TeX Live">
The &kile; HandbookJonathanPechtaFedericoZenithzenith@chemeng.ntnu.noHolgerDanielssonholger.danielsson@versanet.deThomasBraunMichelLudwigmichel.ludwig@kdemail.net2003Jonathan Pechta200320052006Federico Zenith20052006Holger Danielsson2007Thomas Braun2007Michel LudwigNovember 19, 20072.0
&kile; is a &tex; and &latex; source editor and shell.
KDEkdenonbetaKileLaTeXTeXPrefaceRequirementsTo Run &kile;, you will be required to have the following components
installed on your system:K Desktop environment (&kde;):
&kde; is a popular open-source desktop environment.Qt: Qt is a C++
GUI and network library needed to compile &kile;.&latex;: high-quality document
typesetting program. Most likely you want the &texlive; (or on older systems the &tetex;) package, if you are on a
Unix-like system.Most of these items might be included in your Linux distribution; please refer to your
distribution documentation, or refer to your installation CD or DVD, for adding these
packages to your computer.The &kile; project includes several binary packages of &kile; for different distributions that can be easily
installed and run without having to compile; check out the &kile;
homepage.Intended AudienceThis manual is intended for any individual, regardless of her or his experience with
&latex;, &kde;, &kile; or Linux.Advanced users are not likely to read this manual, but all suggestions on
documentation will be considered. If you would like to contribute to this project or the
documentation, please consult the &kile; web page.Need answers about &kile;? Are you stuck with your compile? Want to see a new
feature? The preferred way to ask technical questions or start a discussion is to
use our mailing list: factsAbout &kile;&kile; is an integrated &latex; environment for the &kde; desktop. &kile; gives you the
ability to use all the functionalities of &latex; in a graphical interface, giving you easy,
immediate, and customized access to all programs for &latex; codecompletion, compiling, postprocessing,
debugging, conversion and viewing tools; you also get very handy wizards, a &latex;
reference and a powerful project management.What is &latex;&latex; is a text-processing system derived from &tex;, a program developed originally in
1977 by Donald Knuth to help him layout his work professionally, obtaining a work similar
to a typesetter's; the typesetter is the professional that styles a document's look according to
specifications for the type of document.
&latex; was created by Leslie Lamport to give authors an automatic typesetter, especially when
it came to the expensive and painstaking typesetting of mathematical formulas and expressions,
that by no chance are enclosed in dollar signs in &latex;.
Today, word-processing programs let any user be the typesetter; but what you often want
is a document that looks good, not one that you spent hours on to make it look good.
&latex; takes that burden, and lets you think of the document, not of the layout. And yes,
it will look good!How do you pronounce it? Why that strange typesetting?There is a funny traditions of &tex;-related packages to have the strangest pronunciation
and typesetting possible. &tex; was supposed to be brought in from the Greek τεχ,
in Latin letters tech. There are a lot of explanations why, but most likely it is because
&tex; was originally conceived for technical reports, and indeed its foremost ability was the correct and
easy typesetting of mathematical formulae, then an extremely expensive, time-consuming and
frustrating business.The pronunciation is supposed to be as follows: T as you would expect,
E as in get, and X as in the
German ich. If you do not know what ch sounds like,
it is more or less as an hissing cat; the IPA symbol is /ç/. Many people report the different pronunciation
of ach (IPA symbol /x/), but I have personally asked some Greeks, and can
confirm the first version. You should be aware that a lot of people mispronounce /teks/ or /tek/.Last, in &latex; the first LA is pronounced as
lay: the idea is that, while raw &tex; is difficult, even a layman
can use &latex; macros. A less inspiring, but more realistic explanation is that it stems from the surname of
Leslie Lamport, the creator of &latex;. Now you know!&latex; 101The &latex; typesetting system is similar to other markup languages as XML, used for
many types of documents (including the one you are reading), or HTML, used for web
pages. The general idea is about having specially wrapped keywords, called
tags, that tell a program (a word processor, a web browser, or the &latex;
compiler) how to present text. &kile; offers you a good number of such tags in the
menu LaTeX in the menu bar.While we will try to give you a good idea of what &latex; is, this is not The Definitive
Book on &latex;. If you want to learn &latex; well, you may want to loan a book in your
library. The writer has had a good experience with A Guide to &latex; by H. Kopka
and P. W. Daly, and still keeps it on the shelf.As other markup languages, &latex; contains a preamble, which
sets global commands, such as paper size, page numbering, dimensions of the text on the page,
and a body, that contains the document text; the preamble contains
at least the \documentclass command, and precedes the body, that
starts with the command \begin{document}, and is quite predictably
concluded by the command \end{document}.&kile;'s Main FeaturesQuickStart WizardThe QuickStart wizard built into &kile; is a useful feature to quickly start creating documents
in &kile;. Choosing the wizard from the menubar gives you several choices
for the creation of your document.
You can also specify some options related to the document right away.Class options:Document Class: choose the type of document you want to create:
article, book, letter, report, scrartcl, scrreprt, scrbook, prosper, beamer or other
custom-defined.Typeface Size: tell &kile; what point size (pt)
you want to use.Paper Size: choose the size or style of sheets.Encoding: In general it is a good idea to use your systems standard
encoding. Modern systems now move more and more to UTF-8 as the standard encoding.
If you can, use utf8x (which is indeed the correct spelling for &latex; documents).
Other options: this allows you to set further options such as printing,
draft, and others.PackagesThis lists some of the most common additional packages used in &latex;. Select the checkbox to include it.Document PropertiesAuthor: put your name here.Title: add the document title here.Date: specify the date.Predefined TemplatesThe predefined templates in &kile; are:Empty document: real freaks start from scratch!Article: sets the article format, for a document short enough not to
be broken down to chapters.Report: sets the report format, for a middle-sized document, with for
example page numbering on the page's outer edge.Book: sets the book format, a full-fledged flavor, so powerful that
it is used to write many university textbooks.Letter: sets the letter format, that can automatically do those nasty
indentations that nobody really remembers.Beamer,HA-Prosper: create nice presentations in PDF with a superior look and all
&latex; power.Scrartcl,Scrbook,Scrreprt,Scrlttr2: the KOMA-Script document classes,
especially adapted to german typography. Use them whenever you write german
texts.New users need not to worry, this list is just a brief description of features,
and more attention will be paid to complete these tasks in detail later in
.Syntax Highlighting&kile; is similar to programs that deal with source code and editing, and will
automatically highlight commands, options and items that are used (and abused).
&kile; makes it possible to spot easily problem areas: for example, if you see major
areas of text turned green, it is likely that you forgot closing a math environment somewhere;
you would have noticed anyway by how crappy the output file would have looked, but
highlighting really saves you time and frustration.Auto-Completion of EnvironmentsThe auto-completion of environments means that, when you begin a new environment by typing
\begin{environment}, &kile; will automatically insert a matching
\end{environment} command, with a line in between them
for your text. You can of course deactivate it if you want in
SettingsConfigure Kile...LaTeXEnvironments.Jump to Structure ElementAll documents are normally structured in a hierarchy of some type.
&latex; allows you to break up documents into the following hierarchy
(part being highest in the hierarchy, and subparagraph being lowest):\part\chapter\section\subsection\subsubsection\paragraph\subparagraphWhen viewing a document in the Structure view, you can jump
between elements by clicking on the element you would like to view.Inverse SearchWhen creating your own &latex; files, inverse search can be very helpful. Once you
have created a DVI file (DeVice Independent File), you can click the middle-
mouse button in the DVI viewer and &kile; will jump to the corresponding line in the
&latex; source code.A DVI is a type of file containing a
description of a formatted document, along with other
information including character font, and is besides PDF the usual output of
&tex; or &latex;. A number of utilities exist to view, convert and print DVI files on
various systems and devices.Forward SearchWhen using inverse search, the selection of items in the DVI file is associated with
the editor, so when you click on the DVI file, the main window jumps to the
corresponding section of &latex; code in the editor. Forward search is the exact
opposite of this. Forward search will allow you to click on a specific section of text
in the &latex; code, and jump to the associated position in the DVI viewer window.The ToolbarNew: begin a new document.Open: open a new document.Close: close your document.Define document as master: this is used when working with multiple files.
