function [result]=kplot(x,y) // // plot(x,y) - plots rows y versus rows x, or rows y versus vector x // plot(x) - simply rows x // [out, in]=argn(0) // kremoveall(); if in==1 then [xrows xcols] = size(x); for k=1:xrows dataset = kadd(0); ksetmatrix(dataset,1,x(k,:)'); // simply rows x, k-1 is used instead of dataset end result = 1; elseif in==2 then [xrows xcols] = size(x); [yrows ycols] = size(y); for k=1:yrows dataset = kadd(0); if k<=xrows then ksetmatrix(dataset,0,x(k,:)') // rows x else ksetmatrix(dataset,0,x(1,:)') // single vector x for all y rows end ksetmatrix(dataset,1,y(k,:)'); // versus rows y, k-1 is used instead of dataset end result = 1; else error("Wrong number of arguments !"); result = 0; end