/* This file is part of the KDE project
Copyright ( C ) 2004 Adam Pigg < adam @ piggz . co . uk >
Copyright ( C ) 2006 Jaroslaw Staniek < js @ iidea . pl >
This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation ; either
version 2 of the License , or ( at your option ) any later version .
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details .
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this program ; see the file COPYING . If not , write to
the Free Software Foundation , Inc . , 51 Franklin Street , Fifth Floor ,
* Boston , MA 02110 - 1301 , USA .
# include "pqxxmigrate.h"
# include "pg_type.h"
# include <tqstring.h>
# include <kdebug.h>
# include <tqstringlist.h>
//I maybe should not use stl?
# include <string>
# include <vector>
# include <kexidb/cursor.h>
# include <kexidb/utils.h>
# include <kexidb/drivermanager.h>
# include <kexiutils/identifier.h>
# include <kexidb/drivers/pqxx/pqxxcursor.h> //for pgsqlCStrToVariant()
using namespace KexiDB ;
using namespace KexiMigration ;
This is the implementation for the pqxx specific import routines
Thi is currently pre alpha and in no way is it meant
to compile , let alone work . This is meant as an example of
what the system might be and is a work in progress
KEXIMIGRATE_DRIVER_INFO ( PqxxMigrate , pqxx )
: KexiMigrate ( parent , name , args )
m_res = 0 ;
m_trans = 0 ;
m_conn = 0 ;
} */
PqxxMigrate : : PqxxMigrate ( TQObject * parent , const char * name , const TQStringList & args )
: KexiMigrate ( parent , name , args )
m_res = 0 ;
m_trans = 0 ;
m_conn = 0 ;
KexiDB : : DriverManager manager ;
m_kexiDBDriver = manager . driver ( " pqxx " ) ;
PqxxMigrate : : ~ PqxxMigrate ( )
clearResultInfo ( ) ;
//This is probably going to be quite complex...need to get the types for all columns
//any any other attributes required by kexi
//helped by reading the 'tables' test program
bool PqxxMigrate : : drv_readTableSchema (
const TQString & originalName , KexiDB : : TableSchema & tableSchema )
// m_table = new KexiDB::TableSchema(table);
//TODO IDEA: ask for user input for captions
//moved m_table->setCaption(table + " table");
//Perform a query on the table to get some data
if ( query ( " select * from \" " + originalName + " \" limit 1 " ) )
//Loop round the fields
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < ( uint ) m_res - > columns ( ) ; i + + )
TQString fldName ( m_res - > column_name ( i ) ) ;
KexiDB : : Field : : Type fldType = type ( m_res - > column_type ( i ) , fldName ) ;
TQString fldID ( KexiUtils : : string2Identifier ( fldName ) ) ;
const pqxx : : oid toid = tableOid ( originalName ) ;
if ( toid = = 0 )
return false ;
KexiDB : : Field * f = new KexiDB : : Field ( fldID , fldType ) ;
f - > setCaption ( fldName ) ;
f - > setPrimaryKey ( primaryKey ( toid , i ) ) ;
f - > setUniqueKey ( uniqueKey ( toid , i ) ) ;
f - > setAutoIncrement ( autoInc ( toid , i ) ) ; //This should be safe for all field types
tableSchema . addField ( f ) ;
// Do this for var/char types
// Do this for numeric type
m_f - > setPrecision ( 0 ) ; */
kdDebug ( ) < < " Added field [ " < < f - > name ( ) < < " ] type [ " < < f - > typeName ( )
< < " ] " < < endl ;
return true ;
return false ;
//get a list of tables and put into the supplied string list
bool PqxxMigrate : : drv_tableNames ( TQStringList & tableNames )
//pg_ = standard postgresql tables, pga_ = tables added by pgaccess, sql_ = probably information schemas, kexi__ = existing kexi tables
