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mspecialobject.cpp - Kugar report special field object
begin : Mon Aug 23 1999
copyright : (C) 1999 by Mutiny Bay Software
email :
#include "mspecialobject.h"
#include "mutil.h"
namespace Kugar
/** Constructor */
MSpecialObject::MSpecialObject() : MLabelObject()
// Set the defaults
type = MSpecialObject::Date;
format = MUtil::MDY_SLASH;
/** Copy constructor */
MSpecialObject::MSpecialObject( const MSpecialObject& mSpecialObject ) : MLabelObject( ( MLabelObject & ) mSpecialObject )
copy( &mSpecialObject );
/** Assignment operator */
MSpecialObject MSpecialObject::operator=( const MSpecialObject& mSpecialObject )
if ( &mSpecialObject == this )
return * this;
// Copy the derived class's data
copy( &mSpecialObject );
// Copy the base class's data
( ( MLabelObject & ) * this ) = mSpecialObject;
return *this;
/** Destructor */
/** Sets the field's data string with a date */
void MSpecialObject::setText( QDate d )
text = MUtil::formatDate( d, format );
/** Sets the field's data string with a page number */
void MSpecialObject::setText( int page )
text.setNum( page );
/** Sets the field's data type */
void MSpecialObject::setType( int t )
type = t;
/** Gets the field's type */
int MSpecialObject::getType()
return type;
/** Sets the field's date formatting */
void MSpecialObject::setDateFormat( int f )
format = f;
/** Copies member data from one object to another.
Used by the copy constructor and assignment operator */
void MSpecialObject::copy( const MSpecialObject* mSpecialObject )
// Copy the fields's data type and format
type = mSpecialObject->type;