/**************************************************************************** ** Form implementation generated from reading ui file './ksexportpicturedlginterf.ui' ** ** Created: śro mar 20 18:53:19 2002 ** by: The User Interface Compiler (uic) ** ** WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost! ****************************************************************************/ #include "ksexportpicturedlginterf.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* * Constructs a KSExportPictureDlgInterf which is a child of 'parent', with the * name 'name' and widget flags set to 'f'. * * The dialog will by default be modeless, unless you set 'modal' to * TRUE to construct a modal dialog. */ KSExportPictureDlgInterf::KSExportPictureDlgInterf( QWidget* parent, const char* name, bool modal, WFlags fl ) : QDialog( parent, name, modal, fl ) { if ( !name ) setName( "KSExportPictureDlgInterf" ); resize( 550, 510 ); setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( (QSizePolicy::SizeType)0, (QSizePolicy::SizeType)0, 0, 0, sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) ); setMinimumSize( QSize( 550, 510 ) ); setMaximumSize( QSize( 550, 371 ) ); setBaseSize( QSize( 200, 200 ) ); setCaption( trUtf8( "Export picture" ) ); Line1 = new QFrame( this, "Line1" ); Line1->setGeometry( QRect( 5, 450, 535, 16 ) ); Line1->setFrameShape( QFrame::HLine ); userOutput = new QMultiLineEdit( this, "userOutput" ); userOutput->setEnabled( TRUE ); userOutput->setGeometry( QRect( 5, 350, 540, 100 ) ); userOutput->setFocusPolicy( QMultiLineEdit::NoFocus ); userOutput->setAcceptDrops( FALSE ); userOutput->setFrameShape( QMultiLineEdit::Box ); userOutput->setReadOnly( TRUE ); userOutput->setText( trUtf8( "" ) ); QToolTip::add( userOutput, trUtf8( "Program output" ) ); Frame3 = new QFrame( this, "Frame3" ); Frame3->setGeometry( QRect( 215, 125, 325, 220 ) ); Frame3->setFrameShape( QFrame::WinPanel ); Frame3->setFrameShadow( QFrame::Sunken ); Frame3->setLineWidth( 1 ); Frame3Layout = new QHBoxLayout( Frame3, 2, 0, "Frame3Layout"); TabWidget2 = new QTabWidget( Frame3, "TabWidget2" ); tab = new QWidget( TabWidget2, "tab" ); GroupBox4_2 = new QGroupBox( tab, "GroupBox4_2" ); GroupBox4_2->setGeometry( QRect( 5, 5, 310, 180 ) ); GroupBox4_2->setFrameShape( QGroupBox::NoFrame ); GroupBox4_2->setTitle( trUtf8( "" ) ); TextLabel1_2_2 = new QLabel( GroupBox4_2, "TextLabel1_2_2" ); TextLabel1_2_2->setGeometry( QRect( 25, 36, 70, 20 ) ); TextLabel1_2_2->setText( trUtf8( "Format" ) ); TextLabel1_3_2 = new QLabel( GroupBox4_2, "TextLabel1_3_2" ); TextLabel1_3_2->setGeometry( QRect( 25, 70, 65, 20 ) ); TextLabel1_3_2->setText( trUtf8( "Quality" ) ); TextLabel3_2 = new QLabel( GroupBox4_2, "TextLabel3_2" ); TextLabel3_2->setGeometry( QRect( 25, 100, 70, 25 ) ); TextLabel3_2->setText( trUtf8( "Depth" ) ); pixmapSmooth = new QCheckBox( GroupBox4_2, "pixmapSmooth" ); pixmapSmooth->setGeometry( QRect( 95, 135, 145, 20 ) ); pixmapSmooth->setText( trUtf8( "Smooth" ) ); pixmapDepth = new QComboBox( FALSE, GroupBox4_2, "pixmapDepth" ); pixmapDepth->insertItem( trUtf8( "16M colors" ) ); pixmapDepth->insertItem( trUtf8( "256 colors" ) ); pixmapDepth->insertItem( trUtf8( "256 grays" ) ); pixmapDepth->setGeometry( QRect( 95, 100, 90, 22 ) ); pixmapQuality = new QSlider( GroupBox4_2, "pixmapQuality" ); pixmapQuality->setGeometry( QRect( 95, 70, 140, 16 ) ); pixmapQuality->setMaxValue( 100 ); pixmapQuality->setValue( 90 ); pixmapQuality->setOrientation( QSlider::Horizontal ); pixmapFormat = new QComboBox( FALSE, GroupBox4_2, "pixmapFormat" ); pixmapFormat->insertItem( trUtf8( "PNG" ) ); pixmapFormat->insertItem( trUtf8( "JPEG" ) ); pixmapFormat->setGeometry( QRect( 95, 35, 140, 20 ) ); TabWidget2->insertTab( tab, trUtf8( "Pixmap" ) ); tab_2 = new QWidget( TabWidget2, "tab_2" ); TextLabel1_5 = new QLabel( tab_2, "TextLabel1_5" ); TextLabel1_5->setGeometry( QRect( 55, 70, 85, 20 ) ); TextLabel1_5->setText( trUtf8( "Format" ) ); metafileFormat = new QComboBox( FALSE, tab_2, "metafileFormat" ); metafileFormat->insertItem( trUtf8( "Native" ) ); metafileFormat->insertItem( trUtf8( "SVG" ) ); metafileFormat->setGeometry( QRect( 143, 70, 120, 20 ) ); TabWidget2->insertTab( tab_2, trUtf8( "QMetafile" ) ); tab_3 = new QWidget( TabWidget2, "tab_3" ); GroupBox5 = new QGroupBox( tab_3, "GroupBox5" ); GroupBox5->setGeometry( QRect( 10, 5, 310, 180 ) ); GroupBox5->setFrameShape( QGroupBox::NoFrame ); GroupBox5->setTitle( trUtf8( "" ) ); userCommand = new QComboBox( FALSE, GroupBox5, "userCommand" ); userCommand->insertItem( trUtf8( "gs -q -g%1x%2 -sDEVICE=%3 -sOutputFile=%4 - " ) ); userCommand->insertItem( trUtf8( "pstoedit -f xfig > %4" ) ); userCommand->setGeometry( QRect( 10, 25, 290, 21 ) ); userCommand->setEditable( TRUE ); userCommand->setCurrentItem( -1 ); userCommand->setDuplicatesEnabled( FALSE ); QToolTip::add( userCommand, trUtf8( "Command line" ) ); TextLabel1_3 = new QLabel( GroupBox5, "TextLabel1_3" ); TextLabel1_3->setGeometry( QRect( 10, 0, 290, 25 ) ); TextLabel1_3->setText( trUtf8( "Command line :" ) ); userGSDevice = new QComboBox( FALSE, GroupBox5, "userGSDevice" ); userGSDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "pngmono" ) ); userGSDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "pnggray" ) ); userGSDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "png16" ) ); userGSDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "png256" ) ); userGSDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "png16m" ) ); userGSDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "jpeg" ) ); userGSDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "jpeggray" ) ); userGSDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "bmp16m" ) ); userGSDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "pdfwrite" ) ); userGSDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "epswrite" ) ); userGSDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "pbm" ) ); userGSDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "pbmraw" ) ); userGSDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "pgm" ) ); userGSDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "pgmraw" ) ); userGSDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "pgnm" ) ); userGSDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "pgnmraw" ) ); userGSDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "pnm" ) ); userGSDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "pnmraw" ) ); userGSDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "ppm" ) ); userGSDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "ppmraw" ) ); userGSDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "tiffcrle" ) ); userGSDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "tiffg3" ) ); userGSDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "tiffg32d" ) ); userGSDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "tiffg4" ) ); userGSDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "tifflzw" ) ); userGSDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "tiffpack" ) ); userGSDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "tiff12nc" ) ); userGSDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "tiff24nc" ) ); userGSDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "bit" ) ); userGSDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "bitrgb" ) ); userGSDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "bitcmyk" ) ); userGSDevice->setGeometry( QRect( 190, 80, 110, 22 ) ); QToolTip::add( userGSDevice, trUtf8( "GS device (%5)" ) ); TextLabel2 = new QLabel( GroupBox5, "TextLabel2" ); TextLabel2->setGeometry( QRect( 140, 55, 160, 20 ) ); TextLabel2->setText( trUtf8( "Ghostscript ( gs ) device:" ) ); TextLabel2->setAlignment( int( QLabel::AlignVCenter | QLabel::AlignRight ) ); userIMagickDevice = new