/*************************************************************************** date : Mar 30 2007 version : 0.24 copyright : (C) 2004-2007 by Holger Danielsson email : holger.danielsson@versanet.de ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "configcodecompletion.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kilelistselector.h" #include "kileconfig.h" #include "kilelogwidget.h" #include "kiletool_enums.h" ConfigCodeCompletion::ConfigCodeCompletion(KConfig *config, KileWidget::LogMsg *logwidget, TQWidget *parent, const char *name ) : TQWidget(parent,name), m_config(config), m_logwidget(logwidget) { // Layout TQVBoxLayout *vbox = new TQVBoxLayout(this, 5,KDialog::spacingHint() ); // Groupbox with TabDialog and two button TQGroupBox *gb_tab= new TQGroupBox(i18n("Complete Modes"), this ); TQGridLayout *grid_tab = new TQGridLayout( gb_tab, 2,1, 12,8, "" ); grid_tab->addRowSpacing( 0, 12 ); // create TabWidget tab = new TQTabWidget(gb_tab); // add three pages: Tex/Latex, Dictionary, Abbreviation addPage(tab, TexPage, i18n("TeX/LaTeX"), "tex"); addPage(tab, DictionaryPage, i18n("Dictionary"), "dictionary"); addPage(tab, AbbreviationPage, i18n("Abbreviation"), "abbreviation"); // add two centered button add = new KPushButton(i18n("Add..."),gb_tab); remove = new KPushButton(i18n("Remove"),gb_tab); grid_tab->addMultiCellWidget(tab,1,1,0,1); grid_tab->addWidget(add,2,0,TQt::AlignRight); grid_tab->addWidget(remove,2,1,TQt::AlignLeft); // below: OptionBox TQButtonGroup *bg_options = new TQButtonGroup( this, "bgOptions" ); bg_options->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical ); bg_options->tqlayout()->setSpacing( 6 ); bg_options->tqlayout()->setMargin( 11 ); TQGridLayout *bg_optionsLayout = new TQGridLayout( bg_options->tqlayout() ); bg_optionsLayout->setAlignment( TQt::AlignTop ); cb_setcursor = new TQCheckBox(i18n("Place cursor"),bg_options); cb_setbullets = new TQCheckBox(i18n("Insert bullets"),bg_options); cb_closeenv = new TQCheckBox(i18n("Close environments"),bg_options); cb_usecomplete = new TQCheckBox(i18n("Use complete"),bg_options); cb_autocomplete = new TQCheckBox(i18n("Auto completion (LaTeX)"),bg_options); lb_latexthreshold = new TQLabel(i18n("Threshold:"),bg_options); sp_latexthreshold = new TQSpinBox(1,9,1,bg_options); TQLabel *lb_latexletters = new TQLabel(i18n("letters"),bg_options); cb_autocompletetext = new TQCheckBox(i18n("Auto completion (text)"),bg_options); lb_textthreshold = new TQLabel(i18n("Threshold:"),bg_options); sp_textthreshold = new TQSpinBox(1,9,1,bg_options); TQLabel *lb_textletters = new TQLabel(i18n("letters"),bg_options); cb_showabbrevview = new TQCheckBox(i18n("Show abbreviations"),bg_options); cb_autocompleteabbrev = new TQCheckBox(i18n("Auto completion (abbrev.)"),bg_options); cb_citeoutofbraces = new TQCheckBox(i18n("Move out of braces (citation keylists)"),bg_options); bg_optionsLayout->addWidget(cb_setcursor,0,0); bg_optionsLayout->addWidget(cb_setbullets,1,0); bg_optionsLayout->addWidget(cb_closeenv,2,0); bg_optionsLayout->addWidget(cb_showabbrevview,3,0); bg_optionsLayout->addWidget(cb_usecomplete,0,2); bg_optionsLayout->addWidget(cb_autocomplete,1,2); bg_optionsLayout->addWidget(lb_latexthreshold,1,4); bg_optionsLayout->addWidget(sp_latexthreshold,1,6); bg_optionsLayout->addWidget(lb_latexletters,1,7); bg_optionsLayout->addWidget(cb_autocompletetext,2,2); bg_optionsLayout->addWidget(lb_textthreshold,2,4); bg_optionsLayout->addWidget(sp_textthreshold,2,6); bg_optionsLayout->addWidget(lb_textletters,2,7); bg_optionsLayout->addWidget(cb_autocompleteabbrev,3,2); bg_optionsLayout->addMultiCellWidget(cb_citeoutofbraces,4,4,0,7); // tune tqlayout bg_optionsLayout->setColSpacing(1,20); bg_optionsLayout->setColSpacing(3,12); bg_optionsLayout->setColSpacing(5,8); bg_optionsLayout->setColStretch(7,1); TQWhatsThis::add(cb_setcursor,i18n("Try to place the