
TQWidget *QuickDocument::setupPackages(TQTabWidget *tab)
KILE_DEBUG() << "\tsetupPackages" << endl;
TQWidget *packages = new TQWidget( tab );
TQVBoxLayout *vl = new TQVBoxLayout(packages, marginHint(), spacingHint());
TQLabel *label = new TQLabel(i18n("LaTe&X packages:"), packages);
m_lvPackages = new TQListView(packages);
connect(m_lvPackages, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked(TQListViewItem *)),
this, TQT_SLOT(slotCheckParent(TQListViewItem *)));
connect(m_lvPackages, TQT_SIGNAL(spacePressed(TQListViewItem *)),
this, TQT_SLOT(slotCheckParent(TQListViewItem *)));
connect(m_lvPackages, TQT_SIGNAL(selectionChanged()),
this, TQT_SLOT(slotEnableButtons()));
connect(m_lvPackages, TQT_SIGNAL(doubleClicked(TQListViewItem *,const TQPoint &,int)),
this, TQT_SLOT(slotPackageDoubleClicked(TQListViewItem *,const TQPoint &,int)));
TQWidget *frame = new TQWidget(packages);
TQHBoxLayout *hl = new TQHBoxLayout(frame, 0, spacingHint());
m_btnPackagesAdd = new KPushButton(SmallIcon("edit_add"), "&Add Package...", frame);
TQWhatsThis::add(m_btnPackagesAdd, i18n("Add a new package"));
connect(m_btnPackagesAdd, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotPackageAdd()));
m_btnPackagesAddOption = new KPushButton(SmallIcon("edit_add"), i18n("Add Op&tion..."), frame);
TQWhatsThis::add(m_btnPackagesAddOption, i18n("Add a new package option"));
connect(m_btnPackagesAddOption, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotPackageAddOption()));
m_btnPackagesEdit = new KPushButton(SmallIcon("edit"), "Ed&it...", frame);
TQWhatsThis::add(m_btnPackagesEdit, i18n("Edit the current package option"));
connect(m_btnPackagesEdit, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotPackageEdit()));
m_btnPackagesDelete = new KPushButton(SmallIcon("eraser"), i18n("De&lete"), frame);
TQWhatsThis::add(m_btnPackagesDelete, i18n("Remove the current package option"));
connect(m_btnPackagesDelete, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotPackageDelete()));
m_btnPackagesReset = new KPushButton(SmallIcon("reload"), i18n("&Reset to Defaults"), frame);
TQWhatsThis::add(m_btnPackagesReset, i18n("Reset to the default list of packages"));
connect(m_btnPackagesReset, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotPackageReset()));
return packages;
TQWidget *QuickDocument::setupProperties(TQTabWidget *tab)
KILE_DEBUG() << "\tsetupProperties" << endl;
TQLabel *label;
TQWidget *personalInfo = new TQWidget( tab );
TQGridLayout *gl = new TQGridLayout(personalInfo, 4,2, marginHint(),spacingHint());
gl->setRowStretch(gl->numRows()-1, 1);
m_leAuthor = new KLineEdit(personalInfo);
gl->addWidget(m_leAuthor, 0, 1);
label = new TQLabel(i18n("&Author:"), personalInfo);
gl->addWidget(label, 0, 0);
m_leTitle = new KLineEdit(personalInfo);
gl->addWidget(m_leTitle, 1, 1);
label = new TQLabel(i18n("&Title:"), personalInfo);
gl->addWidget(label, 1, 0);
m_leDate = new KLineEdit(personalInfo);
gl->addWidget(m_leDate, 2, 1);
label = new TQLabel(i18n("Dat&e:"), personalInfo);
gl->addWidget(label, 2, 0);
// set current date
m_leDate->setText( KGlobal::locale()->formatDate(TQDate::currentDate(), true) );
// For KDE4:
//m_leDate->setText( KGlobal::locale()->formatDate(TQDate::currentDate(), KLocale::ShortDate) );
return personalInfo;
//////////////////// read configuration ////////////////////
void QuickDocument::readConfig()
KILE_DEBUG() << "==QuickDocument::readConfig()============" << endl;
// read config for document class
// init the current document class
// read config for packages
// read author
//////////////////// write configuration ////////////////////
void QuickDocument::writeConfig()
KILE_DEBUG() << "==QuickDocument::writeConfig()============" << endl;
// write document class to config file
// write packages to config file
// set author
////////////////////////////// document class tab //////////////////////////////
void QuickDocument::readDocumentClassConfig()
KILE_DEBUG() << "\tread config: document class" << endl;
// read standard options
m_userClasslist = KileConfig::userClasses();
m_currentClass = KileConfig::documentClass();
m_currentEncoding = KileConfig::encoding();
// init standard classes
TQString stdFontsize = "10pt,11pt,12pt";
TQString stdPapersize = "a4paper,a5paper,b5paper,executivepaper,legalpaper,letterpaper";
TQString beamerThemes = "bars;boxes;classic;lined;plain;sidebar;sidebar (dark);sidebar (tab);"
"sidebar (dark,tab);shadow;split;tree;tree (bar)";
initStandardClass( "article",stdFontsize,stdPapersize,
KileConfig::optionsArticle() );
initStandardClass( "book",stdFontsize,stdPapersize,
KileConfig::optionsBook() );
initStandardClass( "letter",stdFontsize,stdPapersize,
KileConfig::optionsLetter() );
initStandardClass( "report",stdFontsize,stdPapersize,
KileConfig::optionsReport() );
initStandardClass( "scrartcl",stdFontsize,stdPapersize,
KileConfig::optionsScrartcl() );
initStandardClass( "scrbook",stdFontsize,stdPapersize,
KileConfig::optionsScrbook() );
initStandardClass( "scrreprt",stdFontsize,stdPapersize,
KileConfig::optionsScrreprt() );
initStandardClass( "prosper",TQString(),TQString(),
KileConfig::optionsProsper() );
initStandardClass( "beamer","8pt,9pt,10pt,11pt,12pt,14pt,17pt,20pt",beamerThemes,
KileConfig::optionsBeamer() );
// init all user classes
for ( uint i=0; i<m_userClasslist.count(); ++i )
KILE_DEBUG() << "\tinit user class: " << m_userClasslist[i] << endl;
TQStringList list;
// read dour default entries for this user class
m_config->setGroup( TQString("QuickDocument/")+m_userClasslist[i] );
list.append( m_config->readEntry("fontsizesList") );
list.append( m_config->readEntry("pagesizesList") );
list.append( m_config->readEntry("defaultOptions") );
list.append( m_config->readEntry("selectedOptions") );
// now read all user defined options
TQStringList options = TQStringList::split(",", m_config->readEntry("options") );
for ( uint j=0; j<options.count(); ++j ) {
list.append( options[j] + " => " + m_config->readEntry(options[j]) );
// save all information of this class into the documentClass-dictionary
m_dictDocumentClasses[ m_userClasslist[i] ] = list;
// set classes combobox (standard and user defined classes)
// set encoding combobox
void QuickDocument::fillDocumentClassCombobox()
TQString stdClasses = "article,book,letter,report,-,scrartcl,scrbook,scrreprt,-";
TQString stdUserClasses = "beamer,prosper";
// set classes combobox (standard and user defined classes)
TQStringList classlist = TQStringList::split(",",stdUserClasses);
for ( uint i=0; i< m_userClasslist.count(); ++i )
classlist.append( m_userClasslist[i] );
fillCombobox(m_cbDocumentClass,stdClasses + ',' + classlist.join(","),m_currentClass);
void QuickDocument::writeDocumentClassConfig()
KILE_DEBUG() << "\twrite config: document class" << endl;
// first delete all marked document classes
for ( uint i=0; i<m_deleteDocumentClasses.count(); ++i ) {
KILE_DEBUG() << "\tdelete class: " << m_deleteDocumentClasses[i] << endl;
m_config->deleteGroup( TQString("QuickDocument/")+m_deleteDocumentClasses[i] );
// write document classes and encoding
TQStringList userclasses;
for ( int i=0; i<m_cbDocumentClass->count(); ++i) {
if ( !m_cbDocumentClass->text(i).isEmpty() && !isStandardClass(m_cbDocumentClass->text(i)) ) {
userclasses.append( m_cbDocumentClass->text(i) );
// write checked options of standard classes
KILE_DEBUG() << "\twrite standard classes" << endl;
KileConfig::setOptionsArticle( m_dictDocumentClasses["article"][qd_SelectedOptions] );
KileConfig::setOptionsBook( m_dictDocumentClasses["book"][qd_SelectedOptions] );
KileConfig::setOptionsLetter( m_dictDocumentClasses["letter"][qd_SelectedOptions] );
KileConfig::setOptionsReport( m_dictDocumentClasses["report"][qd_SelectedOptions] );
KileConfig::setOptionsScrartcl( m_dictDocumentClasses["scrartcl"][qd_SelectedOptions] );
KileConfig::setOptionsScrbook( m_dictDocumentClasses["scrbook"][qd_SelectedOptions] );
KileConfig::setOptionsScrreprt( m_dictDocumentClasses["scrreprt"][qd_SelectedOptions] );
KileConfig::setOptionsProsper( m_dictDocumentClasses["prosper"][qd_SelectedOptions] );
KileConfig::setOptionsBeamer( m_dictDocumentClasses["beamer"][qd_SelectedOptions] );
// write config of user packages
TQRegExp reg("(\\S+)\\s+=>\\s+(.*)");
for ( uint i=0; i< userclasses.count(); ++i ) {
// get the stringlist with all information
KILE_DEBUG() << "\twrite user class: " << userclasses[i] << endl;
TQStringList list = m_dictDocumentClasses[ userclasses[i] ];
// write the config group and the default entries
m_config->setGroup( TQString("QuickDocument/")+userclasses[i] );
// write user defined options
TQString options;
for ( uint j=qd_OptionsStart; j<list.count(); ++j ) {
int pos = list[j] );
if ( pos != -1 ) {
m_config->writeEntry( reg.cap(1),reg.cap(2) );
if ( ! options.isEmpty() )
options += ',';
options += reg.cap(1);
void QuickDocument::initDocumentClass()
KILE_DEBUG() << "==QuickDocument::initDocumentClass()============" << endl;
KILE_DEBUG() << "\tset class: " << m_currentClass << endl;
// get the stringlist of this class with all information
TQStringList classlist = m_dictDocumentClasses[m_currentClass];
// First of all, we have to set the defaultOptions-dictionary and the
// selectedOptions-dictionary for this class, before inserting options
// into the listview. The function setClassOptions() will look
// into both dictionaries to do some extra work.