Having a master document will let you work more easily with other .tex files included
in your document. If you are using projects, you can also set in Project->Project
Options a project-wide master document.Quickbuild: compiles your &latex; source code and displays the results
automatically, unless you have code errors.Watch file mode: this mode will "watch" the DVI file for changes, and
will not launch a new session of &kdvi; after Quickbuild.View logfile: views the .log file,
so you can spot errors.Previous error: jumps backward through the
.log file
and highlights errors in source.Next error: jumps forward through
.log file and
highlights errors in source.Stop: halts current tool.LaTeX: runs &latex; on the active document.View DVI: launches DVI viewer.DVI to PS: converts a DVI to a &postscript; (PS).View PS: launches &postscript; (PS) viewer.PDFLaTeX: runs &pdflatex; on the active document.View PDF: launches the PDF viewer.DVI to PDF: converts a DVI to a PDF.PS to PDF: converts a PS to a PDF.View HTML: views HTML created.Kdvi Forward Search: jump to page that corresponds to the current line in the
editor.If you look at the Edit toolbar, you will notice three large
drop-down menus. The drop-down menus were designed for you to be able to quickly add
certain common features into your document. The first drop-down box
is used for quickly dividing your document by parts, chapter, sections and so on; the
available commands to add segments to your &latex; source code are:part: highest level of sectioning for a document.chapter: starts a new chapter.section: create a new section.subsection: create a new subsection.subsubsection: a secondary section between subsection and
paragraph.paragraph: create a new paragraph.subparagraph: create a new subparagraph.The drop-down box named label is used to insert items to your document such as
indexes, footnotes, and references; the available commands are:label: a command that produces a label for a chapter,
a figure or another element.index: creates an entry for the index.footnote: creates a footnote in your document.ref: used to refer to a predefined label, which
you can choose from a drop-down list.pageref: just like ref, but refers to
a page instead of a structure element.cite: create a reference with data from a bibliography.cite from ViewBib: ask the ViewBib tool for all selected references and insert them.
Currently this is only avaible with &kbib; as ViewBib tool.The Label drop-down menuThe Label drop-down menu
The Label drop-down menu
Selecting the label for a referenceSelecting the label for a reference
Selecting the label for a reference
When using cite, you are presented with a drop-down
list of bibitems, but if you are using &bibtex; this will only work if the file
belongs to a Project. For editing &bibtex; files the usage of specialised editors is recommened.
The author has made good experience with &kbibtex; and &kbib;. Of course you can also write the &bibtex; files by hand inside &kile;.The last drop-down box labeled tiny is used to set the size of the text. You can
set the size of the main text, of footnotes, and so on. The available commands are:tiny: smallest.scriptsize: very small.footnotesize: smaller.small: small.normalsize: normal.large: large.Large: larger.LARGE: even larger.huge: still larger.Huge: largest.QuickstartWriting a &latex; Document with &kile; for BeginnersUsers of &kile; have two choices when starting a new document: they can use the
Wizard to begin a new document, select the type of document they
would like to create and options such as font size, paper size, and so on; otherwise,
they can write the code by hand.
Here is a bunch of text coded in \LaTeX.
\end{document}Every document in &latex; begins with the command
\documentclass[optional argument]{class}, where class specifies the document type.Typing in the code example above from the text box gives you the following output:Compiled text in DVI outputCompiled text in DVI output
Compiled text in DVI output
The brackets that come after the command \documentclass
contain the options for the command. The option [12pt] sets the size
of the font for your article; if you do not set the font size in the beginning, you can set
it later in the text.Once you have typed in the code example from the box above, you will need to
compile your &latex; source code. The easiest way for you to compile &latex; is to
use the Build menu, or using the Quickbuild button.&Alt;2
is the keyboard shortcut to compile your source code.You have to save your source code before you can compile; &kile; will do this automatically for you.If your document did not compile, check the log for errors. When using the Quickbuild
key, the &kdvi; viewer should be launched automatically; if it does not, look at the log.EnvironmentsAn environment is a segment of text that is managed differently
than the rest of the document. For example, you create a report with font size 12,
but you need to change your font size for a few sentences. The commands
\begin{environment}, \huge and
\end{environment} will let you temporarily alter the text inside
the environment commands to be size huge.Changes are only effective from \begin{environment} to
\end{environment}. There are no limits as how many changes
you can make inside an environment.There are many features you can add to your document that will make it more
readable and user-friendly. You can add features such as specific fonts, bold, italics,
underline etc. to your document, and these commands will end with either an
\end command, or at the end of your environment.\begin{emph}: this command makes
text italicized, and is valid until the code comes across a \end{emph},
\end{emph} or another environment. To italicize one word in a sentence, you
can use the syntax: this is \emph{my} sentence.\textbf{I am making this text inside the brackets bold}: this
command makes your text bold.\quote: to create a quote inside your document; begin your quote
with \begin{quote} and end it with \end{quote}.\center: centers the text.\verse: creates offset text for poems.\itemize: makes an itemized list.Using &kile;Now that we have given you some background about how to write code using the
&latex; markup language, we will show you how to create a document
using &kile; step-by-step.Start &kile;.Select WizardQuick Start,
then choose a format, and set your preferences in the wizard.Once the wizard has entered text, do some customization to make the
document more readable, add a minimum of one quote, some bold text,
italics, and a verse to see the difference between the commands.Save your file, and give it the name intro.tex.Build your document using &Alt;2, or the
button labeled LaTeX.Select View DVI.Check out all your new text.When you are done viewing your document, click the Editor View
button or press &Ctrl;e
to return to the editor if you are using the embedded
viewer, or close the viewer window if you are using a separate viewer.That's it! You have just created your first &latex; document!Once you have created your DVI, you will be able to print your document, or change
it into a &postscript; or PDF file if you want. Experiment and have fun!DVI FilesDVI stands for DeVice Independent file. These files are produced
by &tex; or &latex; to be read by a driver of some sort on your computer. There are many different types of output that
a .dvi can be sent to, such as a printer, &postscript; or PDF file converter, or your computer screen.Viewing a DVIYou have already seen how to view a DVI file on the screen by using the View
DVI button in the toolbar.Printing a DVITo print a DVI, you can use the same process that you used to create your
document earlier (see ). At step 7, after
clicking View DVI, select
in the viewer, and if you have your printer properly configured, you will be able
to print the DVI.Converting DVI filesThe toolbar gives the options of Converting a DVI to other formats. Once you
have created a DVI from your &latex; source code, you will be able to export it
to a format of your choice using the toolbar buttons.Forward Search between &kile; and &kdvi;The forward search functions allow you to jump from your
editor directly into the associated position of the &DVI;
file. &kile; offers a configuration with this option for all &latex; binaries.
Go to SettingsConfigure Kile...ToolsBuild
and always choose the Modern configuration.To execute a forward search, position the cursor on a line of source code, and click
Kdvi Forward Search to jump to the associated position
in the DVI viewer window.Inverse Search between &kile; and &kdvi;Inverse search is a very useful feature when you are writing
a &latex; document yourself. If everything is set up properly, you can
click into &kdvi;'s window with the &MMB; (on some systems,
when you do not have a three-button mouse, you can simultaneously
use the left and the
right button). After that kile load the &latex; source file and jump to
the proper paragraph. To use inverse search, you have to compile your &latex; file with the Modern configuration.Inverse search cannot work unless:The source file has been compiled successfully.&kdvi; knows which editor you would like to use.With this feature of &kdvi;, a middle mouse click in the DVI document will
result in &kile; opening the corresponding &latex; document and attempt to go to the
corresponding line. Remember to tell &kdvi; to use &kile; as a text editor, in &kdvi;'s
menu item SettingsDVI Options....Configuring &kdvi;Configuring &kdvi;
Configuring &kdvi;
Resolving ErrorsIf you are trying to use quickbuild, and the DVI viewer does not open, chances are
you have an error. If you have an error, it will be visible in the log file / message area,
and the summary of the error will be given.The log file will explain the source of the error in your code. In the
editor, you can use the buttons in the toolbar labeled Previous LaTeX Error
and Next LaTeX Error to jump to and from errors. The log file always states
in which line the error occurred. To view the line where an error occurred, click on the error
in the log window, and &kile; will take you to error's line.Starting a New DocumentWhen you click the button in the toolbar to begin a new document a dialog appears,
asking which type of template you would like to use to write your document. The
default choices are:Empty documentArticleBeamerBookHA-ProsperLetterReportScrartcl (from the KOMA-Script package)Scrbook (from the KOMA-Script package)Scrlttr2 (from the KOMA-Script package)Scrreprt (from the KOMA-Script package)If you selected an Empty document, you can either start
writing a document from scratch, or you can use the wizard to quickly start a new
document (see ).TemplatesFrequent users of &latex; typically use the same preamble for almost every document they use.
Templates can be created, saved and loaded within &kile; to make it easier to start a new document.Create a New TemplateTo create a new template, you must first either open a &tex; / &latex; file, or create a file
of your own. &kile; can generate a template from an existing document by opening the desired document and selecting
FileCreate Template from Document.Configuring Automatic SubstitutionsWhen creating a new document by selecting a template from
certain character combinations will be replaced by data such as your name,
or the character encoding your are using. These variables can be configured in
SettingsConfigure Kile...SettingsGeneral.When designing your own template, it is useful to known which character
combinations are replaced by which template variables:$$AUTHOR$$: This string
will be replaced by the author variable.$$DOCUMENTCLASSOPTIONS$$: This string will be replaced
by the documentclass options variable. Typically this is used as follows:
\documentclass[$$DOCUMENTCLASSOPTIONS$$]{article}.$$INPUTENCODING$$: If the
inputencoding variable is set to, say, latin1 this string is replaced by
\input[latin1]{inputenc}.Create a Template from the WizardThe easiest way to create a new template is to start the wizard,
and then add commands in the editor. Once you have your
document set up the way you like:Save your file;Go to File;Choose Create Template from Document;Make any corrections necessary to the template;Enter a name for your new template;Click OK to add your template to the menu.Next time you start up a new document, you will be able to choose
your customized template instead of the default ones.Creating a Template from any FileA template can be created from any &latex; file. If you are looking for an easy way to
configure a template, go find one you like on the Internet and follow the same steps
listed in .For instance, you may want to create a full-fledged A0 poster. These posters are usually seen
at scientific conferences, and &latex; will help you making an attractive, catchy poster. You can get a
template for A0 posters at Jonathan Marchini's
home page, but many more are available. Remember that you will need the a0poster
package, which is normally not in standard tex distributions included. Download it from
here and place it in the same directory as your &latex; file.Removing a TemplateTo remove a template from &kile;, do as follows:Go to FileRemove
Template...;A dialog box will appear with all templates listed: select a template;Click OK, and your template will be removed.Templates marked with an asterisk (*) cannot be removed without the proper permission.Editing &latex; DocumentsThe internal editor that &kile; uses is &kate;.
