/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2006 Stefan Nikolaus (C) 2004 Tomas Mecir (C) 2002-2004 Ariya Hidayat (C) 2002-2003 Norbert Andres (C) 2001-2003 Philipp Mueller (C) 2002 John Dailey (C) 1999-2002 Laurent Montel (C) 1999-2002 Harri Porten (C) 2000-2001 David Faure (C) 1998-2000 Torben Weis (C) 2000 Werner Trobin (C) 1999 Reginald Stadlbauer (C) 1998-1999 Stephan Kulow This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kspread_canvas.h" #include "kspread_dlg_layout.h" #include "kspread_locale.h" #include "kspread_sheet.h" #include "kspread_style.h" #include "kspread_style_manager.h" #include "kspread_undo.h" #include "kspread_util.h" #include "manipulator.h" #include "selection.h" #include "valueformatter.h" using namespace KSpread; /*************************************************************************** * * PatternSelect * ***************************************************************************/ PatternSelect::PatternSelect( TQWidget *parent, const char * ) : TQFrame( parent ) { penStyle = Qt::NoPen; penWidth = 1; penColor = colorGroup().text(); selected = false; undefined = false; } void PatternSelect::setPattern( const TQColor &_color, int _width, Qt::PenStyle _style ) { penStyle = _style; penColor = _color; penWidth = _width; tqrepaint(); } void PatternSelect::setUndefined() { undefined = true; } void PatternSelect::paintEvent( TQPaintEvent *_ev ) { TQFrame::paintEvent( _ev ); TQPainter painter( this ); if ( !undefined ) { TQPen pen( penColor, penWidth, penStyle); painter.setPen( pen ); painter.drawLine( 6, height()/2, width() - 6,height()/2 ); } else { painter.fillRect( 2, 2, width() - 4, height() - 4, BDiagPattern ); } } void PatternSelect::mousePressEvent( TQMouseEvent * ) { slotSelect(); emit clicked( this ); } void PatternSelect::slotUnselect() { selected = false; setLineWidth( 1 ); setFrameStyle( TQFrame::Panel | TQFrame::Sunken ); tqrepaint(); } void PatternSelect::slotSelect() { selected = true; setLineWidth( 2 ); setFrameStyle( TQFrame::Panel | TQFrame::Plain ); tqrepaint(); } /*************************************************************************** * * GeneralTab * ***************************************************************************/ GeneralTab::GeneralTab( TQWidget* parent, CellFormatDialog * dlg ) : TQWidget( parent ), m_dlg( dlg ) { TQGridLayout * tqlayout = new TQGridLayout( this, 1, 1, KDialog::marginHint(), KDialog::spacingHint(), "tqlayout"); TQGroupBox * groupBox = new TQGroupBox( this, "groupBox1" ); groupBox->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical ); groupBox->setTitle( i18n( "Style" ) ); groupBox->tqlayout()->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() ); groupBox->tqlayout()->setMargin( KDialog::marginHint() ); TQGridLayout * groupBoxLayout = new TQGridLayout( groupBox->tqlayout() ); groupBoxLayout->setAlignment( TQt::AlignTop ); TQLabel * label1 = new TQLabel( groupBox, "label1" ); label1->setText( i18n( "Name:" ) ); groupBoxLayout->addWidget( label1, 0, 0 ); m_nameEdit = new KLineEdit( groupBox, "m_nameEdit" ); m_nameEdit->setText( m_dlg->styleName ); groupBoxLayout->addWidget( m_nameEdit, 0, 1 ); TQLabel * label2 = new TQLabel( groupBox, "label2" ); label2->setText( i18n( "Inherit style:" ) ); groupBoxLayout->addWidget( label2, 1, 0 ); m_parentBox = new KComboBox( false, groupBox, "m_parentBox" ); m_parentBox->clear(); m_parentBox->insertItem( i18n( "" ) ); TQStringList tmp = m_dlg->getStyleManager()->styleNames(); tmp.remove( m_dlg->styleName ); m_parentBox->insertStringList( tmp ); if ( m_dlg->getStyle()->parent() ) m_parentBox->setCurrentText( m_dlg->getStyle()->parentName() ); else { m_parentBox->setCurrentText( i18n( "" ) ); if ( m_dlg->getStyle()->definesAll() ) m_parentBox->setEnabled( false ); } connect( m_parentBox, TQT_SIGNAL( textChanged( const TQString & ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewParent( const TQString & ) ) ); connect( m_nameEdit, TQT_SIGNAL( lostFocus() ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotNameChanged() ) ); groupBoxLayout->addWidget( m_parentBox, 1, 1 ); TQSpacerItem * spacer = new TQSpacerItem( 20, 260, TQSizePolicy::Minimum, TQSizePolicy::Expanding ); tqlayout->addWidget( groupBox, 0, 0 ); tqlayout->addItem( spacer, 1, 0 ); if ( m_dlg->getStyle()->type() == Style::BUILTIN ) { m_nameEdit->setEnabled( false ); m_parentBox->setEnabled( false ); } resize( TQSize( 534, 447 ).expandedTo(minimumSizeHint()) ); } GeneralTab::~GeneralTab() { } void GeneralTab::slotNameChanged() { checkName(); } void GeneralTab::slotNewParent( const TQString & parentName ) { kdDebug() << "New Parent" << endl; if ( !checkParent( parentName ) ) return; if ( parentName.isEmpty() || parentName == i18n( "" ) ) m_dlg->getStyle()->setParent( 0 ); else m_dlg->getStyle()->setParent( m_dlg->getStyleManager()->style( parentName ) ); // Set difference to new parent, set GUI to parent values, add changes made before // m_dlg->initGUI(); } bool GeneralTab::checkName() { if ( m_nameEdit->isEnabled() ) { if ( !m_dlg->getStyleManager()->validateStyleName( m_nameEdit->text(), m_dlg->getStyle() ) ) { KMessageBox::sorry( this, i18n( "A style with this name already exists." ) ); return false; } } return true; } bool GeneralTab::checkParent( const TQString & parentName ) { if ( m_dlg->getStyle()->parentName() != parentName && m_parentBox->isEnabled() && parentName != i18n( "" ) && !parentName.isEmpty() ) { if ( m_nameEdit->text() == parentName ) { KMessageBox::sorry( this, i18n( "A style cannot inherit from itself." ) ); return false; } if ( !m_dlg->checkCircle( m_nameEdit->text(), parentName ) ) { KMessageBox::sorry( this, i18n( "The style cannot inherit from '%1' because of recursive references." ) .tqarg( m_parentBox->currentText() ) ); return false; } CustomStyle * p = m_dlg->getStyleManager()->style( parentName ); if ( !p ) { KMessageBox::sorry( this, i18n( "The parent style does not exist." ) ); return false; } } return true; } bool GeneralTab::apply( CustomStyle * style ) { if ( !checkParent( m_parentBox->currentText() ) ) return false; if ( !checkName() ) return false; if ( m_nameEdit->isEnabled() ) { if ( style->type() != Style::BUILTIN ) { TQString name( style->name() ); style->setName( m_nameEdit->text() ); if ( m_parentBox->isEnabled() ) { if ( m_parentBox->currentText() == i18n( "None" ) || m_parentBox->currentText().isEmpty() ) style->setParent( 0 ); else style->setParent( m_dlg->getStyleManager()->style( m_parentBox->currentText() ) ); } m_dlg->getStyleManager()->changeName( name, m_nameEdit->text() ); } } if ( style->type() == Style::TENTATIVE ) style->setType( Style::CUSTOM ); return true; } /*************************************************************************** * * CellFormatDialog * ***************************************************************************/ CellFormatDialog::CellFormatDialog( View * _view, Sheet * _sheet ) : TQObject(), m_doc( _sheet->doc() ), m_sheet( _sheet ), m_pView( _view ), m_style( 0 ) { initMembers(); //We