Source: kexi Section: kde Priority: optional Maintainer: Igor Genibel Build-Depends: automake1.7, debhelper (>= 4.2.0), kdelibs4-dev (>= 4:3.2.0), flex, libpqxx-dev, libmysqlclient-dev, libreadline5-dev, cdbs Standards-Version: Package: kexi Architecture: any Depends: ${shlibs:Depends} Recommends: kexi-postgresql-driver (= ${Source-Version}), kexi-mysql-driver (= ${Source-Version}), kexi-i18n Suggests: kexi-mdb-driver Description: Integrated data management application for KDE Kexi is an integrated environment for managing data. It helps creating database schemas, inserting, querying and processing data. . The idea of this development effort came because of noticeable lack of application like MS Access, FoxPro, Oracle Forms or File Maker that is powerful enough, inexpensive, open standards driven and highly portable between many OSes and hardware platforms. Package: kexi-postgresql-driver Architecture: any Depends: kexi (= ${Source-Version}), ${shlibs:Depends} Description: PostgreSQL driver for Kexi The PostgreSQL driver for Kexi databases, and the PostgreSQL migration driver for converting arbitrary PostgreSQL databases into Kexi databases. Package: kexi-mysql-driver Architecture: any Depends: kexi (= ${Source-Version}), ${shlibs:Depends} Description: MySQL driver for Kexi The MySQL driver for Kexi databases, and the MySQL migration driver for converting arbitrary MySQL databases into Kexi databases. Package: libkexi-dev Architecture: any Depends: kexi (= ${Source-Version}), ${shlibs:Depends} Description: Kexi development files This package is necessary for developing new Kexi drivers or Kexi migration drivers. It will be needed for compiling drivers that are not part of the Kexi distribution (e.g. keximdb for importing MS Access files)