Kate is a text editor created for programmers, which incorporates the ability to read
and highlight many different types of text files, among which are &latex; and &bibtex;; you can access
many options for &kate; directly from &kile;'s Tools menu.To learn more about &kate; and its capabilities, see the Kate Handbook.
&kile; users can start reading from the chapter Working with the Kate Editor.The &latex; Reference&kile; features a very practical &latex; tag reference, which you can access
by choosing HelpLaTeX
Reference. It contains a thorough description
of almost all the commands that you may use in &latex; and their syntax.Cursor MovementsTo select text, you have the following options:Hold left mouse button, and drag mouse to highlight text.Click once on a word to move the cursor to a new area.Click twice on a word to select the whole word.Click twice on a word and pressing &Ctrl; to select the whole tex word.
This means clicking in this way on \par from \par\bigskip only select \par.Click three times to select the whole sentence.Holding the left mouse button, and dragging the text you want to select,
automatically copies the selected text to the clipboard.Holding shift and using the arrow keys allows you to select portions of the source
code in the editor window.BracketsBracket completion is a visual tool that the editor view uses to indicate you
which bracket matches which. If you open any .tex file,
and select any bracket, whether it be a parenthesis (), square brackets [] or braces {}, the
editor will highlight the bracket and its match in yellow (this default color can be changed).
So, for example, if you position the cursor on the braces in
\section{Introduction}, you would see
\section{Introduction} in the default yellow highlight,
showing you the location of the beginning and ending brackets.Highlighting&kile; has the ability to look for and highlight different types of code. For example, &latex; commands
are distinguished from normal text, and math formulas are highlighted also in a different color.BulletsMany wizards can insert optional bullets, a special kind of bookmarks within the text. The
menu entries EditBullets or
the corresponding keyboards shortcuts will allow you to jump to the next or last bullet.
This will also highlight this bullet so that it will be deleted automatically,
when you enter your first letter.BulletsBullets&Ctrl;&Alt;RightNext BulletJump to the next bullet in the text if there is one.&Ctrl;&Alt;LeftLast BulletJump to the previous bullet in the text if there is one.SelectEditing is of course one of the main aspects when you use a program like &kile;.
Although &kate; already has great capabilities, &kile; adds some important features,
which are especially needed to write &latex; source. &latex; always needs a lot of
environments and groups, so &kile; supports very special commands to select them.
Under EditSelect
you will find the following commands to select text.Edit->Select itemsEdit->Select items&Ctrl;&Alt;SEEnvironment (inside)Select an environment
without the surrounding tags.&Ctrl;&Alt;SFEnvironment (outside)Select an environment
including the surrounding tags.&Ctrl;&Alt;STTeX Group (inside)Select a TeX group
inside the surrounding braces.&Ctrl;&Alt;SUTeX Group (outside)Select a TeX group
including the surrounding braces.&Ctrl;&Alt;SMMath GroupSelect the current math group including the math commands.&Ctrl;&Alt;SPParagraphSelect a whole paragraph,
&ie; a group of text lines separated on both sides by empty lines.
A paragraph does not mean just continuous lines of text, as it is
in other text editors. This extended meaning also includes tables, &latex;
commands and all other lines of source. The only important thing for &kile;
is that kind of paragraph is separated by two empty lines.&Ctrl;&Alt;SLLineSelect the text line of the
current cursor position.&Ctrl;&Alt;SWTeX WordSelect the word under
the current cursor position. This selection has also en extended meaning,
because this command can also select &latex; commands, which begin with a
backslash and may also have an optional star at the
end.DeleteTo delete some parts of a document you can of course select them, and then
use the Delete key. Kate also offers the command
&Ctrl;K which deletes the hole line.But &kile; offers a
faster way with its own delete commands.
Under EditDelete
you will find following commands to delete text.Edit->Delete itemsEdit->Delete items&Ctrl;&Alt;TEEnvironment (inside)Delete an environment without the surrounding tags.&Ctrl;&Alt;TFEnvironment (outside)Delete an environment including the surrounding tags.&Ctrl;&Alt;TTTeX Group (inside)Delete a TeX group inside the surrounding braces.&Ctrl;&Alt;TUTeX Group (outside)Delete a TeX group including the surrounding braces.&Ctrl;&Alt;TMMath GroupDelete the current math group including the math commands.&Ctrl;&Alt;TPParagraphDelete a whole paragraph. Look at the
command, how a paragraph is
defined in &kile;.&Ctrl;&Alt;TITo End of LineDelete the text from the current cursor position to the end of the line.
&Ctrl;&Alt;TWTeX WordDelete the word or &latex;
command under the current cursor position.EnvironmentIt was already mentioned that environments are a central point in &latex;.
So &kile; offers five other commands to make the work with &latex; as easy as possible
under submenus EditEnvironment.Edit->Environment itemsEdit->Environment items&Ctrl;&Alt;EBGo to BeginThis command will jump to the beginning of the current environment,
wherever your current position is. The cursor will be placed directly
in front of the opening environment tag.&Ctrl;&Alt;EEGo to EndThis command will jump to the end of the current environment,
wherever your current position is. The cursor will be placed directly
behind the closing environment tag.&Ctrl;&Alt;EMMatchWhen your cursor is placed in front of or above the
\begin{environment} tag, it will be moved to the
opposite end of the environment and vice versa.&Ctrl;&Alt;ECCloseTyping a lot of nested environment tags, you may lose
control of all those environments. This command will close the last
opened environment, so that the nested structure of environments
will not be broken.&Ctrl;&Alt;EAClose AllThis closes all open environments, not only the last opened environment.&tex; Group&kile; also offers some special commands for &latex; groups;,
which are determined by braces {...}. In submenu
EditTeX Group
you will find some important commands, which correspond to those from
Edit->TeX GroupEdit->TeX Group&Ctrl;&Alt;GBGo to BeginThis command will jump to the beginning of the current group,
wherever your current position is. The cursor will be placed directly in front
of the opening brace.&Ctrl;&Alt;GEGo to EndThis command will jump to the end of the current group,
wherever your current position is. The cursor will be placed directly
behind the closing brace.&Ctrl;&Alt;GMMatchWhen your cursor is placed in front of or behind an
opening brace of a &tex; group, he will be moved to the opposite end of
the group and vice versa.&Ctrl;&Alt;GCCloseTyping a lot of nested group braces may be hard work.
This command will close the last opened group, so that the nested
structure of &tex; groups will not be broken.Double QuotesIn &latex;, two single quotes are used as double quotes. To
help you insert these efficiently, &kile; allows you to press
" to insert two opening
single quotes. Furthermore, if you want to close a quotation, you also
have to press ". &kile; will
be smart enough to recognize this case and inserts two closing quotes
for &latex;.To get a literal double quote on the other side, press
" twice.You can enable or disable this auto insertion of opening and
closing double quotes in section
Kile...LaTeX.Double QuotesDouble QuotesIf you also include language-specific options
like ngerman or french,
you will also be able to use German or French double quotes. Many more languages are available.
Smart NewlineIf you press &Shift;Return,
&kile; inserts an intelligent newline. If your current position
is inside a list environment, like enumerate
or itemize, &kile; will not only insert
a newline, but also add a \item command.If you are inside a tabular environment, &kile; will finish the
current line with \\, followed by the newline.If you are inside a &latex; comment, &kile; will start the next line with a
%.Even better, &kile; is smart enough to support predefined &latex;
and user defined environment, which can be added in section
Kile...LaTeX.Smart TabulatorSome users like to arrange columns in tabular environments and
put all ampersand characters & beneath each other. &kile; tries
to support this. If you press &Shift;&Alt;&,
&kile; will look for the next tab in the row above. Although his which may not the
corresponding tab, &kile; will add some spaces to adjust the column position with
the current tab.Code CompletionAlthough &kate; already offers a good completion mode, &kile; extended
code completion to support some special methods especially for &latex;. Five different
modes are integrated. Three of them work on demand, the other two are autocompletion
modes. All modes can be configured to work very differently at
SettingsConfigure Kile....Automatic Environment CompletionWhen you begin a new environment, typing \begin{environment},
&kile; will automatically add an \end{environment} command, with a
line in between for your text.Autocompletion can be turned off in the &latex; section of
SettingsConfigure Kile...LaTeXEnvironments.Completing an Equation EnvironmentCompleting an Equation Environment
Completing an Equation Environment
&latex; CommandsWhen you type some letters, you can activate this completion mode for &latex; commands
and normal words with EditComplete(La)TeX Command or the keyboard shortcut
&kile; first reads the letters from the current cursor position to the
left and stops at the first non-letter character or a backslash. If this
pattern begins with a backslash, &kile; will enter completion mode for &tex; or &latex;
commands. Otherwise it enters normal dictionary mode, where you will not find any
&latex; commands. Depending on the chosen mode, a completion box will be opened.