need both conditions quite often, so store the condition here too isRowSelected = _view->selectionInfo()->isRowSelected(); isColumnSelected = _view->selectionInfo()->isColumnSelected(); TQRect range = _view->selectionInfo()->selection(); left = range.left(); top = range.top(); right = range.right(); bottom = range.bottom(); if ( left == right ) oneCol = true; else oneCol = false; if ( top == bottom ) oneRow = true; else oneRow = false; Cell* obj = m_sheet->cellAt( left, top ); oneCell = (left == right && top == bottom && !obj->doesMergeCells()); isMerged = ((obj->doesMergeCells() && left + obj->extraXCells() >= right && top + obj->extraYCells() >= bottom)); // Initialize with the upper left object. borders[BorderType_Left].style = obj->format()->leftBorderStyle( left, top ); borders[BorderType_Left].width = obj->format()->leftBorderWidth( left, top ); borders[BorderType_Left].color = obj->format()->leftBorderColor( left, top ); borders[BorderType_Top].style = obj->format()->topBorderStyle( left, top ); borders[BorderType_Top].width = obj->format()->topBorderWidth( left, top ); borders[BorderType_Top].color = obj->format()->topBorderColor( left, top ); borders[BorderType_FallingDiagonal].style = obj->format()->fallDiagonalStyle( left, top ); borders[BorderType_FallingDiagonal].width = obj->format()->fallDiagonalWidth( left, top ); borders[BorderType_FallingDiagonal].color = obj->format()->fallDiagonalColor( left, top ); borders[BorderType_RisingDiagonal].style = obj->format()->goUpDiagonalStyle( left, top ); borders[BorderType_RisingDiagonal].width = obj->format()->goUpDiagonalWidth( left, top ); borders[BorderType_RisingDiagonal].color = obj->format()->goUpDiagonalColor( left, top ); // Look at the upper right one for the right border. obj = m_sheet->cellAt( right, top ); borders[BorderType_Right].style = obj->format()->rightBorderStyle( right, top ); borders[BorderType_Right].width = obj->format()->rightBorderWidth( right, top ); borders[BorderType_Right].color = obj->format()->rightBorderColor( right, top ); // Look at the bottom left cell for the bottom border. obj = m_sheet->cellAt( left, bottom ); borders[BorderType_Bottom].style = obj->format()->bottomBorderStyle( left, bottom ); borders[BorderType_Bottom].width = obj->format()->bottomBorderWidth( left, bottom ); borders[BorderType_Bottom].color = obj->format()->bottomBorderColor( left, bottom ); // Just an assumption obj = m_sheet->cellAt( right, top ); if ( obj->isPartOfMerged() ) { obj = obj->obscuringCells().first(); int moveX = obj->column(); int moveY = top; int moveX2 = right; int moveY2 = obj->row(); borders[BorderType_Vertical].style = obj->format()->leftBorderStyle( moveX, moveY ); borders[BorderType_Vertical].width = obj->format()->leftBorderWidth( moveX, moveY ); borders[BorderType_Vertical].color = obj->format()->leftBorderColor( moveX, moveY ); obj = m_sheet->cellAt( moveX2, moveY2 ); borders[BorderType_Horizontal].style = obj->format()->topBorderStyle( moveX2, moveY2 ); borders[BorderType_Horizontal].width = obj->format()->topBorderWidth( moveX2, moveY2 ); borders[BorderType_Horizontal].color = obj->format()->topBorderColor( moveX2, moveY2 ); } else { borders[BorderType_Vertical].style = obj->format()->leftBorderStyle( right, top ); borders[BorderType_Vertical].width = obj->format()->leftBorderWidth( right, top ); borders[BorderType_Vertical].color = obj->format()->leftBorderColor( right, top ); borders[BorderType_Horizontal].style = obj->format()->topBorderStyle(right, bottom); borders[BorderType_Horizontal].width = obj->format()->topBorderWidth(right, bottom); borders[BorderType_Horizontal].color = obj->format()->topBorderColor(right, bottom); } obj = m_sheet->cellAt( left, top ); prefix = obj->format()->prefix( left, top ); postfix = obj->format()->postfix( left, top ); precision = obj->format()->precision( left, top ); floatFormat = obj->format()->floatFormat( left, top ); floatColor = obj->format()->floatColor( left, top ); alignX = obj->format()->align( left, top ); alignY = obj->format()->alignY( left, top ); textColor = obj->format()->textColor( left, top ); bgColor = obj->bgColor( left, top ); textFontSize = obj->format()->textFontSize( left, top ); textFontFamily = obj->format()->textFontFamily( left, top ); textFontBold = obj->format()->textFontBold( left, top ); textFontItalic = obj->format()->textFontItalic( left, top ); strike=obj->format()->textFontStrike( left, top ); underline = obj->format()->textFontUnderline( left, top ); // Needed to initialize the font correctly ( bug in TQt ) textFont = obj->format()->textFont( left, top ); obj->format()->currencyInfo( cCurrency ); brushColor = obj->format()->backGroundBrushColor( left, top ); brushStyle = obj->format()->backGroundBrushStyle( left,top ); bMultiRow = obj->format()->multiRow( left, top ); bVerticalText = obj->format()->verticalText( left, top ); textRotation = obj->format()->getAngle(left, top); formatType = obj->format()->getFormatType(left, top); bDontPrintText = obj->format()->getDontprintText( left, top ); bHideFormula = obj->format()->isHideFormula( left, top ); bHideAll = obj->format()->isHideAll( left, top ); bIsProtected = !obj->format()->notProtected( left, top ); indent = obj->format()->getIndent(left, top); value = obj->value(); RowFormat *rl; ColumnFormat *cl; widthSize = 0.0; heightSize = 0.0; if ( !isRowSelected ) { for ( int x = left; x <= right; x++ ) { cl = m_pView->activeSheet()->columnFormat( x ); widthSize = TQMAX( cl->dblWidth(), widthSize ); } } if ( !isColumnSelected ) { for ( int y = top; y <= bottom; y++ ) { rl = m_pView->activeSheet()->rowFormat(y); heightSize = TQMAX( rl->dblHeight(), heightSize ); } } //select column(s) if ( isColumnSelected ) { int y = 1; Cell* cell = NULL; for (int x = left;x <= right; x++) { ColumnFormat *obj = m_sheet->nonDefaultColumnFormat(x); initParameters( obj,x,y); for (cell = m_sheet->getFirstCellColumn(x); cell != NULL; cell = m_sheet->getNextCellDown(cell->column(), cell->row())) { initParameters( cell->format(), x, cell->row()); } } } else if ( isRowSelected ) { int x = 1; Cell* c = NULL; for ( int y = top;y<=bottom;y++) { RowFormat *obj = m_sheet->nonDefaultRowFormat(y); initParameters( obj,x,y); for (c = m_sheet->getFirstCellRow(y); c != NULL; c = m_sheet->getNextCellRight(c->column(), c->row()) ) { initParameters( c->format(), c->column(), c->row()); } } } else { // Do the other objects have the same values ? for ( int x = left; x <= right; x++ ) { for ( int y = top; y <= bottom; y++ ) { Cell *obj = m_sheet->cellAt( x, y ); if ( obj->isPartOfMerged() ) continue; initParameters( obj->format(),x,y); } } } if ( !bTextRotation ) textRotation = 0; if ( isColumnSelected ) { int y=1; ColumnFormat *obj=m_sheet->nonDefaultColumnFormat(left); checkBorderLeft( obj,left, y); Cell* c = NULL; for (c = m_sheet->getFirstCellColumn(left); c != NULL; c = m_sheet->getNextCellDown(c->column(), c->row()) ) { checkBorderLeft(c->format(), c->column(), c->row()); } obj=m_sheet->nonDefaultColumnFormat(right); checkBorderRight(obj,right,y); c = NULL; for (c = m_sheet->getFirstCellColumn(right); c != NULL; c = m_sheet->getNextCellDown(c->column(), c->row()) ) { checkBorderRight(c->format(), c->column(), c->row()); } for ( int x = left; x <= right; x++ ) { Cell *obj = m_sheet->cellAt( x, top ); checkBorderTop(obj->format(),x, top); obj = m_sheet->cellAt( x, bottom ); checkBorderBottom(obj->format(),x, bottom); if ( x > left ) { ColumnFormat *obj = m_sheet->nonDefaultColumnFormat(x); checkBorderHorizontal(obj,x, y); checkBorderVertical(obj,x, y); } } } else if ( isRowSelected ) { int x=1; for ( int y = top; y <= bottom; y++ ) { Cell *obj = m_sheet->cellAt( right, y ); checkBorderRight(obj->format(),right,y); obj = m_sheet->cellAt( left, y ); checkBorderLeft( obj->format(),left, y); if ( y > top ) { RowFormat* obj = m_sheet->nonDefaultRowFormat(y); checkBorderHorizontal(obj,x, y); checkBorderVertical(obj,x, y); } } RowFormat *obj=m_sheet->nonDefaultRowFormat(top); checkBorderTop(obj,x, top); obj=m_sheet->nonDefaultRowFormat(bottom); checkBorderBottom(obj,x, bottom); } else { for ( int y = top; y <= bottom; y++ ) { Cell *obj = m_sheet->cellAt( left, y ); checkBorderLeft( obj->format(),left, y); obj = m_sheet->cellAt( right, y ); checkBorderRight(obj->format(),right,y); } for ( int x = left; x <= right; x++ ) { Cell *obj = m_sheet->cellAt( x, top ); checkBorderTop( obj->format(), x, top ); obj = m_sheet->cellAt( x, bottom ); checkBorderBottom( obj->format(), x, bottom ); } // Look for the Outline for ( int x = left; x <= right; x++ ) { for ( int y = top+1; y <= bottom; y++ ) { Cell *obj = m_sheet->cellAt( x, y ); checkBorderHorizontal(obj->format(),x, y); } } for ( int x = left+1; x <= right; x++ ) { for ( int y = top; y <= bottom; y++ ) { Cell *obj = m_sheet->cellAt( x, y ); checkBorderVertical(obj->format(),x,y); } } } init(); } CellFormatDialog::CellFormatDialog( View * _view, CustomStyle * _style, StyleManager * _manager, Doc * doc ) : TQObject(), m_doc( doc ), m_sheet( 0 ), m_pView( _view ), m_style( _style ), m_styleManager( _manager ) { initMembers(); initGUI(); init(); } void CellFormatDialog::initGUI() { isRowSelected = false; isColumnSelected = false; styleName = m_style->name(); borders[BorderType_Left].style = m_style->leftBorderPen().style(); borders[BorderType_Left].width = m_style->leftBorderPen().width(); borders[BorderType_Left].color = m_style->leftBorderPen().color(); borders[BorderType_Top].style = m_style->topBorderPen().style(); borders[BorderType_Top].width = m_style->topBorderPen().width(); borders[BorderType_Top].color = m_style->topBorderPen().color(); borders[BorderType_Right].style = m_style->rightBorderPen().style(); borders[BorderType_Right].width = m_style->rightBorderPen().width(); borders[BorderType_Right].color = m_style->rightBorderPen().color(); borders[BorderType_Bottom].style = m_style->bottomBorderPen().style(); borders[BorderType_Bottom].width = m_style->bottomBorderPen().width(); borders[BorderType_Bottom].color = m_style->bottomBorderPen().color(); borders[BorderType_FallingDiagonal].style = m_style->fallDiagonalPen().style(); borders[BorderType_FallingDiagonal].width = m_style->fallDiagonalPen().width(); borders[BorderType_FallingDiagonal].color = m_style->fallDiagonalPen().color(); borders[BorderType_RisingDiagonal].style = m_style->goUpDiagonalPen().style(); borders[BorderType_RisingDiagonal].width = m_style->goUpDiagonalPen().width(); borders[BorderType_RisingDiagonal].color = m_style->goUpDiagonalPen().color(); borders[BorderType_Vertical].style = m_style->leftBorderPen().style(); borders[BorderType_Vertical].width = m_style->leftBorderPen().width(); borders[BorderType_Vertical].color = m_style->leftBorderPen().color(); borders[BorderType_Horizontal].style = m_style->topBorderPen().style(); borders[BorderType_Horizontal].width = m_style->topBorderPen().width(); borders[BorderType_Horizontal].color = m_style->topBorderPen().color(); prefix = m_style->prefix(); postfix = m_style->postfix(); precision = m_style->precision(); floatFormat = m_style->floatFormat(); floatColor = m_style->floatColor(); alignX = m_style->alignX(); alignY = m_style->alignY(); textColor = m_style->pen().color(); bgColor = m_style->bgColor(); textFontSize = m_style->fontSize(); textFontFamily = m_style->fontFamily(); uint flags = m_style->fontFlags(); textFontBold = ( flags & (uint) Style::FBold ); textFontItalic = ( flags & (uint) Style::FItalic ); strike = ( flags & (uint) Style::FStrike ); underline = ( flags & (uint) Style::FUnderline ); // Needed to initialize the font correctly ( bug in TQt ) textFont = m_style->font(); cCurrency = m_style->currency(); brushColor = m_style->backGroundBrush().color(); brushStyle = m_style->backGroundBrush().style(); bMultiRow = m_style->hasProperty( Style::PMultiRow ); bVerticalText = m_style->hasProperty( Style::PVerticalText ); textRotation = m_style->rotateAngle(); formatType = m_style->formatType(); indent = m_style->indent(); bDontPrintText = m_style->hasProperty( Style::PDontPrintText ); bHideFormula = m_style->hasProperty( Style::PHideFormula ); bHideAll = m_style->hasProperty( Style::PHideAll ); bIsProtected = !m_style->hasProperty( Style::PNotProtected ); widthSize = defaultWidthSize; heightSize = defaultHeightSize; } CellFormatDialog::~CellFormatDialog() { delete formatOnlyNegSignedPixmap; delete formatRedOnlyNegSignedPixmap; delete formatRedNeverSignedPixmap; delete formatAlwaysSignedPixmap; delete formatRedAlwaysSignedPixmap; } void CellFormatDialog::initMembers() { formatOnlyNegSignedPixmap = 0L; formatRedOnlyNegSignedPixmap = 0L; formatRedNeverSignedPixmap = 0L; formatAlwaysSignedPixmap = 0L; formatRedAlwaysSignedPixmap = 0L; // We assume, that all other objects have the same values for ( int i = 0; i < BorderType_END; ++i ) { borders[i].bStyle = true; borders[i].bColor = true; } bFloatFormat = true; bFloatColor = true; bTextColor = true; bBgColor = true; bTextFontFamily = true; bTextFontSize = true; bTextFontBold = true; bTextFontItalic = true; bStrike = true; bUnderline = true; bTextRotation = true; bFormatType = true; bCurrency = true; bDontPrintText = false; bHideFormula = false; bHideAll = false; bIsProtected = true; cCurrency.symbol = locale()->currencySymbol(); cCurrency.type = 0; Sheet* sheet = m_pView->activeSheet(); defaultWidthSize = sheet ? sheet->columnFormat(0)->dblWidth() : 0; defaultHeightSize = sheet ? sheet->rowFormat(0)->dblHeight() : 0; } bool CellFormatDialog::checkCircle( TQString const & name, TQString const & parent ) { return m_styleManager->checkCircle( name, parent ); } void CellFormatDialog::checkBorderRight(Format *obj,int x,int y) { if ( borders[BorderType_Right].style != obj->rightBorderStyle( x, y ) || borders[BorderType_Right].width != obj->rightBorderWidth( x, y ) ) borders[BorderType_Right].bStyle = false; if ( borders[BorderType_Right].color != obj->rightBorderColor( x, y ) ) borders[BorderType_Right].bColor = false; } void CellFormatDialog::checkBorderLeft(Format *obj,int x,int y) { if ( borders[BorderType_Left].style != obj->leftBorderStyle( x, y ) || borders[BorderType_Left].width != obj->leftBorderWidth( x, y ) ) borders[BorderType_Left].bStyle = false; if ( borders[BorderType_Left].color != obj->leftBorderColor( x, y ) ) borders[BorderType_Left].bColor = false; } void CellFormatDialog::checkBorderTop(Format *obj,int x,int y) { if ( borders[BorderType_Top].style != obj->topBorderStyle( x, y ) || borders[BorderType_Top].width != obj->topBorderWidth( x, y ) ) borders[BorderType_Top].bStyle = false; if ( borders[BorderType_Top].color != obj->topBorderColor( x, y ) ) borders[BorderType_Top].bColor = false; } void CellFormatDialog::checkBorderBottom(Format *obj,int x,int y) { if ( borders[BorderType_Bottom].style != obj->bottomBorderStyle( x, y ) || borders[BorderType_Bottom].width != obj->bottomBorderWidth( x, y ) ) borders[BorderType_Bottom].bStyle = false; if ( borders[BorderType_Bottom].color != obj->bottomBorderColor( x, y ) ) borders[BorderType_Bottom].bColor = false; } void CellFormatDialog::checkBorderVertical(Format *obj,int x,int y) { if (borders[BorderType_Vertical].style != obj->leftBorderStyle( x, y ) || borders[BorderType_Vertical].width != obj->leftBorderWidth( x, y )) borders[BorderType_Vertical].bStyle = false; if ( borders[BorderType_Vertical].color != obj->leftBorderColor( x, y ) ) borders[BorderType_Vertical].bColor = false; } void CellFormatDialog::checkBorderHorizontal(Format *obj,int x,int y) { if ( borders[BorderType_Horizontal].style != obj->topBorderStyle( x, y ) || borders[BorderType_Horizontal].width != obj->topBorderWidth( x, y ) ) borders[BorderType_Horizontal].bStyle = false; if ( borders[BorderType_Horizontal].color != obj->topBorderColor( x, y ) ) borders[BorderType_Horizontal].bColor = false; } void CellFormatDialog::initParameters(Format *obj,int x,int y) { if (borders[BorderType_FallingDiagonal].style != obj->fallDiagonalStyle( x, y )) borders[BorderType_FallingDiagonal].bStyle = false; if (borders[BorderType_FallingDiagonal].width != obj->fallDiagonalWidth( x, y )) borders[BorderType_FallingDiagonal].bStyle = false; if (borders[BorderType_FallingDiagonal].color != obj->fallDiagonalColor( x, y )) borders[BorderType_FallingDiagonal].bColor = false; if (borders[BorderType_RisingDiagonal].style != obj->goUpDiagonalStyle( x, y )) borders[BorderType_RisingDiagonal].bStyle = false; if (borders[BorderType_RisingDiagonal].width != obj->goUpDiagonalWidth( x, y )) borders[BorderType_RisingDiagonal].bStyle = false; if (borders[BorderType_RisingDiagonal].color != obj->goUpDiagonalColor( x, y )) borders[BorderType_RisingDiagonal].bColor = false; if ( strike != obj->textFontStrike( x, y ) ) bStrike = false; if ( underline != obj->textFontUnderline( x, y ) ) bUnderline = false; if ( prefix != obj->prefix( x, y ) ) prefix = TQString(); if ( postfix != obj->postfix( x, y ) ) postfix = TQString(); if ( floatFormat != obj->floatFormat( x, y ) ) bFloatFormat = false; if ( floatColor != obj->floatColor( x, y ) ) bFloatColor = false; if ( textColor != obj->textColor( x, y ) ) bTextColor = false; if ( textFontFamily != obj->textFontFamily( x, y ) ) bTextFontFamily = false; if ( textFontSize != obj->textFontSize( x, y ) ) bTextFontSize = false; if ( textFontBold != obj->textFontBold( x, y ) ) bTextFontBold = false; if ( textFontItalic != obj->textFontItalic( x, y ) ) bTextFontItalic = false; if ( bgColor != obj->bgColor( x, y ) ) bBgColor = false; if ( textRotation != obj->getAngle(left, top) ) bTextRotation = false; if ( formatType != obj->getFormatType(left, top) ) bFormatType = false; if ( bMultiRow != obj->multiRow( left, top ) ) bMultiRow = false; if ( bVerticalText!=obj->verticalText( left, top ) ) bVerticalText = false; if ( bDontPrintText!=obj->getDontprintText( left, top ) ) bDontPrintText= false; Format::Currency cur; if (!obj->currencyInfo(cur)) bCurrency = false; else if (cur.symbol != cCurrency.symbol) bCurrency = false; } void CellFormatDialog::init() { TQColorGroup colorGroup = TQApplication::tqpalette().active(); // Did we initialize the bitmaps ? if ( formatOnlyNegSignedPixmap == 0L ) { TQColor black = colorGroup.text(); // not necessarily black :) formatOnlyNegSignedPixmap = paintFormatPixmap( "123.456", black, "-123.456", black ); formatRedOnlyNegSignedPixmap = paintFormatPixmap( "123.456", black, "-123.456", TQt::red ); formatRedNeverSignedPixmap = paintFormatPixmap( "123.456", black, "123.456", TQt::red ); formatAlwaysSignedPixmap = paintFormatPixmap( "+123.456", black, "-123.456", black ); formatRedAlwaysSignedPixmap = paintFormatPixmap( "+123.456", black, "-123.456", TQt::red ); } tab = new TQTabDialog( (TQWidget*)m_pView, 0L, true ); //tab->setGeometry( tab->x(), tab->y(), 420, 400 ); if ( m_style ) { generalPage = new GeneralTab( tab, this ); tab->addTab( generalPage, i18n( "&General" ) ); } floatPage = new CellFormatPageFloat( tab, this ); tab->addTab( floatPage, i18n("&Data Format") ); fontPage = new CellFormatPageFont( tab, this ); tab->addTab( fontPage, i18n("&Font") ); // miscPage = new CellFormatPageMisc( tab, this ); // tab->addTab( miscPage, i18n("&Misc") ); positionPage = new CellFormatPagePosition( tab, this); tab->addTab( positionPage, i18n("&Position") ); borderPage = new CellFormatPageBorder( tab, this ); tab->addTab( borderPage, i18n("&Border") ); patternPage=new CellFormatPagePattern(tab,this); tab->addTab( patternPage,i18n("Back&ground")); protectPage = new CellFormatPageProtection( tab, this ); tab->addTab( protectPage, i18n("&Cell Protection") ); tab->setCancelButton( i18n( "&Cancel" ) ); tab->setOkButton( i18n( "&OK" ) ); tab->setCaption( i18n( "Cell Format" ) ); tab->adjustSize(); connect( tab, TQT_SIGNAL( applyButtonPressed() ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotApply() ) ); tab->exec(); } TQPixmap * CellFormatDialog::paintFormatPixmap( const char * _string1, const TQColor & _color1, const char *_string2, const TQColor & _color2 ) { TQPixmap * pixmap = new TQPixmap( 150, 14 ); TQPainter painter; painter.begin( pixmap ); painter.fillRect( 0, 0, 150, 14, TQApplication::tqpalette().active().base() ); painter.setPen( _color1 ); painter.drawText( 2, 11, TQString(_string1) ); painter.setPen( _color2 ); painter.drawText( 75, 11, TQString(_string2) ); painter.end(); TQBitmap bm( pixmap->size() ); bm.fill( color0 ); painter.begin( &bm ); painter.setPen( color1 ); painter.drawText( 2, 11, TQString(_string1) ); painter.drawText( 75, 11, TQString(_string2) ); painter.end(); pixmap->setMask( bm ); return pixmap; } int CellFormatDialog::exec() { return ( tab->exec() ); } void CellFormatDialog::applyStyle() { generalPage->apply( m_style ); borderPage->apply(0); floatPage->apply( m_style ); // miscPage->apply( m_style ); fontPage->apply( m_style ); positionPage->apply( m_style ); patternPage->apply( m_style ); protectPage->apply( m_style ); m_pView->refreshView(); } void CellFormatDialog::slotApply() { if ( m_style ) { applyStyle(); return; } // (Tomas) TODO: this will be slow !!! // We need to create a manipulator that would act as KMacroCommand, // but which would also ensure that updates are not painted until everything // is updated properly ... KMacroCommand* macroCommand = new KMacroCommand( i18n("Change Format") ); if ( isMerged != positionPage->getMergedCellState() ) { if ( positionPage->getMergedCellState() ) { Manipulator* manipulator = new MergeManipulator(); manipulator->setSheet(m_pView->activeSheet()); manipulator->setRegisterUndo(false); manipulator->add(*m_pView->selectionInfo()); macroCommand->addCommand( manipulator ); } else { //dissociate cells Manipulator* manipulator = new MergeManipulator(); manipulator->setSheet(m_pView->activeSheet()); manipulator->setReverse(true); manipulator->setRegisterUndo(false); manipulator->add(*m_pView->selectionInfo()); macroCommand->addCommand( manipulator ); } } FormatManipulator* manipulator = new FormatManipulator(); manipulator->setSheet(m_pView->activeSheet()); manipulator->setRegisterUndo(false); manipulator->add(*m_pView->selectionInfo()); borderPage->apply(manipulator); floatPage->apply(manipulator); fontPage->apply(manipulator); positionPage->apply(manipulator); patternPage->apply(manipulator); protectPage->apply(manipulator); if (!manipulator->isEmpty()) { macroCommand->addCommand( manipulator ); } else { delete manipulator; } if ( int( positionPage->getSizeHeight() ) != int( heightSize ) ) { ResizeRowManipulator* manipulator = new ResizeRowManipulator(); manipulator->setSheet(m_pView->activeSheet()); manipulator->setSize(positionPage->getSizeHeight()); // TODO Stefan: manipulator->setOldSize(heightSize); manipulator->add(*m_pView->selectionInfo()); macroCommand->addCommand( manipulator ); } if ( int( positionPage->getSizeWidth() ) != int( widthSize ) ) { ResizeColumnManipulator* manipulator = new ResizeColumnManipulator(); manipulator->setSheet(m_pView->activeSheet()); manipulator->setSize(positionPage->getSizeWidth()); // TODO Stefan: manipulator->setOldSize(widthSize); manipulator->add(*m_pView->selectionInfo()); macroCommand->addCommand( manipulator ); } macroCommand->execute(); m_doc->addCommand( macroCommand ); // Update the toolbar (bold/italic/font...) m_pView->updateEditWidget(); } /*************************************************************************** * * CellFormatPageFloat * ***************************************************************************/ CellFormatPageFloat::CellFormatPageFloat( TQWidget* parent, CellFormatDialog *_dlg ) : TQWidget ( parent ), dlg( _dlg ) { TQVBoxLayout* tqlayout = new TQVBoxLayout( this, 6,10 ); TQButtonGroup *grp = new TQButtonGroup( i18n("Format"),this); TQGridLayout *grid = new TQGridLayout(grp,11,2,KDialog::marginHint(), KDialog::spacingHint()); int fHeight = grp->fontMetrics().height(); grid->addRowSpacing( 0, fHeight/2 ); // groupbox title grp->setRadioButtonExclusive( true ); generic=new TQRadioButton(i18n("Generic"),grp); TQWhatsThis::add(generic, i18n( "This is the default format and KSpread autodetects the actual data type depending on the current cell data. By default, KSpread right justifies numbers, dates and times within a cell and left justifies anything else." ) ); grid->addWidget(generic,1,0); number=new TQRadioButton(i18n("Number"),grp); TQWhatsThis::add(number, i18n( "The number notation uses the notation you globally choose in KControl -> Regional & Accessibility -> Numbers tab. Numbers are right justified by default." ) ); grid->addWidget(number,2,0); percent=new TQRadioButton(i18n("Percent"),grp); TQWhatsThis::add(percent, i18n( "When you have a number in the current cell and you switch from the dcell format from Generic to Percent, the current cell number will be multiplied by 100%.\nFor example if you enter 12 and set the cell format to Percent, the number will then be 1,200 %. Switching back to Generic cell format will bring it back to 12.\nYou can also use the Percent icon in the Format Toolbar." ) ); grid->addWidget(percent,3,0); money=new TQRadioButton(i18n("Money"),grp); TQWhatsThis::add(money, i18n( "The Money format converts your number into money notation using the settings globally fixed in KControl in Regional & Accessibility -> Money. The currency symbol will be displayed and the precision will be the one set in KControl.\nYou can also use the Currency icon in the Format Toolbar to set the cell formatting to look like your current currency." ) ); grid->addWidget(money,4,0); scientific=new TQRadioButton(i18n("Scientific"),grp); TQWhatsThis::add(scientific, i18n( "The scientific format changes your number using the scientific notation. For example, 0.0012 will be changed to 1.2E-03. Going back using Generic cell format will display 0.0012 again." ) ); grid->addWidget(scientific,5,0); fraction=new TQRadioButton(i18n("Fraction"),grp); TQWhatsThis::add(fraction, i18n( "The fraction format changes your number into a fraction. For example, 0.1 can be changed to 1/8, 2/16, 1/10, etc. You define the type of fraction by choosing it in the field on the right. If the exact fraction is not possible in the fraction mode you choose, the nearest closest match is chosen.\n For example: when we have 1.5 as number, we choose Fraction and Sixteenths 1/16 the text displayed into cell is \"1 8/16\" which is an exact fraction. If you have 1.4 as number in your cell and you choose Fraction and Sixteenths 1/16 then the cell will display \"1 6/16\" which is the nearest closest Sixteenth fraction." ) ); grid->addWidget(fraction,6,0); date=new TQRadioButton(i18n("Date format"),grp); TQWhatsThis::add(date, i18n( "To enter a date, you should enter it in one of the formats set in KControl in Regional & Accessibility ->Time & Dates. There are two formats set here: the date format and the short date format.\nJust like you can drag down numbers you can also drag down dates and the next cells will also get dates." ) ); grid->addWidget(date,7,0); time=new TQRadioButton(i18n("Time format"),grp); TQWhatsThis::add(time, i18n( "This formats your cell content as a time. To enter a time, you should enter it in the Time format set in KControl in Regional & Accessibility ->Time & Dates. In the Cell Format dialog box you can set how the time should be displayed by choosing one of the available time format options. The default format is the system format set in KControl. When the number in the cell does not make sense as a time, KSpread will display 00:00 in the global format you have in KControl." ) ); grid->addWidget(time,8,0); textFormat=new TQRadioButton(i18n("Text"),grp); TQWhatsThis::add(textFormat, i18n( "This formats your cell content as text. This can be useful if you want a number treated as text instead as a number, for example for a ZIP code. Setting a number as text format will left justify it. When numbers are formatted as text, they cannot be used in calculations or formulas. It also change the way the cell is justified." ) ); grid->addWidget(textFormat,9,0); customFormat=new