/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2004 Cedric Pasteur Copyright (C) 2005 Jaroslaw Staniek This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef FORMMANAGER_H #define FORMMANAGER_H #include #include #include #include #include #include class TQWidget; class TQWorkspace; class KPopupMenu; class KActionCollection; class KAction; class KToggleAction; class KDialogBase; class KTextEdit; class KXMLGUIClient; class KMainWindow; namespace KoProperty { class Editor; class Set; class Property; class Widget; } namespace KFormDesigner { class WidgetPropertySet; class Form; class Container; class WidgetLibrary; class ObjectTreeView; class Connection; class FormManager; typedef TQPtrList ActionList; //! @internal //static FormManager* FormManager_static = 0; //! A class to manage (create/load/save) Forms /** This is Form Designer's main class, which is used by external APIs to access FormDesigner. This is the class you have to use to integrate FormDesigner into another program. It deals with creating, saving and loading Form, as well as widget insertion and copying. It also ensures all the components (ObjectTreeView, Form and PropertyEditor) are synced, and link them. It holds the WidgetLibrary, the WidgetPropertySet, links to ObjectTreeView and PropertyEditor, as well as the copied widget and the insert state. **/ class KFORMEDITOR_EXPORT FormManager : public TQObject { Q_OBJECT TQ_OBJECT public: /*! Constructs FormManager object. Using \a options you can control manager's behaviour, see Options. */ FormManager(TQObject *parent = 0, int options = 0, const char *name = 0); virtual ~FormManager(); //! Creates widget library for supportedFactoryGroups //! and initializes FormManager singleton. \a m should be always the same for every call. static WidgetLibrary* createWidgetLibrary(FormManager* m, const TQStringList& supportedFactoryGroups); //! Access to FormManager singleton static FormManager* self(); /*! Options for creating FormManager objects. * These are really bit-flags and may be or-ed together. */ enum Options { HideEventsInPopupMenu = 1, SkipFileActions = 2, HideSignalSlotConnections = 4 }; //todo /*! Creates all the KActions related to widget insertion, and plug them into the \a collection. \a client XML GUI client is used to call lib->addCustomWidgetActions(client). These actions are automatically connected to \ref insertWidget() slot. \return a TQPtrList of the created actions. */ ActionList createActions(WidgetLibrary *lib, KActionCollection* collection, KXMLGUIClient *client); /*! Enables or disables actions \a name. KFD uses KPart's, action collection here. Kexi implements this to get (shared) actions defined elsewhere. */ virtual void enableAction( const char* name, bool enable ) = 0; /*! \return action for \a name. @see enableAction() */ virtual KAction* action(const char* name) = 0; bool isPasteEnabled(); // //! \return A pointer to the WidgetLibrary owned by this Manager. // WidgetLibrary* lib() const { return m_lib; } //! \return A pointer to the WidgetPropertySet owned by this Manager. WidgetPropertySet* propertySet() const { return m_propSet; } /*! \return true if one of the insert buttons was pressed and the forms are ready to create a widget. */ bool isInserting() const { return m_inserting; } /*! \return The name of the class being inserted, corresponding to the menu item or the toolbar button clicked. */ TQCString selectedClass() const { return m_selectedClass; } /*! Sets the point where the pasted widget should be moved to. */ void setInsertPoint(const TQPoint &p); //! \return If we are creating a Connection by drag-and-drop or not. bool isCreatingConnection() { return m_drawingSlot; } //! \return the Connection being created. Connection* createdConnection() { return m_connection; } /*! Resets the Connection being created. We stay in Connection creation mode, but we start a new connection (when the user clicks outside of signals/slots menu). */ void resetCreatedConnection(); //! Creates and display a menu with all the signals of widget \a w. void createSignalMenu(TQWidget *w); //! Creates and display a menu with all the slots of widget \a w. void createSlotMenu(TQWidget *w); //! Emits the signal \ref createFormSlot(). Used by WidgetPropertySet. void emitCreateSlot(const TQString &widget, const TQString &value) { emit createFormSlot(m_active, widget, value); } /*! \return The Form actually active and focused. */ Form* activeForm() const; /*! \return the Form whose toplevel widget is \a w, or 0 if there is not or the Form is in preview mode. */ Form* formForWidget(TQWidget *w); /*! \return true if \a w is a toplevel widget, ie. it is the main widget of a Form (so it should have a caption , an icon ...) */ bool isTopLevel(TQWidget *w); //! \return A pointer to the KoProperty::Editor we use. //unused KoProperty::Editor* propertyEditor() const { return m_editor; } /*! Shows a property set \a set in a Property Editor. If \a buff is 0, Property Editor will be cleared. If \a forceReload is true, the set will be reloaded even if it's the same as previous one. If \a propertyToSelect is not empty, an item for this name will be selected (usable when previously there was no set visible). */ virtual void showPropertySet(WidgetPropertySet *set, bool forceReload = false, const TQCString& propertyToSelect = TQCString()); void blockPropertyEditorUpdating(void *blockingObject); void unblockPropertyEditorUpdating(void *blockingObject, WidgetPropertySet *set); /*! Sets the external property editor pane used by FormDesigner (it may be docked).*/ void setEditor(KoProperty::Editor *editor); /*! Sets the external object tree view used by FormDesigner (it may be docked). This function also connects appropriate signals and slots to ensure sync with the current Form. */ void setObjectTreeView(ObjectTreeView *treeview); /*! Previews the Form \a form using the widget \a w as toplevel container for this Form. */ void previewForm(Form *form, TQWidget *w, Form *toForm=0); /*! Adds a existing form w and changes it to a container */ void importForm(Form *form=0, bool preview=false); /*! Deletes the Form \a form and removes it from our list. */ void deleteForm(Form *form); /*! This function creates and displays the context menu corresponding to the widget \a w. The menu item are disabled if necessary, and the widget specific part is added (menu from the factory and buddy selection). */ void createContextMenu(TQWidget *w, Container *container, bool popupAtCursor = true); //! \return If we align widgets to grid or not. bool snapWidgetsToGrid(); //! @internal used by Container int contextMenuKey() const { return m_contextMenuKey; } //! @internal void emitWidgetSelected( KFormDesigner::Form* form, bool multiple ); //! @internal void emitFormWidgetSelected( KFormDesigner::Form* form ); //! @internal void emitNoFormSelected(); /*! @internal \return true is redo action is being executed. Used in WidgetPropertySet::slotPropertyChanged() */ bool isRedoing() const { return m_isRedoing; } public slots: /*! Deletes the selected widget in active Form and all of its children. */ void deleteWidget(); /*! Copies the slected widget and all its children of the active Form using an XML representation. */ void copyWidget(); /*! Cuts (ie Copies and deletes) the selected widget and all its children of the active Form using an XML representation. */ void cutWidget(); /*! Pastes the XML representation of the copied or cut widget. The widget is pasted when the user clicks the Form to indicate the new position of the widget, or at the position of the contextual menu if there is one. */ void pasteWidget(); /*! Selects all toplevel widgets in trhe current form. */ void selectAll(); /*! Clears the contents of the selected widget(s) (eg for a line edit or a listview). */ void clearWidgetContent(); void undo(); void redo(); /*! Displays a dialog where the user can modify the tab order of the active Form, by drag-n-drop or using up/down buttons. */ void editTabOrder(); /*! Adjusts the size of the selected widget, ie resize it to its size hint. */ void adjustWidgetSize(); /*! Creates a dialog to edit the \ref