KGeneralPageDecl KGeneralPageDecl 0 0 600 415 unnamed kActiveLabel2 Please enter some information about yourself.<br><br> This information will be seen and used only by you. The information is used to personalize KMyMoney, to encrypt your file, etc. layout18 unnamed frame8 25 0 NoFrame Plain layout17 unnamed layout20 unnamed TextLabel4 100 0 County/State: m_userNameEdit m_countyEdit m_townEdit TextLabel2 100 0 Street: m_streetEdit TextLabel7 100 0 Email: TextLabel1 Your name: TextLabel6 100 0 Telephone: TextLabel3 100 0 Town: m_emailEdit TextLabel5 100 0 Zip code m_telephoneEdit m_zipcodeEdit layout12 unnamed m_loadAddressButton Load from Addressbook spacer9 Horizontal Expanding 61 20 frame8_2 25 0 NoFrame Plain