/*************************************************************************** knutmainwindow.h - description ------------------- begin : Po cen 16 2003 copyright : (C) 2003 by Daniel Prynych email : Daniel@prynych.cz ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #ifndef KNUTMAINWINDOW_H #define KNUTMAINWINDOW_H #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include "knutprefdlg.h" #include "knutupsdata.h" #include "knutvardata.h" #include "knutfrontpanel.h" #include "knutnet.h" #include "knutanalog.h" #include "knutpanelmeter.h" #include #include #include //#include #include #include //#include class TQString; class TQStringList; class TQLabel; class TQPalette; class TQSplitter; class KProgress; //class TQProgressBar; /** * Trida slouzi pro zobrazeni okna s informacemi o UPS. * Class is used for view window with informations about UPS * * @author Daniel Prynych * @short Hlavni okno * @version 0.2.3 */ class KNutMainWindow : public TDEMainWindow { TQ_OBJECT public: /** * Constructor - makes main window. * Konstruktor - vytvori hlavni okno. * * @param tListKNutEvent pointer on TQStringList contain text information about events (drop connection, switch ..) * @param tActiveUpsInfo pointer on data about active UPS * @param tSettingData pointer on basic data of program (background color, intercircle, pointers...,fonts..) * @param tAnalogRecords pointer in class which works with data about UPS * @param tListKNutEvent ukazatel na TQStringList obsahuje textove udaje o udalostech (ztrata spojeni, prepnuti atd.) * @param tActiveUpsInfo ukazatel na data o aktivni UPS * @param tSettingData ukazatel na zakladni data programu (barvy pozadi, mezikruzi, rucicky ... ,fonty atd ) * @param tAnalogRecords ukazatel na tridu ktera pracuje s daty o upsekach * * @since 0.3.1 **/ KNutMainWindow(TQStringList* tListKNutEvent, KNutVarData::upsInfoDef* tActiveUpsInfo, KNutVarData::SettingDataDef* tSettingData, KNutUpsData* tUpsRecords, KNutVarData* tAnalogRecords, TQWidget* parent=0,const char *name=0); /** * Destructor * * @since 0.1.1 **/ ~KNutMainWindow(); /** * Repaints information of main panel. * Prekresli informace hlavniho panelu. * * @since 0.1.2 **/ void repaintPanel(void); /** * Repaints analog panels based on their status. * Prekresli analogove panely na zaklade jejich stavu. * @param run = TRUE makes immediately repaint of panel * * @since 0.3.1 **/ void repaintAnalogs ( bool run = true); /** * Da prikaz k prekresleni analogovych panelu, hlavniho panelu a nastavi jejich hodnoty na * zaklade XFer hodnot. * Give command to repaint analog panels, main panel and sets their values based on XFer values * @param run = TRUE makes immediately repaint of analog panels * * @since 0.3.1 **/ void showUpsData (void); /** * Adds other line into list of events and shows them on bottom part of panel. * Prida dalsi radku do seznamu udalosti a zobrazi je v dolni casti panelu. * * @param text text of event. * @param name name of UPS, name which is list of UPSes. * @param text udava text udalosti. * @param name udava jmeno UPS-ky tak jak je vedena v seznamu UPS-ek tohoto programu * * @since 0.1 **/ void addComboStatusItem (const TQString text, const TQString name = TQString()); /** * Rebuilds main panel based on value changeSetting. * This value generates config windies * Prestavi hlavni panel na zaklade hodnoty changeSetting. * Tuto hodnotu generuje konfiguracni okno. * * @param changeSetting tell which setting was changed. * @param changeSetting udava jake nastaveni bylo zmeneno. * * @since 0.1.2 **/ void setConfig (unsigned int changeSetting); /** * Sets ComboBox (for name of UPS) * Nastavi ComboBox (pro jmeno UPSky). * * ¶m name je jmeno UPSky ktere bude nastavena. * ¶m name is name of ups which will be set. * * @since 0.1 **/ void setCombo(TQString name); /** * Nastavi vsechny panely na nulovo hodnotu * Sets all pannels to zero value * * @since 0.2 **/ void zeroingPanels (void); /** * Cleans front panel and panel meter (includes analog panels) . * * @since 0.1 **/ void cleanPanels (void); /** * Sets and shows connect progress bar. * Nastavi a zobrazi connect progress bar. * * ¶m is count of parts of progress bar. * ¶m je pocet casti progres baru. * * @since 0.1 **/ void