/*************************************************************************** knowit.h - description ------------------- begin : czw wrz 26 08:27:40 CEST 2002 copyright : (C) 2002-2004 by Micha³ Rudolf email : mrudolf@tdewebdev.org ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #ifndef KNOWIT_H #define KNOWIT_H #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include "knowitpref.h" #include "knowitchooser.h" #include "knowitedit.h" #include "knowitlink.h" #include "notes.h" class TQSplitter; class TQTimer; class KAction; class KConfig; class KListBox; class KToggleAction; class KRecentFilesAction; class KnowitTray; class KnowitEdit; class KnowitTree; /** Knowit is the base class of the project */ class Knowit : public KMainWindow { Q_OBJECT TQ_OBJECT private: static const TQString Untitled; KConfig *config; TQSplitter* Layout; KnowitTree* Items; KListBox* Links; KnowitEdit* Edit; KURL filename; TQPixmap pixmapFolder, pixmapFolderText, pixmapText, pixmapEmpty; KEdFind FindDlg; KnowitOptions Options; KnowitPreferences PrefDlg; KnowitChooser ChooserDlg; KnowitLinkDialog LinkDlg; KnowitTray* systray; /* data items */ TNotesCollection Notes; bool runMinimized; TQListViewItem* lastSought; TQString soughtText; TQTimer* AutosaveTimer; /* for saving backups */ TQUrlOperator URLOperator; /* false by default, set to true on queryClose() */ bool shuttingDown; /* actions */ KRecentFilesAction *actionRecent; KToggleAction *actionBold, *actionItalic, *actionUnderline, *actionEditAlignLeft, *actionEditAlignRight, *actionEditAlignCenter, *actionEditAlignJustify, *actionRawTextMode; KAction *actionCut, *actionCopy, *actionUndo, *actionRedo; /** Insert/Overwrite status */ enum {StatusText = 1, StatusOvr = 2}; public: /** Constructor of main window */ Knowit(TQWidget* parent=0, const char *name=0); /** Standard destructor */ ~Knowit(); /** Opens document */ bool open(const KURL& fname); /** Saves document */ bool save(const KURL& fname); /** Removes all data, creante new document */ void reset(); /** Checks if file was changed since last save, if so, user is prompted to save changes */ virtual bool queryClose(); /** Saves options and exits */ virtual bool queryExit(); /** Reads configuration from disk */ void readOptions(); /** Saves configuration to disk */ void saveOptions(); /** Finds and shows next occurence of currently sought text - or show message that it couldn't be found */ void find(TQListViewItem* start = 0); /** Returns true if notes or current text were modified */ bool modified(); /** Reimplemented from TQWidget to prevent from closing when docked */ virtual void closeEvent(TQCloseEvent* e); /** Apply current configuration */ void applyOptions(const KnowitOptions& O, bool store = true); /** Returns current note */ TNote* currentNote() const; public slots: /** Status bar text has changed - displays it */ void slotStatusMsg(const TQString& text); /** Shows requested popup menu for notes */ void slotContextMenu(KListView*, TQListViewItem*, const TQPoint&); /** Shows given note */ void slotNoteChanged(TQListViewItem* item); /** Add same-level note */ void slotNoteAdd(); /** Adds subnote */ void slotNoteAddChild(); /** Changes note's name */ void slotNoteRename(); /** Removes current note */ void slotNoteRemove(); /** Sort subnotes */ void slotNoteSort(); /** Move note up */ void slotNoteMoveUp(); /** Move note down */ void slotNoteMoveDown(); /** Move note at the beginning of current list */ void slotNoteMoveBegin(); /** Move note at the end of current list */ void slotNoteMoveEnd(); /** Move note level up */ void slotNoteMoveLeft(); /** Move note level down */ void slotNoteMoveRight(); /** Current item has changed - updates associated text and shows next */ void slotItemChanged(TQListViewItem*); /** Resets to a new file */ void slotFileNew(); /** Prompts for a file to open and opens it */ void slotFileOpen(); /** Opens selected of recent files */ void slotFileRecent(const KURL&); /** Saves file using previous name */ void slotFileSave(); /** Autosaves file using previous name */ void slotFileAutosave(); /** Prompts for filename and saves file */ void slotFileSaveAs(); /** Exports all notes to HTML */ void slotFileExport(); /** Prints current note */ void slotFilePrint(); /** Shows basic file statistics */ void slotFileInfo(); /** Quits KnowIt */ void slotFileQuit(); /** Turns bold in edit window on/off */ void slotEditBold(); /** Turns italic in edit window on/off */ void slotEditItalic(); /** Turns underlining in edit window on/off */ void slotEditUnderline(); /** Changes color of selected/current text */ void slotEditColor(); /** Changes vertical alignment to superscript */ void slotEditSuperscript(); /** Changes vertical alignment to subscript */ void slotEditSubscript(); /** Restores normal vertical alignment */ void slotEditNormal(); /** Prompts for text and shows note containing it */ void slotEditFind(); /** Shows next note with sought text */ void slotEditFindNext(); /** Shows note with given title */ void slotEditGoTo(); /** Aligns text to the left */ void slotEditAlignLeft(); /** Aligns text to the right */ void slotEditAlignRight(); /** Justifies text */ void slotEditAlignJustify(); /** Centers text */ void slotEditAlignCenter(); /** Change selected paragraphs to list. Warning: uses obsolete TQt function */ void slotEditListBullet(); void slotEditListNumber(); void slotEditListUpper(); void slotEditListLower(); void slotEditListNone(); /** Inserts current date */ void slotEditInsertDate(); /** Inserts file into editor */ void slotEditInsertFile(); /** Switches active window (notes/editor) */ void slotEditSwitch(); /** Edited text has changed - update bold/italic/... status */ void slotEditChanged(); /** Cursor position has changed - update bold/italic/... status */ void slotEditCursorChanged(int para, int pos); /** Shows options dialog */ void slotOptions(); /** Shows shortcut configuration dialog */ void slotOptionsKeys(); /** Shows toolbar configuration dialog */ void slotOptionsToolbar(); /** Removes KnowIt from Applet Tray */ void slotUndock(); /** Shows tip of the day */ void slotHelpTip(); /** Updates available commands */ void slotActionUpdate(); /** Text Insert mode changed, called from statusbar */ void slotOverwriteModeChange(int); /** Text Insert mode changed, called from Shortcut Key */ void slotOverwriteModeChange(); /** Toggles raw text/rich text edit mode */ void slotRawTextMode(); /** Shows requested popup menu for links */ void slotContextLinksMenu(TQListBoxItem* item, const TQPoint&); /** show current attachment **/ void slotShowAttachment(TQListBoxItem* i); /** Add link **/ void slotLinkAdd(); /** Handle dropped link **/ void slotLinkDropped(const TQString& s, int flags); /** Remove link **/ void slotLinkRemove(); /** Open link **/ void slotLinkOpen(); /** Open link with selected application **/ void slotLinkOpenWith(); /** Modify link **/ void slotLinkModify(); /** Copy link location **/ void slotLinkCopy(); }; #endif