if ( query ( " SELECT relname FROM pg_class WHERE ((relkind = 'r') AND ((relname !~ '^pg_') AND (relname !~ '^pga_') AND (relname !~ '^sql_') AND (relname !~ '^kexi__'))) " ) )
if ( query ( " SELECT relname FROM pg_class WHERE ((relkind = 'r') AND ((relname !~ '^pg_') AND (relname !~ '^pga_') AND (relname !~ '^sql_'))) " ) )
for ( pqxx : : result : : const_iterator c = m_res - > begin ( ) ; c ! = m_res - > end ( ) ; + + c )
// Copy the result into the return list
tableNames < < TQString : : fromLatin1 ( c [ 0 ] . c_str ( ) ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
//Convert a postgresql type to a kexi type
KexiDB : : Field : : Type PqxxMigrate : : type ( int t , const TQString & fname )
switch ( t )
return KexiDB : : Field : : InvalidType ;
case BOOLOID :
return KexiDB : : Field : : Boolean ;
case INT2OID :
return KexiDB : : Field : : ShortInteger ;
case INT4OID :
return KexiDB : : Field : : Integer ;
case INT8OID :
return KexiDB : : Field : : BigInteger ;
case FLOAT4OID :
return KexiDB : : Field : : Float ;
case FLOAT8OID :
return KexiDB : : Field : : Double ;
return KexiDB : : Field : : Double ;
case DATEOID :
return KexiDB : : Field : : Date ;
case TIMEOID :
return KexiDB : : Field : : Time ;
return KexiDB : : Field : : DateTime ;
return KexiDB : : Field : : BLOB ;
return KexiDB : : Field : : Text ;
return KexiDB : : Field : : Text ;
case TEXTOID :
return KexiDB : : Field : : LongText ;
//Ask the user what to do with this field
return userType ( fname ) ;
//Connect to the db backend
bool PqxxMigrate : : drv_connect ( )
kdDebug ( ) < < " drv_connect: " < < m_migrateData - > sourceName < < endl ;
TQString conninfo ;
TQString socket ;
//Setup local/remote connection
if ( m_migrateData - > source - > hostName . isEmpty ( ) )
if ( m_migrateData - > source - > fileName ( ) . isEmpty ( ) )
socket = " /tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432 " ;
socket = m_migrateData - > source - > fileName ( ) ;
conninfo = " host=' " + m_migrateData - > source - > hostName + " ' " ;
//Build up the connection string
if ( m_migrateData - > source - > port = = 0 )
m_migrateData - > source - > port = 5432 ;
conninfo + = TQString : : fromLatin1 ( " port='%1' " ) . arg ( m_migrateData - > source - > port ) ;
conninfo + = TQString : : fromLatin1 ( " dbname='%1' " ) . arg ( m_migrateData - > sourceName ) ;
if ( ! m_migrateData - > source - > userName . isNull ( ) )
conninfo + = TQString : : fromLatin1 ( " user='%1' " ) . arg ( m_migrateData - > source - > userName ) ;
if ( ! m_migrateData - > source - > password . isNull ( ) )
conninfo + = TQString : : fromLatin1 ( " password='%1' " ) . arg ( m_migrateData - > source - > password ) ;
m_conn = new pqxx : : connection ( conninfo . latin1 ( ) ) ;
return true ;
catch ( const std : : exception & e )
kdDebug ( ) < < " PqxxMigrate::drv_connect:exception - " < < e . what ( ) < < endl ;
catch ( . . . )
kdDebug ( ) < < " PqxxMigrate::drv_connect:exception(...)?? " < < endl ;
return false ;
//Connect to the db backend
bool PqxxMigrate : : drv_disconnect ( )
if ( m_conn )
m_conn - > disconnect ( ) ;
delete m_conn ;
m_conn = 0 ;
return true ;
//Perform a query on the database and store result in m_res
bool PqxxMigrate : : query ( const TQString & statement )
kdDebug ( ) < < " query: " < < statement . latin1 ( ) < < endl ;
Q_ASSERT ( m_conn ) ;
// Clear the last result information...