setDefaultClassOptions( classlist[qd_DefaultOptions] );
setSelectedClassOptions( classlist[qd_SelectedOptions] );
// set comboboxes for fontsizes and papersizes
// now we are ready to set the class options
if ( isStandardClass(m_currentClass) ) {
TQStringList optionlist;
} else {
// there is no papersize with class beamer, but a theme
if ( m_currentClass == "beamer" )
m_lbPaperSize->setText( i18n("&Theme:") );
m_lbPaperSize->setText( i18n("Paper si&ze:") );
// enable/disable buttons to add or delete entries
void QuickDocument::initStandardClass(const TQString &classname,
const TQString &fontsize, const TQString &papersize,
const TQString &defaultoptions, const TQString &selectedoptions)
KILE_DEBUG() << "\tinit standard class: " << classname << endl;
// remember that this is a standard class
m_dictStandardClasses[ classname ] = true;
// save all entries
TQStringList list;
list << fontsize << papersize << defaultoptions << selectedoptions;
// save in documentClass-dictionary
m_dictDocumentClasses[ classname ] = list;
// build all option for the current standard class
void QuickDocument::initStandardOptions(const TQString &classname,TQStringList &optionlist)
// build the bitcode for all options of this class
int options;
if ( classname == "article" )
options = qd_Base + qd_Article;
else if ( classname == "book" )
options = qd_Base + qd_Article + qd_BookReport;
else if ( classname == "letter" )
options = qd_Base;
else if ( classname == "report" )
options = qd_Base + qd_Article + qd_BookReport;
else if ( classname == "scrartcl" )
options = qd_Base + qd_Article + qd_KomaArticle + qd_KomaAbstract;
else if ( classname == "scrbook" )
options = qd_Base + qd_Article + qd_BookReport + qd_KomaArticle + qd_KomaBookReport;
else if ( classname == "scrreprt" )
options = qd_Base + qd_Article + qd_BookReport + qd_KomaArticle + qd_KomaAbstract + qd_KomaBookReport;
else if ( classname == "prosper" )
options = qd_Prosper;
else if ( classname == "beamer" )
options = qd_Beamer;
// insert all options into the list
if ( options & qd_Base ) {
<< TQString("landscape => ") + i18n("Sets the document's orientation to landscape")
<< TQString("oneside => ") + i18n("Margins are set for single side output")
<< TQString("twoside => ") + i18n("Left and right pages differ in page margins")
<< TQString("draft => ") + i18n("Marks \"overfull hboxes\" on the output with black boxes")
<< TQString("final => ") + i18n("No special marks for \"overfull hboxes\" on the output")
<< TQString("leqno => ") + i18n("Puts formula numbers on the left side")
<< TQString("fleqn => ") + i18n("Aligns formulas on the left side")
if ( options & qd_Article ) {
<< TQString("titlepage => ") + i18n("Puts title and abstract on an extra page")
<< TQString("notitlepage => ") + i18n("Puts title and abstract on the same page as the text")
<< TQString("onecolumn => ") + i18n("Puts the text in one column")
<< TQString("twocolumn => ") + i18n("Puts the text in two columns")
<< TQString("openbib => ") + i18n("Formats the bibliography in open style")
if ( options & qd_BookReport ) {
<< TQString("openany => ") + i18n("Chapters may start on top of every page")
<< TQString("openright => ") + i18n("Chapters may only start on top of right pages")
if ( options & qd_KomaArticle ) {
<< TQString("headinclude => ") + i18n("Cause the header to be counted as text")
<< TQString("headexclude => ") + i18n("Cause the header to be counted as border")
<< TQString("footinclude => ") + i18n("Cause the footer to be counted as text")
<< TQString("footexclude => ") + i18n("Cause the footer to be counted as border")
<< TQString("mpinclude => ") + i18n("Cause the margin-note to be counted to the text body")
<< TQString("mpexclude => ") + i18n("The normal margin is used for the margin-note area")
<< TQString("dvips => ") + i18n("Writes the paper size as a special into the DVI-file")
<< TQString("pdftex => ") + i18n("Writes the paper size into the pdftex page register")
<< TQString("pagesize => ") + i18n("Uses the correct mechanism with PDF- or DVI-file")
<< TQString("cleardoubleempty => ") + i18n("Enables the default for an empty left page")
<< TQString("cleardoubleplain => ") + i18n("An empty left page will set with the plain-pagestyle")
<< TQString("cleardoublestandard => ") + i18n("An empty left page will set with the empty-pagestyle")
<< TQString("headsepline => ") + i18n("Use a line to separate the header from the text body")
<< TQString("headnosepline => ") + i18n("Use no line to separate the header from the text body")
<< TQString("footsepline => ") + i18n("Use a line to separate the footer from the text body")
<< TQString("footnosepline => ") + i18n("Use no line to separate the footer from the text body")
<< TQString("parskip => ") + i18n("Normal paragraph spacing of one line")
<< TQString("parskip- => ") + i18n("Normal spacing, at least 1/3 of the last line is free")
<< TQString("parskip+ => ") + i18n("Normal spacing, at least 1/4 of the last line is free")
<< TQString("parskip* => ") + i18n("Normal spacing, no special provision for the last line")
<< TQString("halfparskip => ") + i18n("Paragraph spacing of half a line")
<< TQString("halfparskip- => ") + i18n("Spacing 1/2 line, at least 1/3 of the last line is free")
<< TQString("halfparskip+ => ") + i18n("Spacing 1/2 line, at least 1/4 of the last line is free")
<< TQString("halfparskip* => ") + i18n("Spacing 1/2 line, no special provision for the last line")
<< TQString("parindent => ") + i18n("No spacing between paragraphs, indent the first line by 1 em")
<< TQString("onelinecaption => ") + i18n("One-line captions are centered, multi-line left-justified")
<< TQString("noonelinecaption => ") + i18n("No special handling of one-line captions")
<< TQString("bigheading => ") + i18n("Normal great title font sizes")
<< TQString("normalheadings => ") + i18n("Small font sizes for titles")
<< TQString("smallheadings => ") + i18n("Even smaller font sizes for titles")
<< TQString("liststotoc => ") + i18n("Include lists of figures and tables in the TOC")
<< TQString("bibtotoc => ") + i18n("Include the bibliography in the TOC")
<< TQString("idxtotoc => ") + i18n("Include the index in the TOC")
<< TQString("liststotocnumbered => ") + i18n("Number the lists of figures and tables in the TOC")
<< TQString("bibtotocnumbered => ") + i18n("Number the bibliography in the TOC")
<< TQString("tocleft => ") + i18n("All numbers and titles are set in a left-justified column")
<< TQString("tocindent => ") + i18n("Different sectional units have different indentations")
<< TQString("listsleft => ") + i18n("All numbers and captions are set in a left-justified column")
<< TQString("listsindent => ") + i18n("All Numbers uses a fixed space")
<< TQString("pointednumbers => ") + i18n("Numbering of sectional units have a point at the end")
<< TQString("pointlessnumbers => ") + i18n("Numbering of sectional units have no point at the end")
<< TQString("tablecaptionabove => ") + i18n("Caption command acts like \\captionabove")
<< TQString("tablecaptionbelow => ") + i18n("Caption command acts like \\captionbelow")
<< TQString("origlongtable => ") + i18n("Captions of the longtable package should not be redefined")
if ( options & qd_KomaBookReport ) {
<< TQString("chapterprefix => ") + i18n("Use a separate line for the chapter number")
<< TQString("nochapterprefix => ") + i18n("Use the same line for the chapter number and title")
<< TQString("appendixprefix => ") + i18n("Use a separate line for the appendix name")
<< TQString("noappendixprefix => ") + i18n("No separate line for the appendix name")
if ( options & qd_KomaAbstract ) {
<< TQString("abstracton => ") + i18n("Include the abstract's title")