QComboBox( FALSE, GroupBox5, "userIMagickDevice" ); userIMagickDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "bmp" ) ); userIMagickDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "bmp24" ) ); userIMagickDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "dib" ) ); userIMagickDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "ept" ) ); userIMagickDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "fax" ) ); userIMagickDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "g3" ) ); userIMagickDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "fits" ) ); userIMagickDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "fpx" ) ); userIMagickDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "gif" ) ); userIMagickDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "gif87" ) ); userIMagickDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "gray" ) ); userIMagickDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "hdf" ) ); userIMagickDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "html" ) ); userIMagickDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "icm" ) ); userIMagickDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "ipic" ) ); userIMagickDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "bie" ) ); userIMagickDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "jbg" ) ); userIMagickDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "jbig" ) ); userIMagickDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "jpeg24" ) ); userIMagickDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "jpeg" ) ); userIMagickDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "matte" ) ); userIMagickDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "miff" ) ); userIMagickDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "mono" ) ); userIMagickDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "mtv" ) ); userIMagickDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "mvg" ) ); userIMagickDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "pcd" ) ); userIMagickDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "pcl" ) ); userIMagickDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "pcx" ) ); userIMagickDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "epdf" ) ); userIMagickDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "pdf" ) ); userIMagickDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "pict" ) ); userIMagickDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "pict24" ) ); userIMagickDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "mng" ) ); userIMagickDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "png" ) ); userIMagickDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "p7" ) ); userIMagickDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "pbm" ) ); userIMagickDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "pgm" ) ); userIMagickDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "pnm" ) ); userIMagickDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "ppm" ) ); userIMagickDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "epi" ) ); userIMagickDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "eps" ) ); userIMagickDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "ps" ) ); userIMagickDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "ps2" ) ); userIMagickDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "ps3" ) ); userIMagickDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "psd" ) ); userIMagickDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "sgi" ) ); userIMagickDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "ras" ) ); userIMagickDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "svg" ) ); userIMagickDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "tga" ) ); userIMagickDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "tiff" ) ); userIMagickDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "tiff24" ) ); userIMagickDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "pal" ) ); userIMagickDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "uyvy" ) ); userIMagickDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "vicar" ) ); userIMagickDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "vid" ) ); userIMagickDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "viff" ) ); userIMagickDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "xv" ) ); userIMagickDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "wbmp" ) ); userIMagickDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "xpg" ) ); userIMagickDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "x" ) ); userIMagickDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "xpm" ) ); userIMagickDevice->insertItem( trUtf8( "yuv" ) ); userIMagickDevice->setGeometry( QRect( 