/*************************************************************************** mathenvdialog.cpp ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- date : Dec 06 2005 version : 0.21 copyright : (C) 2005 by Holger Danielsson email : holger.danielsson@t-online.de ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "mathenvdialog.h" #include "codecompletion.h" #include "kileedit.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "kiledebug.h" namespace KileDialog { MathEnvironmentDialog::MathEnvironmentDialog(TQWidget *tqparent, KConfig *config, KileInfo *ki, KileDocument::LatexCommands *commands) : Wizard(config,tqparent), m_ki(ki), m_latexCommands(commands) { TQWidget *page = new TQWidget(this); setMainWidget(page); setCaption(i18n("Math Environments")); TQVBoxLayout *vbox = new TQVBoxLayout(page,8,8); // environment groupbox TQButtonGroup *envgroup = new TQButtonGroup( i18n("Environment"),page); envgroup->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical ); envgroup->tqlayout()->setSpacing( 6 ); envgroup->tqlayout()->setMargin( 11 ); m_lbEnvironment = new TQLabel(i18n("&Name:"),envgroup); m_lbStarred = new TQLabel(i18n("Without n&umbering:"),envgroup); m_lbRows = new TQLabel(i18n("Number of &rows:"),envgroup); m_lbCols = new TQLabel(i18n("Number of c&ols:"),envgroup); m_lbSpace = new TQLabel(i18n("Space command\nto &separate groups:"), envgroup); m_lbTabulator = new TQLabel(i18n("Standard &tabulator:"), envgroup); m_lbDisplaymath = new TQLabel(i18n("Display&math mode:"), envgroup); m_lbBullets = new TQLabel(i18n("Use &bullets:"), envgroup); TQFrame *frame = new TQFrame(envgroup); frame->setFrameStyle(TQFrame::HLine | TQFrame::Sunken); frame->setLineWidth(1); m_coEnvironment = new TQComboBox(envgroup); m_cbStarred = new TQCheckBox(envgroup); m_spRows = new TQSpinBox(1,99,1,envgroup); m_spRows->setValue(3); m_spCols = new TQSpinBox(1,49,1,envgroup); m_spCols->setValue(3); m_edSpace = new KLineEdit("",envgroup); m_coTabulator = new TQComboBox(envgroup); m_coDisplaymath = new TQComboBox(envgroup); m_cbBullets = new TQCheckBox(envgroup); TQGridLayout *envtqlayout = new TQGridLayout( envgroup->tqlayout() ); envtqlayout->tqsetAlignment( TQt::AlignTop ); envtqlayout->addWidget( m_lbEnvironment, 0,0 ); envtqlayout->addWidget( m_lbStarred, 1,0 ); envtqlayout->addWidget( m_lbRows, 2,0 ); envtqlayout->addWidget( m_lbCols, 3,0 ); envtqlayout->addWidget( m_lbTabulator, 5,0 ); envtqlayout->addWidget( m_lbDisplaymath, 6,0 ); envtqlayout->addWidget( m_coEnvironment, 0,1 ); envtqlayout->addWidget( m_cbStarred, 1,1 ); envtqlayout->addWidget( m_spRows, 2,1 ); envtqlayout->addWidget( m_spCols, 3,1 ); envtqlayout->addWidget( m_coTabulator, 5,1 ); envtqlayout->addWidget( m_coDisplaymath, 6,1 ); envtqlayout->addWidget( m_lbSpace, 3,3 ); envtqlayout->addWidget( m_lbBullets, 5,3 ); envtqlayout->addWidget( m_edSpace, 3,4 ); envtqlayout->addWidget( m_cbBullets, 5,4 ); envtqlayout->addMultiCellWidget(frame,4,4,0,4); envtqlayout->setRowSpacing(4,30); envtqlayout->setColSpacing(2,20); envtqlayout->setColStretch(4,1); // add widgets vbox->addWidget( envgroup); vbox->addStretch(1); m_lbEnvironment->setBuddy(m_coEnvironment); m_lbStarred->setBuddy(m_cbStarred); m_lbRows->setBuddy(m_spRows); m_lbCols->setBuddy(m_spCols); m_lbSpace->setBuddy(m_edSpace); m_lbTabulator->setBuddy(m_coTabulator); m_lbDisplaymath->setBuddy(m_coDisplaymath); m_lbBullets->setBuddy(m_cbBullets); // initialize