Configuring &kspread; Shortcuts and Toolbars
To change the shortcut key arrangements used by &kspread; select
SettingsConfigure Shortcuts...
. This will launch a dialog box as shown below.
Shortcut config screenshot 1
Search through the list box to find the action you want to add or
change the shortcut keys for and select it by left
clicking on the name. You will then be able to change the shortcut by
selecting the None, Default or
Custom radio button or by clicking on the large button in
the Shortcut for Selected Action area.
The Define Shortcut dialog box will then open.
Shortcut config screenshot 2
Choose whether you want to change the Primary or
Alternate shortcut then press the key combination you
want to act as the shortcut, for example
If the Auto-Close box is checked the dialog will vanish
as soon as you enter the key combination, otherwise it will remain until you
press OK or Cancel. Clicking on
the little black icon with a white cross in it clears the shortcut.
&kspread; has six toolbars: File, Edit, Math, Navigation, Format and Color/Border,
each of which may or may not be shown depending on the choices made in the
Settings menu.
You can choose whether a toolbar appears at the top, left, right or
bottom of &kspread;'s window by right clicking on
the toolbar, which brings up the Toolbar Menu, and making
a selection from the Orientation sub menu. This
Toolbar Menu also has sub menus for choosing whether the
toolbar displays icons, text or both, and the size of the icons.
Another way of moving a toolbar is by positioning the mouse pointer over
the two vertical bars at the left end of each toolbar and holding the
left mouse button down while you drag the toolbar
to the wanted position. When you drag the toolbar in this way you can release
the mouse button when it is some distance from any of &kspread;'s window
sides, and then you will get a floating toolbar, which is not locked to any
particular part of &kspread;'s window and can in fact be moved outside of
the window. To put a floating toolbar back into one of the traditional
positions right click on its titlebar to bring
up the Toolbar Menu then choose one of the options in
the Orientation sub menu.
You can also flatten
a toolbar by left
clicking on the two vertical bars at the left end of the
toolbar or by selecting Orientation
Flat from the Toolbar
Menu. A flattened
toolbar appears as a small
rectangle containing two horizontal bars just under &kspread;'s Menubar. It
can be restored to normal by left clicking on it.
Selecting Configure Toolbars... from the
Settings menu will bring up a dialog box which lets you add
buttons to or remove them from &kspread;'s toolbars.
To use this Configure Toolbars dialog box first
select a toolbar from the Toolbar: combo box. The
right hand Current actions: window will then show the
buttons currently present on the toolbar. You can remove a button by selecting
it in this window then pressing the left arrow button, or move it around by
pressing the up and down arrow buttons. To add a new button to the toolbar
select it in the Available actions: list then press the
right arrow button.