<< TQString("abstractoff => ") + i18n("Exclude the abstract's title")
if ( options & qd_Prosper ) {
<< TQString("draft => ") + i18n("The file is compiled in draft mode")
<< TQString("final => ") + i18n("The file is compiled in final mode")
<< TQString("slideColor => ") + i18n("Slides will use many colors")
<< TQString("slideBW => ") + i18n("Slides will use a restricted set of colors")
<< TQString("total => ") + i18n("Display the number of the current slide and the total number")
<< TQString("nototal => ") + i18n("Display only the number of the current slide")
<< TQString("nocolorBG => ") + i18n("The background of the slide is always white")
<< TQString("colorBG => ") + i18n("The color of the background depends on the current style")
<< TQString("ps => ") + i18n("The LaTeX file is compiled to produce a PostScript file")
<< TQString("pdf => ") + i18n("The LaTeX file is compiled to produce a PDF file")
<< TQString("accumulate => ") + i18n("Some macros interpret their argument in ps mode")
<< TQString("noaccumulate => ") + i18n("Some macros do not interpret their argument in ps mode")
<< TQString("distiller => ") + i18n("The PS file is to be translated into a PDF file using Adobe Distiller")
<< TQString("YandY => ") + i18n("The LaTeX file is to be processed with YandY LaTeX")
<< TQString("ps2pdf => ") + i18n("The PS file is to be translated into a PDF file using ps2pdf")
<< TQString("vtex => ") + i18n("The LaTeX file is to be processed with MicroPress VTeX")
<< TQString("noFooter => ") + i18n("Do not add any caption at the bottom of the slides")
if ( options & qd_Beamer ) {
<< TQString("slidestop => ") + i18n("Place text of slides at the (vertical) top of the slides")
<< TQString("slidescentered => ") + i18n("Place text of slides at the (vertical) center of the slides")
<< TQString("draft => ") + i18n("Headlines, footlines, and sidebars are replaced by gray rectangles")
<< TQString("compress => ") + i18n("Make all navigation bars as small as possible")
<< TQString("usepdftitle=false => ") + i18n("Suppresses generation of some entries in the pdf information")
<< TQString("notheorems => ") + i18n("Switches off the definition of default blocks like theorem")
<< TQString("noamsthm => ") + i18n("Does not load amsthm and amsmath")
<< TQString("CJK => ") + i18n("Needed when using the CJK package for Asian fonts")
<< TQString("sans => ") + i18n("Use a sans-serif font during the presentation")
<< TQString("serif => ") + i18n("Use a serif font during the presentation")
<< TQString("mathsans => ") + i18n("Override the math font to be a sans-serif font")
<< TQString("mathserif => ") + i18n("Override the math font to be a serif font")
<< TQString("professionalfont => ") + i18n("Deactivate internal font replacements for math text")
<< TQString("handout => ") + i18n("Create a PDF handout")
<< TQString("trans => ") + i18n("For PDF transparency")
<< TQString("blue => ") + i18n("All structure elements are typeset in blue")
<< TQString("red => ") + i18n("All structure elements are typeset in red")
<< TQString("blackandwhite => ") + i18n("All structure elements are typeset in black and white")
<< TQString("brown => ") + i18n("All structure elements are typeset in brown")
<< TQString("notes=hide => ") + i18n(" Notes are not shown")
<< TQString("notes=show => ") + i18n(" Include notes in the output file")
<< TQString("notes=only => ") + i18n(" Include only notes and suppress frames")
// check for a standard class
bool QuickDocument::isStandardClass(const TQString &classname)
return m_dictStandardClasses.contains(classname);
// check for a default option
bool QuickDocument::isDefaultClassOption(const TQString &option)
return m_currentDefaultOptions.contains(option);
// check for an user option
bool QuickDocument::isSelectedClassOption(const TQString &option)
return m_currentSelectedOptions.contains(option);
// insert all default options of the current class into the defaultOptions-dictionary
void QuickDocument::setDefaultClassOptions(const TQString &defaultoptions)
TQStringList list = TQStringList::split(",",defaultoptions);
for ( uint i=0; i<list.count(); ++i ) {
if ( ! list[i].isEmpty() )
m_currentDefaultOptions[ list[i] ] = true;
// insert all checked options of the current class into the selectedOptions-dictionary
void QuickDocument::setSelectedClassOptions(const TQString &selectedoptions)
KILE_DEBUG() << "\tset options: " << selectedoptions << endl;
TQStringList list = TQStringList::split(",",selectedoptions);
uint nlist = list.count();
m_currentFontsize = ( nlist >= 1 ) ? list[0] : "";
m_currentPapersize = ( nlist >= 2 ) ? list[1] : "";
for ( uint i=0; i<nlist; ++i ) {
if ( ! list[i].isEmpty() )
m_currentSelectedOptions[ list[i] ] = true;
// show all options of the current class
// - split this string into option and description (option => description)
// - if the option is in the defaultOptions-dictionary, add 'default'
// - if the option is in the selectedOptions-dictionary, set the 'checked' symbol
void QuickDocument::setClassOptions(const TQStringList &list, uint start)
TQRegExp reg("(\\S+)\\s+=>\\s+(.*)");
for (uint i=start; i<list.count(); ++i) {
int pos = list[i] );
if ( pos != -1 ) {
TQCheckListItem *cli = new TQCheckListItem(m_lvClassOptions, reg.cap(1), TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
// see if it is a default option
if ( isDefaultClassOption(reg.cap(1)) )
cli->setText(1, reg.cap(2)+" [default]");
cli->setText(1, reg.cap(2));
// check it if this option is set by th user
if ( isSelectedClassOption(reg.cap(1)) )
// get all options of the current class as a comma separated list
// - first entry: always the current fontsize
// - second entry: always the current papersize
// - followed by all other checked options
TQString QuickDocument::getClassOptions()
TQString fontsize = stripDefault( m_cbTypefaceSize->currentText() );
TQString papersize = stripDefault( m_cbPaperSize->currentText() );
TQString options = fontsize + ',' + papersize;
for (TQListViewItem *cur = m_lvClassOptions->firstChild(); cur; cur=cur->nextSibling()) {
TQCheckListItem *cli = dynamic_cast<TQCheckListItem*>(cur);
if (cli && cli->isOn()) {
options += ',' + cur->text(0);
return options;
// Some changes were made in the listview: add, edit oder delete entries.
// This means that the defaultOptions-dictionary, the selectedOptions-dictionary
// and the list of all options may be . So the documentClass-dictionary,
// the defaultOptions-dictionary and the selectedOptions-dictionary must be updated.
void QuickDocument::updateClassOptions()
KILE_DEBUG() << "==QuickDocument::updateClassOptions()============" << endl;
KILE_DEBUG() << "\tclass: " << m_currentClass << endl;
TQString defaultoptions;
TQStringList newlist;
TQStringList oldlist = m_dictDocumentClasses[m_currentClass];
// read the first four static entries
newlist << oldlist[qd_Fontsizes];
newlist << oldlist[qd_Papersizes];
newlist << TQString(); // dummy entry: will be changed
newlist << getClassOptions();
// read all options
for (TQListViewItem *cur = m_lvClassOptions->firstChild(); cur; cur=cur->nextSibling()) {
TQCheckListItem *cli = dynamic_cast<TQCheckListItem*>(cur);
if ( cli ) {
TQString description = cur->text(1);
if ( description.right(10) == " [default]" ) {
description = stripDefault(description);
if ( ! defaultoptions.isEmpty() )
defaultoptions += ',';
defaultoptions += cur->text(0);
newlist += cur->text(0) + " => " + description;
// update list entry with defaultoptions
newlist[qd_DefaultOptions] = defaultoptions;
// insert this changed list into the documentClass-dictionary
m_dictDocumentClasses[m_currentClass] = newlist;
// update other dictionaries
// Insert all entries from a comma separated list into a combobox.
