KileWidgetLatexConfig KileWidgetLatexConfig 0 0 602 365 LaTeX unnamed m_bgCommands Commands unnamed m_pbCommands Configure... m_tlCommands 5 5 1 0 Configure LaTeX environments and commands m_bgQuotes 5 5 0 0 Double Quotes unnamed m_tlType &Type: kcfg_DoubleQuotes kcfg_InsertDoubleQuotes Automatically insert opening and closing double &quotes for LaTeX kcfg_DoubleQuotes 1 0 0 0 spacer1 Horizontal Expanding 280 20 m_bgMathmode Mathmode unnamed kcfg_autoInsertDollar Auto insert $ groupBox5 Environment Variables unnamed m_tlPath TEXINPUTS: kcfg_TeXPaths kcfg_TeXPaths kcfg_BibInputPaths kcfg_BstInputPaths m_bibinputpath BIBINPUTS: kcfg_BibInputPaths m_bstinputpath B&STINPUTS: kcfg_BstInputPaths m_pbCommands clicked() KileWidgetLatexConfig slotConfigure() kconfig.h latexcmd.h latexcmddialog.h latexconfigwidget.ui.h KConfig *m_config; KileDocument::LatexCommands *m_commands; slotConfigure() init() setLatexCommands( KConfig * config, KileDocument::LatexCommands * commands ) klineedit.h klineedit.h klineedit.h