TQRadioButton(i18n("Custom"),grp); TQWhatsThis::add(customFormat, i18n( "The custom format does not work yet. To be enabled in the next release." ) ); grid->addWidget(customFormat,10,0); customFormat->setEnabled( false ); TQGroupBox *box2 = new TQGroupBox( grp, "Box"); box2->setTitle(i18n("Preview")); TQGridLayout *grid3 = new TQGridLayout(box2,1,3,KDialog::marginHint(), KDialog::spacingHint()); exampleLabel=new TQLabel(box2); TQWhatsThis::add(exampleLabel, i18n( "This will display a preview of your choice so you can know what it does before clicking the OK button to validate it." ) ); grid3->addWidget(exampleLabel,0,1); grid->addMultiCellWidget(box2,9,10,1,1); customFormatEdit = new TQLineEdit( grp ); grid->addMultiCellWidget( customFormatEdit, 1, 1, 1, 1 ); customFormatEdit->setHidden( true ); listFormat=new TQListBox(grp); grid->addMultiCellWidget(listFormat,2,7,1,1); TQWhatsThis::add(listFormat, i18n( "Displays choices of format for the fraction, date or time formats." ) ); tqlayout->addWidget(grp); /* *** */ TQGroupBox *box = new TQGroupBox( this, "Box"); grid = new TQGridLayout(box,3,4,KDialog::marginHint(), KDialog::spacingHint()); postfix = new TQLineEdit( box, "LineEdit_1" ); TQWhatsThis::add(postfix, i18n( "You can add here a Postfix such as a $HK symbol to the end of each cell content in the checked format." ) ); grid->addWidget(postfix,2,1); precision = new KIntNumInput( dlg->precision, box, 10 ); precision->setSpecialValueText(i18n("variable")); precision->setRange(-1,10,1,false); TQWhatsThis::add(precision, i18n( "You can control how many digits are displayed after the decimal point for numeric values. This can also be changed using the Increase precision or Decrease precision icons in the Format toolbar. " ) ); grid->addWidget(precision,1,1); prefix = new TQLineEdit( box, "LineEdit_3" ); TQWhatsThis::add(prefix, i18n( "You can add here a Prefix such as a $ symbol at the start of each cell content in the checked format." ) ); grid->addWidget(prefix,0,1); format = new TQComboBox( box, "ListBox_1" ); TQWhatsThis::add(format, i18n( "You can choose whether positive values are displayed with a leading + sign and whether negative values are shown in red." ) ); grid->addWidget(format,0,3); TQLabel* tmpTQLabel; tmpTQLabel = new TQLabel( box, "Label_1" ); grid->addWidget(tmpTQLabel,2,0); tmpTQLabel->setText( i18n("Postfix:") ); postfix->setText( dlg->postfix ); tmpTQLabel = new TQLabel( box, "Label_2" ); grid->addWidget(tmpTQLabel,0,0); tmpTQLabel->setText( i18n("Prefix:") ); tmpTQLabel = new TQLabel( box, "Label_3" ); grid->addWidget(tmpTQLabel,1,0); tmpTQLabel->setText( i18n("Precision:") ); prefix->setText( dlg->prefix ); format->insertItem( *_dlg->formatOnlyNegSignedPixmap, 0 ); format->insertItem( *_dlg->formatRedOnlyNegSignedPixmap, 1 ); format->insertItem( *_dlg->formatRedNeverSignedPixmap, 2 ); format->insertItem( *_dlg->formatAlwaysSignedPixmap, 3 ); format->insertItem( *_dlg->formatRedAlwaysSignedPixmap, 4 ); tmpTQLabel = new TQLabel( box, "Label_4" ); grid->addWidget(tmpTQLabel, 0, 2); tmpTQLabel->setText( i18n("Format:") ); currencyLabel = new TQLabel( box, "LabelCurrency" ); grid->addWidget(currencyLabel, 1, 2); currencyLabel->setText( i18n("Currency:") ); currency = new TQComboBox( box, "ComboCurrency" ); grid->addWidget(currency, 1, 3); currency->insertItem( i18n("Automatic") ); int index = 2; //ignore first two in the list bool ok = true; TQString text; while ( ok ) { text = Currency::getChooseString( index, ok ); if ( ok ) { currency->insertItem( text ); } else { break; } ++index; } currency->setCurrentItem( 0 ); currency->hide(); currencyLabel->hide(); if ( !dlg->bFloatFormat || !dlg->bFloatColor ) format->setCurrentItem( 5 ); else if ( dlg->floatFormat == Format::OnlyNegSigned && dlg->floatColor == Format::AllBlack ) format->setCurrentItem( 0 ); else if ( dlg->floatFormat == Format::OnlyNegSigned && dlg->floatColor == Format::NegRed ) format->setCurrentItem( 1 ); else if ( dlg->floatFormat == Format::AlwaysUnsigned && dlg->floatColor == Format::NegRed ) format->setCurrentItem( 2 ); else if ( dlg->floatFormat == Format::AlwaysSigned && dlg->floatColor == Format::AllBlack ) format->setCurrentItem( 3 ); else if ( dlg->floatFormat == Format::AlwaysSigned && dlg->floatColor == Format::NegRed ) format->setCurrentItem( 4 ); tqlayout->addWidget(box); cellFormatType=dlg->formatType; newFormatType = cellFormatType; if (!cellFormatType) generic->setChecked(true); else { if (cellFormatType==Number_format) number->setChecked(true); else if (cellFormatType==Percentage_format) percent->setChecked(true); else if (cellFormatType==Money_format) { money->setChecked(true); currencyLabel->show(); currency->show(); if (dlg->bCurrency) { TQString tmp; if (dlg->cCurrency.type != 1) { Currency curr(dlg->cCurrency.type); bool ok = true; tmp = Currency::getChooseString(dlg->cCurrency.type, ok); if ( !ok ) tmp = dlg->cCurrency.symbol; } else tmp = dlg->cCurrency.symbol; currency->setCurrentText( tmp ); } } else if ( cellFormatType == Scientific_format ) scientific->setChecked(true); else if ( formatIsDate (cellFormatType) ) date->setChecked(true); else if ( formatIsTime (cellFormatType) ) time->setChecked(true); else if ( formatIsFraction (cellFormatType) ) fraction->setChecked(true); else if (cellFormatType == Text_format) textFormat->setChecked(true); else if (cellFormatType == Custom_format) customFormat->setChecked(true); } connect(generic,TQT_SIGNAL(clicked ()),this,TQT_SLOT(slotChangeState())); connect(fraction,TQT_SIGNAL(clicked ()),this,TQT_SLOT(slotChangeState())); connect(money,TQT_SIGNAL(clicked ()),this,TQT_SLOT(slotChangeState())); connect(date,TQT_SIGNAL(clicked ()),this,TQT_SLOT(slotChangeState())); connect(scientific,TQT_SIGNAL(clicked ()),this,TQT_SLOT(slotChangeState())); connect(number,TQT_SIGNAL(clicked ()),this,TQT_SLOT(slotChangeState())); connect(percent,TQT_SIGNAL(clicked ()),this,TQT_SLOT(slotChangeState())); connect(time,TQT_SIGNAL(clicked ()),this,TQT_SLOT(slotChangeState())); connect(textFormat,TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()),this,TQT_SLOT(slotChangeState())); connect(customFormat,TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()),this,TQT_SLOT(slotChangeState())); connect(listFormat,TQT_SIGNAL(selectionChanged ()),this,TQT_SLOT(makeformat())); connect(precision,TQT_SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),this,TQT_SLOT(slotChangeValue(int))); connect(prefix,TQT_SIGNAL(textChanged ( const TQString & ) ),this,TQT_SLOT(makeformat())); connect(postfix,TQT_SIGNAL(textChanged ( const TQString & ) ),this,TQT_SLOT(makeformat())); connect(currency,TQT_SIGNAL(activated ( const TQString & ) ),this, TQT_SLOT(currencyChanged(const TQString &))); connect(format,TQT_SIGNAL(activated ( int ) ),this,TQT_SLOT(formatChanged(int))); connect(format, TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, TQT_SLOT(makeformat())); slotChangeState(); m_bFormatColorChanged=false; m_bFormatTypeChanged=false; this->resize( 400, 400 ); } void