// If this entry matches a given text, this entry will be activated.
void QuickDocument::fillCombobox(KComboBox *combo, const TQString &cslist, const TQString &seltext)
bool documentclasscombo = ( combo == m_cbDocumentClass );
TQListBox *listbox = combo->listBox();
TQString sep = ( m_currentClass=="beamer" && combo==m_cbPaperSize ) ? ";" : ",";
TQStringList list = TQStringList::split(sep,cslist);
if ( ! documentclasscombo )
for (uint i=0; i<list.count(); ++i) {
if ( !documentclasscombo && isDefaultClassOption(list[i]) )
combo->insertItem( TQString(list[i]) + " [default]" );
else if ( list[i] != "-" )
combo->insertItem( list[i] );
ListBoxSeparator *separator = new ListBoxSeparator(listbox->item(0)->height(listbox));
// doesn't work in constructor, so set it again here
// should this entry be selected?
if ( !seltext.isEmpty() && list[i]==seltext )
// Add some entries from a comma separated list to a sorted combobox.
// The new entries must match a regular expression or will be denied.
bool QuickDocument::addComboboxEntries(KComboBox *combo, const TQString &title,const TQString &entry)
// read current comboxbox entries
TQStringList combolist;
for (int i=0; i<combo->count(); ++i)
combolist += combo->text(i);
// add new entries (one or a comma separated list)
TQStringList list = TQStringList::split(",",entry);
for ( uint i=0; i<list.count(); ++i ) {
TQString s = list[i].stripWhiteSpace();
// entries must match a regular expression
if ( combolist.findIndex(s) != -1 )
KMessageBox::error( this, i18n("%1 '%2' already exists.").arg(title).arg(s) );
else {
combolist += s;
KILE_DEBUG() << "\tinsert new " << title << ": " << s << endl;
// insert list, if there are more entries than before
if ( combolist.count() > (uint)combo->count() ) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
TQString QuickDocument::getComboxboxList(KComboBox *combo)
TQStringList list;
for ( int i=0; i<combo->count(); ++i ) {
list += combo->text(i);
return ( list.count() > 0 ) ? list.join(",") : TQString();
// strip an optional default-tag from the string
TQString QuickDocument::stripDefault(const TQString &s)
return ( s.right(10) == " [default]" ) ? s.left( s.length()-10 ) : s;
////////////////////////////// packages tab //////////////////////////////
void QuickDocument::readPackagesConfig()
KILE_DEBUG() << "\tread config: packages" << endl;
if ( ! readPackagesListview() )
// init default values for packages tab
void QuickDocument::initPackages()
KILE_DEBUG() << "read config: init standard packages" << endl;
TQCheckListItem *cli;
TQCheckListItem *clichild;
cli = insertListview(m_lvPackages,"amsmath", i18n("Special math environments and commands (AMS)") );
cli = insertListview(m_lvPackages,"amsfonts",i18n("Collection of fonts and symbols for math mode (AMS)") );
cli = insertListview(m_lvPackages,"amssymb",i18n("Defines symbol names for all math symbols in MSAM and MSBM (AMS)") );
cli = insertListview(m_lvPackages,"amsthm",i18n("Improved theorem setup (AMS)"));
cli = insertListview(m_lvPackages,"caption",i18n("Extends caption capabilities for figures and tables"));
cli = insertListview(m_lvPackages,"hyperref",i18n("Hypertext marks in LaTeX") );
clichild = insertListview(cli,"dvips",i18n("Use dvips as hyperref driver") );
clichild = insertListview(cli,"pdftex",i18n("Use pdftex as hyperref driver") );
clichild = insertEditableListview(cli,"bookmarks",i18n("Make bookmarks"),"true","true" );
clichild = insertEditableListview(cli,"bookmarksnumbered",i18n("Put section numbers in bookmarks"),"false","false" );
clichild = insertEditableListview(cli,"bookmarksopen",i18n("Open up bookmark tree"),TQString(),TQString() );
clichild = insertEditableListview(cli,"pdfauthor",i18n("Text for PDF Author field"),TQString(),TQString() );
clichild = insertEditableListview(cli,"pdfcreator",i18n("Text for PDF Creator field"),i18n("LaTeX with hyperref package"),i18n("LaTeX with hyperref package") );
clichild = insertEditableListview(cli,"pdffitwindow",i18n("Resize document window to fit document size"),"false","false" );
clichild = insertEditableListview(cli,"pdfkeywords",i18n("Text for PDF Keywords field"),TQString(),TQString() );
clichild = insertEditableListview(cli,"pdfproducer",i18n("Text for PDF Producer field"),TQString(),TQString() );
clichild = insertEditableListview(cli,"pdfstartview",i18n("Starting view of PDF document"),"/Fit","/Fit" );
clichild = insertEditableListview(cli,"pdfsubject",i18n("Text for PDF Subject field"),TQString(),TQString() );
clichild = insertEditableListview(cli,"pdftitle",i18n("Text for PDF Title field"),TQString(),TQString() );
cli = insertListview(m_lvPackages,"mathpazo",i18n("Use Palatino font as roman font (both text and math mode)") );
cli = insertListview(m_lvPackages,"mathptmx",i18n("Use Times font as roman font (both text and math mode)") );
cli = insertListview(m_lvPackages,"makeidx",i18n("Enable index generation") );
cli = insertListview(m_lvPackages,"multicol",i18n("Enables multicolumn environments") );
cli = insertListview(m_lvPackages,"pst-all",i18n("Load all pstricks packages") );
cli = insertListview(m_lvPackages,"rotating",i18n("Rotates text") );
cli = insertListview(m_lvPackages,"subfigure",i18n("Enables subfigures inside figures") );
cli = insertListview(m_lvPackages,"upgreek",i18n("Typesetting capital Greek letters") );
cli = insertListview(m_lvPackages,"xcolor",i18n("Extending LaTeX's color facilities") );
cli = insertListview(m_lvPackages,"babel",i18n("Adds language specific support") );
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"acadian" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"afrikaans" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"american" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"australian" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"austrian" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"bahasa" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"basque" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"brazil" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"brazilian" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"breton" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"british" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"bulgarian" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"canadian" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"canadien" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"catalan" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"croatian" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"czech" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"danish" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"dutch" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"english" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"esperanto" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"estonian" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"finnish" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"francais" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"frenchb" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"french" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"galician" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"german" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"germanb" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"greek" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"polutonikogreek" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"hebrew" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"hungarian" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"icelandic" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"interlingua" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"irish" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"italian" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"latin" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"lowersorbian" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"magyar" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"naustrian" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"newzealand" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"ngerman" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"norsk" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"samin" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"nynorsk" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"polish" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"portuges" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"portuguese" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"romanian" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"russian" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"scottish" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"serbian" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"slovak" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"slovene" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"spanish" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"swedish" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"turkish" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"ukrainian" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"uppersorbian" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"welsh" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"UKenglish" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli,"USenglish" ,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