clearResultInfo ( ) ;
//Create a transaction
m_trans = new pqxx : : nontransaction ( * m_conn ) ;
//Create a result opject through the transaction
m_res = new pqxx : : result ( m_trans - > exec ( statement . latin1 ( ) ) ) ;
//Commit the transaction
m_trans - > commit ( ) ;
//If all went well then return true, errors picked up by the catch block
return true ;
catch ( const std : : exception & e )
//If an error ocurred then put the error description into _dbError
kdDebug ( ) < < " pqxxImport::query:exception - " < < e . what ( ) < < endl ;
return false ;
catch ( . . . )
kdDebug ( ) < < " PqxxMigrate::query:exception(...)?? " < < endl ;
return true ;
//Clears the current result
void PqxxMigrate : : clearResultInfo ( )
delete m_res ;
m_res = 0 ;
delete m_trans ;
m_trans = 0 ;
//Return the OID for a table
pqxx : : oid PqxxMigrate : : tableOid ( const TQString & table )
TQString statement ;
static TQString otable ;
static pqxx : : oid toid ;
pqxx : : nontransaction * tran = 0 ;
pqxx : : result * tmpres = 0 ;
//Some simple result caching
if ( table = = otable )
kdDebug ( ) < < " Returning table OID from cache... " < < endl ;
return toid ;
otable = table ;
statement = " SELECT relfilenode FROM pg_class WHERE (relname = ' " ;
statement + = table ;
statement + = " ') " ;
tran = new pqxx : : nontransaction ( * m_conn , " find_t_oid " ) ;
tmpres = new pqxx : : result ( tran - > exec ( statement . latin1 ( ) ) ) ;
tran - > commit ( ) ;
if ( tmpres - > size ( ) > 0 )
//We have a key field for this table, lets check if its this column
tmpres - > at ( 0 ) . at ( 0 ) . to ( toid ) ;
toid = 0 ;
catch ( const std : : exception & e )
kdDebug ( ) < < " pqxxSqlDB::tableOid:exception - " < < e . what ( ) < < endl ;
kdDebug ( ) < < " pqxxSqlDB::tableOid:failed statement - " < < statement < < endl ;
toid = 0 ;
catch ( . . . )
kdDebug ( ) < < " PqxxMigrate::tableOid:exception(...)?? " < < endl ;
delete tmpres ;
tmpres = 0 ;
delete tran ;
tran = 0 ;
kdDebug ( ) < < " OID for table [ " < < table < < " ] is [ " < < toid < < " ] " < < endl ;
return toid ;
//Return whether or not the curent field is a primary key
//TODO: Add result caching for speed
bool PqxxMigrate : : primaryKey ( pqxx : : oid table_uid , int col ) const
TQString statement ;
bool pkey ;
int keyf ;
pqxx : : nontransaction * tran = 0 ;
pqxx : : result * tmpres = 0 ;
statement = TQString ( " SELECT indkey FROM pg_index WHERE ((indisprimary = true) AND (indrelid = %1)) " ) . arg ( table_uid ) ;
tran = new pqxx : : nontransaction ( * m_conn , " find_pkey " ) ;
tmpres = new pqxx : : result ( tran - > exec ( statement . latin1 ( ) ) ) ;
tran - > commit ( ) ;
if ( tmpres - > size ( ) > 0 )
//We have a key field for this table, lets check if its this column
tmpres - > at ( 0 ) . at ( 0 ) . to ( keyf ) ;
if ( keyf - 1 = = col ) //-1 because pg counts from 1 and we count from 0
pkey = true ;
kdDebug ( ) < < " Field is pkey " < < endl ;
pkey = false ;
kdDebug ( ) < < " Field is NOT pkey " < < endl ;
pkey = false ;
kdDebug ( ) < < " Field is NOT pkey " < < endl ;
catch ( const std : : exception & e )
kdDebug ( ) < < " pqxxSqlDB::primaryKey:exception - " < < e . what ( ) < < endl ;
kdDebug ( ) < < " pqxxSqlDB::primaryKey:failed statement - " < < statement < < endl ;
pkey = false ;
delete tmpres ;
tmpres = 0 ;
delete tran ;
tran = 0 ;
return pkey ;
/*! Fetches single string at column \a columnNumber from result obtained
by running \ a sqlStatement .