startConnectPB ( const int count ); /** * Hide connect progress bar. * Schova connect progress bar. * * @since 0.1 **/ void hideConnectPB ( void ); /** * Sets amount of progress for connect progress bar. * Nastavi delku vyplne pro connect progresbar. * * ¶m is amount of progress. * ¶m je delka vyplne. * * @since 0.1 **/ void setProgressConnectPB ( const int progress ); signals: /** * This signal is emited when other UPS was selected. * Tento signal je vyslan pokud byla vybrana jina UPS-ka. * * @since 0.1 **/ void UPSChanged (TQString); /** * This signal is emited when request for viewing preferences window was ordered from menu. * Tento signal je vyslan pokud byl z menu zadan pozadavek na zobrazeni okna * pro nastaveni programu (preference). * * @since 0.1 **/ void preferenceUps (void); /** * This signal is emited, when in menu was odered requirement for viewing list of values . * Tento signal je vyslan, pokud byl z menu zadan pozadavek na zobrazeni seznamu promennych. * * @since 0.1 **/ void showUPSVars (void); /** * Tento signal je vyslan pokud byl z menu zadan pozadavek na zmenu RW promennych. * This signal is emited when request for change RW varianles was orederd from menu. * * @since 0.1 **/ void makeRWVars(void); /** * Tento signal je vyslan pokud byl z menu vybran pozadavek na obnovu spojeni. * This signal is emited when request for refreshing connection was selected from menu. * * @since 0.1 **/ void makeRefreshConnection(void); /** * This signal is emited when request for making instant commands was selected from menu. * Tento signal je vyslan pokud byl z menu zadan pozadavek na provedeni okamzitych prikazu. * * @since 0.1 **/ void makeInstComms(void); /** * This signal is emited whem we need save configuration of program. * Tento signal je vyslan pokud potrebujeme ulozit konfiguraci programuss. * * @since 0.1 **/ void saveConf(void); /** * This signal is emited whem request for ending all application was selected from menu. * Tento signal je vyslan pokud byl z menu zadan pozadavek na ukonceni cele aplikace. * * @since 0.1 **/ void endApplication(); protected: void closeEvent( TQCloseEvent *e ); private slots: void slotDescription(void); void slotShowToolBar(void); void slotShowStatusBar(void); void slotPreferencesUps(void); void slotPrintUPSVars(void); void slotInstComms(void); void slotRWVars(void); void slotChangeRWVars ( TQString ); void slotCloseKnutClient (void); void slotChangeUPS (const TQString &name); void slotConfigureKeys(void); void slotRefreshConnection(void); /************** private common functions ************************/ private: void activeConfiguration (void); int activeMainCombo (void); void hideUpsData (void); /************ init functions ********************/ void initVars ( void ); void initAction ( void ); void initStatusBar ( void ); void initToolBar ( void ); void initStatusBarMessage ( void ); /************** private vars **************************/ // Nazvy promenych UPS cislovany jsou od 0 do 10 "NONE", "UTILITY", "BATTPCT", "UPSTEMP", "ACFREQ", "LOADPCT", "AMBTEMP", "AMBHUMID", "BATTVOLT", "OUTVOLT", "CURRENT" TQStringList* m_listKNutEvent; KNutVarData::upsInfoDef* m_activeUpsInfo; // values for selected ups / hodnoty pro vybrane ups KNutVarData::SettingDataDef* m_settingData; // v teto strukture jsou ulozeny promene ktere nastavuji konfiguraci KNutUpsData* m_upsRecords; KNutVarData* m_analogRecords; TDEAction *m_quit; TDEAction *m_preferencesUps; TDEToggleAction *m_descriptionAction; TQLabel* m_area; // main arrea, on its will server main panel and analog panels // hlavni plocha na ni umistime panel a analogove ukazatele TQSplitter* m_mainSplit; KNutFrontPanel* m_frontPanel; // nactene hodnoty promenych UPS, tyto promene se ctou jen jednou // readly values of UPS's variables, these varieables is read only once TQString m_manufacturer, m_upsModel, m_serial, m_firmrev; bool m_existLowHighXfer; float m_lowXfer, m_highXfer; TQPalette m_mainPalette, m_areaPalette, m_mPanelPalette, m_aPanelPalette; // Combo a pomocne struktury pro dolni radku // Combo and help structures for bottom line. KComboBox *m_infoCombo; KNutPanelMeter* m_panelMeter; KProgress* m_connectProggresBar; TQString m_progressFormatString; }; #endif