cli = insertListview(m_lvPackages,"fontenc",i18n("Use a font encoding scheme") );
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli, "HE8",TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli, "IL2",TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli, "LCH",TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli, "LCY",TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli, "LGR",TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli, "LHE",TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli, "LIT",TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli, "LO1",TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli, "LY1",TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli, "MTT",TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli, "OML",TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli, "OMS",TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli, "OT1",TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli, "OT2",TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli, "OT4",TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli, "PD1",TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli, "PU",TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli, "QX",TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli, "T1",TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli, "T2A",TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli, "T2B",TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli, "T2C",TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli, "T5",TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli, "TS1",TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli, "UT1",TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli, "X2",TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
cli = insertListview(m_lvPackages,"graphicx",i18n("Support for including graphics") );
clichild = insertListview(cli,"dvips",i18n("Specialize on graphic inclusion for dvips") );
clichild = insertListview(cli,"pdftex",i18n("Specialize on graphic inclusion for pdftex") );
clichild = insertListview(cli,"draft",i18n("Show only frames of graphics") );
// Try to read values from the config file:
// - main entry: selected,open,empty,empty,description
// - child entry: selected,editable,defaultvalue,value,description
bool QuickDocument::readPackagesListview()
KILE_DEBUG() << "\tread config: packages from config file" << endl;
TQStringList elements = KileConfig::packagesList();
// clear packages dictionaries and listview
if ( elements.empty() )
return false;
// regular expression to split the string from the config file
TQRegExp reg("([^,]*),([^,]*),([^,]*),([^,]*),(.*)");
m_config->setGroup( "QuickDocument/Packages" );
for ( TQStringList::Iterator it=elements.begin(); it!=elements.end(); ++it ) {
TQCheckListItem *cli;
// look, if this is a main or a child entry
KILE_DEBUG() << "\tread config entry: " << *it << endl;
int pos = (*it).find('!');
if ( pos == -1 ) { // main entry
cli = new TQCheckListItem(m_lvPackages, *it, TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
if ( reg.exactMatch(m_config->readEntry(*it)) ) {
if ( reg.cap(1) == "1" ) // selected state (entry 1)
if ( reg.cap(2) == "1" ) // open state (entry 2)
cli->setText(2,reg.cap(5)); // description (entry 5)
} else {
KILE_DEBUG() << "\twrong config entry for package " << cli->text(0) << endl;
} else { // child entry
cli = dynamic_cast<TQCheckListItem*>(m_lvPackages->findItem((*it).left(pos), 0));
if ( cli ) {
TQCheckListItem *clichild;
if ( reg.exactMatch(m_config->readEntry(*it)) ) {
if ( reg.cap(2) == "1" ) { // editable state
clichild = insertEditableListview(cli,(*it).mid(pos+1),reg.cap(5),reg.cap(4),reg.cap(3) );
} else {
clichild = new TQCheckListItem(cli, (*it).mid(pos+1), TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
clichild->setText(2,reg.cap(5)); // description
if ( reg.cap(1) == "1" ) // selected state
} else {
KILE_DEBUG() << "\twrong config entry for package option " << cli->text(0) << endl;
} else {
KILE_DEBUG() << "\tlistview entry for package " << (*it).left(pos) << " not found" << endl;
return true;
void QuickDocument::writePackagesConfig()
KILE_DEBUG() << "\twrite config: packages" << endl;
TQStringList packagesList;
m_config->setGroup( "QuickDocument/Packages" );
for (TQListViewItem *cur=m_lvPackages->firstChild(); cur; cur=cur->nextSibling()) {
KILE_DEBUG() << "\twrite config: " << cur->text(0) << endl;
// add to packages list
packagesList += cur->text(0);
// determine config entry
TQString packageentry;
// look for selected entries
TQCheckListItem *cli = dynamic_cast<TQCheckListItem*>(cur);
if ( cli && cli->isOn() )
packageentry = "1,";
packageentry = "0,";
// look if this listitem is opened
if ( cli && cli->isOpen() )
packageentry += "1,";
packageentry += "0,";
// two dummy entries and finally the description
packageentry += ",," + cur->text(2);
// write listview entry
// look for children
for (TQListViewItem *curchild=cur->firstChild(); curchild; curchild=curchild->nextSibling()) {
// add child to packages list
TQString option = cur->text(0) + '!' + curchild->text(0);
packagesList += option;
KILE_DEBUG() << "\twrite config: " << option << endl;
// determine config entry
TQString optionentry;
// look for selected options
TQCheckListItem *clichild = dynamic_cast<TQCheckListItem*>(curchild);
if ( clichild && clichild->isOn() )
optionentry = "1,";
optionentry = "0,";
// look, if this child is editable
if ( clichild && m_dictPackagesEditable.contains(option) ) {
optionentry += "1,";
if ( m_dictPackagesDefaultvalues.contains(option) )
optionentry += m_dictPackagesDefaultvalues[option] + ',';
optionentry += ',';
} else
optionentry += "0,,";
// add a value and a description
optionentry += getPackagesValue(curchild->text(1))
+ ',' + stripPackageDefault(option,curchild->text(2));
// write listview entry
// write the list of all packages
// insert package
TQCheckListItem *QuickDocument::insertListview(TQListView *listview,
const TQString &entry,
const TQString &description)
TQCheckListItem *item = new TQCheckListItem(listview,entry,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
if ( ! description.isEmpty() )
return item;
// insert package option (not editable)
TQCheckListItem *QuickDocument::insertListview(TQCheckListItem *parent,
const TQString &entry,
const TQString &description)
TQCheckListItem *item = new TQCheckListItem(parent,entry,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
if ( ! description.isEmpty() )
return item;
// insert package option (editable)
TQCheckListItem *QuickDocument::insertEditableListview(TQCheckListItem *parent,
const TQString &entry,const TQString &description,
const TQString value,const TQString defaultvalue)
TQCheckListItem *item = new EditableCheckListItem(parent,entry);
TQString option = parent->text(0) + '!' + entry;
m_dictPackagesEditable[option] = true;
if ( ! defaultvalue.isEmpty() )
m_dictPackagesDefaultvalues[option] = defaultvalue;
if ( ! description.isEmpty() )
item->setText( 2,addPackageDefault(option,description) );
return item;
void QuickDocument::setPackagesValue(TQListViewItem *item,const TQString &option,const TQString &val)
TQString defaultvalue = ( m_dictPackagesDefaultvalues.contains(option) )
? m_dictPackagesDefaultvalues[option] : TQString();
TQString value = ( ! val.isEmpty() ) ? val : TQString();
if ( value == defaultvalue )
item->setText(1,i18n("<default>") );
else if ( value.isEmpty() )
item->setText(1,i18n("<empty>") );
TQString QuickDocument::getPackagesValue(const TQString &value)
return ( value==i18n("<default>") || value==i18n("<empty>") ) ? TQString() : value;
bool QuickDocument::isListviewEntry(TQListView *listview,const TQString &entry)
for ( TQListViewItem *cur=listview->firstChild(); cur; cur=cur->nextSibling() ) {