On success the result is stored in \ a string and true is returned .
\ return cancelled if there are no records available . */
tristate PqxxMigrate : : drv_queryStringListFromSQL (
const TQString & sqlStatement , uint columnNumber , TQStringList & stringList , int numRecords )
std : : string result ;
int i = 0 ;
if ( query ( sqlStatement ) )
for ( pqxx : : result : : const_iterator it = m_res - > begin ( ) ;
it ! = m_res - > end ( ) & & ( numRecords = = - 1 | | i < numRecords ) ; + + it , i + + )
if ( it . size ( ) > 0 & & it . size ( ) > columnNumber ) {
it . at ( columnNumber ) . to ( result ) ;
stringList . append ( TQString : : fromUtf8 ( result . c_str ( ) ) ) ;
else {
clearResultInfo ( ) ;
return cancelled ;
return false ;
clearResultInfo ( ) ;
/* delete tmpres;
tmpres = 0 ;
delete tran ;
tran = 0 ; */
if ( i < numRecords )
return cancelled ;
return true ;
if ( d - > executeSQL ( sqlStatement ) ) {
MYSQL_RES * res = mysql_use_result ( d - > mysql ) ;
if ( res ! = NULL ) {
MYSQL_ROW row = mysql_fetch_row ( res ) ;
if ( ! row ) {
tristate r = mysql_errno ( d - > mysql ) ? false : cancelled ;
mysql_free_result ( res ) ;
return r ;
uint numFields = mysql_num_fields ( res ) ;
if ( columnNumber > ( numFields - 1 ) ) {
kdWarning ( ) < < " PqxxMigrate::drv_querySingleStringFromSQL( " < < sqlStatement
< < " ): columnNumber too large ( "
< < columnNumber < < " ), expected 0.. " < < numFields < < endl ;
mysql_free_result ( res ) ;
return false ;
unsigned long * lengths = mysql_fetch_lengths ( res ) ;
if ( ! lengths ) {
mysql_free_result ( res ) ;
return false ;
string = TQString : : fromLatin1 ( row [ columnNumber ] , lengths [ columnNumber ] ) ;
mysql_free_result ( res ) ;
} else {
kdDebug ( ) < < " PqxxMigrate::drv_querySingleStringFromSQL(): null result " < < endl ;
return true ;
} else {
return false ;
} */
tristate PqxxMigrate : : drv_fetchRecordFromSQL ( const TQString & sqlStatement ,
KexiDB : : RowData & data , bool & firstRecord )
if ( firstRecord | | ! m_res ) {
if ( m_res )
clearResultInfo ( ) ;
if ( ! query ( sqlStatement ) )
return false ;
m_fetchRecordFromSQL_iter = m_res - > begin ( ) ;
firstRecord = false ;
+ + m_fetchRecordFromSQL_iter ;
if ( m_fetchRecordFromSQL_iter = = m_res - > end ( ) ) {
clearResultInfo ( ) ;
return cancelled ;
std : : string result ;
const int numFields = m_fetchRecordFromSQL_iter . size ( ) ;
data . resize ( numFields ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < numFields ; i + + )
data [ i ] = KexiDB : : pgsqlCStrToVariant ( m_fetchRecordFromSQL_iter . at ( i ) ) ;
return true ;
/*! Copy PostgreSQL table to KexiDB database */
bool PqxxMigrate : : drv_copyTable ( const TQString & srcTable , KexiDB : : Connection * destConn ,
KexiDB : : TableSchema * dstTable )
std : : vector < std : : string > R ;
pqxx : : work T ( * m_conn , " PqxxMigrate::drv_copyTable " ) ;
pqxx : : tablereader stream ( T , ( srcTable . latin1 ( ) ) ) ;
//Loop round each row, reading into a vector of strings
const KexiDB : : QueryColumnInfo : : Vector fieldsExpanded ( dstTable - > query ( ) - > fieldsExpanded ( ) ) ;
for ( int n = 0 ; ( stream > > R ) ; + + n )
