You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

387 lines
11 KiB

* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
Author: Christian Hubinger <>, (C) 2001-2008
#include "kmftarget.h"
// QT includes
#include <tqwidget.h>
// KDE includes
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <ktrader.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <tdeio/netaccess.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
// Project Inclueds
#include "ipaddress.h"
#include "kmferror.h"
#include "kmfnetzone.h"
#include "kmfnetwork.h"
#include "kmftargetconfig.h"
#include "kmfconfig.h"
#include "kmfdoc.h"
#include "kmfiptdoc.h"
#include "kmfgenericdoc.h"
#include "kmfrulesetdoc.h"
#include "kmfinstallerinterface.h"
#include "kmfcompilerinterface.h"
#include "kmfpluginfactory.h"
#include "kprocesswrapper.h"
#include "xmlnames.h"
namespace KMF {
KMFTarget::KMFTarget( NetfilterObject *parent, const char* name, const TQString&, KMFNetwork* net ) : NetfilterObject( parent, name ) {
kdDebug() << "KMFTarget::KMFTarget( NetfilterObject *parent, const TQString& name )" << endl;
m_network = net;
m_address = new IPAddress( 0,0,0,0 );
m_ssh_port = 22;
m_zone = 0;
m_config = new KMFTargetConfig( this, name );
m_doc = 0;
m_readOnly = false;
KMFTarget::~KMFTarget() {
kdDebug() << "KMFTarget::~KMFTarget()" << endl;
delete m_address;
if ( m_doc ) {
void KMFTarget::ensureDoc() {
if ( m_doc == 0 ) {
if ( KMFConfig::useGenericInterface() ) {
kdDebug() << "Creating new KMFGenericDoc( this, KMFGenericDoc, this )" << endl;
m_doc = new KMFGenericDoc( this, "KMFGenericDoc", this );
} else {
kdDebug() << "Creating new KMFIPTDoc( this, KMFIPTDoc, this )" << endl;
m_doc = new KMFIPTDoc( this, "KMFIPTDoc", this );
void KMFTarget::clear() {
if( m_doc ) {
KMFDoc* KMFTarget::doc() {
return m_doc;
KMFNetwork* KMFTarget::network() {
kdDebug() << "KMFTarget::network()" << endl;
return m_network;
TQString KMFTarget::toString() {
TQString ret = TQString(
"Host: " + address()->toString() +
" name: " + NetfilterObject::name() +
" GUIName: " + guiName() );
return ret;
bool KMFTarget::isLocalhost() {
return NetfilterObject::name() == Constants::Localhost_Name;
bool KMFTarget::isLocalExecuteTarget() {
return ( NetfilterObject::name() == Constants::Localhost_Name && ! KMFConfig::useSSHForLocalhost() );
TQString KMFTarget::toFriendlyString() {
TQString ret = TQString( guiName() + " [" + address()->toString() +"]" );
return ret;
KMFTargetConfig *KMFTarget::config() {
return m_config;
KMFInstallerInterface* KMFTarget::installer() {
return KMFPluginFactory::KMFInstaller( this );
KMFCompilerInterface* KMFTarget::compiler() {
return KMFPluginFactory::KMFCompiler( this );
KMFRulesetDoc* KMFTarget::rulesetDoc() {
// return dynamic_cast<KMFRulesetDoc*>( this );
return dynamic_cast<KMFRulesetDoc*>( m_doc );
int KMFTarget::type() {
// kdDebug() << "KMFTarget::type()" << endl;
return NetfilterObject::KMFTARGET;
void KMFTarget::setSSHPort( int port ) {
m_ssh_port = port;
void KMFTarget::setReadOnly( bool onOff ) {
m_readOnly = onOff;
void KMFTarget::setGuiName( const TQString& name){
if ( !name.isNull() && !name.isEmpty() && m_guiName != name ) {
m_guiName = name;
void KMFTarget::setAddress( const TQString& addr ) {
m_address->setAddress( addr );
void KMFTarget::setParentZone( KMFNetZone* zone ){
m_zone = zone;
bool KMFTarget::isCurrentTarget() {
kdDebug() << "KMFTarget::isCurrentTarget()" << endl;
if ( ! zone() ) {