if ( cur->text(0) == entry )
return true;
return false;
bool QuickDocument::isListviewChild(TQListView *listview,const TQString &entry, const TQString &option)
for ( TQListViewItem *cur=listview->firstChild(); cur; cur=cur->nextSibling() ) {
// look for the main entry
if ( cur->text(0) == entry ) {
// look for children
for (TQListViewItem *curchild=cur->firstChild(); curchild; curchild=curchild->nextSibling()) {
if ( option == curchild->text(0) )
return true;
return false;
return false;
TQString QuickDocument::addPackageDefault(const TQString &option,const TQString &description)
return ( m_dictPackagesDefaultvalues.contains(option) )
? description + " [" + m_dictPackagesDefaultvalues[option] + ']'
: description + " [ ]";
TQString QuickDocument::stripPackageDefault(const TQString &option,const TQString &description)
TQRegExp reg("(.*) \\[([^\\[]*)\\]");
if ( description.right(4) == " [ ]" )
return description.left(description.length()-4);
if ( ! reg.exactMatch(description) )
return description;
return ( reg.cap(2).isEmpty() ||
( m_dictPackagesDefaultvalues.contains(option) && m_dictPackagesDefaultvalues[option]==reg.cap(2) )
) ? reg.cap(1) : description;
////////////////////////////// hyperref tab //////////////////////////////
void QuickDocument::initHyperref()
KILE_DEBUG() << "\tread config: init hyperref" << endl;
TQString driver = "dvipdf,dvipdfm,dvips,dvipsone,"
TQStringList list = TQStringList::split(",",driver);
for ( uint i=0; i<list.count(); ++i )
m_dictHyperrefDriver[list[i]] = true;
bool QuickDocument::isHyperrefDriver(const TQString &name)
return m_dictHyperrefDriver.contains(name);
////////////////////////////// check for existing exntries //////////////////////////////
bool QuickDocument::isDocumentClass(const TQString &name)
for ( int i=0; i<m_cbDocumentClass->count(); ++i ) {
if ( m_cbDocumentClass->text(i) == name )
return true;
return false;
bool QuickDocument::isDocumentClassOption(const TQString &option)
return isListviewEntry(m_lvClassOptions,option);
bool QuickDocument::isPackage(const TQString &package)
return isListviewEntry(m_lvPackages,package);
bool QuickDocument::isPackageOption(const TQString &package, const TQString &option)
return isListviewChild(m_lvPackages,package,option);
////////////////////////////// print document template //////////////////////////////
void QuickDocument::printTemplate()
KILE_DEBUG() << "==QuickDocument::printTemplate()============" << endl;
// get current document class
TQString documentclass = m_cbDocumentClass->currentText();
KILE_DEBUG() << "\tdocument class: " << documentclass << endl;
// build template
m_td.tagBegin = "\\documentclass";
// build options
TQString options;
if ( documentclass != "beamer" ) {
if ( !m_cbPaperSize->currentText().isEmpty() )
options += stripDefault( m_cbPaperSize->currentText() ) + ',';
if ( !m_cbTypefaceSize->currentText().isEmpty() )
options += stripDefault( m_cbTypefaceSize->currentText() ) + ',';
for (TQListViewItem *cur=m_lvClassOptions->firstChild(); cur; cur=cur->nextSibling()) {
TQCheckListItem *cli=dynamic_cast<TQCheckListItem*>(cur);
if ( cli && cli->isOn() )
options += cur->text(0) + ',';
if ( ! options.isEmpty() )
m_td.tagBegin += '[' + options.left( options.length()-1 ) + ']';
m_td.tagBegin += '{' + documentclass + "}\n\n";
TQString enc = m_cbEncoding->currentText();
if (!enc.isEmpty())
if( enc.find("utf") != -1 )
m_td.tagBegin += "\\usepackage{ucs}\n";
m_td.tagBegin += "\\usepackage[" + enc + "]{inputenc}\n";
if ( documentclass != "beamer" ) {
} else {
if (!m_leAuthor->text().isEmpty())
m_td.tagBegin += "\\author{"+m_leAuthor->text()+"}\n";
if (!m_leTitle->text().isEmpty())
m_td.tagBegin += "\\title{"+m_leTitle->text()+"}\n";
if (!m_leDate->text().isEmpty())
m_td.tagBegin += "\\date{"+m_leDate->text()+"}\n";
m_td.tagBegin += '\n';
m_td.tagBegin += "\\begin{document}\n%E%C";
m_td.tagEnd = "\n\\end{document}\n";
void QuickDocument::printPackages()
KILE_DEBUG() << "\tpackages" << endl;
m_currentHyperref = false;
m_hyperrefdriver = TQString();
m_hyperrefsetup = TQString();
for (TQListViewItem *cur=m_lvPackages->firstChild(); cur; cur=cur->nextSibling()) {
TQCheckListItem *cli = dynamic_cast<TQCheckListItem*>(cur);
if ( ! cli )
if ( cur->text(0) == "hyperref" ) { // manage hyperref package
m_currentHyperref = cli->isOn();
for (TQListViewItem *curchild = cur->firstChild(); curchild; curchild=curchild->nextSibling()) {
TQCheckListItem *clichild = dynamic_cast<TQCheckListItem*>(curchild);
if (clichild && clichild->isOn() ) { // manage hyperref option
if ( isHyperrefDriver(curchild->text(0)) ) { // either hyperref driver
if ( ! m_hyperrefdriver.isEmpty() )
m_hyperrefdriver += ',';
m_hyperrefdriver += curchild->text(0);
} else {
TQString value = curchild->text(1); // or another option
if ( value != i18n("<default>") ) {
if ( ! m_hyperrefsetup.isEmpty() )
m_hyperrefsetup += ',';
m_hyperrefsetup += "%\n " + curchild->text(0) + '=' + getPackagesValue(curchild->text(1));
} else if ( cli->isOn() ) { // manage other package options
TQString packageOptions;
for (TQListViewItem *curchild = cur->firstChild(); curchild; curchild=curchild->nextSibling()) {
TQCheckListItem *clichild = dynamic_cast<TQCheckListItem*>(curchild);
if (clichild && clichild->isOn()) {
TQString optiontext;
if ( m_dictPackagesEditable.contains(cur->text(0) + '!' + curchild->text(0)) ) {
TQString value = curchild->text(1);
if ( value != i18n("<default>") )
optiontext = curchild->text(0) + '=' + getPackagesValue(curchild->text(1));
} else
optiontext = curchild->text(0);
if ( ! optiontext.isEmpty() ) {
if (!packageOptions.isEmpty())
packageOptions += ',';
packageOptions += optiontext;
m_td.tagBegin += "\\usepackage";
if (!packageOptions.isEmpty())
m_td.tagBegin += '[' + packageOptions + ']';
m_td.tagBegin += '{' + cur->text(0) + "}\n";
m_td.tagBegin += '\n';
void QuickDocument::printHyperref()
if ( ! m_currentHyperref )
KILE_DEBUG() << "\thyperref" << endl;
// output hyperref package
m_td.tagBegin += "\\usepackage";
if ( ! m_hyperrefdriver.isEmpty() )
m_td.tagBegin += '[' + m_hyperrefdriver + ']';
m_td.tagBegin += "{hyperref}\n";
// output hyperref options
if ( ! m_hyperrefsetup.isEmpty() ) {
m_td.tagBegin += "\\hypersetup{" + m_hyperrefsetup + "%\n}\n";
m_td.tagBegin += '\n';
void QuickDocument::printBeamerTheme()
KILE_DEBUG() << "\tbeamer theme" << endl;
TQString theme = m_cbPaperSize->currentText();
TQRegExp reg("(\\w+)\\s+\\((.*)\\)$");
if ( >= 0 ) {
TQStringList optionlist = TQStringList::split(",",reg.cap(2));
m_td.tagBegin += "\\usepackage[" + optionlist.join(",") + "]{beamertheme" + reg.cap(1) + "}\n\n";
} else {
m_td.tagBegin += "\\usepackage{beamertheme" + theme + "}\n\n";
////////////////////////////// Slots //////////////////////////////
void QuickDocument::slotOk()
KILE_DEBUG() << "==QuickDocument::slotOk()============" << endl;
// get current class options
m_currentClass = m_cbDocumentClass->currentText();
KILE_DEBUG() << "\tcurrent class: " << m_currentClass << endl;
// save the checked options
m_dictDocumentClasses[m_currentClass][qd_SelectedOptions] = getClassOptions();
KILE_DEBUG() << "\tsave options: " << m_dictDocumentClasses[m_currentClass][qd_SelectedOptions] << endl;
// build template
// update config file
////////////////////////////// slots: document class //////////////////////////////
void QuickDocument::slotDocumentClassAdd()
KILE_DEBUG() << "==QuickDocument::slotDocumentClassAdd()============" << endl;
TQStringList list;
list << i18n("Document Class")
<< "label,edit,label,combobox,checkbox,checkbox"
<< i18n("Please enter the new document &class:")
<< TQString() // 3
<< i18n("&Set all options from this standard class (optional):")
<< ",article,book,letter,report,scrartcl,scrbook,scrreprt" // 5
<< i18n("Use standard &fontsizes") // 6
<< i18n("Use standard &papersizes") // 7
if ( inputDialog(list,qd_CheckNotEmpty | qd_CheckDocumentClass) ) {
TQString classname = list[3];
TQStringList classlist;
if ( list[5].isEmpty() ) { // no base class
TQString useFontsizes = ( list[6] == "true" )
? "10pt,11pt,12pt" : "";
TQString usePapersizes = ( list[7] == "true" )
? "a4paper,a5paper,b5paper,executivepaper,legalpaper,letterpaper" : "";
KILE_DEBUG() << "\tadd document class: " << classname
<< " fontsize=" << list[6] << " papersize=" << list[7] << endl;
// set default entries for the documentClass-dictionary
classlist << useFontsizes << usePapersizes << "" << "";
} else { // based on a standard class
// first get the first four parameters
classlist = m_dictDocumentClasses[list[5]];
// then add all baseclass options
TQStringList optionlist;