TQValueList < TQVariant > vals ;
std : : vector < std : : string > : : const_iterator i , end ( R . end ( ) ) ;
int index = 0 ;
for ( i = R . begin ( ) ; i ! = end ; + + i , index + + ) {
if ( fieldsExpanded . at ( index ) - > field - > type ( ) = = KexiDB : : Field : : BLOB | | fieldsExpanded . at ( index ) - > field - > type ( ) = = KexiDB : : Field : : LongText )
vals . append ( KexiDB : : pgsqlByteaToByteArray ( ( * i ) . c_str ( ) , ( * i ) . size ( ) ) ) ;
else if ( fieldsExpanded . at ( index ) - > field - > type ( ) = = KexiDB : : Field : : Boolean )
vals . append ( QString ( ( * i ) . c_str ( ) ) . lower ( ) = = " t " ? TQVariant ( true , 1 ) : TQVariant ( false , 1 ) ) ;
vals . append ( KexiDB : : cstringToVariant ( ( * i ) . c_str ( ) ,
fieldsExpanded . at ( index ) - > field , ( * i ) . size ( ) ) ) ;
if ( ! destConn - > insertRecord ( * dstTable , vals ) )
return false ;
updateProgress ( ) ;
R . clear ( ) ;
//This does not work in <libpqxx 2.2
return true ;
//Return whether or not the curent field is a primary key
//TODO: Add result caching for speed
bool PqxxMigrate : : uniqueKey ( pqxx : : oid table_uid , int col ) const
TQString statement ;
bool ukey ;
int keyf ;
pqxx : : nontransaction * tran = 0 ;
pqxx : : result * tmpres = 0 ;
statement = TQString ( " SELECT indkey FROM pg_index WHERE ((indisunique = true) AND (indrelid = %1)) " ) . arg ( table_uid ) ;
tran = new pqxx : : nontransaction ( * m_conn , " find_ukey " ) ;
tmpres = new pqxx : : result ( tran - > exec ( statement . latin1 ( ) ) ) ;
tran - > commit ( ) ;
if ( tmpres - > size ( ) > 0 )
//We have a key field for this table, lets check if its this column
tmpres - > at ( 0 ) . at ( 0 ) . to ( keyf ) ;
if ( keyf - 1 = = col ) //-1 because pg counts from 1 and we count from 0
ukey = true ;
kdDebug ( ) < < " Field is unique " < < endl ;
ukey = false ;
kdDebug ( ) < < " Field is NOT unique " < < endl ;
ukey = false ;
kdDebug ( ) < < " Field is NOT unique " < < endl ;
catch ( const std : : exception & e )
kdDebug ( ) < < " uniqueKey:exception - " < < e . what ( ) < < endl ;
kdDebug ( ) < < " uniqueKey:failed statement - " < < statement < < endl ;
ukey = false ;
delete tmpres ;
tmpres = 0 ;
delete tran ;
tran = 0 ;
return ukey ;
bool PqxxMigrate : : autoInc ( pqxx : : oid /*table_uid*/ , int /*col*/ ) const
return false ;
bool PqxxMigrate : : notNull ( pqxx : : oid /*table_uid*/ , int /*col*/ ) const
return false ;
bool PqxxMigrate : : notEmpty ( pqxx : : oid /*table_uid*/ , int /*col*/ ) const
return false ;
//Return a list of database names
/*bool PqxxMigrate::drv_getDatabasesList( TQStringList &list )
KexiDBDrvDbg < < " pqxxSqlConnection::drv_getDatabaseList " < < endl ;
if ( executeSQL ( " SELECT datname FROM pg_database WHERE datallowconn = TRUE " ) )
std : : string N ;
for ( pqxx : : result : : const_iterator c = m_res - > begin ( ) ; c ! = m_res - > end ( ) ; + + c )
// Read value of column 0 into a string N
c [ 0 ] . to ( N ) ;
// Copy the result into the return list
list < < TQString : : fromLatin1 ( N . c_str ( ) ) ;
KexiDBDrvDbg < < N . c_str ( ) < < endl ;
return true ;
return false ;
} */
# include "pqxxmigrate.moc"