You will see all commands or words whose beginning matches the current pattern.
You can navigate with the cursor keys through this list and select one entry with
&Enter; or a double click with the mouse.Completing a LaTeX CommandCompleting a LaTeX CommandWhen you push the &Backspace; key, the last letter of your
pattern will be deleted, and the completion list may grow. On the other hand, if
you type another letter will expand the pattern and the
visible word list may shrink.If you decide not to select any of the suggestions, you can leave this
dialog with &Esc;.You will see that all commands are written with a short description of
their parameters. These descriptions are of course stripped when you select a command.
Optionally you can let &kile; insert bullets at these places, so that you can easily
jump to the these positions with EditBulletsNext Bullet
and insert the parameter you want.Completing a LaTeX CommandCompleting a LaTeX CommandGo to
SettingsConfigure Kile...KileComplete
to configure one or more of these lists. You can choose different word lists
for &tex; and &latex; commands and dictionary mode for normal words.EnvironmentsThe command mode is not useful to complete environments.
You always have to type some letters of \begin, and invoking
the completion mode will result in a huge list of environments tags. On the other
hand, environments are so often used that &kile; offers a special mode to complete
environments. Forget the opening tag and write, for example, eq.When you call the completion mode with
EditCompleteEnvironment or keyboard shortcut &Alt;Space,
the opening tag is automatically added and you will see \begin{eq}.
After this change, the completion list is much less cluttered.Completing a LaTeX CommandCompleting a LaTeX CommandNow select an environment, and you will see that it is also automatically closed.
Even more, if &kile; recognizes it as a list environment, it will also insert a first
\item tag.Completing a LaTeX CommandCompleting a LaTeX CommandGo to
SettingsConfigure Kile...KileComplete
to configure one or more of these lists. This mode uses the same word lists as the
completion mode for &tex; and &latex; commands.Abbreviations&kile; supports user defined lists of abbreviations, which are replaced
on demand by longer text strings. Look at
SettingsConfigure Kile...KileComplete
to configure one or more of theses lists. For the example given here, the
abbreviation list in example.cwl must be chosen.
In this file you will find for example the entry L=\LaTeX for example.For example, type only the letter L. Now invoke
the abbreviation mode of word completion with
EditCompleteAbbreviation or keyboard shortcut &Ctrl;&Alt;Space,
and the letter L is replaced by the string
\LaTeX.Autocompletion Modes&latex; CommandsYou can also enable an autocompletion mode for &latex; commands.
When a given threshold of letters (default: 3) is entered, a popup window opens
with a list of all matching &latex; commands. You can select one of these commands,
or ignore this window and type further letters. The entries of the completion box
will always change and match your currently typed word.Go to
SettingsConfigure Kile...KileComplete
to enable or disable this mode or to change the threshold.Completing an Equation EnvironmentCompleting an Equation EnvironmentDocument WordsLarge dictionaries are not useful in autocompletion mode. But, we have seen
that a lot of words in a document are typed more than once. So &kile; offers a
completion for all words from the document that the user has already typed before.If you want to turn this mode on or off, go to
SettingsConfigure Kile...KileComplete.
In this configuration dialog you can also change the threshold at which
the completion box pops up.Writing Own Completion FilesThe specification of the completion file format can found in the
CWL file format specification.
Completion files can be installed in a user's home directory under the ~/.trinity/share/apps/kile/complete/<mode>/
subdirectory, where <mode> either stands for abbreviation, dictionary or tex.
Wizards and DialogsInclude GraphicsThe Include Graphics dialog makes insertion of
graphics as easy as possible. Please take a look at
and to
get an overview of some basic facts concerning graphic formats.Including a graphics elementIncluding a graphics elementChoose a graphics file. This can be a JPEG, PNG, EPS
or even a zipped or gzipped EPS file. If you have installed
and also configured &kile; to use it
(SettingsConfigure Kile...LaTeXGeneral),
the width and the height of the graphic is automatically shown.
If &imagemagick; can determine a resolution, the size of the graphics
is also shown in centimeters.Decide whether your image shall be centered on the page.Choose either traditional &latex; or &pdflatex;.
Please remember that &pdflatex; can also create DVI output,
not only PDF.You can choose whether the filename should be taken
relative. This is the preferred way, when you use the
\graphicspath command.By default graphics files have to be in the same
folder than your master document. However
it is possible to put them in other folders to make
things tidier. Without a \graphicspath
command, &kile; would include the path for the graphics file.
But if you use \graphicspath,
and check this option, &kile; with only use the
base name of the graphics file.Another example: if you set \graphicspath
command like:
&latex; will search in the current folder, then in
camera and finally in
images to find your graphics file.If you choose either a width or a height, the whole graphics
will be proportionally scaled. If you set two values for width and height
at the same time, width and height may be scaled with different factors,
and this could not be what you want. See also the information near the top
of dialog to know the original size of the graphics.Insert an angle by which to rotate the graphics counterclockwise.The bounding-box information is set automatically
when you choose a graphics file. This information is only needed
when you work with traditional &latex; and bitmapped graphics.
See the discussion of EPS graphics.
Your last choice is whether to embed this graphics into a
figure environment. If you decide to do so, you can also insert a
caption and a label. It is a good idea to add a different prefix to
each kind of label. It is common to use the prefix
fig: for images.Array WizardOne of the most boring jobs one can do in &latex; is to write a matrix or a
tabular environment. One has to keep track of all the elements, ensure that the environment
is well formed, and that all things are where they are supposed to be. Good indentation helps,
but there is a simpler way: using &kile;'s Wizard menu. It contains
Tabular and Array (used in math environments).
You will then have a matrix-formed input form that you can easily fill in with your entries. This dialog also
offers some options to typeset the tabular material.Inserting a tabular environmentInserting a tabular environmentThe Tabbing option will display a simpler menu
to set up a tabbing environment. In all these environments, you can easily set the
number of rows and columns, along with other specific options.&postscript; UtilitiesPS files are not so popular as PDF files, but are an excellent base
for manipulations and rearrangements of pages. If you need PDF
output, you can rearrange pages with some &postscript; utilities and then
convert it to PDF with ps2pdf.The &postscript; Wizard will suggest the most
popular rearrangements, but you are free to do your own choice. Work is done
by the programs pstops and psselect, which
you will find in most distributions in the package psutils.
If one of these programs is not available, the corresponding item will not
be visible.Dialog PSToolsDialog PSToolsFirst choose your input file. If &kile; finds a PS file corresponding to your
current master document, it is already filled in as input file, but you are also free
to choose another file. Then choose an output file, and select one of the tasks.
Finally, you have to decide whether you want to do the conversion only, or also invoke
&kghostview; to view the result.1 A5 page + empty page --> A4Combine one A5 page together with one empty page
on one A4 page. Whenever two A5 pages are combined together,
they are rotated 90 degrees and will be arranged
on an A4 page in landscape mode.A5 + empty pageA5 + empty page1 A5 page + duplicate --> A4Put one A5 page and a duplicate together
on one A4 page.duplicate A5 pagesDuplicate an A5 page2 A5 pages --> A4Put two consecutive A5 pages together
on one A4 page.Combine two A5 pagesCombine two A5 pages2 A5L pages --> A4Put two consecutive A5 pages in landscape mode together
on one A4 page.4 A5 pages --> A4Combine four consecutive A5 pages together on one
A4 page. The A5 pages have to be scaled with factor 0.7 to fit
on the page.4 A5 pages --> A44 A5 pages --> A41 A4 page + empty page --> A4Combine one A4 page together with one empty page
on one A4 page. Whenever two A4 pages are combined together on one
resulting A4 page, they have to be scaled with factor 0.7 and will
be arranged in portrait mode.1 A4 page + empty page --> A41 A4 page + empty page --> A41 A4 page + duplicate --> A4Put one A4 page and a duplicate together
on one A4 page.1 A4 page + duplicate --> A41 A4 page + duplicate --> A42 A4 pages --> A4Put two consecutive A4 pages together
on one A4 page.Combine two A4 pagesCombine two A4 pages2 A4L pages --> A4Put two consecutive A4 pages in landscape mode together
on one A4 even pagesSelect all even pages of a odd pagesSelect all odd pages of a even pages (reverse order)Select all even pages of a document and reverse the odd pages (reverse order)Select all even pages of a document and reverse the order.reverse all pagesReverse all pages of a document.copy all pages (sorted)Copy all pages of a document. You have to
choose the number of sorted copies.Copy all pages (sorted)Copy all pages (sorted)copy all pages (unsorted)Copy all pages of a document. You have to
choose the number of non-sorted copies.Copy all pages (unsorted)Copy all pages (unsorted)pstops: choose parameterThere are many options for &postscript; utilities
pstops and psselect. If you
need a very special one, you can invoke pstops with
an option of your choice. Please read the manual for all possible
options.psselect: choose parameterYou can invoke psselect with
an option of your choice. Please read the manual for all possible
options.Document StatisticsThe statistics dialog gives you an statistical overview for a selection,
a document or an hole project. It includes the number of words, &latex;
commands/environments and also includes the number of characters for each type.