for (uint i=0; i<optionlist.count(); ++i)
// insert the stringlist for this new document class
m_dictDocumentClasses[ classname ] = classlist;
// add the new document class into the userClasslist and the documentClass-combobox
// activate the new document class
slotDocumentClassChanged( m_cbDocumentClass->currentItem() );
void QuickDocument::slotDocumentClassDelete()
// get the name of the current class
TQString documentclass = m_cbDocumentClass->currentText();
KILE_DEBUG() << "==QuickDocument::slotDocumentClassDelete()============" << endl;
if (KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this, i18n("Do you want to remove \"%1\" from the document class list?").arg(documentclass), i18n("Remove Document Class"))==KMessageBox::Continue)
KILE_DEBUG() << "\tlazy delete class: " << documentclass << endl;
// remove this document class from the documentClass-dictionary
// mark this document class for deleting from config file (only with OK-Button)
if ( m_deleteDocumentClasses.findIndex(documentclass) == -1 )
// remove it from the list of userclasses
// and finally remove it from the combobox
int i = m_cbDocumentClass->currentItem();
// init a new document class
m_currentClass = m_cbDocumentClass->currentText();
KILE_DEBUG() << "\tchange class: --> " << m_currentClass << endl;
void QuickDocument::slotDocumentClassChanged(int index)
KILE_DEBUG() << "==QuickDocument::slotDocumentClassChanged()============" << endl;
if ( m_cbDocumentClass->text(index).isNull() ) {
KILE_DEBUG() << "\tnull" << endl;
// get old and new document class
TQString oldclass = m_currentClass;
m_currentClass = m_cbDocumentClass->text(index);
KILE_DEBUG() << "\tchange class: " << oldclass << " --> " << m_currentClass << endl;
// save the checked options
m_dictDocumentClasses[oldclass][qd_SelectedOptions] = getClassOptions();
KILE_DEBUG() << "\tsave options: " << m_dictDocumentClasses[oldclass][qd_SelectedOptions] << endl;
// init the new document class
void QuickDocument::slotTypefaceSizeAdd()
KILE_DEBUG() << "==QuickDocument::slotTypefaceSizeAdd()============" << endl;
TQStringList list;
list << i18n("Add Fontsize")
<< "label,edit"
<< i18n("Please enter the &fontsizes (comma-separated list):")
<< TQString() // 3
if ( inputDialog(list,qd_CheckNotEmpty |qd_CheckFontsize) ) {
KILE_DEBUG() << "\tadd fontsize: " << list[3] << endl;
// save the new list of fontsizes
m_dictDocumentClasses[m_currentClass][qd_Fontsizes] = getComboxboxList(m_cbTypefaceSize);
void QuickDocument::slotTypefaceSizeDelete()
if (KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this, i18n("Do you want to remove \"%1\" from the fontsize list?").arg(m_cbPaperSize->currentText()), i18n("Remove Fontsize"))==KMessageBox::Continue)
int i=m_cbPaperSize->currentItem();
// save the new list of fontsizes
m_dictDocumentClasses[m_currentClass][qd_Fontsizes] = getComboxboxList(m_cbTypefaceSize);
void QuickDocument::slotPaperSizeAdd()
KILE_DEBUG() << "==QuickDocument::slotPaperSizeAdd()============" << endl;
TQStringList list;
list << i18n("Add Papersize")
<< "label,edit"
<< i18n("Please enter the &papersizes (comma-separated list):")
<< TQString() // 3
if ( inputDialog(list,qd_CheckNotEmpty |qd_CheckPapersize) ) {
KILE_DEBUG() << "\tadd papersize: " << list[3] << endl;
// save the new list of papersizes
m_dictDocumentClasses[m_currentClass][qd_Papersizes] = getComboxboxList(m_cbPaperSize);
void QuickDocument::slotPaperSizeDelete()
if (KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this, i18n("Do you want to remove \"%1\" from the papersize list?").arg(m_cbPaperSize->currentText()), i18n("Remove Papersize"))==KMessageBox::Continue)
int i=m_cbPaperSize->currentItem();
// save the new list of papersizes
m_dictDocumentClasses[m_currentClass][qd_Papersizes] = getComboxboxList(m_cbPaperSize);
////////////////////////////// slots: document class button //////////////////////////////
void QuickDocument::slotClassOptionAdd()
KILE_DEBUG() << "==QuickDocument::slotClassOptionAdd()============" << endl;
TQStringList list;
list << i18n("Add Option")
<< "label,edit,label,edit,checkbox"
<< i18n("Name of &option:")
<< TQString() // 3
<< i18n("&Description:")
<< TQString() // 5
<< i18n("&Select this option") // 6
if ( inputDialog(list,qd_CheckNotEmpty | qd_CheckClassOption) ) {
// get results
TQString option = list[3];
TQString description = list[5];
bool check = ( list[6] == "true" );
// add class option
KILE_DEBUG() << "\tadd option: " << option << " (" << description << ") checked=" << list[6] << endl;
TQCheckListItem *cli = new TQCheckListItem(m_lvClassOptions, option, TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
if ( check )
// update dictionary
void QuickDocument::slotClassOptionEdit()
TQListViewItem *cur = m_lvClassOptions->selectedItem();
if ( ! cur )
KILE_DEBUG() << "==QuickDocument::slotClassOptionEdit()============" << endl;
TQStringList list;
list << i18n("Edit Option")
<< "label,edit-r,label,edit"
<< i18n("Name of &option:")
<< cur->text(0)
<< i18n("&Description:")
<< stripDefault(cur->text(1)) // 5
//if ( inputDialog(list,qd_CheckNotEmpty | qd_CheckClassOption) ) {
if ( inputDialog(list) ) {
// get results
//TQString option = list[3];
TQString description = list[5];
// set changed class option
KILE_DEBUG() << "\tedit option: " << cur->text(0) << " (" << description << ")" << endl;
//cur->setText(0, option);
cur->setText(1, description);
// update dictionary
void QuickDocument::slotClassOptionDelete()
KILE_DEBUG() << "==QuickDocument::slotClassOptionDelete()============" << endl;
if (m_lvClassOptions->selectedItem() && (KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this, i18n("Do you want to delete this class option?"), i18n("Delete"))==KMessageBox::Continue)) {
TQListViewItem *cur = m_lvClassOptions->selectedItem();
KILE_DEBUG() << "\tdelete option: " << cur->text(0) << " (" << cur->text(1) << ")" << endl;
// update dictionary
void QuickDocument::slotOptionDoubleClicked(TQListViewItem *listViewItem,const TQPoint &,int)
TQCheckListItem *cli = dynamic_cast<TQCheckListItem*>(listViewItem);
if ( cli ) {
if ( ! cli->isOn() ) {
////////////////////////////// slots: packages //////////////////////////////
void QuickDocument::slotPackageAdd()
KILE_DEBUG() << "==QuickDocument::slotPackageAdd()============" << endl;
TQStringList list;
list << i18n("Add Package")
<< "label,edit,label,edit,checkbox"
<< i18n("&Package:")
<< TQString() // 3
<< i18n("&Description:")
<< TQString() // 5
<< i18n("&Select this package") // 6
if ( inputDialog(list,qd_CheckNotEmpty | qd_CheckPackage) ) {
KILE_DEBUG() << "\tadd package: " << list[3] << " (" << list[5] << ") checked=" << list[6] << endl;
TQCheckListItem *cli = new TQCheckListItem(m_lvPackages, list[3], TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
cli->setText(2, list[5]);
if ( list[6] == "true" )
void QuickDocument::slotPackageAddOption()
TQListViewItem *cur = m_lvPackages->selectedItem();
if ( !cur )
KILE_DEBUG() << "==QuickDocument::packageAddOption()============" << endl;
TQStringList list;
list << i18n("Add Option")
<< "label,edit,checkbox,label,edit,label,edit,label,edit,checkbox"
<< i18n("&Option:") + " (" + i18n("package:") + ' ' + cur->text(0) + ')'
<< TQString() // 3
<< i18n("&Editable") // 4
<< i18n("De&fault value:")
<< TQString() // 6
<< i18n("&Value:")
<< TQString() // 8
<< i18n("&Description:")
<< TQString() // 10
<< i18n("&Select this option") // 11
if ( !cur->parent() && inputDialog(list,qd_CheckNotEmpty | qd_CheckPackageOption) ) {
KILE_DEBUG() << "\tadd option: " << list[3] << " (" << list[10] << ") checked=" << list[11] << endl;
TQCheckListItem *cli;
if ( list[4] == "true" ) {
cli = insertEditableListview((TQCheckListItem *)cur,list[3],list[10],list[8],list[6]);
} else {
cli = new TQCheckListItem(cur, list[3], TQCheckListItem::CheckBox);
if ( list[11] == "true" )
void QuickDocument::slotPackageEdit()
TQListViewItem *cur = m_lvPackages->selectedItem();
if ( !cur )
KILE_DEBUG() << "==QuickDocument::slotPackageEdit()============" << endl;
bool editableOption;
TQString caption,labelText,optionname;
if ( cur->parent() ) {
// checkmode = qd_CheckPackageOption;
caption = i18n("Edit Option");
labelText = i18n("Op&tion:") + " (" + i18n("package:") + ' ' + cur->parent()->text(0) + ')';
optionname = cur->parent()->text(0) + '!' + cur->text(0);
editableOption = m_dictPackagesEditable.contains(optionname);
} else {
// checkmode = qd_CheckPackage;
caption = i18n("Edit Package");
labelText = i18n("&Package:");
optionname = TQString();
editableOption = false;
// create one of three different dialogs; edit package, edit editable option, edit option
TQStringList list;