cursor.")); TQWhatsThis::add(cb_setbullets,i18n("Insert bullets, where the user must input data.")); TQWhatsThis::add(cb_closeenv,i18n("Also close an environment, when an opening command is inserted.")); TQWhatsThis::add(cb_usecomplete,i18n("Enable components of word completion.")); TQWhatsThis::add(cb_autocomplete,i18n("Directional or popup-based completion with TeX/LaTeX commands, which are given in all selected word completion lists. This mode can only be selected, if no other plugin for autocompletion is active.")); TQWhatsThis::add(cb_autocompletetext,i18n("Directional or popup-based completion from words in the current document. This mode can only be selected, if no other plugin for autocompletion is active.")); TQWhatsThis::add(sp_latexthreshold,i18n("Automatically show a completion list of TeX/LaTeX commands, when the word has this length.")); TQWhatsThis::add(sp_textthreshold,i18n("Automatically show a completion list, when the word has this length.")); TQWhatsThis::add(cb_citeoutofbraces,i18n("Move cursor out of braces after selecting from a citation keylist.")); // bottom: warning TQLabel *lb_automodes = new TQLabel(i18n("Warning: all autocompletion modes will be disabled, if you enable KTextEditor plugin word completion."),this); // add OptionBox and TabDialog into the tqlayout vbox->addWidget(gb_tab); vbox->addWidget(bg_options); vbox->addWidget(lb_automodes); vbox->addStretch(); connect(tab,TQT_SIGNAL(currentChanged(TQWidget*)),this,TQT_SLOT(showPage(TQWidget*))); connect(add,TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()),this,TQT_SLOT(addClicked())); connect(remove,TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()),this,TQT_SLOT(removeClicked())); // justify height TQCheckListItem *item = new TQCheckListItem(m_listview[AbbreviationPage], "Test", TQCheckListItem::CheckBox); int h = 6*(item->height()+1) + 1; for ( uint i=TexPage; isetFixedHeight(h); delete item; // find resource directories for cwl files getCwlDirs(); } ConfigCodeCompletion::~ConfigCodeCompletion() { } void ConfigCodeCompletion::addPage(TQTabWidget *tab, CompletionPage page, const TQString &title, const TQString &dirname) { m_page[page] = new TQWidget(tab); m_listview[page] = new KListView( m_page[page] ); m_listview[page]->addColumn(i18n("Complete Files")); m_listview[page]->addColumn(i18n("Local File")); m_listview[page]->setFullWidth(true); TQGridLayout *grid = new TQGridLayout(m_page[page], 1,1, 10,10); grid->addWidget(m_listview[page],0,0); // add Tab tab->addTab(m_page[page],title); // remember directory name m_dirname << dirname; connect(m_listview[page], TQT_SIGNAL(clicked( TQListViewItem *)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotListviewClicked(TQListViewItem *))); } //////////////////// read/write configuration //////////////////// void ConfigCodeCompletion::readConfig(void) { // read selected and deselected filenames with wordlists m_wordlist[TexPage] = KileConfig::completeTex(); m_wordlist[DictionaryPage] = KileConfig::completeDict(); m_wordlist[AbbreviationPage] = KileConfig::completeAbbrev(); // set checkbox status cb_usecomplete->setChecked( KileConfig::completeEnabled() ); cb_setcursor->setChecked( KileConfig::completeCursor() ); cb_setbullets->setChecked( KileConfig::completeBullets() ); cb_closeenv->setChecked( KileConfig::completeCloseEnv() ); cb_showabbrevview->setChecked( KileConfig::completeShowAbbrev() ); cb_citeoutofbraces->setChecked( KileConfig::completeCitationMove() ); // set checkboxes and thresholds for autocompletion modes if ( kateCompletionPlugin() ) { cb_autocomplete->setChecked( false ); cb_autocompletetext->setChecked( false ); cb_autocompleteabbrev->setChecked( false ); } else { cb_autocomplete->setChecked( KileConfig::completeAuto() ); cb_autocompletetext->setChecked( KileConfig::completeAutoText() ); cb_autocompleteabbrev->setChecked( KileConfig::completeAutoAbbrev() ); } sp_latexthreshold->setValue( KileConfig::completeAutoThreshold() ); sp_textthreshold->setValue( KileConfig::completeAutoTextThreshold() ); // insert