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ksmatrixsheet.h - description
begin : Tue Feb 26 2002
copyright : (C) 2002 by kamil
email : kamil@localhost.localdomain
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <qwidget.h>
//#include <qsmatrix.h>
class KSCellFormat {
QSGFill background;
int numericPrecision;
char numericFormat;
QString dateTimeFormat;
typedef struct {
union {
double numeric;
QString *string;
} m_value;
int m_type;
int m_format;
bool isEmpty() const {}
void setEmpty( bool empty );
void setType( int type );
int type() const {}
void setValue( double value );
void setString( const QString& string );
double value() const;
QString string( const KSCellFormat& format ) const;
} cell_t;
class KSSheetColumn {
int size();
void resize( int new_size );
void adjustSize();
/** The most complex implemetation of
* QSMatrix interface - sheet-like data with
* auto-resizing, data types, formulas and
* format assigned to individual cells.
* @author kamil
class KSMatrixSheet : public QSMatrix {
enum CellType { NumericType,
ArrowType };
KSMatrixSheet(QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0);
virtual ~KSMatrixSheet();
void setDefaultFormat( const KSCellFormat& format );
const KSCellFormat &defaultFormat() const;
void setCellType( int row, int col, CellType type );
CellType cellType( int row, int col ) const;
void setFormat( const KSCellFormat& format, int rowFrom, int rowTo, int colFrom, int colTo );
const KSCellFormat &format( int row, int col ) const;
const KSCellFormat &format( int formatIndex ) const;
void changeFormat( int formatIndex, const KSCellFormat& newFormat );
int formatIndex( int row, int col ) const;
void clear( int rowFrom, int rowTo, int colFrom, int colTo );
void clear( int row, int col );
void setCellType( int row, int col, CellType type );
CellType cellType( int row, int col ) const;
void insertColumns( int beforeCol, int number );
void deleteColumns( int col, int number );
int columnSize( int col ) const;
virtual bool isEmpty( int row, int col ) const;
virtual double value( int row, int col ) = 0;
virtual QString string( int row, int col );
virtual int rows() const = 0;
virtual int cols() const = 0;
virtual bool resize( int rows, int cols );
virtual bool transpose() { return false; }
virtual void setValue( int row, int col, double value );
virtual void setString( int row, int col, const QString& string );
virtual bool isEditable() const;
virtual bool isString() const;
//void setFormula( const QString& formula, int rowFrom, int rowTo, int colFrom, int colTo );
//int formula( );