190, 140, 110, 22 ) ); QToolTip::add( userIMagickDevice, trUtf8( "Convert device (%6)" ) ); TextLabel1_2 = new QLabel( GroupBox5, "TextLabel1_2" ); TextLabel1_2->setGeometry( QRect( 130, 115, 170, 25 ) ); TextLabel1_2->setText( trUtf8( "ImageMagick ( convert ) device:" ) ); TextLabel1_2->setAlignment( int( QLabel::AlignVCenter | QLabel::AlignRight ) ); TextLabel1_4 = new QLabel( GroupBox5, "TextLabel1_4" ); TextLabel1_4->setGeometry( QRect( 10, 70, 130, 95 ) ); TextLabel1_4->setFrameShape( QLabel::Box ); TextLabel1_4->setFrameShadow( QLabel::Plain ); TextLabel1_4->setLineWidth( 1 ); TextLabel1_4->setMargin( 7 ); TextLabel1_4->setMidLineWidth( 0 ); TextLabel1_4->setText( trUtf8( "%1 - input PS filename \n" "%2 - output filename\n" "%3 - width in pixels\n" "%4 - height in pixels\n" "%5 - dpi" ) ); TextLabel1_4->setScaledContents( FALSE ); TextLabel1_4->setAlignment( int( QLabel::AlignVCenter | QLabel::AlignLeft ) ); TabWidget2->insertTab( tab_3, trUtf8( "User program" ) ); Frame3Layout->addWidget( TabWidget2 ); GroupBox1 = new QGroupBox( this, "GroupBox1" ); GroupBox1->setGeometry( QRect( 5, 125, 205, 220 ) ); GroupBox1->setTitle( trUtf8( "Input area" ) ); TextLabel8 = new QLabel( GroupBox1, "TextLabel8" ); TextLabel8->setGeometry( QRect( 20, 50, 65, 25 ) ); TextLabel8->setText( trUtf8( "X" ) ); TextLabel10 = new QLabel( GroupBox1, "TextLabel10" ); TextLabel10->setGeometry( QRect( 20, 100, 65, 25 ) ); TextLabel10->setText( trUtf8( "Width" ) ); TextLabel11 = new QLabel( GroupBox1, "TextLabel11" ); TextLabel11->setGeometry( QRect( 20, 125, 65, 25 ) ); TextLabel11->setText( trUtf8( "Height" ) ); inputWidth = new QLineEdit( GroupBox1, "inputWidth" ); inputWidth->setGeometry( QRect( 85, 100, 70, 22 ) ); inputWidth->setText( trUtf8( "0" ) ); inputHeight = new QLineEdit( GroupBox1, "inputHeight" ); inputHeight->setGeometry( QRect( 85, 125, 71, 22 ) ); inputHeight->setText( trUtf8( "0" ) ); TextLabel9 = new QLabel( GroupBox1, "TextLabel9" ); TextLabel9->setGeometry( QRect( 20, 75, 65, 25 ) ); TextLabel9->setText( trUtf8( "Y" ) ); inputY = new QLineEdit( GroupBox1, "inputY" ); inputY->setGeometry( QRect( 85, 75, 71, 22 ) ); inputY->setText( trUtf8( "0" ) ); TextLabel15 = new QLabel( GroupBox1, "TextLabel15" ); TextLabel15->setGeometry( QRect( 165, 125, 30, 25 ) ); TextLabel15->setText( trUtf8( "mm" ) ); TextLabel14 = new QLabel( GroupBox1, "TextLabel14" ); TextLabel14->setGeometry( QRect( 165, 100, 30, 25 ) ); TextLabel14->setText( trUtf8( "mm" ) ); TextLabel13 = new QLabel( GroupBox1, "TextLabel13" ); TextLabel13->setGeometry( QRect( 165, 75, 30, 25 ) ); TextLabel13->setText( trUtf8( "mm" ) ); TextLabel12 = new QLabel( GroupBox1, "TextLabel12" ); TextLabel12->setGeometry( QRect( 165, 50, 30, 25 ) ); TextLabel12->setText( trUtf8( "mm" ) ); inputX = new QLineEdit( GroupBox1, "inputX" ); inputX->setGeometry( QRect( 85, 50, 70, 22 ) ); inputX->setText( trUtf8( "0" ) ); inputFullPage = new QCheckBox( GroupBox1, "inputFullPage" ); inputFullPage->setGeometry( QRect( 80, 160, 100, 18 ) ); inputFullPage->setText( trUtf8( "Full page" ) ); GroupBox3 = new QGroupBox( this, "GroupBox3" ); GroupBox3->setGeometry( QRect( 5, 5, 535, 115 ) ); GroupBox3->setTitle( trUtf8( "File format" ) ); GroupBox4 = new QGroupBox( GroupBox3, "GroupBox4" ); GroupBox4->setGeometry( QRect( 45, 475, 250, 60 ) ); GroupBox4->setFrameShape( QGroupBox::Panel ); GroupBox4->setFrameShadow( QGroupBox::Raised ); GroupBox4->setTitle( trUtf8( "" ) ); TextLabel7 = new QLabel( GroupBox3, "TextLabel7" ); TextLabel7->setGeometry( QRect( 10, 80, 80, 20 ) ); TextLabel7->setText( trUtf8( "DPI" ) ); TextLabel1 = new QLabel( GroupBox3, "TextLabel1" ); TextLabel1->setGeometry( QRect( 10, 20, 80, 20 ) ); TextLabel1->setText( trUtf8( "Filename" ) ); TextLabel4 = new QLabel( GroupBox3, "TextLabel4" ); TextLabel4->setGeometry( QRect( 10, 51, 80, 20 ) ); TextLabel4->setText( trUtf8( "Format" ) ); fileBrowse = new QPushButton( GroupBox3, "fileBrowse" ); fileBrowse->setGeometry( QRect( 431, 15, 90, 27 ) ); fileBrowse->setText( trUtf8( "Browse ..." ) ); fileBrowse->setAutoDefault( FALSE ); fileFormat = new QComboBox( FALSE, GroupBox3, "fileFormat" ); fileFormat->insertItem( trUtf8( "Pixmap" ) ); fileFormat->insertItem( trUtf8( "Qt metafile" ) ); fileFormat->insertItem( trUtf8( "User program" ) ); fileFormat->setGeometry( QRect( 90, 50, 135, 22 ) ); fileDpi = new QLineEdit( GroupBox3, "fileDpi" ); fileDpi->setGeometry( QRect( 90, 80, 135, 22 ) ); fileDpi->setText( trUtf8( "72.0" ) ); fileName = new QLineEdit( GroupBox3, "fileName" ); fileName->setGeometry( QRect( 90, 20, 335, 22 ) ); QToolTip::add( fileName, trUtf8( "Output filename (%2)" ) ); imageSize = new QLabel( GroupBox3, "imageSize" ); imageSize->setGeometry( QRect( 275, 50, 245, 50 ) ); imageSize->setFrameShape( QLabel::Box ); imageSize->setFrameShadow( QLabel::Plain ); imageSize->setLineWidth( 1 ); imageSize->setText( trUtf8( "Image size: 234 x 100 pixels" ) ); imageSize->setAlignment( int( QLabel::AlignCenter ) ); Frame21 = new QFrame( this, "Frame21" ); Frame21->setGeometry( QRect( 365, 465, 175, 40 ) ); Frame21->setFrameShape( QFrame::NoFrame ); Frame21->setFrameShadow( QFrame::Raised ); Frame21Layout = new QHBoxLayout( Frame21, 0, 6, "Frame21Layout"); buttonExport = new QPushButton( Frame21, "buttonExport" ); buttonExport->setText( trUtf8( "Export" ) ); buttonExport->setDefault( FALSE ); Frame21Layout->addWidget( buttonExport ); buttonCancel = new QPushButton( Frame21, "buttonCancel" ); buttonCancel->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( (QSizePolicy::SizeType)0, (QSizePolicy::SizeType)0, 0, 0, buttonCancel->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) ); buttonCancel->setText( trUtf8( "Cancel" ) ); Frame21Layout->addWidget( buttonCancel ); // signals and slots connections connect( buttonCancel, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( reject() ) ); connect( fileBrowse, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( browseFilename() ) ); connect( inputFullPage, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), this, SLOT( setFullPage(bool) ) ); connect( fileDpi, SIGNAL( textChanged(const QString&) ), this, SLOT( changeImageSize( const QString& ) ) ); connect( inputY, SIGNAL( textChanged(const QString&) ), this, SLOT( changeImageSize( const QString& ) ) ); connect( inputWidth, SIGNAL( textChanged(const QString&) ), this, SLOT( changeImageSize( const QString& ) ) ); connect( inputHeight, SIGNAL( textChanged(const QString&) ), this, SLOT( changeImageSize( const QString& ) ) ); connect( inputX, SIGNAL( textChanged(const QString&) ), this, SLOT( changeImageSize( const QString& ) ) ); connect( buttonExport, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( exportPicture() ) ); // tab order setTabOrder( fileName, fileBrowse ); setTabOrder( fileBrowse, fileFormat ); setTabOrder( fileFormat, fileDpi ); setTabOrder( fileDpi, inputX ); setTabOrder( inputX, inputY ); setTabOrder( inputY, inputWidth ); setTabOrder( inputWidth, inputHeight ); setTabOrder( inputHeight, inputFullPage ); setTabOrder( inputFullPage, TabWidget2 ); setTabOrder( TabWidget2, userCommand ); setTabOrder( userCommand, userGSDevice ); setTabOrder( userGSDevice, userIMagickDevice ); setTabOrder( userIMagickDevice, pixmapFormat ); setTabOrder( pixmapFormat, pixmapQuality ); setTabOrder( pixmapQuality, pixmapDepth ); setTabOrder( pixmapDepth, pixmapSmooth ); setTabOrder( pixmapSmooth, buttonExport ); setTabOrder( buttonExport, buttonCancel ); } /* * Destroys the object and frees any allocated resources */ KSExportPictureDlgInterf::~KSExportPictureDlgInterf() { // no need to delete child widgets, Qt does it all for us } void KSExportPictureDlgInterf::browseFilename() { qWarning( "KSExportPictureDlgInterf::browseFilename(): Not implemented yet!" ); } void KSExportPictureDlgInterf::changeImageSize( const QString& ) { qWarning( "KSExportPictureDlgInterf::changeImageSize( const QString& ): Not implemented yet!" ); } void KSExportPictureDlgInterf::exportPicture() { qWarning( "KSExportPictureDlgInterf::exportPicture(): Not implemented yet!" ); } void KSExportPictureDlgInterf::setFullPage(bool) { qWarning( "KSExportPictureDlgInterf::setFullPage(bool): Not implemented yet!" ); } #include "ksexportpicturedlginterf.moc"