kdDebug() << "zone() == 0" << endl;
return false;
if ( ! zone()->network() ) {
kdDebug() << "zone()->network() == 0" << endl;
return false;
return ( zone()->network()->currentTarget()->uuid() == this->uuid() );
const TQString& KMFTarget::name() {
// kdDebug() << "TQString& KMFTarget::name()" << endl;
if ( ! zone() || readOnly() ) {
return NetfilterObject::name();
int index = 0;
bool found = false;
KMFNetZone *z = zone();
TQPtrListIterator<KMFTarget> it( z->hosts() );
while ( it.current() && ! found ) {
if ( it.current() == this ) {
found = true;
const TQString& s = zone()->name() + "_target_"+ TQString::number( index );
return *( new TQString(s) );
const TQString& KMFTarget::getFishUrl() {
TQString addr = isLocalhost() ? "localhost" : m_address->toString();
return *( new TQString("fish://root@" + addr + ":" + TQString::number( m_ssh_port ) ) );
KMFError* KMFTarget::tryAutoConfiguration() {
kdDebug() << "KMFError* KMFTarget::tryAutoConfiguration()" << endl;
KMFError* err = new KMFError();
if ( isLocalExecuteTarget() ) {
TDEProcessWrapper::instance()->slotStartLocalJob( "autoconf", "uname", false, true );
} else {
TDEProcessWrapper::instance()->slotStartRemoteJob( "autoconf", "uname", rulesetDoc()->target() );
if ( TDEProcessWrapper::instance()->exitStatus() != 0 ) {
kdDebug() << "ERROR:" << TDEProcessWrapper::instance()->stdErr() << endl;
err->setErrType( KMFError::NORMAL );
err->setErrMsg( TDEProcessWrapper::instance()->stdErr() );
return err;
TQString retValUname = TDEProcessWrapper::instance()->stdCombined();
kdDebug() << "Found OS: " << retValUname << endl;
config()->setOS( retValUname.lower().remove( "\n" ).remove( " " ) );
TQString path = "kmyfirewall/scripts/installer/";
path.append( config()->oS().lower() );
path.append( "/" );
kdDebug() << "Search Path: " << path << endl;
TQString localFile = TDEGlobal::dirs() ->findResource( "data", path );
if ( ! TDEIO::NetAccess::exists( localFile, false, TDEApplication::kApplication()->mainWidget() ) ) {
kdDebug() << "No autoconfigure script found for os: " << config()->oS() << endl;
emit sigTargetChanged( this );
err->setErrType( KMFError::NORMAL );
err->setErrMsg( i18n("No autoconfigure script found for os: %1").arg( config()->oS() ) );
return err;
if ( isLocalExecuteTarget() ) {
TDEProcessWrapper::instance()->slotStartLocalJob( "autoconf", localFile, false, true );
} else {
TDEProcessWrapper::instance()->slotStartRemoteJob( "autoconf", localFile, rulesetDoc()->target() );
if ( TDEProcessWrapper::instance()->exitStatus() != 0 ) {
kdDebug() << "ERROR:" << TDEProcessWrapper::instance()->stdErr() << endl;
err->setErrType( KMFError::NORMAL );
err->setErrMsg( TDEProcessWrapper::instance()->stdErr() );
return err;
TQString retVal = TDEProcessWrapper::instance()->stdCombined();
kdDebug() << "AutoConf XML: \n"<< retVal << endl;
TQDomDocument doc;
doc.setContent( retVal );
TQStringList errors;
config()->setDistribution( "" );
config()->setIPTPath( "" );
config()->setInitPath( "" );
config()->setInterfaces( "" );
config()->setModprobePath( "" );
config()->setRcDefaultPath( "" );
config()->loadXML( doc, errors );
emit sigTargetChanged( this );
err->setErrType( KMFError::OK );
err->setErrMsg( "" );
return err;
// void KMFTarget::slotProcessFinished( const TQString& jobName, int status, bool exitedNormal, const TQString& stdOut, const TQString& stdErr, const TQString& completeOut ) {