dialog m_coDisplaymath->insertItem(TQString()); m_coDisplaymath->insertItem("displaymath"); m_coDisplaymath->insertItem("\\["); m_coDisplaymath->insertItem("equation"); m_coDisplaymath->insertItem("equation*"); // install environments initEnvironments(); m_coEnvironment->setCurrentText("align"); slotEnvironmentChanged( m_coEnvironment->currentItem() ); // signals and slots connect(m_coEnvironment, TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotEnvironmentChanged(int))); connect(m_spCols, TQT_SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotSpinboxValueChanged(int))); TQWhatsThis::add(m_coEnvironment,i18n("Choose an environment.")); TQWhatsThis::add(m_cbStarred,i18n("Use the starred version of this environment.")); TQWhatsThis::add(m_spRows,i18n("Choose the number of table rows.")); TQWhatsThis::add(m_spCols,i18n("Choose the number of table columns or tqalignment groups.")); TQWhatsThis::add(m_edSpace,i18n("Define an extra LaTeX command to separate tqalignment groups.")); TQWhatsThis::add(m_coTabulator,i18n("Choose one of some predefined tabulators.")); TQWhatsThis::add(m_coDisplaymath,i18n("Some environments are only valid in math mode. You can surround them with one of these display math modes.")); TQWhatsThis::add(m_cbBullets,i18n("Insert bullets in each cell. Alt+Ctrl+Right and Alt+Ctrl+Left will move very quick from one cell to another.")); } void MathEnvironmentDialog::initEnvironments() { // read all math environments and insert them into the combobox TQStringList list; TQStringList::ConstIterator it; m_latexCommands->commandList(list,(uint)(KileDocument::CmdAttrAmsmath|KileDocument::CmdAttrMath),false); for ( it=list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it ) { m_coEnvironment->insertItem(*it); } } bool MathEnvironmentDialog::isGroupsParameterEnv() { return ( m_parameter == "{n}" ); } bool MathEnvironmentDialog::isParameterEnv() { return ( m_parameter.find("{") >= 0 ); } ////////////////////////////// determine the whole tag ////////////////////////////// void MathEnvironmentDialog::slotEnvironmentChanged(int index) { KILE_DEBUG() << "environment changed: " << m_coEnvironment->text(index) << endl; m_envname = m_coEnvironment->text(index); // look for environment parameter in dictionary KileDocument::LatexCmdAttributes attr; if ( m_latexCommands->commandAttributes(m_envname,attr) ) { m_starred = attr.starred; m_mathmode = attr.mathmode; m_columns = ( attr.tabulator == "&" ); m_groups = ( attr.tabulator == "&=" ); m_fixedcolumns = ( attr.tabulator == "&=&" ); m_tabulator = attr.tabulator; m_parameter = attr.parameter; } // set starred version m_cbStarred->setChecked(false); m_lbStarred->setEnabled(m_starred); m_cbStarred->setEnabled(m_starred); // determine column/group entries TQString labeltext = i18n("Number of cols:"); bool spinstate = false; int minvalue = 1; int maxvalue = 1; int value = 1; if ( m_columns ) { spinstate = true; if ( m_envname != "cases" ) // 1,49,3 { maxvalue = 49; value = 3; } else { minvalue = 2; // 2,2,2 maxvalue = 2; value = 2; } } else if ( m_groups ) { spinstate = true; labeltext = i18n("Number of groups:"); maxvalue = 19; // 1,19,1 } else if ( m_fixedcolumns ) { spinstate = true; minvalue = 3; // 3,3,3 maxvalue = 3; value = 3; } else if ( m_envname == "split" ) { spinstate = true; maxvalue = 2; // 1,2,1 } // set column/group entries m_lbCols->setText(labeltext); m_spCols->setMinValue(minvalue); m_spCols->setMaxValue(maxvalue); m_spCols->setValue(value); m_lbCols->setEnabled(spinstate); m_spCols->setEnabled(spinstate); slotSpinboxValueChanged(m_spCols->value()); // set tabulator entries m_coTabulator->clear(); TQStringList tablist; if ( m_tabulator == "&=&" ) tablist << "&=&" << "& &" << "&<&" << "&<=&" << "&>&" << "&>=&" << "&\\ne&" << "&\\approx&" << "&\\equiv&" << "&\\conq&" ; else if ( m_tabulator == "&=" ) tablist << "&=" << "& " << "&<" << "&<=" << "&>" << "&>=" << "&\\ne" << "&\\approx" << "&\\equiv" << "&\\conq" ; else if ( ! m_tabulator.isEmpty() ) tablist << "&"; bool tabstate = ( tablist.count() > 0 ); m_lbTabulator->setEnabled(tabstate); m_coTabulator->setEnabled(tabstate); if ( tabstate ) m_coTabulator->insertStringList(tablist); // set displaymathmode entries m_lbDisplaymath->setEnabled(m_mathmode); m_coDisplaymath->setEnabled(m_mathmode); } void MathEnvironmentDialog::slotSpinboxValueChanged(int index) { bool state = ( index>1 && m_groups && isGroupsParameterEnv() ); m_lbSpace->setEnabled(state); m_edSpace->setEnabled(state); } void MathEnvironmentDialog::slotOk() { // environment TQString envname = ( m_cbStarred->isChecked() ) ? m_envname + '*' : m_envname; TQString indent = m_ki->editorExtension()->autoIndentEnvironment(); // use bullets? TQString bullet = ( m_cbBullets->isChecked() ) ? s_bullet : TQString(); // normal tabulator TQString tab = m_coTabulator->currentText(); tab.replace("<=","\\le"); tab.replace(">=","\\ge"); TQString tabulator = bullet + ' ' + tab + ' '; // number of rows int numrows = m_spRows->value(); // get number of groups/columns and tabulator to separate these TQString topgrouptabulator,grouptabulator; int numgroups; bool aligngroups; if ( m_groups ) { aligngroups = true; numgroups = ( m_tabulator != "&" ) ? m_spCols->value() : 1; if ( m_edSpace->isEnabled() ) { TQString spaces; topgrouptabulator = " &" + m_edSpace->text() + " "; grouptabulator = " & " + spaces.fill(' ', m_edSpace->text().length()); } else { topgrouptabulator = " & "; grouptabulator = " & "; } } else { aligngroups = false; if ( ! m_fixedcolumns ) numgroups = ( m_columns ) ? m_spCols->value()-1 : 0; else numgroups = 1; } // get displaymath mode TQString displaymathbegin = TQString(); TQString displaymathend = TQString(); if ( m_coDisplaymath->isEnabled() ) { TQString mathmode = m_coDisplaymath->currentText(); if ( ! mathmode.isEmpty() ) { if ( mathmode == "\\[" ) { displaymathbegin = "\\[\n"; displaymathend = "\\]\n"; } else { displaymathbegin = TQString("\\begin{%1}\n").tqarg(mathmode); displaymathend = TQString("\\end{%1}\n").tqarg(mathmode); } } } // build tag m_td.tagBegin = displaymathbegin; TQString parameter; if ( isGroupsParameterEnv() ) parameter = TQString("{%2}").tqarg(numgroups); else if ( isParameterEnv() ) parameter = '{' + bullet + '}'; // open environment m_td.tagBegin += TQString("\\begin{%1}").tqarg(envname) + parameter + '\n'; for ( int row=0; row