filenames into listview for ( uint i=TexPage; iisChecked()); KileConfig::setCompleteCursor(cb_setcursor->isChecked()); KileConfig::setCompleteBullets(cb_setbullets->isChecked()); KileConfig::setCompleteCloseEnv(cb_closeenv->isChecked()); KileConfig::setCompleteShowAbbrev( cb_showabbrevview->isChecked() ); KileConfig::setCompleteCitationMove( cb_citeoutofbraces->isChecked() ); // read autocompletion settings bool autoModeLatex = cb_autocomplete->isChecked(); bool autoModeText = cb_autocompletetext->isChecked(); bool autoModeAbbrev = cb_autocompleteabbrev->isChecked(); if ( kateCompletionPlugin() ) { if ( autoModeLatex || autoModeText || autoModeAbbrev) { TQString msg = i18n("You enabled the KTextEditor-Plugin for word completion, " "but this conflicts with the auto completion modes of Kile. " "As only one of these completion modes can be used, the " "autocompletion modes of Kile will be disabled."); KMessageBox::information( 0L,"
" + msg + "
",i18n("Autocomplete warning") ); // disable Kile autocomplete modes autoModeLatex = false; autoModeText = false; autoModeAbbrev = false; } } // save settings for Kile autocompletion modes KileConfig::setCompleteAuto( autoModeLatex ); KileConfig::setCompleteAutoText( autoModeText ); KileConfig::setCompleteAutoAbbrev( autoModeAbbrev ); KileConfig::setCompleteAutoThreshold( sp_latexthreshold->value() ); KileConfig::setCompleteAutoTextThreshold( sp_textthreshold->value() ); // save changed wordlists? KileConfig::setCompleteChangedLists(changed); } // read kate plugin configuration bool ConfigCodeCompletion::kateCompletionPlugin() { m_config->setGroup("Kate Document Defaults"); return m_config->readBoolEntry("KTextEditor Plugin ktexteditor_docwordcompletion",false); } //////////////////// listview //////////////////// // ListView fr den Konfigurationsdialog einstellen void ConfigCodeCompletion::setListviewEntries(CompletionPage page) { TQString listname = m_dirname[page]; TQString localdir = m_localCwlDir + listname + '/'; TQString globaldir = m_globalCwlDir + listname + '/'; // Daten aus der Konfigurationsliste in das ListView-Widget eintragen m_listview[page]->setUpdatesEnabled(false); m_listview[page]->clear(); TQStringList::ConstIterator it; for ( it=m_wordlist[page].begin(); it!=m_wordlist[page].end(); ++it ) { TQString basename = (*it).right( (*it).length()-2 ); bool localExists = TQFileInfo(localdir+basename+".cwl").exists(); TQCheckListItem *item = new TQCheckListItem(m_listview[page],basename,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox); if ( localExists ) { item->setOn( (*it).at(0) == '1' ? true : false ); item->setText(1,"+"); } else if ( TQFileInfo(globaldir+basename+".cwl").exists() ) { item->setOn( (*it).at(0) == '1' ? true : false ); } else { item->setOn(false); item->setText(1,i18n("File not found")); } m_listview[page]->insertItem(item); } updateColumnWidth(m_listview[page]); m_listview[page]->setUpdatesEnabled(true); } void ConfigCodeCompletion::updateColumnWidth(KListView *listview) { listview->setColumnWidth(0,listview->columnWidth(0)+60); } bool ConfigCodeCompletion::getListviewEntries(CompletionPage page) { bool changed = false; // count number of entries uint n = m_listview[page]->childCount(); // there are changes if this number has changed if ( n != m_wordlist[page].count() ) changed = true; // clear all stringlist with files, if there are no entries if ( n == 0 ) { m_wordlist[page].clear(); return changed; } // now check all entries if they have changed TQStringList newfiles; int index = 0; TQCheckListItem *item = (TQCheckListItem *)m_listview[page]->firstChild(); while ( item ) { TQString s = ( item->isOn() ) ? "1-" : "0-"; s += item->text(0); newfiles.append(s); // check for a change if ( m_wordlist[page][index] != s ) changed = true; // go on item = (TQCheckListItem *)item->nextSibling(); ++index; } // only update if there are changes if ( changed ) m_wordlist[page] = newfiles; return changed; } bool ConfigCodeCompletion::isListviewEntry(KListView *listview, const TQString &filename) { TQCheckListItem *item = (TQCheckListItem *)listview->firstChild(); while ( item ) { if ( item->text() == filename ) return true; item = (TQCheckListItem *)item->nextSibling(); } return false; } //////////////////// tabpages parameter //////////////////// KListView *ConfigCodeCompletion::getListview(TQWidget *page) { for ( uint i=TexPage; isetEnabled( listview->selectedItems().count() > 0 ); } //////////////////// add/remove new wordlists //////////////////// // find local and global resource directories void ConfigCodeCompletion::getCwlDirs() { m_localCwlDir = locateLocal("appdata","complete/"); m_globalCwlDir = TQString(); TQStringList dirs = KGlobal::dirs()->findDirs("appdata","complete/"); for ( TQStringList::ConstIterator it=dirs.begin(); it!=dirs.end(); ++it ) { if ( (*it) != m_localCwlDir ) { m_globalCwlDir = (*it); break; } } } // find local and global cwl files: global files are not added, // if there is already a local file with this name. We fill a map // with filename as key and filepath as value. Additionally all // filenames are added to a stringlist. void ConfigCodeCompletion::getCwlFiles(TQMap &map, TQStringList &list, const TQString &dir) { TQStringList files = TQDir(dir,"*.cwl").entryList(); for ( TQStringList::ConstIterator it=files.begin(); it!=files.end(); ++it ) { TQString filename = TQFileInfo(*it).fileName(); if ( ! map.contains(filename) ) { map[filename] = dir + '/' + (*it); list << filename; } } } void ConfigCodeCompletion::addClicked() { // determine current subdirectory for current tab page TQString listname = getListname(tab->currentPage()); // get a sorted list of all cwl files from both directories TQMap filemap; TQStringList filelist; getCwlFiles(filemap,filelist,m_localCwlDir+listname); getCwlFiles(filemap,filelist,m_globalCwlDir+listname); filelist.sort(); // dialog to add cwl files KileListSelectorMultiple *dlg = new KileListSelectorMultiple(filelist,i18n("Complete Files"),i18n("Select Files"), this); if ( dlg->exec() ) { if ( dlg->currentItem() >= 0 ) { KListView *listview = getListview(tab->currentPage()); // get current page TQStringList filenames = dlg->selected(); // get selected files for ( TQStringList::ConstIterator it=filenames.begin(); it!=filenames.end(); ++it ) { TQString filename = *it; // could we accept the wordlist? TQFileInfo fi( filemap[filename] ); if ( !filename.isEmpty() && fi.exists() && fi.isReadable() ) { TQString basename = filename.left(filename.length()-4); // check if this entry already exists if ( isListviewEntry(listview,basename) ) { m_logwidget->printMsg(KileTool::Info,i18n("Wordlist '%1' is already used.").tqarg(basename),i18n("Complete")); continue; } // add new entry TQCheckListItem *item = new TQCheckListItem(listview,basename,TQCheckListItem::CheckBox); item->setOn(true); item->setSelected(true); if ( filemap[filename].left(m_localCwlDir.length()) == m_localCwlDir ) item->setText(1,"+"); listview->insertItem(item); } } updateColumnWidth(listview); } } delete dlg; } // delete a selected entry void ConfigCodeCompletion::removeClicked() { TQWidget *page = tab->currentPage(); KListView *list = getListview(page); // determine page TQCheckListItem *item = (TQCheckListItem *)list->selectedItem(); // determine entry if ( item ) { list->takeItem(item); delete item; // Button enabled/disabled? showPage(page); } } void ConfigCodeCompletion::slotListviewClicked(TQListViewItem *) { KListView *listview = getListview(tab->currentPage()); // get current page remove->setEnabled( listview->selectedItems().count() > 0 ); } #include "configcodecompletion.moc"