/*************************************************************************** begin : mon 3-11 20:40:00 CEST 2003 copyright : (C) 2003 by Jeroen Wijnhout email : Jeroen.Wijnhout@kdemail.net ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "kiletool.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kileconfig.h" #include "kileuntitled.h" #include "kiletool_enums.h" #include "kilestdtools.h" //for the factory #include "kiletoolmanager.h" #include "kiledocmanager.h" #include "kileinfo.h" #include "kiledocumentinfo.h" #include "kileproject.h" namespace KileTool { Base::Base(const TQString &name, Manager * manager, bool prepare /* = true */) : m_manager(manager), m_name(name), m_from(TQString()), m_to(TQString()), m_target(TQString()), m_basedir(TQString()), m_relativedir(TQString()), m_targetdir(TQString()), m_source(TQString()), m_S(TQString()), m_options(TQString()), m_resolution(TQString()), m_launcher(0L), m_quickie(false), m_bPrepareToRun(prepare) { m_manager->initTool(this); m_flags = NeedTargetDirExec | NeedTargetDirWrite | NeedActiveDoc | NeedMasterDoc | NoUntitledDoc | NeedSourceExists | NeedSourceRead; setMsg(NeedTargetDirExec, i18n("Could not change to the folder %1.")); setMsg(NeedTargetDirWrite, i18n("The folder %1 is not writable, therefore %2 will not be able to save its results.")); setMsg(NeedTargetExists, i18n("The file %1/%2 does not exist. If you're surprised, check the file permissions.")); setMsg(NeedTargetRead, i18n("The file %1/%2 is not readable. If you're surprised, check the file permissions.")); setMsg(NeedActiveDoc, i18n("Could not determine on which file to run %1, because there is no active document.")); setMsg(NeedMasterDoc, i18n("Could not determine the master file for this document.")); setMsg(NoUntitledDoc, i18n("Please save the untitled document first.")); setMsg(NeedSourceExists, i18n("Sorry, the file %1 does not exist.")); setMsg(NeedSourceRead, i18n("Sorry, the file %1 is not readable.")); m_bPrepared = false; } Base::~Base() { KILE_DEBUG() << "DELETING TOOL: " << name() << endl; delete m_launcher; } const TQString Base::source(bool absolute /* = true */) const { if (m_source.isNull()) return TQString(); TQString src = m_source; if (absolute) src = m_basedir + '/' + src; return src; } void Base::setMsg(long n, const TQString & msg) { m_messages[n] = msg; } void Base::translate(TQString &str) { TQDictIterator it(*paramDict()); for( it.toFirst() ; it.current(); ++it ) { // KILE_DEBUG() << "translate " << str << " /// key=" << it.currentKey() << " value=" << *(it.current()) << endl; str.replace(it.currentKey(), *( it.current() ) ); } } void Base::prepareToRun(const TQString &cfg) { KILE_DEBUG() << "==Base::prepareToRun()=======" << endl; m_bPrepared = true; m_nPreparationResult = Running; //configure me if (!configure(cfg)) { m_nPreparationResult = ConfigureFailed; m_bPrepared = false; return; } //install a launcher if (!installLauncher()) { m_nPreparationResult = NoLauncherInstalled; m_bPrepared = false; return; } if (!determineSource()) { m_nPreparationResult = NoValidSource; m_bPrepared = false; return; } if (!determineTarget()) { m_nPreparationResult = NoValidTarget; m_bPrepared = false; return; } if ( m_launcher == 0 ) { m_nPreparationResult = NoLauncherInstalled; m_bPrepared = false; return; } m_launcher->setWorkingDirectory(workingDir()); //fill in the dictionary addDict("%options", m_options); m_resolution = KileConfig::dvipngResolution() ; addDict("%res",m_resolution); } int Base::run() { KILE_DEBUG() << "==KileTool::Base::run()=================" << endl; if ( m_nPreparationResult != 0 ) return m_nPreparationResult; if (!checkSource()) return NoValidSource; if (!checkTarget()) return TargetHasWrongPermissions; if (!checkPrereqs()) return NoValidPrereqs; //everything ok so far emit(requestSaveAll(false, true)); emit(start(this)); if (!m_launcher->launch()) { KILE_DEBUG() << "\tlaunching failed" << endl; if (!m_launcher->selfCheck()) return SelfCheckFailed; else return CouldNotLaunch; } KILE_DEBUG() << "\trunning..." << endl; return Running; } bool Base::determineSource() { TQString src = source(); //the basedir is determined from the current compile target //determined by getCompileName() if (src.isNull()) src = m_ki->getCompileName(); setSource(src); return true; } bool Base::checkSource() { //FIXME deal with tools that do not need a source or target (yes they exist) //Is there an active document? Only check if the source file is not explicitly set. if ( (m_source.isNull()) && (m_manager->info()->activeTextDocument() == 0L) ) { sendMessage(Error, msg(NeedActiveDoc).arg(name())); return false; } if ( (m_source.isNull()) && (m_manager->info()->activeTextDocument() != 0L) ) { //couldn't find a source file, huh? //we know there is an active document, the only reason is could have failed is because //we couldn't find a LaTeX root document sendMessage(Error, msg(NeedMasterDoc)); return false; } if ( KileUntitled::isUntitled(m_source) && (flags() & NoUntitledDoc) ) { sendMessage(Error, msg(NoUntitledDoc)); emit(requestSaveAll()); return false; } TQFileInfo fi(source()); if ( (flags() & NeedSourceExists) && !fi.exists() ) { sendMessage(Error, msg(NeedSourceExists).arg(fi.absFilePath())); return false; } if ( (flags() & NeedSourceRead) && !fi.isReadable() ) { sendMessage(Error, msg(NeedSourceRead).arg(fi.absFilePath())); return false; } return true; } void Base::setSource(const TQString &source) { m_from = readEntry("from"); TQFileInfo info(source); if (!m_from.isNull()) { TQString src = source; if ( (m_from.length() > 0) && (info.extension(false).length() > 0) ) src.replace(TQRegExp(info.extension(false) + '$'), m_from); info.setFile(src); } m_basedir = info.dirPath(true); m_source = info.fileName(); m_S = info.baseName(true); addDict("%dir_base", m_basedir); addDict("%source", m_source); addDict("%S",m_S); KILE_DEBUG() << "===KileTool::Base::setSource()==============" << endl; KILE_DEBUG() << "using " << source << endl; KILE_DEBUG() << "source="< 0) m_target = S() + '.' + to(); else m_target = source(false); } if ( m_relativedir.isNull() && (!readEntry("relDir").isEmpty()) ) { m_relativedir = readEntry("relDir"); } KURL url = KURL::fromPathOrURL(m_basedir); url.addPath(m_relativedir); url.cleanPath(); m_targetdir = url.path(); setTarget(m_target); setTargetDir(m_targetdir); KILE_DEBUG() << "==KileTool::Base::determineTarget()=========" << endl; KILE_DEBUG() << "\tm_targetdir=" << m_targetdir << endl; KILE_DEBUG() << "\tm_target=" << m_target << endl; return true; } bool Base::checkTarget() { //check if the target directory is accessible TQFileInfo info(m_targetdir); if ( (flags() & NeedTargetDirExec ) && (! info.isExecutable()) ) { sendMessage(Error, msg(NeedTargetDirExec).arg(m_targetdir)); return false; } if ((flags() & NeedTargetDirWrite) && (! info.isWritable()) ) { sendMessage(Error, msg(NeedTargetDirWrite).arg(m_targetdir).arg(m_name)); return false; } info.setFile(m_targetdir + '/' + m_target); if ( (flags() & NeedTargetExists) && ( ! info.exists() )) { sendMessage(Error, msg(NeedTargetExists).arg(m_targetdir).arg(m_target)); return false; } if ( (flags() & NeedTargetRead) && ( ! info.isReadable() )) { sendMessage(Error, msg(NeedTargetRead).arg(m_targetdir).arg(m_target)); return false; } return true; } void Base::setTarget(const TQString &target) { m_target = target; addDict("%target", m_target); } void Base::setTargetDir(const TQString &target) { m_targetdir = target; addDict("%dir_target", m_targetdir); } void Base::setTargetPath(const TQString &target) { TQFileInfo fi(target); setTarget(fi.fileName()); setTargetDir(fi.dirPath(true)); } bool Base::checkPrereqs() { return true; } bool Base::configure(const TQString &cfg) { return m_manager->configure(this, cfg); } void Base::stop() { if (m_launcher) m_launcher->kill(); //emit(done(this, Aborted)); } bool Base::finish(int result) { KILE_DEBUG() << "==KileTool::Base::finish()==============" << endl; if (sender()) { KILE_DEBUG() << "\tcalled by " << sender()->name() << " " << sender()->className() << endl; } if ( result == Aborted ) sendMessage(Error, "Aborted"); if ( result == Success ) sendMessage(Info,"Done!"); KILE_DEBUG() << "\temitting done(Base*, int) " << name() << endl; emit(done(this, result)); //we will only get here if the done() signal is not connected to the manager (who will destroy this object) if (result == Success) return true; else return false; } void Base::installLauncher(Launcher *lr) { if(m_launcher != lr) delete m_launcher; m_launcher = lr; //lr->setParamDict(paramDict()); lr->setTool(this); connect(lr, TQT_SIGNAL(message(int, const TQString &)), this, TQT_SLOT(sendMessage(int, const TQString &))); connect(lr, TQT_SIGNAL(output(const TQString &)), this, TQT_SLOT(filterOutput(const TQString &))); connect(lr, TQT_SIGNAL(done(int)), this, TQT_SLOT(finish(int))); } bool Base::installLauncher() { if (m_launcher) return true; TQString type = readEntry("type"); KILE_DEBUG() << "installing launcher of type " << type << endl; Launcher *lr = 0; if ( type == "Process" ) { lr = new ProcessLauncher(); } else if ( type == "Konsole" ) { lr = new KonsoleLauncher(); } else if ( type == "Part" ) { lr = new PartLauncher(); } else if ( type == "DocPart" ) { lr = new DocPartLauncher(); } if (lr) { installLauncher(lr); return true; } else { m_launcher = 0; return false; } } void Base::sendMessage(int type, const TQString &msg) { emit(message(type, msg, name())); } void Base::filterOutput(const TQString & str) { //here you have the change to filter the output and do some error extraction for example //this should be done by a OutputFilter class //idea: store the buffer until a complete line (or more) has been received then parse these lines //just send the buf immediately to the output widget, the results of the parsing are displayed in //the log widget anyway. emit(output(str)); } bool Base::addDict(const TQString & key, const TQString & value) { bool e = (paramDict()->find(key) == 0); paramDict()->replace(key, &value); return e; } bool Base::needsUpdate(const TQString &target, const TQString &source) { KILE_DEBUG() << "==Base::needsUpdate(" << target << "," << source << endl; TQFileInfo targetinfo(target); TQFileInfo sourceinfo(source); TQDateTime currDateTime = TQDateTime::currentDateTime(); if ( !(sourceinfo.exists() && sourceinfo.isReadable()) ) { KILE_DEBUG() << "\treturning false: source doesn't exist" << endl; return false; } if ( ! targetinfo.exists() ) { KILE_DEBUG() << "\treturning true: target doesn't exist" << endl; return true; } KILE_DEBUG() << "\ttarget: " << targetinfo.lastModified().toString() << endl; KILE_DEBUG() << "\tsource: " << sourceinfo.lastModified().toString() << endl; if( targetinfo.lastModified() > currDateTime ){ KILE_DEBUG() << "targetinfo.lastModifiedTime() is in the future" << endl; return false; } else if( sourceinfo.lastModified() > currDateTime ){ KILE_DEBUG() << "sourceinfo.lastModifiedTime() is in the future" << endl; return false; } KILE_DEBUG() << "\treturning " << (targetinfo.lastModified() < sourceinfo.lastModified()) << endl; return targetinfo.lastModified() < sourceinfo.lastModified(); } Compile::Compile(const TQString &name, Manager * manager, bool prepare /*= true*/) : Base(name, manager, prepare) { setFlags( flags() | NeedTargetDirExec | NeedTargetDirWrite); } Compile::~Compile() {} bool Compile::checkSource() { if ( !Base::checkSource() ) return false; bool isRoot = true; KileDocument::TextInfo *docinfo = manager()->info()->docManager()->textInfoFor(source()); if (docinfo) isRoot = (readEntry("checkForRoot") == "yes") ? docinfo->isLaTeXRoot() : true; if (!isRoot) { return manager()->queryContinue(i18n("The document %1 is not a LaTeX root document; continue anyway?").arg(source()), i18n("Continue?")); } return true; } View::View(const TQString &name, Manager * manager, bool prepare /*= true*/) : Base(name, manager, prepare) { setFlags( NeedTargetDirExec | NeedTargetExists | NeedTargetRead); KILE_DEBUG() << "View: flag " << (flags() & NeedTargetExists) << endl; setMsg(NeedTargetExists, i18n("The file %2/%3 does not exist; did you compile the source file?")); } View::~View() { } Archive::Archive(const TQString &name, Manager * manager, bool prepare /* = true*/) : Base(name, manager,prepare) { setFlags( NeedTargetDirExec | NeedTargetDirWrite ); } Archive::~Archive() {} bool Archive::checkPrereqs() { if(m_project == 0L) { sendMessage(Error,i18n("The current document is not associated to a project. Please activate a document that is associated to the project you want to archive, then choose Archive again.")); return false; } else if(m_fileList.isEmpty()) { sendMessage(Error,i18n("No files have been chosen for archiving.")); return false; } else return true; } void Archive::setSource(const TQString &source) { KURL url = KURL::fromPathOrURL(source); m_project = manager()->info()->docManager()->projectFor(url); if ( !m_project ) m_project = manager()->info()->docManager()->activeProject(); if ( !m_project ) m_project = manager()->info()->docManager()->selectProject(i18n("Archive Project")); if ( !m_project ) { Base::setSource(source); return; } manager()->info()->docManager()->projectSave(m_project); Base::setSource(m_project->url().path()); m_fileList = m_project->archiveFileList(); addDict("%AFL", m_fileList); KILE_DEBUG() << "===KileTool::Archive::setSource("<< source << ")==============" << endl; KILE_DEBUG() << "m_fileList="<factory()->create(tl, false); //create tool with delayed preparation if (tool) { KILE_DEBUG() << "===tool created with name " << tool->name() << endl; if ( ! (manager()->info()->watchFile() && tool->isViewer() ) ) { KILE_DEBUG() << "\tqueueing " << tl << "(" << cfg << ") with " << source() << endl; tool->setSource(source()); manager()->run(tool, cfg); } } else { sendMessage(Error, i18n("Unknown tool %1.").arg(tools[i])); emit(done(this, Failed)); return ConfigureFailed; } } emit(done(this,Silent)); return Success; } } #include "kiletool.moc"