The statistical numbers can be copied as text or as a nice formatted &latex; tabular
to the clipboard. If you want to get statistics for the hole project you can use
FileOpen All Project Files
for an easy and quick way to open all source files of your project.A note of caution has to be sounded about the accuracy of the numbers.
We have included some logic to get a good estimate, e. g. K\"uhler gives one word and one command,
with six resp. two characters. But there are other combinations in which parts of commands
are counted as words and vice versa. It has also to be beared in mind that the algorithm
was developed and tested for languages similiar to english or german.
So don't take the numbers for granted. If you have to make an report with an
exact numbers of words or characters, make some tests to check whether &kile;'s accuracy satisfies your needs.Special Tags in &latex;Using the &latex; Tag Library&latex; has thousands of tags for symbols and special characters.
The easiest way to insert these tags is to use the sidebar menu,
left of the editor window.The Sidebar MenuThe Sidebar Menu
The Sidebar Menu
The following types are avaible:Most Frequently UsedRelationOperatorsArrowsMiscellaneous MathMiscellaneous TextDelimitersGreekSpecial CharactersCyrillic CharactersUser DefinedThe tooltips of the icons show the &latex; commands and additionally needed packages.Pressing &Shift; and clicking a symbol will result in
$\symbolcmd$ being inserted. Similiar pressing &Ctrl;
inserts it in curly brackets.If you insert a command which requires a package which is not included in your &latex; document,
you will see a warning message in the logview window.The first list of symbols holds the Most Frequently Used symbols. Inserted symbols will be
added to this list, for quick and easy reference. The ordering of the symbols will not be changed
upon addition of new symbols, instead a reference counter is incremented. If the number of items
would exceed 30 items, the item wit the lowest count will get removed.The User Defined symbol list can hold your own symbols.
To create your own symbols you need the program gesymb and the file definitions.tex from the kile source package.
Additionaly you need a &latex; compiler (what a surprise) and
&dvipng; (version 1.7 or later).
The procedure is so that you create a &latex; file with \input{definitions},
which makes the commands listed below available, and let gesymb mysymbols.tex user
(which calles &latex; and &dvipng;) create the icons. After copying them to
$HOME/.trinity/share/apps/kile/mathsymbols/user/ and restarting kile you can use your own symbols.
The following commands are defined in definitions.tex:
\command[\optarg]{\symbol}: Include the symbol \symbol in the
symbol list, the optional argument \optarg specifies the command which kile should insert.
If it is not given the command in the mandatory argument is used.
\mathcommand[\optarg]{\symbol}: Same as above, except that the command in the mandatory
argument is inserted in math mode.
\pkgs[arg]{pkg}: Declare that the command given in this line needs the &latex; package
pkg with the optional argument arg. This command has to be in
front of the \command command and overrides any package specification by the neededpkgs
\begin{neededpkgs}[pkgs-args]{pkgs} ... \end{neededpkgs}: Has the same effect as
above, but for all enclosed commands.
An example for completeness is given here:
% \end{neededpkgs}
% this would need to include the packages
% \usepackage{mathtext}
% \usepackage[T2C]{fontenc}
% \usepackage[russian]{babel}
% \usepackage[koi8-r]{inputenc}
% just to explain the format
Using Bibitems\bibitem is a command used to enter a reference in a
thebibliography environment in your document. The syntax for using
\bibitem is \bibitem[label]{key}.The optional [label] is for you to add your own
labeling system for the bibliography entry. If no label is set, the entries
will be set in numerical order: [1], [2], [3], etc.The argument {key} is used to reference and link the commands
\bibitem and \cite to
each other and the information they contain. The command \cite contains the
label associated with the intended \bibitem, which is located inside a
thebibliography environment, and contains the reference data.
Both corresponding \bibitem and \cite must
have the same {key}; the easiest way to organize keys is by
the author's last name. The secondary braces in the thebibliography
environment denote the longest bibliography label you expect to have.
So, inserting {foo} means
you can have any label shorter or as large as the expression
foo. Failure to set this parameter correctly
may result in a not so attractive indentation of your bibliography.The bibliography is a section apart from your main document, and an example of
code for the bibliography would look like the following:
\bibitem{Simpson} Homer J. Simpson. \textsl{Mmmmm...donuts}.
Evergreen Terrace Printing Co., Springfield, SomewhereUSA, 1998
\end{thebibliography)Then, your main source code would contain the location of the information relating to
the \bibitem using \cite. That source code would look similar to this:
My thesis, about the philosophy of The Simpsons\copyright
comes from my favorite book \cite{Simpson}.As it is often difficult to remember the exact citation key once you have many
references, &kile; provides an easy way to insert a citation. On the Edit
toolbar click on the second drop-down box (usually it reads label) and select
cite. A list with all the citation keys pops up: select the correct
reference and a citation will be inserted into your document. To update the list of keys,
either save the file,EditRefresh
Structure or press F12.The final product in your document's bibliography would then look like this:[1] Homer J. Simpson. Mmmmm...donuts. Evergreen Terrace Printing Co.,
Springfield, SomewhereUSA, 1998.The easiest way to work with \bibitem and
\cite is to use the toolbar drop-down box marked
cite. When you select a citation to insert, you will be given the list of
bibitems you have created so far, and will be able to select the
reference from the list. &kile; can also work together with &bibtex; editor applications,
such as &kbibtex; to help make citations easier.User-Defined Tags&kile; gives you the ability to make your own tags. A tag is similar
to a shortcut that launches some command or writes frequently-used text.
For example, Joe Sixpack uses often the sentences I prefer \LaTeX\
to \TeX\ and What would I do without Linux?.
To create user-defined tags to write these sentences, he would access
LaTeXUser TagsEdit
User Tags...; this will present him a dialog where he can create
his own user-defined tags.The Edit User Tags DialogThe Edit User Tags Dialog
The Edit User Tags Dialog
Invoking a User-Defined TagInvoking a User Defined Tag
Invoking a User Defined Tag
He would probably give each tag a name that can clearly identify it. The name you give your tag
is entered in the section marked Menu item, and the text of frequently-used command
should be entered into the section labeled Value. Once the commands are entered,
he can use them quickly using the shortcut &Ctrl;&Shift;1 for
the first tag to enter I prefer \LaTeX\ to \TeX\ and &Ctrl;&Shift;
2 to enter What would I do without Linux?.Placeholders in User-Defined TagsThere are some placeholders you can use in user-defined tags:
they are %B, %C, %M and
%S.%B: will be replaced by a bullet.%C: this is where the cursor will be placed after the insertion of a
user-defined tag.%M: this stands for marked text; the selected text is
inserted in its place when inserting user-defined tags.%S: will be replaced by the source file's name without file extension.To show you how this works let's say for example that we have a user-defined tag,
which contains the value \bfseries{%M}%C, and I have a selection of text
highlighted in my document that we want to turn into bold text. So, we highlight the
phrase I love Fridays, apply our user-defined tag by pressing
&Ctrl;&Shift;1, and we get the text
\bfseries{I love Fridays}, with the cursor
placed at the end of the text.The Build ToolsCompiling, converting and viewingTo view the result of your work, you first need to compile the source. All the build
tools are grouped closely together in the
and BuildView
menus.To compile your source code for screen viewers like &kdvi;, &kghostview;, &kpdf; or
further conversion, you can use the shortcut &Alt;2.
Then you can view the DVI file using your default viewer with
&Alt;3, convert
the DVI to a PS file with &Alt;4,
and view the PS file with &Alt;5.&bibtex;If you are using &bibtex;
for your bibliography entries, you usually have to follow a special compiling scheme.
This means calling &latex; and then &bibtex; and then &latex; twice again. Fortunately &kile; is clever enough to
detect automatically if it is necessary to call additional tools like &bibtex;, &makeidx; and &asymptote;.
This logic is by default turned on and can be changed in SettingsConfigure
Kile...ToolsBuild in the General tab in the &latex; and &pdflatex; tools.
&makeidx;If you are using the &makeidx;
package to make a final, alphabetical index for your document, you have also to follow a certain
compilation pattern or let &kile; do this for you in the same way as with &bibtex; files.MetaPost and AsymptoteIf you want to compile your document with MetaPost or Asymptote, picture drawing programs, you can do it with
or BuildOtherAsymptote.&pdflatex;There is also another way to compile your document, if you want a PDF: you can run
&pdflatex;, that will compile the source directly into a PDF file, with
&Alt;6: you can then view the compiled
file pressing &Alt;7.Alternatively, you can convert a PS into a PDF with
&Alt;8, or directly a
DVI into a PDF with &Alt;9.Using &pdflatex; instead of &latex; may be just a matter of simplicity or habit,
but sometimes the behavior of the two program can differ.&latex; to WebFinally, you may want to publish your work on the web and not just on paper. You may
then use the latex2html program, that can be called from &kile;'s menu
to Web. The result will be placed in a subfolder of the work folder,
and you will be able to see the result of the conversion choosing the menu item
HTML.Passing Command-Line ParametersIf you want to pass some specific command-line parameters to the compile, convert
or view tools, you can configure their call in SettingsConfigure Kile...ToolsBuild.Quick PreviewYou will always need some time to view the result, when working with &latex;.