list << caption;
if ( editableOption ) {
TQString defaultvalue = ( m_dictPackagesDefaultvalues.contains(optionname) )
? m_dictPackagesDefaultvalues[optionname]
: TQString();
TQString value = ( cur->text(1) == i18n("<default>") )
? defaultvalue : getPackagesValue(cur->text(1));
list << "label,edit-r,label,edit-r,label,edit,label,edit"
<< labelText
<< cur->text(0) // 3
<< i18n("De&fault value:")
<< defaultvalue // 5
<< i18n("&Value:")
<< value // 7
<< i18n("&Description:")
<< stripPackageDefault(optionname,cur->text(2)) // 9
} else {
list << "label,edit-r,label,edit"
<< labelText
<< cur->text(0) // 3
<< i18n("&Description:")
<< cur->text(2) // 5
if ( inputDialog(list) ) {
if ( editableOption ) {
KILE_DEBUG() << "\tedit package: "
<< list[3]
<< " (" << list[7] << ") "
<< " (" << list[9] << ")"
<< endl;
cur->setText(0, list[3]);
cur->setText(2, addPackageDefault(optionname,list[9]));
} else {
KILE_DEBUG() << "\tedit package: " << list[3] << " (" << list[5] << ")" << endl;
cur->setText(0, list[3]);
cur->setText(2, list[5]);
void QuickDocument::slotPackageDelete()
TQListViewItem *cur = m_lvPackages->selectedItem();
if ( !cur )
bool packageoption;
TQString message,optionname;
if ( cur->parent() ) {
packageoption = true;
message = i18n("Do you want do delete this package option?");
optionname = cur->parent()->text(0) + '!' + cur->text(0);
} else {
packageoption = false;
message = i18n("Do you want to delete this package?");
optionname = cur->text(0);
if (KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this, message, i18n("Delete"))==KMessageBox::Continue) {
TQListViewItem *childcur = cur->firstChild();
while (childcur) {
TQListViewItem *nextchildcur=childcur->nextSibling();
delete childcur;
childcur = nextchildcur;
delete cur;
// also delete entries for editable package option
if ( packageoption && m_dictPackagesEditable.contains(optionname) ) {
if ( m_dictPackagesDefaultvalues.contains(optionname) )
void QuickDocument::slotPackageReset()
if (KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this, i18n("Do you want to reset this package list?"), i18n("Reset Package List"))==KMessageBox::Continue)
KILE_DEBUG() << "\treset packages" << endl;
void QuickDocument::slotCheckParent(TQListViewItem *listViewItem)
TQCheckListItem *cli = dynamic_cast<TQCheckListItem*>(listViewItem);
if (cli && listViewItem->parent() && cli->isOn()) {
TQCheckListItem *cliparent=dynamic_cast<TQCheckListItem*>(listViewItem->parent());
if (cliparent)
void QuickDocument::slotPackageDoubleClicked(TQListViewItem *listViewItem,const TQPoint &,int)
if ( listViewItem && listViewItem->parent() ) {
TQCheckListItem *parentitem = dynamic_cast<TQCheckListItem*>(listViewItem->parent());
TQString option = parentitem->text(0) + '!' + listViewItem->text(0);
if ( m_dictPackagesEditable.contains(option) )
////////////////////////////// button states //////////////////////////////
void QuickDocument::slotEnableButtons()
bool enable;
enable = ( ! isStandardClass(m_currentClass) );
// add/delete button
m_btnTypefaceSizeDelete->setEnabled(enable && m_cbTypefaceSize->count()>0);
m_btnPaperSizeDelete->setEnabled(enable && m_cbPaperSize->count()>0);
// class options
enable = ( enable && (m_lvClassOptions->selectedItem() != NULL) );
// packeges
TQListViewItem *cur = m_lvPackages->selectedItem();
if ( cur && cur->text(0)!= "hyperref" ) {
if ( cur->parent() )
} else {
////////////////////////////// input dialog //////////////////////////////
// A variable input dialog, whose widgets are determind by the entries of a stringlist.
// Entry 1 is always the label for the main lineedit, entry 2 the main lineedit. All
// other objects are optionale and their return values are not checked.
// 0 : caption (input: always)
// 1 : comma separated list of TQt widgets (label,checkbox,edit,edit-r)
// 2ff : strings for TQt widgets
bool QuickDocument::inputDialog(TQStringList &list, int check)
QuickDocumentInputDialog *dialog = new QuickDocumentInputDialog(list,check,this,"inputDialog");
bool result = false;
if ( dialog->exec() ) {
result = true;
delete dialog;
return result;
QuickDocumentInputDialog::QuickDocumentInputDialog(const TQStringList &list,int check,
QuickDocument *parent,
const char *name )
: KDialogBase(parent,name,true,list[0],KDialogBase::Ok|KDialogBase::Cancel, KDialogBase::Ok, true),
TQWidget *page = new TQWidget(this);
TQVBoxLayout *vl = new TQVBoxLayout(page, 0, spacingHint());
int firstlinedit = -1;
m_description = TQStringList::split(",",list[1]);
for ( uint i=0; i<m_description.count(); ++i ) {
// create the object
if ( m_description[i] == "label" ) {
m_objectlist.append( new TQLabel(list[i+2],page) );
} else if ( m_description[i]=="checkbox" ) {
m_objectlist.append( new TQCheckBox(list[i+2],page) );
} else if ( m_description[i]=="combobox" ) {
KComboBox *combobox = new KComboBox(page);
combobox->setSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding, TQSizePolicy::Minimum);
combobox->insertStringList( TQStringList::split(",",list[i+2],true) );
if ( i>0 && m_description[i-1]=="label" )
((TQLabel *)m_objectlist[i-1])->setBuddy(combobox);
m_objectlist.append( combobox );
} else {
m_objectlist.append( new KLineEdit(list[i+2],page) );
if ( m_description[i] == "edit-r" )
((KLineEdit *)m_objectlist[i])->setReadOnly(true);
else if ( firstlinedit == -1 )
firstlinedit = i;
if ( i>0 && m_description[i-1]=="label" )
((TQLabel *)m_objectlist[i-1])->setBuddy(m_objectlist[i]);
// insert the new object into the layout
if ( firstlinedit != -1 )
void QuickDocumentInputDialog::getResults(TQStringList &list)
for ( uint i=0; i<m_description.count(); ++i ) {
if ( m_description[i] == "label" ) {
list[i+2] = ((TQLabel *)m_objectlist[i])->text();
} else if ( m_description[i] == "checkbox" ) {
list[i+2] = ( ((TQCheckBox *)m_objectlist[i])->isOn() ) ? "true" : "false";
} else if ( m_description[i] == "combobox" ) {
list[i+2] = ((KComboBox *)m_objectlist[i])->currentText();
} else {
list[i+2] = ((KLineEdit *)m_objectlist[i])->text().simplifyWhiteSpace();
// get the package name from string 'Option: (package: name)'
TQString QuickDocumentInputDialog::getPackageName(const TQString &text)
TQRegExp reg( i18n("package:") + " ([^\\)]+)" );
return ( >= 0 ) ? reg.cap(1) : TQString();
bool QuickDocumentInputDialog::checkListEntries(const TQString &title, const TQString &textlist,
const TQString &pattern)
// split entries (one or a comma separated list)
TQStringList list = TQStringList::split(",",textlist);
for ( uint i=0; i<list.count(); ++i ) {
TQString s = list[i].stripWhiteSpace();
// entries must match a regular expression
TQRegExp reg(pattern);
if ( ! reg.exactMatch(s) ) {
KMessageBox::error( this, i18n("%1 '%2' is not allowed.").arg(title).arg(s) );
return false;
return true;
// check the main result of the input dialog
void QuickDocumentInputDialog::slotOk()
if ( m_check ) {
// get the label and main input string from the first label/linedit
TQString inputlabel = ((TQLabel *)m_objectlist[0])->text();
TQString input = ((KLineEdit *)m_objectlist[1])->text().simplifyWhiteSpace();
// should we check for an empty string
if ( (m_check & qd_CheckNotEmpty) && input.isEmpty() ) {
KMessageBox::error( this, i18n("An empty string is not allowed.") );
// should we check for an existing document class
if ( m_check & qd_CheckDocumentClass ) {
if ( m_parent->isDocumentClass(input) ) {
KMessageBox::error( this, i18n("This document class already exists.") );
TQRegExp reg("\\w+");
if ( ! reg.exactMatch(input) ) {
KMessageBox::error( this, i18n("This is not an allowed name for a document class.") );
// should we check for an existing document class option
if ( (m_check & qd_CheckClassOption) && m_parent->isDocumentClassOption(input) ) {
KMessageBox::error( this, i18n("This document class option already exists.") );
// should we check for an existing package
if ( (m_check & qd_CheckPackage) && m_parent->isPackage(input) ) {
KMessageBox::error( this, i18n("This package already exists.") );
// should we check for an existing package option
if ( m_check & qd_CheckPackageOption ) {
TQString package = getPackageName(inputlabel);
if ( package.isEmpty() ) {
KMessageBox::error( this, i18n("Could not identify the package name.") );
if ( m_parent->isPackageOption(package,input) ) {
KMessageBox::error( this, i18n("This package option already exists.") );
// should we check for a (list of) fontsizes
if ( (m_check & qd_CheckFontsize) && !checkListEntries("Fontsize",input,"\\d+pt") ) {
// should we check for a (list of) papersizes
if ( (m_check & qd_CheckPapersize) && !checkListEntries("Papersize",input,"\\w+") ) {
} // namespace
#include "quickdocumentdialog.moc"