activeForm() PixmapCollection. */ void editFormPixmapCollection(); /*! Creates a dialog to edit the Connection of \ref activeForm(). */ void editConnections(); //! Lay out selected widgets using HBox layout (calls \ref CreateLayoutCommand). void layoutHBox(); //! Lay out selected widgets using VBox layout. void layoutVBox(); //! Lay out selected widgets using Grid layout. void layoutGrid(); //! Lay out selected widgets in an horizontal splitter void layoutHSplitter(); //! Lay out selected widgets in a verticak splitter void layoutVSplitter(); //! Lay out selected widgets using HFlow layout void layoutHFlow(); //! Lay out selected widgets using VFlow layout. void layoutVFlow(); //! Breaks selected layout(calls \ref BreakLayoutCommand). void breakLayout(); void alignWidgetsToLeft(); void alignWidgetsToRight(); void alignWidgetsToTop(); void alignWidgetsToBottom(); void alignWidgetsToGrid(); void adjustSizeToGrid(); //! Resize all selected widgets to the width of the narrowest widget. void adjustWidthToSmall(); //! Resize all selected widgets to the width of the widest widget. void adjustWidthToBig(); //! Resize all selected widgets to the height of the shortest widget. void adjustHeightToSmall(); //! Resize all selected widgets to the height of the tallest widget. void adjustHeightToBig(); void bringWidgetToFront(); void sendWidgetToBack(); /*! This slot is called when the user presses a "Widget" toolbar button or a "Widget" menu item. Prepares all Forms for creation of a new widget (ie changes cursor ...). */ void insertWidget(const TQCString &classname); /*! Stops the current widget insertion (ie unset the cursor ...). */ void stopInsert(); //! Slot called when the user presses 'Pointer' icon. Switch to Default mode. void slotPointerClicked(); //! Enter the Connection creation mode. void startCreatingConnection(); //! Leave the Connection creation mode. void stopCreatingConnection(); /*! Calls this slot when the window activated changes (eg connect to TQWorkspace::windowActivated(TQWidget*)). You need to connect to this slot, it will crash otherwise. */ void windowChanged(TQWidget *w); //! Used to delayed widgets' deletion (in Container::deleteItem()) void deleteWidgetLater( TQWidget *w ); /*! For debugging purposes only: shows a text window containing contents of .ui XML definition of the current form. */ void showFormUICode(); /*! Executes font dialog and changes it for currently selected widget(s). */ void changeFont(); signals: /*! This signal is emitted as the property set switched. If \a forceReload is true, the set needs to be reloaded even if it's the same as previous one. */ void propertySetSwitched(KoProperty::Set *set, bool forceReload = false, const TQCString& propertyToSelect = TQCString()); /*! This signal is emitted when any change is made to the Form \a form, so it will need to be saved. */ void dirty(KFormDesigner::Form *form, bool isDirty=true); /*! Signal emitted when a normal widget is selected inside \a form (ie not form widget). If \a multiple is true, then more than one widget is selected. Use this to update actions state. */ void widgetSelected(KFormDesigner::Form *form, bool multiple); /*! Signal emitted when the form widget is selected inside \a form. Use this to update actions state. */ void formWidgetSelected(KFormDesigner::Form *form); /*! Signal emitted when no form (or a preview form) is selected. Use this to update actions state. */ void noFormSelected(); /*! Signal emitted when undo action activation changes. \a text is the full text of the action (including command name). */ void undoEnabled(bool enabled, const TQString &text = TQString()); /*! Signal emitted when redo action activation changes. \a text is the full text of the action (including command name). */ void redoEnabled(bool enabled, const TQString &text = TQString()); /*! Signal emitted when the user choose a signal in 'Events' menu in context menu, or in 'Events' in property editor. The code editor should then create the slot connected to this signal. */ void createFormSlot(KFormDesigner::Form *form, const TQString &widget, const TQString &signal); /*! Signal emitted when the Connection creation by drag-and-drop ends. \a connection is the created Connection. You should copy it, because it is deleted just after the signal is emitted. */ void connectionCreated(KFormDesigner::Form *form, KFormDesigner::Connection &connection); /*! Signal emitted when the Connection creation by drag-and-drop is aborted by user. */ void connectionAborted(KFormDesigner::Form *form); /*! Signal emitted when "autoTabStops" is changed. */ void autoTabStopsSet(KFormDesigner::Form *form, bool set); /*! Signal emitted before the form gets finally deleted. \a form is still a valid pointer, but the widgets inside the form are in unknown state. */ void aboutToDeleteForm(KFormDesigner::Form *form); /*! Signal emitted when new form gets created. */ void formCreated(KFormDesigner::Form *form); protected slots: void deleteWidgetLaterTimeout(); /*! Slot called when a buddy is chosen in the buddy list. Sets the label buddy. */ void buddyChosen(int id); /*! Slot called when the user chooses an item in signal (or slot) menu. The \ref createdConnection() is updated, and the connection created (for the signal menu). */ void menuSignalChosen(int id); /*! Slot called when the user changes current style using combbox in toolbar or menu. */ void slotStyle(); void slotConnectionCreated(KFormDesigner::Form*, KFormDesigner::Connection&); void slotSettingsChanged(int category); protected: /*! Inits the Form, adds it to m_forms, and conects slots. */ void initForm(Form *form); #if 0 /*! Default implementation just calls FormIO::loadFormFromDom(). Change this if you need to handle, eg. custom UI XML tags, as in Kexi's Form Designer. */ virtual bool loadFormFromDomInternal(Form *form, TQWidget *container, TQDomDocument &inBuf); /*! Default implementation just calls FormIO::saveFormToString(). Change this if you need to handle, eg. custom UI XML tags, as in Kexi's Form Designer. */ virtual bool saveFormToStringInternal(Form *form, TQString &dest, int indent = 0); #endif /*! Function called by the "Lay out in..." menu items. It creates a layout from the currently selected widgets (that must have the same parent). Calls \ref CreateLayoutCommand. */ void createLayout(int layoutType); /*! Function called by all other AlignWidgets*() function. Calls \ref AlignWidgetsCommand. */ void alignWidgets(int type); void enableFormActions(); void disableWidgetActions(); void emitUndoEnabled(bool enabled, const TQString &text); void emitRedoEnabled(bool enabled, const TQString &text); /*! True if emitSelectionSignals() updates property set so showPropertySet() will not be needed in windowChanged(). False by default. Set to true in KexiFormManager. */ bool m_emitSelectionSignalsUpdatesPropertySet : 1; private: static FormManager* _self; //! Enum for menu items indexes enum { MenuTitle = 200, MenuCopy, MenuCut, MenuPaste, MenuDelete, MenuHBox = 301, MenuVBox, MenuGrid, MenuHSplitter, MenuVSplitter, MenuNoBuddy = 501 }; WidgetPropertySet *m_propSet; // WidgetLibrary *m_lib; TQGuardedPtr m_editor; TQGuardedPtr m_treeview; // Forms TQPtrList
m_forms; TQPtrList m_preview; TQGuardedPtr m_active; // Copy/Paste TQDomDocument m_domDoc; KPopupMenu *m_popup; TQPoint m_insertPoint; TQGuardedPtr m_menuWidget; // Insertion bool m_inserting; TQCString m_selectedClass; // Connection stuff bool m_drawingSlot; Connection *m_connection; KPopupMenu *m_sigSlotMenu; // Actions KActionCollection *m_collection; KToggleAction *m_pointer, *m_dragConnection, *m_snapToGrid; //! Used to delayed widgets deletion TQTimer m_deleteWidgetLater_timer; TQPtrList m_deleteWidgetLater_list; #ifdef KEXI_DEBUG_GUI KDialogBase *m_uiCodeDialog; KTextEdit *m_currentUICodeDialogEditor; KTextEdit *m_originalUICodeDialogEditor; #endif int m_options; //!< @see Options enum int m_contextMenuKey; //!< Id of context menu key (cached) void *m_objectBlockingPropertyEditorUpdating; bool m_isRedoing : 1; friend class PropertyCommand; friend class GeometryPropertyCommand; friend class CutWidgetCommand; friend class Form; }; } #endif