&latex; has to compile the source and the viewer has to be called. This can be
annoying if you only changed some letters in an equation difficult to typeset.
&kile; offers a Quick Preview mode, where you can compile
only a part of a document and save a lot of time. It supports four different modes,
which can be combined with seven configurations.Quick PreviewQuick PreviewAll settings must be done in
SettingsConfigure Kile...ToolsPreview.Quick Preview ConfigurationQuick Preview ConfigurationSelection ModeThe user has to select a part of the document. Menu entry BuildQuickPreviewSelection
or the keyboard shortcut &Ctrl;&Alt;P,S
will start the selected programs. &kile; takes the preamble of the original text, so that
all packages and user defined commands are included. The user can choose one
of seven predefined configurations:LaTeX+DVI (embedded viewer)LaTeX+DVI (KDVI)LaTeX+PS (embedded viewer)LaTeX+PS (KGhostView)PDFLaTeX+PDF (embedded viewer)PDFLaTeX+PDF (KGhostView)PDFLaTeX+PDF (KPDF)This should be sufficient for all situations for which a quick preview is needed.Environment ModeVery often you want to preview the current environment, and especially mathematic
environments, which sometimes may be difficult to write. &kile; offers a very fast way
to do this. No selection is needed, only choose
or the keyboard shortcut &Ctrl;&Alt;P,E
and the current environment will be compiled and shown.Subdocument ModeIf you have a large project with a lot of documents, compiling the whole
project is not a great idea, if you have made changes only in one single document.
&kile; is able to compile and show a preview of the current subdocument. It
takes the preamble from the master document and only compiles the current part
when you choose BuildQuickPreviewSubdocument
or the keyboard shortcut &Ctrl;&Alt;P,D.Mathgroup ModeThe mathgroup preview mode allows you to preview the mathgroup you are currently editing. &kile;
takes the preamble from the master document and only compiles the mathgroup the cursor is currently in
when you choose BuildQuickPreviewMathgroup
or the keyboard shortcut &Ctrl;&Alt;P,M.Quick Preview in Bottom BarInstead of showing the preview in a new document &kile; can also be configured to use the bottom bar for preview
compilations. You can activate this feature in the quick preview configuration panel.Graphic File Formats&latex; and &pdflatex;&pdflatex;, when used with graphics or
graphicx packages, can compile correctly PNG and JPG files into
DVI or PDF, but is not able to handle EPS files. Conversely, the process of compiling
with &latex; to DVI and converting to PS and eventually PDF does support EPS, but does
not support PNG and JPG.A lot of users want to create PDF documents, but also want to use of the excellent
Pstricks package to create &postscript; graphics, or they want
to use the &postscript; output of mathematical and scientific software like
Mathematica, Maple or MuPAD.
These &latex; users have to compile first in &postscript;, even if they want to create
PDF documents, because these programs produce &postscript; code which cannot be managed
by &pdflatex;. However, it is not so hard as it may sound, because &kile; will help.Graphics ConversionTo overcome this frustrating loop, in case you want to include both &postscript; code and PNG or JPG files,
you have a number of workarounds:If you need a file in PS format, but have JPG or PNG graphics, you can also
simply use &pdflatex; with DVI output first, and then run dvips
to create the PS file. You see that &pdflatex; is a very good choice, if your source contains
no &postscript; code at all.You can convert EPS files to PNG or other formats with utilities as the
Gimp or
and use &pdflatex;.A preferred way
is to convert EPS graphics to PDF graphics with
epstopdf, which comes with every &tex; distribution
distribution and then use &pdflatex;. It produces high quality graphics,
and you can even control the result with some of the following options:
Even better: if your system allows shell-escape, conversion
can be done on the fly. All you have to do is to include the epstopdf package,
which is part of all &tex; distributions, with command \usepackage{epstopdf}.
Assuming that your code is
When you call &pdflatex; with option ,
graphics test.eps is automatically converted into test.pdf.This conversion will take place each time you run &pdflatex;.
If your graphics command is given implicitly:
epstopdf checks whether test.pdf is already
available, so that conversion step can be skipped.You can convert the other way around, and use &latex; and PS-PDF conversion.
This is not always a good idea, since EPS encapsulation of JPG or PNG can yield larger
files, that in turn yield unnecessarily large documents. This is however highly
dependent on the graphic utility that you use, since EPS can encapsulate other graphics,
but not all applications support this perfectly. Some might actually try to build your JPG image
with vectors and various scripting, which will result in gigantic files. Conversion of
all graphics formats to EPS can be done by
Another simple program that does this process correctly is
You can also use an automatic conversion. All graphic files are
converted on the fly to EPS, and inserted into the PS document. This is a comfortable
way, but you have to set up your system properly. This is discussed in the section
EPS Graphics.Use the right File for the right GraphicEPS is sort of a graphic vector scripting language, describing
all the lines and dots the graph is made of; it looks good even when magnified beyond its
default size, and suits best diagrams and vectorial graphic natively produced in EPS,
which look very clear and sharp while maintaining a very small byte size.PNG (or the deprecated GIF) is a non-lossy file format,
with good compression and quality. It is very good for diagrams, scans of drawings,
or anything whose sharpness you do want to retain. It is sometimes overkill
when used for photos.JPG is a lossy format, that compresses files better than PNG
at the price of some loss in the picture detail. This is usually irrelevant for photos,
but may cause bad quality for diagrams, drawings, and may make some thin lines disappear outright;
in those cases use EPS or PNG.But always remember: garbage in, garbage out! No conversion will make a bad picture good.EPS GraphicsEPS graphics files are the traditional way to insert graphics files into
&latex; documents. As mailing lists are full with questions concerning
EPS graphics, we will discuss some important aspects and
demonstrate how &kile; supports them.&latex; and EPS GraphicsIf you decided to use the traditional &latex; to produce
PS or PDF output, you will probably run into some problems
with graphics. You have to use EPS graphics (Encapsulated &postscript;),
no JPEG or PNG files. This should be no problem, as there are a lot of
converters like
convert from the excellent
package. But, it needs some time of course.The EPS files are used by both &latex; and the DVI-PS converter:&latex; scans the EPS file for the bounding box
line, which tells &latex; how much space to reserve for the
graphics.The DVI-PS converter then reads the EPS file and
inserts the graphics in the PS file.This has some implications:&latex; never reads the EPS file if the bounding-box
parameters are specified in the graphics-insertion command.Since &latex; cannot read non-ASCII files,
it cannot read the bounding-box information from compressed or non-EPS
graphics files.The EPS graphics are not included in the DVI file. Since the
EPS files must be present when the DVI file is converted to
PS, the EPS files must accompany DVI files whenever they are
moved.Now you can call &latex;, and a DVI-PS converter like dvips
to create your &postscript; document. If your goal is a PDF document, you should run
dvips with option and then call
ps2pdf. You will find a lot of documents describing this solution.The &postscript; Way of &kile;&kile; helps you to get the bounding-box information. If you have installed
package, &kile; will extract this information from the EPS file and insert it as an
option. This is done automatically when you select the graphics file.
There are two advantages to proceed like this:The information is already scanned in the dialog, and
need not to be done by &latex; later on.Even more important is that the width and height of the picture
can be calculated, when the its resolution is known. This information will be shown
near the top of the dialog, and may serve as a clue when you want to scale the
graphics.&kile; can also support zipped or gzipped EPS files,
which are much smaller than uncompressed EPS files. But, this feature can only be used
with a special system setup and a change of your local graphics configuration,
like it is described in the Bitmap Graphics
section.The &postscript; Way and Bitmap GraphicsIf your systems allows shell-escape, &kile;
also supports an easy way to include bitmap graphics, if you set up your &tex;
system properly. There is no need to convert JPEG or PNG graphics,
this can be done automatically when the DVI file is converted to PS.&latex; needs some information about the file suffixes. The package
graphicx looks for a file graphics.cfg,
which must be somewhere in your search path for &latex; documents. Search for
entries like:
and replace these lines with:
% changed or new graphic rules
\DeclareGraphicsRule{}{eps}{}{`unzip -p #1}% zipped EPS
\DeclareGraphicsRule{.eps.gz}{eps}{}{`gunzip -c #1}% gzipped EPS
\DeclareGraphicsRule{.jpg}{eps}{}{`convert #1 eps:-}% JPEG
\DeclareGraphicsRule{.gif}{eps}{.bb}{`convert #1 eps:-}% GIF
\DeclareGraphicsRule{.png}{eps}{.bb}{`convert #1 eps:-}% PNG
\DeclareGraphicsRule{.tif}{eps}{.bb}{`convert #1 eps:-}% TIFF
\DeclareGraphicsRule{.pdf}{eps}{.bb}{`convert #1 eps:-}% PDF-graphics
You will find this file, for example in Debian, at
/etc/texmf/latex/graphics.cfg. The best way to proceed is to copy this
file to your local texpath and then change this file. See the yours &tex; distribution manual
to learn how to get a list of your &tex; folders.With this configuration file you are able to insert bitmap graphics and
zipped or gzipped EPS files in &latex;. The command for conversion
is given by dvips. When you look
at the conversion command you will see that no extra file is created.
