/* -*- Mode: C++ -*- KDChart - a multi-platform charting engine */ /**************************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of the KDChart library. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** Licensees holding valid commercial KDChart licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the KDChart Commercial License Agreement provided with ** the Software. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.klaralvdalens-datakonsult.se/?page=products for ** information about KDChart Commercial License Agreements. ** ** Contact info@klaralvdalens-datakonsult.se if any conditions of this ** licensing are not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #ifndef __KDCHARTAXESPAINTER_H__ #define __KDCHARTAXESPAINTER_H__ #include #include #include #include #include class QDateTime; class KDChartParams; class KDChartAxesPainter : public KDChartPainter { protected: KDChartAxesPainter( KDChartParams* params ); virtual ~KDChartAxesPainter(); virtual void paintAxes( QPainter* painter, KDChartTableDataBase* data ); virtual void paintData( QPainter* painter, KDChartTableDataBase* data, bool paint2nd, KDChartDataRegionList* regions ); // note: Classes inheriting from KDChartAxesPainter // MUST implement the following abstract functions: // Returns whether a normal chart is to be drawn // or a stacked or percentage (or ... ) chart . virtual bool isNormalMode() const = 0; // Returns the number of pixels to be added to the clipping area's height // to make room for special arrows indicating oversized, cut data entries. // Chart classes not drawing such indicators must return 0. virtual int clipShiftUp( bool normalMode, double areaWidthP1000 ) const = 0; // The actual, chart type specific drawing of the data. virtual void specificPaintData( QPainter* painter, const QRect& ourClipRect, KDChartTableDataBase* data, KDChartDataRegionList* regions, const KDChartAxisParams* axisPara, bool bNormalMode, uint chart, double logWidth, double areaWidthP1000, double logHeight, double axisYOffset, double minColumnValue, double maxColumnValue, double columnValueDistance, uint chartDatasetStart, uint chartDatasetEnd, uint datasetStart, uint datasetEnd ) = 0; virtual bool calculateAllAxesLabelTextsAndCalcValues( QPainter* painter, KDChartTableDataBase* data, double areaWidthP1000, double areaHeightP1000, double& delimLen ); private: public: // special infos needed by the different painters' implementations // of the specificPaintData() function struct abscissaInfos{ const KDChartAxisParams* abscissaPara; bool bCenterThePoints; bool bAbscissaDecreasing; bool bAbscissaIsLogarithmic; bool bCellsHaveSeveralCoordinates; int numValues; int numLabels; bool bAbscissaHasTrueAxisValues; double abscissaStart; double abscissaEnd; double abscissaSpan; double abscissaDelta; bool bAbscissaHasTrueAxisDtValues; double dtLowPos; double dtHighPos; QDateTime abscissaDtStart; QDateTime abscissaDtEnd; bool bScaleLessThanDay; double abscissaDtSpan; double abscissaDtPixelsPerScaleUnit; double pointDist; double abscissaPixelsPerUnit; double abscissaZeroPos; }; static void calculateAbscissaInfos( const KDChartParams& params, const KDChartTableDataBase& data, uint datasetStart, uint datasetEnd, double logWidth, const QRect& dataRect, abscissaInfos& infos ); static bool calculateAbscissaAxisValue( const QVariant& value, abscissaInfos& ai, int colNumber, double& xValue ); static void saveDrawLine( QPainter& painter, QPoint pA, QPoint pZ, QPen pen ); static void calculateLabelTexts( QPainter* painter, const KDChartTableDataBase& data, const KDChartParams& params, uint axisNumber, double averageValueP1000, double delimLen, // start of return parameters KDChartAxisParams::AxisPos& basicPos, QPoint& orig, QPoint& dest, double& pXDeltaFactor, double& pYDeltaFactor, double& pXDelimDeltaFaktor, double& pYDelimDeltaFaktor, double& nSubDelimFactor, double& pDelimDelta, double& nTxtHeight, double& pTextsX, double& pTextsY, double& pTextsW, double& pTextsH, int& textAlign, bool& isLogarithmic, bool& isDateTime, bool& autoDtLabels, QDateTime& dtLow, QDateTime& dtHigh, KDChartAxisParams::ValueScale& dtDeltaScale, bool adjustTheValues = false, double trueDelta = 0.0, double trueDeltaPix = 0.0 ); static void calculateBasicTextFactors( double nTxtHeight, const KDChartAxisParams& para, double averageValueP1000, KDChartAxisParams::AxisPos basicPos, const QPoint& orig, double delimLen, uint nLabels, // start of return parameters double& pDelimDelta, double& pTextsX, double& pTextsY, double& pTextsW, double& pTextsH, int& textAlign ); static QString truncateBehindComma( const double nVal, const int behindComma, const double nDelta, int& trueBehindComma ); static QString applyLabelsFormat( const double nVal, int divPow10, int behindComma, double nDelta, int& trueBehindComma, KDChartEnums::NumberNotation notation, const QString& decimalPoint, const QString& thousandsPoint, const QString& prefix, const QString& postfix, int totalLen, const QChar& padFill, bool blockAlign ); static void calculateOrdinateFactors( const KDChartAxisParams& para, bool bLogarithmic, double& nDist, double& nDivisor, double& nRound, double& nDelta, double& nSubDelimFactor, double& nLow, double& nHigh, bool findNextRound = false ); static void dtAddSecs( const QDateTime& org, const int secs, QDateTime& dest ); static void dtAddDays( const QDateTime& org, const int days, QDateTime& dest ); static void dtAddMonths( const QDateTime& org, const int months, QDateTime& dest ); static void dtAddYears( const QDateTime& org, const int years, QDateTime& dest ); }; #endif