/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2002, Dirk Schönberger This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include "pscommentlexer.h" #define CATEGORY_WHITESPACE -1 #define CATEGORY_ALPHA -2 #define CATEGORY_DIGIT -3 #define CATEGORY_SPECIAL -4 #define CATEGORY_LETTERHEX -5 #define CATEGORY_INTTOOLONG -6 #define CATEGORY_ANY -127 #define MAX_INTLEN 9 #define MIN_HEXCHARS 6 #define STOP 0 int iswhitespace(char c){ return (c==' ')||(c=='\n')||(c=='\t')||(c=='\r'); } int isSpecial(char c){ return (c=='*')||(c=='_')||(c=='?')||(c=='~')||(c=='-')||(c=='^')||(c=='`')||(c=='!')||(c=='.')||(c=='@')||(c=='&')||(c=='$')||(c=='='); } int isletterhex(char c){ return (c=='A')||(c=='B')||(c=='C')||(c=='D')||(c=='E')||(c=='F'); } const char*statetoa (State state){ switch (state) { case State_Comment : return "comment"; case State_CommentEncodedChar : return "encoded char (comment)"; default : return "unknown"; } } typedef struct { State oldState; signed char c; State newState; Action action; } Transition; static Transition transitions[] = { { State_Comment, '\n', State_Start, Action_Output}, { State_Comment, '\r', State_Start, Action_Output}, { State_Comment, '\\', State_CommentEncodedChar, Action_InitTemp}, { State_Comment, CATEGORY_ANY, State_Comment, Action_Copy}, { State_CommentEncodedChar, '\\', State_Comment, Action_Copy}, { State_CommentEncodedChar, CATEGORY_DIGIT, State_CommentEncodedChar, Action_CopyTemp}, { State_CommentEncodedChar, CATEGORY_ANY, State_Comment, Action_DecodeUnget}, { State_Start, '%', State_Comment, Action_Ignore}, { State_Start, CATEGORY_ANY, State_Start, Action_Ignore}, { State_Start, STOP, State_Start, Action_Abort} }; PSCommentLexer::PSCommentLexer(){ } PSCommentLexer::~PSCommentLexer(){ } bool PSCommentLexer::parse (TQIODevice& fin){ char c; m_buffer.clear(); m_curState = State_Start; parsingStarted(); while (!fin.atEnd()) { c = fin.getch (); // tqDebug ("got %c", c); State newState; Action action; nextStep (c, &newState, &action); switch (action) { case Action_Copy : m_buffer.append (c); break; case Action_CopyOutput : m_buffer.append (c); doOutput(); break; case Action_Output : doOutput(); break; case Action_OutputUnget : doOutput(); fin.ungetch(c); break; case Action_Ignore : /* ignore */ break; case Action_Abort : tqWarning ( "state %s / %s char %c (%d)" , statetoa(m_curState), statetoa(newState), c, c ); parsingAborted(); return false; break; case Action_InitTemp : m_temp.clear(); break; case Action_CopyTemp : m_temp.append (c); break; case Action_DecodeUnget : m_buffer.append (decode()); fin.ungetch(c); break; default : tqWarning ( "unknown action: %d ", action); } m_curState = newState; } parsingFinished(); return true; } void PSCommentLexer::doOutput () { if (m_buffer.length() == 0) return; switch (m_curState) { case State_Comment : gotComment (m_buffer.latin1()); break; default: tqWarning ( "unknown state: %d", m_curState ); } m_buffer.clear(); } void PSCommentLexer::gotComment (const char *value) { tqDebug ( "gotComment: %s ", value ); } void PSCommentLexer::parsingStarted() { tqDebug ( "parsing started" ); } void PSCommentLexer::parsingFinished() { tqDebug ( "parsing finished" ); } void PSCommentLexer::parsingAborted() { tqDebug ( "parsing aborted" ); } void PSCommentLexer::nextStep (char c, State *newState, Action *newAction) { int i=0; while (true) { Transition trans = transitions[i]; if (trans.c == STOP) { *newState = trans.newState; *newAction = trans.action; return; } bool found = false; if (trans.oldState == m_curState) { switch (trans.c) { case CATEGORY_WHITESPACE : found = isspace(c); break; case CATEGORY_ALPHA : found = isalpha(c); break; case CATEGORY_DIGIT : found = isdigit(c); break; case CATEGORY_SPECIAL : found = isSpecial(c); break; case CATEGORY_LETTERHEX : found = isletterhex(c); break; case CATEGORY_INTTOOLONG : found = m_buffer.length() > MAX_INTLEN; break; case CATEGORY_ANY : found = true; break; default : found = (trans.c == c); } if (found) { *newState = trans.newState; *newAction = trans.action; return; } } i++; } } uchar PSCommentLexer::decode() { uchar value = m_temp.toString().toShort(NULL, 8); // tqDebug ("got encoded char %c",value); return value; } /* StringBuffer implementation */ int initialSize = 20; int addSize = 10; StringBuffer::StringBuffer () { m_buffer = (char*)calloc (initialSize, sizeof(char)); m_length = 0; m_capacity = initialSize; } StringBuffer::~StringBuffer (){ free(m_buffer); } void StringBuffer::append (char c){ ensureCapacity(m_length + 1); m_buffer[m_length] = c; m_length++; } void StringBuffer::clear(){ for (uint i=0; i= p_capacity) return; int newSize = m_capacity + addSize; if (p_capacity > newSize) newSize = p_capacity; char* oldBuffer = m_buffer; char *newBuffer = (char*)calloc (newSize, sizeof(char)); strcpy (newBuffer, m_buffer); free(oldBuffer); m_buffer = newBuffer; m_capacity = newSize; } uint StringBuffer::length() { return m_length; } double StringBuffer::toFloat() { TQString data = toString(); return data.toFloat(); } int StringBuffer::toInt() { TQString data = toString(); return data.toInt(); } const char *StringBuffer::latin1() { return m_buffer; } TQString StringBuffer::mid( uint index, uint len) const { TQString data = toString(); return data.mid(index,len); } /* BoundingBoxExtractor */ BoundingBoxExtractor:: BoundingBoxExtractor() : m_llx(0), m_lly(0), m_urx(0), m_ury(0) {} BoundingBoxExtractor::~BoundingBoxExtractor() {} void BoundingBoxExtractor::gotComment (const char *value) { TQString data (value); if (data.find("%BoundingBox:")==-1) return; getRectangle (value, m_llx, m_lly, m_urx, m_ury); } bool BoundingBoxExtractor::getRectangle (const char* input, int &llx, int &lly, int &urx, int &ury) { if (input == NULL) return false; TQString s(input); if (s.contains ("(atend)")) return false; TQString s2 = s.remove("%BoundingBox:"); TQStringList values = TQStringList::split (" ", s2.latin1()); tqDebug("size is %d",values.size()); // if (values.size() < 5) return false; llx = values[0].toInt(); lly = values[1].toInt(); urx = values[2].toInt(); ury = values[3].toInt(); return true; }