The result of the conversion process is directly piped into the PS file.
The only thing &latex; must know is the size of the graphics, and
therefore we need the bounding box, which is provided by &kile;.Some say that this way is insecure; you have to decide on how to work.
In any case, you need no bounding box, as &kile; will extract this information
from all types of graphics.&pdflatex; and EPS GraphicsAs already stated, &pdflatex; is not able to handle EPS graphic files,
but converters like epstopdf
will help. The best way is to include package epstopdf,
which must follow the graphicx package.
Now you can already include EPS graphics, if you run pdflatex
with option , but we can make it even better
and also handle zipped or gzipped EPS files. Again we have to change
the graphics configuration file graphics.cfg like above.
This time we search for:
% pdfTeX is running in pdf mode
and simply add some lines.
% pdfTeX is running in pdf mode
\@namedef{Gin@rule@.eps.gz}#1{{pdf}{.pdf}{`gunzip -c #1 | epstopdf -f >\Gin@base.pdf}}%
\@namedef{}#1{{pdf}{.pdf}{`unzip -p #1 | epstopdf -f >\Gin@base.pdf}}%
With these lines, &pdflatex; is able to handle EPS files,
and hopefully there should be no more issues concerning graphics.Master DocumentDefining your document as a master allows you to work with separated files,
which gives you a parent document (or Master document), and child documents that
make up a complete work. After having defined your Master document, with the
corresponding command in the Settings
menu, all the commands of the Tools
menu will apply only to this document, even when you are working on the child
documents. You can even close the Master document.Error HandlingAfter you have compiled something, &kile; takes a look at the error messages
that were generated. If there are any errors or warnings, they will be briefly reported
in the Log and Messages window. One can take a closer look at the
messages by selecting BuildView Log File,
or by using the keyboard shortcut &Alt;0.
The generated log is then displayed in the Log and Messages view; errors and warnings are highlighted.Viewing the logViewing the log
Viewing the log
You can easily jump from one message in the log file to another by using the
BuildNext / Previous
LaTeX Error / Warning menu items, or by using
the corresponding toolbar buttons.To jump to the line in the &latex; source where the error or warning occurred,
click on the error or warning in the Log and Messages view.
&kile; will take you automatically to the offending line.The Watch File ModeWhen you launch the Quickbuild command, a viewer of
some sort will normally be called after the compilation. If you are not using an embedded
viewer, a new window will be open every time.If you are adjusting the look of your document, you might launch
Quickbuild very often, and have many viewer windows open on
your desktop; to avoid this confusion, you can activate the Watch file
mode, that will prevent Quickbuild from launching a viewer.Presently, &kdvi; supports continuous updating of the viewed DVI file, but
&kghostview; is not as perfect: to update the document after compiling, you will have
to change page, and the number of pages will not be changed in &kghostview;'s visualization.This mode is of course useless with the embedded viewers, as you have to close them
anyway to get back to editing the document and recompiling.Navigating the &latex; SourceUsing the Structure ViewThe Structure view shows the hierarchy of the document
being created in &kile;, and allows you to quickly navigate it, showing its segmentation.
To navigate around your document, all you need to do is to left click on any label, chapter,
section, subsection, etc., and you will be taken to the beginning of
the corresponding area.If you included a separate &latex; file in your source using
the \input or \include tags, these files will
be referred to in the Structure view; double-clicking on their names in
it will make &kile; bring up the included file in the editor window.The hierarchy tree has also a separate branch for labels used in the text.Using the Structure ViewUsing the Structure View
Using the Structure View
Updating the Structure ViewTo update your structure view you can either go to
Structure, hit F12, or you can save your document,
which will make &kile; update its Structure view.BookmarksBookmarks are your reference to a segment of text or a line inside the &kile;
environment. To use a bookmark, select a specific line of your document
you would like to return to, then press &Ctrl;
B, and &kile; will add a bookmark to this line.
Alternatively, you can also set a bookmark by highlighting a line and choosing
the menu labeled BookmarkToggle
Bookmark.To remove all your bookmarks, select BookmarksClear Bookmarks.Please note that currently the bookmarks are not saved after exiting &kile;.ProjectsWorking with ProjectsIn &kile; you can create and work with projects. A project is a
group of &latex;, graphic, &bibtex; or other files that contain all the information that is used to build
your complete document. A typical project would be a document consisting of several chapters,
written in different .tex files; all of them could be included in
a project, to make the whole document easier to manage. The specifications of the project are stored in a special file,
with extension .kilepr.A Project adds the following functionalities:You need not set a master document, &kile; does this automatically.Project files can easily be archived together by going to BuildOtherArchiveThe Files and Project view shows which files are included
in the project.After opening a project, any file that was previously opened will be
restored with the original encoding and highlightning. Code completion works across all project files. Reference completion works across all project files. Citation completion works across all project files. Search in all project files. Specify custom quickbuild and &makeidx; command.Creating a ProjectTo create a project, select ProjectNew Project.... You will be
asked to give the following information to create your project:Title of your project.Name of the project file with .kilepr extension.Filename.Type of file creating: Empty Document, Article, Book, Letter, Report, ....When you fill out the filename box, you have to include a relative
path from where the .kilepr project file is stored to the file.The File and Project ViewThe File and Project view is a button of the sidebar menu.
From this view, you can see the structure of your project, its files,
and the name of the .kilepr file that stores the project information.
Adding, removing, or changing options in your project is done via
the File and Projects view.The File and Project ViewThe File and Project View
The File and Project View
Adding and Removing FilesTo add a file to your project, open any &tex; file, right click on its name in the
Files and Project view, and select Add to
Project. If you have multiple projects open, a dialog box will ask
you which project the file has to be added to.If you have multiple files to be added to a project, you can select the
project from the Files and Project view and right-click then select
Add Files; you will then be able to select your files in a dialog box.You can also right-click on the project's name in the Files and
Project view, and select Add Files... to bring
up a file selection dialog.Adding a file to a projectAdding a file to a project
Adding a file to a project
To remove a file from a project, right-click on it and select Remove File.
This does not delete your file (and also does not close it), but only removes it from the list
of files contained in the .kilepr extension.Project Options&kile; has a few options related to your project that can be set. To change them,
right-click on the title of your project and select Project Options,
and you will have the option of changing:The title of your project.The Master document.The Quickbuild command.The &makeidx; options.Archiving your Project&kile; allows you to easily backup your project by storing all its files
into a single archive (often known as tarball). To archive your project
right-click on its name in the Files and Project view, or select
ProjectArchive.By default, all files in a project are added to the archive. If you do not want to include
a certain file in the archive, right-click on it in the Files and Project
view, and uncheck the Include in Archive option.Archive commands are simple shell commands that are executed from the project
folder (where the .kilepr file is located).Closing a ProjectTo close a project, select the Files and Project view from
the vertical toolbar, right click on your project title, and then select
Close. This will close your project, all the files associated with your project,
and will also add the name of the project you just closed to Open Recent
Project... in the Project menu.Document EncodingThe &kile; editor allows you to read, convert and set the text to the encoding
your document needs. This allows you to use non-standard letters and symbols;
you can use, for example, accented characters for Italian or French.
Selecting the encoding for your document can be done in three ways:One way to set the encoding is to use the Set encoding combo
box, located at the bottom of the Open File sidebar view.Another way is using the submenu
where you can set the default character encoding for all files.Set the default character encodingSet the default character encodingA third way to set the encoding for a document is to set the option
when you use the wizard to create a new document.&latex; itself understands only ASCII, a very limited set of characters, so you could not use
accented or special letters directly. To use accented letters, a special syntax was created:
such as for example \"e for ë.
There is a package to help you with this, called inputenc, and is included
in the preamble using \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}, where the optional argument
is the encoding you would like to use (nowadays in most cases utf8x). This tells &latex;
to translate all of the ë's you wrote to \"e's before
compiling. Please refer to the inputenc documents directly for more
information on inputenc. Last but not least: remember to make sure that
your file is actually encoded in the same encoding you told
inputenc!Choosing the source file's encodingChoosing the source file's encoding
Choosing the source file's encoding
This host of different character coding tables has been creating problems on
many applications: for example, you cannot write a course of Turkish in French without
losing one language's special characters. There is general agreement that, sooner or later,
everybody will switch to Unicode. There
are many implementations of Unicode, and UTF-8 is the most
successful in Linux; Windows® relies instead on the more cumbersome and
less flexible UCS-2. Some distributions, as RedHat, have already
begun setting their default encoding to UTF-8, and therefore you
may be very interested in using of the utf8x argument to the
inputenc package.The &ucs; PackageIf you don't have the &ucs; package installed, you can proceed as follows:Get the &ucs; package from the home page of
Unicode support for
&latex;, by Dominique Unruh from the University of Karlsruhe.To install it, unpack the downloaded file and place it in a directory listed
in your $TEXINPUTS envirnoment variable. This can also be set inside kile.
\usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc}&cjk; SupportAdding support for ideographic languages is quite tricky. However, once
you are done with it, it will work quite well. Other than installing packages,
there is some extra configuration work to do.Your Linux distribution might already have a &cjk; (Chinese, Japanese,
Korean) package ready for you, so you might be saved the hassle of manually
installing everything. Do check before going forward!There is the possibility of using the &ucs; package in order to write
short snippets of &cjk; text, but that option is seriously limited as it does
not handle, among other things, newlines. We will instead install the complete
&cjk;-&latex; package and make it work for both &latex; and &pdflatex;. A lot
of this material has been inspired by Pai
H. Chou's page
about how to setup &pdflatex;.Download the &cjk;
package. Copy its unpacked files to an appropriate subfolder of
$TEXMF, just like you did with the &ucs; package
before (see ). The files will be unpacked in a
CJK/X_Y.Z folder, it is not important that you
take them out, though it will probably be tidier for you to
maintain.Now you have to download a font that supports all the &cjk; characters
you need. You can choose any *.ttf file that
covers them, but in this walkthrough we will use Cyberbit.
Unzip the file and rename Cyberbit.ttf to
cyberbit.ttf, since uppercase might confuse your system.Place cyberbit.ttf in a folder together with
and generate the *.tfm and
*.enc files with the command
$ ttf2tfm cyberbit.ttf -w cyberbit@Unicode@.
For some reasons, sometimes this does not produce the hundreds
of files it should. Should that be your case, you can download both
*.tfm and
*.enc files.Place the *.tfm files in an
appropriate folder, say $TEXMF/fonts/tfm/bitstream/cyberbit/;
the *.enc files may be installed in
$TEXMF/pdftex/enc/cyberbit/.Now we need a map file to connect the *.enc files to the font. Download
and install it in $TEXMF/pdftex/config/.Download another file, c70cyberbit.fd,
and place it in an appropriate folder. You may choose, for example,
$TEXMF/tex/misc/.The last file we have to generate is a &postscript; Type 1
font, necessary to read DVI files generated with &latex;. Run the command
$ ttf2pfb cyberbit.ttf -o cyberbit.pfb, and copy the
resulting cyberbit.pfb in a folder like
$TEXMF/fonts/type1/cyberbit/.Let's now place cyberbit.ttf among the fonts
where &latex; can find it. You could place it in a folder named
$TEXMF/fonts/truetype/.Check the configuration file you find at
$TEXMF/web2c/texmf.cnf, and make sure that the
line mentioning TTFONTS is uncommented and points to
the folder where you saved cyberbit.ttf.To make it possible for &pdflatex; to use your &cjk;
fonts, it is necessary that you add a line in configuration file
$TEXMF/pdftex/config/pdftex.cfg. Add
map in the file to complete the
configuration for &pdflatex;.To configure &latex; so that you can produce DVI
files with &cjk; characters, you have to add a line in file The file might be in a folder named
$TEXMF/ttf2pk/, but you will probably have to look
for it. Add the line cyberbit@Unicode@ cyberbit.ttf
into it.Now, you only have to run texhash
and the system should be ready.To test whether your configuration is correct, you can try to compile
this test
file.&cjk; TroubleshootingThere are many things that can go wrong when setting &cjk;
support manually. If something seems not to work, the following
checklist might help you.Obviously, since you run &latex; as a user and
not as root, you must allow ordinary users
to access the new files. Make sure all folders and files are
accessible using the chmod command.If &latex; writes a DVI without problems, but you
cannot view it, it is almost certainly because of some problems in the
automatic generation of *.pk
fonts. They are supposed to be generated on the fly when viewing a
DVI file, but this might fail for a number of reasons: double-check for your custom line first. However,
it might happen that your ttf2pk command, which
is usually invoked by the DVI viewer, has been compiled
without support for the
kpathsea libraries. If this is the case,
will make no mention of kpathsea. As support for
these libraries is necessary, you might have to find a new package, or
recompile FreeType 1 by yourself.How do I input &cjk; in Unicode?There are a number of different input engines, and the choice can
depend also on personal preference. The author uses Skim,
a port to &kde; of the Scim
engine. Refer to your distribution's documentation to learn how to
install these programs. Configuration of such programs can be tricky
too, in the case of Skim you will have to
define an environment variable XMODIFIERS="@im=SCIM"before starting X.ScriptingScripting in &kile;
&kile;'s scripting feature allows for the execution of ECMAScript code. Scripts can be managed through the
scripting panel in the sidebar.
API ReferenceIn this section we describe &kile;'s scripting programming interface.
Please note that the scripting API has not been finalized yet. The API described below might change in
future versions of &kile;.
First of all, &kile;'s script execution environment provides a global object called "kile", which owns the following
Returns a KileTextDocument object which reflects the currently active
text document. Returns null if no text document is active.
(kile).getInputValue(caption, label)
Opens a dialog with the given caption and label. Returns the value that user has entered.
Objects of the type KileTextDocument represent text documents in &kile;. They have the following
Deletes the character that is located immediately before the current cursor position and moves the cursor
one position backward in the text.
(KileTextDocument).cursorLeft()Moves the cursor one position backward in the text.(KileTextDocument).cursorRight()Moves the cursor one position forward in the text.(KileTextDocument).insertText(text)
Inserts the text contained in the variable text into the document at the current
cursor location.
(KileTextDocument).insertBullet()Inserts a bullet into the document at the current cursor position.(KileTextDocument).nextBullet()
Selects the first bullet located in the document immediately after the
current cursor location.
Selects the first bullet located in the document immediately before the
current cursor location.
(KileTextDocument).up()Moves the cursor one line up in the document.(KileTextDocument).down()Moves the cursor one line down in the document.(KileTextDocument).cursorLine()Returns the line which the cursor is currently located at.(KileTextDocument).cursorColumn()Returns the column which the cursor is currently located at.(KileTextDocument).setCursorLine(line)Moves the cursor to the line denoted by line.(KileTextDocument).setCursorColumn(column)Moves the cursor to the column denoted by line.HelpHelp Documents&latex; is a rather sophisticated system, where the basic features
can be expanded by a great variety of additional packages.
&kile; provides a lot of different help to support the user.LaTeX ReferenceAn alphabetical index of the most
common &latex; commands.TeX Documentation&tetex;/&texlive; comes with a huge amount of documents.
This includes a documentation for all included packages and an additional &latex;
reference.LaTeXA full reference for &tex; and friends. This is not
only a description of all programs, some important packages are also
mentioned. And it includes a full reference manual of &latex;
commands—ideal for looking up a particular piece of formatting
while writing a document. As this document is really extensive,
&kile; separates it with three important bookmarks.LaTeX CommandAnother alphabetical index of the most common
&latex; commands.LaTeX SubjectA description of important &latex;
subjects.LaTeX EnvAn alphabetical index of the most common
&latex; environments.Context Sensitive Help&kile; also support a context sensitive help, which is called
with &Ctrl;&Alt;H,K.
In SettingsConfigure Kile...KileHelp
you can choose whether you want to use &kile;'s &latex; reference or the
help system of &tetex;/&texlive;, which is the default setting.BulletsBulletsSearching for KeywordsIt is not always easy to find the right document, as &tetex;/&texlive;
comes with a huge amount of documents. As one possible help, &tetex;/&texlive;
provides a tiny program texdoctk.
It comes with a database of all documents that &kile; uses to offer
an interface to it.BulletsBulletsAll documents are grouped into some categories, and the main
advantage is that you can search for packages names or keywords.
&kile; will then show only the results.BulletsBulletsA mouse double click or the Space key will start the
viewer for this document. This can be a arbitrary document, not only a
DVI, PS, PDF or HTML document. &kile; will take &konqueror; settings to
start a appropriate viewer.User Defined HelpBeside this static &tetex;/&texlive; documentation, &kile; supports also
another variable way for user-help documents. In Help
menu &kile; has a special User help
submenu, where the user can add documents of his own choice.
These can be the most important documents of &tetex;/&texlive; documentation, or even
self written documents. It is even possible to choose some Web URLs.Go to
SettingsConfigure Kile...KileHelp
and choose Configure button
to configure this User help menu. You can add,
remove or navigate menu entries, and also insert separators to get
a better structure.Pressing the Add button will open
another dialog, where you must edit the name of the menu entry,
and choose the corresponding file or Web &url;. If you choose a Web &url;,
&konqueror; is started and you should copy the final &url;.BulletsBulletsCredits and License&kile; is an open-source user-friendly &latex; / &tex; source code editor. It will run on systems
with the &kde; Desktop Environment installed. &kde; is available for several architectures
with Linux and other Unix-like systems installed. &kile; is also part of the Fink project,
which means you can run &kile; on a Mac with OS-X.Many thanks are owed to those who strive to continue the &kile; project, and the many
hours of contributions made by those who sacrifice their time to develop tools we can all
use under the GNU license. Up-to-date information about contributors can be found in
the About &kile; dialog from the Help menu.
Contributions among others from: Rob Lensen, Roland Schulz, Michael Margraf, Holger DanielssonMany thanks to all those involved!