// kdDebug() << "KMFTarget::slotProcessFinished( const TQString& jobName, int status, bool exitedNormal, const TQString& stdOut, const TQString& stdErr, const TQString& completeOut )" << endl;
// disconnect(
// TDEProcessWrapper::instance(),
// TQT_SIGNAL( sigProcessFinished(
// const TQString&,
// int,
// bool,
// const TQString&,
// const TQString& ,
// const TQString& ) ),
// this,
// TQT_SLOT( slotProcessFinished(
// const TQString&,
// int,
// bool,
// const TQString&,
// const TQString&,
// const TQString& ) ) );
// const TQString& ret = completeOut;
// kdDebug() << "Got Output: " << ret << endl;
// TQDomDocument doc;
// doc.setContent( ret );
// TQStringList errors;
// config()->setDistribution( "" );
// config()->setIPTPath( "" );
// config()->setInitPath( "" );
// config()->setInterfaces( "" );
// config()->setModprobePath( "" );
// config()->setRcDefaultPath( "" );
// config()->loadXML( doc, errors );
// emit sigTargetChanged( this );
// }
const TQDomDocument& KMFTarget::getDOMTree() {
// kdDebug() << "const TQDomDocument& KMFTarget::getDOMTree() " << endl;
TQDomDocument doc;
TQDomElement root = doc.createElement( XML::Target_Element );
NetfilterObject::saveUuid( root );
root.setAttribute( XML::Name_Attribute, name() );
root.setAttribute( XML::GUIName_Attribute, m_guiName );
root.setAttribute( XML::Description_Attribute, description() );
root.setAttribute( XML::Address_Attribute, m_address->toString() );
root.setAttribute( XML::SSHPort_Attribute, sshPort() );
root.setAttribute( XML::ReadOnly_Attribute, readOnly() ? XML::BoolOn_Value : XML::BoolOff_Value );
root.appendChild( config()->getDOMTree( ) );
// TQDomElement root = getDOM();
root.appendChild( m_doc->getDOMTree().documentElement() );
doc.appendChild( root );
return *( new TQDomDocument( doc ) );
void KMFTarget::loadXML( const TQDomDocument& doc, TQStringList& errors ) {
kdDebug() << "void KMFTarget::loadXML( const TQDomDocument& )" << endl;
TQDomElement root = doc.documentElement();
loadXML( root, errors );
void KMFTarget::loadXML( TQDomNode root, TQStringList& errors ) {
kdDebug() << "void KMFTarget::loadXML( const TQDomDocument& )" << endl;
NetfilterObject::loadUuid ( root, errors );
TQString name = "";
TQString guiName = "";
TQString desc = "";
TQString address = "";
TQString readonly = "";
TQString sshPort = "";
name = root.toElement().attribute( XML::Name_Attribute );
setDescription( root.toElement().attribute( XML::Description_Attribute ) );
setGuiName( root.toElement().attribute( XML::GUIName_Attribute ) );
setAddress( root.toElement().attribute( XML::Address_Attribute ) );
if ( root.toElement().hasAttribute( XML::SSHPort_Attribute ) ) {
setSSHPort( root.toElement().attribute( XML::SSHPort_Attribute ).toUInt() );
if ( root.toElement().attribute( XML::ReadOnly_Attribute ) == XML::BoolOn_Value ) {
setReadOnly( true );
} else {
setReadOnly( false );
TQDomNode curr = root.firstChild();
while ( !curr.isNull() ) {
if ( curr.isElement() && ( curr.nodeName() == XML::TargetConfig_Element ) ) {
kdDebug() << "void KMFTarget::loadXML( ) - parse targetconfig " << endl;
config()->loadXML( curr, errors );
if ( curr.isElement() &&
( ( curr.nodeName() == XML::GenericDoc_DocumentElement ) || ( curr.nodeName() == XML::IPTDoc_DocumentElement ) ) ) {
kdDebug() << "void KMFTarget::loadXML( ) - parse ruleset: " << curr.nodeName() << endl;
m_doc->loadXML( curr, errors );
curr = curr.nextSibling();
kdDebug() << "void KMFTarget::loadXML( ) - My Config: " << toString() << endl;