KSettingsHomeDecl KSettingsHomeDecl 0 0 659 414 Homepage Settings unnamed layout9 unnamed layout6 unnamed spacer5 Vertical Fixed 20 20 m_upButton Up m_downButton Down spacer15 Vertical Expanding 21 70 spacer16 Horizontal Expanding 80 21 textLabel4 5 1 0 0 Selected entries are shown on the home page of the application.<p> Use the buttons and checkboxes to customize the layout of the home page. WordBreak|AlignTop kcfg_ItemList m_homePageList true groupbox Homepage/Summary page font scaling unnamed percentageLabel Percentage of default font size: kcfg_RememberFontSize Remember font size when leaving the program if manually changed with mouse-wheel kcfg_FontSizePercentage 100 1 1000 spacer4 Horizontal Expanding 40 20 groupbox2 Information display unnamed kcfg_ShowLimitInfo Show Account Limit Information