CellFormatPageFloat::formatChanged(int) { m_bFormatColorChanged=true; } void CellFormatPageFloat::slotChangeValue(int) { makeformat(); } void CellFormatPageFloat::slotChangeState() { TQStringList list; listFormat->clear(); currency->hide(); currencyLabel->hide(); // start with enabled, they get disabled when inappropriate further down precision->setEnabled(true); prefix->setEnabled(true); postfix->setEnabled(true); format->setEnabled(true); if (generic->isChecked() || number->isChecked() || percent->isChecked() || scientific->isChecked() || textFormat->isChecked()) listFormat->setEnabled(false); else if (money->isChecked()) { listFormat->setEnabled(false); precision->setValue(2); currency->show(); currencyLabel->show(); } else if (date->isChecked()) { format->setEnabled(false); precision->setEnabled(false); prefix->setEnabled(false); postfix->setEnabled(false); listFormat->setEnabled(true); init(); } else if (fraction->isChecked()) { precision->setEnabled(false); listFormat->setEnabled(true); list+=i18n("Halves 1/2"); list+=i18n("Quarters 1/4"); list+=i18n("Eighths 1/8"); list+=i18n("Sixteenths 1/16"); list+=i18n("Tenths 1/10"); list+=i18n("Hundredths 1/100"); list+=i18n("One digit 5/9"); list+=i18n("Two digits 15/22"); list+=i18n("Three digits 153/652"); listFormat->insertStringList(list); if (cellFormatType == fraction_half) listFormat->setCurrentItem(0); else if (cellFormatType == fraction_quarter) listFormat->setCurrentItem(1); else if (cellFormatType == fraction_eighth ) listFormat->setCurrentItem(2); else if (cellFormatType == fraction_sixteenth ) listFormat->setCurrentItem(3); else if (cellFormatType == fraction_tenth ) listFormat->setCurrentItem(4); else if (cellFormatType == fraction_hundredth ) listFormat->setCurrentItem(5); else if (cellFormatType == fraction_one_digit ) listFormat->setCurrentItem(6); else if (cellFormatType == fraction_two_digits ) listFormat->setCurrentItem(7); else if (cellFormatType == fraction_three_digits ) listFormat->setCurrentItem(8); else listFormat->setCurrentItem(0); } else if (time->isChecked()) { precision->setEnabled(false); prefix->setEnabled(false); postfix->setEnabled(false); format->setEnabled(false); listFormat->setEnabled(true); list+=i18n("System: ")+dlg->locale()->formatTime(TQTime::currentTime(),false); list+=i18n("System: ")+dlg->locale()->formatTime(TQTime::currentTime(),true); TQDateTime tmpTime (TQDate (1, 1, 1900), TQTime (10, 35, 25)); ValueFormatter *fmt = dlg->getDoc()->formatter(); list+= fmt->timeFormat(tmpTime, Time_format1); list+= fmt->timeFormat(tmpTime, Time_format2); list+= fmt->timeFormat(tmpTime, Time_format3); list+= fmt->timeFormat(tmpTime, Time_format4); list+= fmt->timeFormat(tmpTime, Time_format5); list+= ( fmt->timeFormat(tmpTime, Time_format6) + i18n(" (=[mm]::ss)") ); list+= ( fmt->timeFormat(tmpTime, Time_format7) + i18n(" (=[hh]::mm::ss)") ); list+= ( fmt->timeFormat(tmpTime, Time_format8) + i18n(" (=[hh]::mm)") ); listFormat->insertStringList(list); if ( cellFormatType == Time_format ) listFormat->setCurrentItem(0); else if (cellFormatType == SecondeTime_format) listFormat->setCurrentItem(1); else if (cellFormatType == Time_format1) listFormat->setCurrentItem(2); else if (cellFormatType == Time_format2) listFormat->setCurrentItem(3); else if (cellFormatType == Time_format3) listFormat->setCurrentItem(4); else if (cellFormatType == Time_format4) listFormat->setCurrentItem(5); else if (cellFormatType == Time_format5) listFormat->setCurrentItem(6); else if (cellFormatType == Time_format6) listFormat->setCurrentItem(7); else if (cellFormatType == Time_format7) listFormat->setCurrentItem(8); else if (cellFormatType == Time_format8) listFormat->setCurrentItem(9); else listFormat->setCurrentItem(0); } if (customFormat->isChecked()) { customFormatEdit->setHidden( false ); precision->setEnabled(false); prefix->setEnabled(false); postfix->setEnabled(false); format->setEnabled(false); listFormat->setEnabled(true); } else customFormatEdit->setHidden( true ); m_bFormatTypeChanged=true; makeformat(); } void CellFormatPageFloat::init() { TQStringList list; TQString tmp; TQString tmp2; TQDate tmpDate( 2000,2,18); list+=i18n("System: ")+dlg->locale()->formatDate (TQDate::currentDate(), true); list+=i18n("System: ")+dlg->locale()->formatDate (TQDate::currentDate(), false); ValueFormatter *fmt = dlg->getDoc()->formatter(); /*18-Feb-00*/ list+=fmt->dateFormat( tmpDate, date_format1); /*18-Feb-1999*/ list+=fmt->dateFormat( tmpDate, date_format2); /*18-Feb*/ list+=fmt->dateFormat( tmpDate, date_format3); /*18-2*/ list+=fmt->dateFormat( tmpDate, date_format4); /*18/2/00*/ list+=fmt->dateFormat( tmpDate, date_format5); /*18/5/1999*/ list+=fmt->dateFormat( tmpDate, date_format6); /*Feb-99*/ list+=fmt->dateFormat( tmpDate, date_format7); /*February-99*/ list+=fmt->dateFormat( tmpDate, date_format8); /*February-1999*/ list+=fmt->dateFormat( tmpDate, date_format9); /*F-99*/ list+=fmt->dateFormat( tmpDate, date_format10); /*18/Feb*/ list+=fmt->dateFormat( tmpDate, date_format11); /*18/2*/ list+=fmt->dateFormat( tmpDate, date_format12); /*18/Feb/1999*/ list+=fmt->dateFormat( tmpDate, date_format13); /*2000/Feb/18*/ list+=fmt->dateFormat( tmpDate, date_format14); /*2000-Feb-18*/ list+=fmt->dateFormat( tmpDate, date_format15); /*2000-2-18*/ list+=fmt->dateFormat( tmpDate, date_format16); /*2 february 2000*/ list+=fmt->dateFormat( tmpDate, date_format17); list+=fmt->dateFormat( tmpDate, date_format18); list+=fmt->dateFormat( tmpDate, date_format19); list+=fmt->dateFormat( tmpDate, date_format20); list+=fmt->dateFormat( tmpDate, date_format21); list+=fmt->dateFormat( tmpDate, date_format22); list+=fmt->dateFormat( tmpDate, date_format23); list+=fmt->dateFormat( tmpDate, date_format24); list+=fmt->dateFormat( tmpDate, date_format25); list+=fmt->dateFormat( tmpDate, date_format26); listFormat->insertStringList(list); if ( cellFormatType == ShortDate_format ) listFormat->setCurrentItem(0); else if (cellFormatType == TextDate_format) listFormat->setCurrentItem(1); else if (cellFormatType == date_format1) listFormat->setCurrentItem(2); else if (cellFormatType == date_format2) listFormat->setCurrentItem(3); else if (cellFormatType == date_format3) listFormat->setCurrentItem(4); else if (cellFormatType == date_format4) listFormat->setCurrentItem(5); else if (cellFormatType == date_format5) listFormat->setCurrentItem(6); else if (cellFormatType == date_format6) listFormat->setCurrentItem(7); else if (cellFormatType == date_format7) listFormat->setCurrentItem(8); else if (cellFormatType == date_format8) listFormat->setCurrentItem(9); else if (cellFormatType == date_format9) listFormat->setCurrentItem(10); else if (cellFormatType == date_format10) listFormat->setCurrentItem(11); else if (cellFormatType == date_format11) listFormat->setCurrentItem(12); else if (cellFormatType == date_format12) listFormat->setCurrentItem(13); else if (cellFormatType == date_format13) listFormat->setCurrentItem(14); else if (cellFormatType == date_format14) listFormat->setCurrentItem(15); else if (cellFormatType == date_format15) listFormat->setCurrentItem(16); else if (cellFormatType == date_format16) listFormat->setCurrentItem(17); else if (cellFormatType == date_format17) listFormat->setCurrentItem(18); else if (cellFormatType == date_format18) listFormat->setCurrentItem(19); else if (cellFormatType == date_format19) listFormat->setCurrentItem(20); else if (cellFormatType == date_format20) listFormat->setCurrentItem(21); else if (cellFormatType == date_format21) listFormat->setCurrentItem(22); else if (cellFormatType == date_format22) listFormat->setCurrentItem(23); else if (cellFormatType == date_format23) listFormat->setCurrentItem(24); else if (cellFormatType == date_format24) listFormat->setCurrentItem(25); else if (cellFormatType == date_format25) listFormat->setCurrentItem(26); else if (cellFormatType == date_format26) listFormat->setCurrentItem(27); else listFormat->setCurrentItem(0); } void CellFormatPageFloat::currencyChanged(const TQString &) { int index = currency->currentItem(); if (index > 0) ++index; dlg->cCurrency.symbol = Currency::getDisplaySymbol(index); dlg->cCurrency.type = index; makeformat(); } void CellFormatPageFloat::updateFormatType () { if (generic->isChecked()) newFormatType = Generic_format; else if (number->isChecked()) newFormatType = Number_format; else if (percent->isChecked()) newFormatType = Percentage_format; else if (date->isChecked()) { newFormatType=ShortDate_format; switch (listFormat->currentItem()) { case 0: newFormatType=ShortDate_format; break; case 1: newFormatType=TextDate_format; break; case 2: newFormatType=date_format1; break; /*18-Feb-99*/ case 3: newFormatType=date_format2; break; /*18-Feb-1999*/ case 4: newFormatType=date_format3; break; /*18-Feb*/ case 5: newFormatType=date_format4; break; /*18-05*/ case 6: newFormatType=date_format5; break; /*18/05/00*/ case 7: newFormatType=date_format6; break; /*18/05/1999*/ case 8: newFormatType=date_format7; break;/*Feb-99*/ case 9: newFormatType=date_format8; break; /*February-99*/ case 10: newFormatType=date_format9; break; /*February-1999*/ case 11: newFormatType=date_format10; break; /*F-99*/ case 12: newFormatType=date_format11; break; /*18/Feb*/ case 13: newFormatType=date_format12; break; /*18/02*/ case 14: newFormatType=date_format13; break; /*18/Feb/1999*/ case 15: newFormatType=date_format14; break; /*2000/Feb/18*/ case 16: newFormatType=date_format15; break;/*2000-Feb-18*/ case 17: newFormatType=date_format16; break;/*2000-02-18*/ case 18: newFormatType=date_format17; break; /*2000-02-18*/ case 19: newFormatType=date_format18; break; case 20: newFormatType=date_format19; break; case 21: newFormatType=date_format20; break; case 22: newFormatType=date_format21; break; case 23: newFormatType=date_format22; break; case 24: newFormatType=date_format23; break; case 25: newFormatType=date_format24; break; case 26: newFormatType=date_format25; break; case 27: newFormatType=date_format26; break; } } else if (money->isChecked()) newFormatType = Money_format; else if (scientific->isChecked()) newFormatType = Scientific_format; else if (fraction->isChecked()) { newFormatType=fraction_half; switch (listFormat->currentItem()) { case 0: newFormatType=fraction_half; break; case 1: newFormatType=fraction_quarter; break; case 2: newFormatType=fraction_eighth; break; case 3: newFormatType=fraction_sixteenth; break; case 4: newFormatType=fraction_tenth; break; case 5: newFormatType=fraction_hundredth; break; case 6: newFormatType=fraction_one_digit; break; case 7: newFormatType=fraction_two_digits; break; case 8: newFormatType=fraction_three_digits; break; } } else if (time->isChecked()) { newFormatType=Time_format; switch (listFormat->currentItem()) { case 0: newFormatType=Time_format; break; case 1: newFormatType=SecondeTime_format; break; case 2: newFormatType=Time_format1; break; case 3: newFormatType=Time_format2; break; case 4: newFormatType=Time_format3; break; case 5: newFormatType=Time_format4; break; case 6: newFormatType=Time_format5; break; case 7: newFormatType=Time_format6; break; case 8: newFormatType=Time_format7; break; case 9: newFormatType=Time_format8; break; } } else if (textFormat->isChecked()) newFormatType = Text_format; else if (customFormat->isChecked()) newFormatType = Custom_format; } void CellFormatPageFloat::makeformat() { m_bFormatTypeChanged=true; TQString tmp; updateFormatType(); TQColor color; Format::FloatFormat floatFormat = Format::OnlyNegSigned; switch( format->currentItem() ) { case 0: floatFormat = Format::OnlyNegSigned; color = black; break; case 1: floatFormat = Format::OnlyNegSigned; color = TQt::red; break; case 2: floatFormat = Format::AlwaysUnsigned; color = TQt::red; break; case 3: floatFormat = Format::AlwaysSigned; color = black; break; case 4: floatFormat = Format::AlwaysSigned; color = TQt::red; break; } if (!dlg->value.isNumber() || dlg->value.asFloat() >= 0 || !format->isEnabled()) { color = black; } ValueFormatter *fmt = dlg->getDoc()->formatter(); tmp = fmt->formatText(dlg->value, newFormatType, precision->value(), floatFormat, prefix->isEnabled() ? prefix->text() : TQString(), postfix->isEnabled() ? postfix->text() : TQString(), newFormatType == Money_format ? dlg->cCurrency.symbol : TQString()); if (tmp.length() > 50) tmp = tmp.left (50); exampleLabel->setText(tmp.prepend("").append("")); } void CellFormatPageFloat::apply( CustomStyle * style ) { if ( postfix->text() != dlg->postfix ) { if ( postfix->isEnabled()) style->changePostfix( postfix->text() ); else style->changePostfix( "" ); } if ( prefix->text() != dlg->prefix ) { if (prefix->isEnabled()) style->changePrefix( prefix->text() ); else style->changePrefix( "" ); } if ( dlg->precision != precision->value() ) style->changePrecision( precision->value() ); if ( m_bFormatColorChanged ) { switch( format->currentItem() ) { case 0: style->changeFloatFormat( Format::OnlyNegSigned ); style->changeFloatColor( Format::AllBlack ); break; case 1: style->changeFloatFormat( Format::OnlyNegSigned ); style->changeFloatColor( Format::NegRed ); break; case 2: style->changeFloatFormat( Format::AlwaysUnsigned ); style->changeFloatColor( Format::NegRed ); break; case 3: style->changeFloatFormat( Format::AlwaysSigned ); style->changeFloatColor( Format::AllBlack ); break; case 4: style->changeFloatFormat( Format::AlwaysSigned ); style->changeFloatColor( Format::NegRed ); break; } } if ( m_bFormatTypeChanged ) { style->changeFormatType (newFormatType); if ( money->isChecked() ) { Format::Currency cur; int index = currency->currentItem(); if (index == 0) { if ( currency->currentText() == i18n( "Automatic" ) ) { cur.symbol = dlg->locale()->currencySymbol(); cur.type = 0; } else { cur.type = 1; cur.symbol = currency->currentText(); } } else { cur.type = ++index; cur.symbol = Currency::getDisplaySymbol( index ); } style->changeCurrency( cur ); } } } void CellFormatPageFloat::apply(FormatManipulator* _obj) { if ( postfix->text() != dlg->postfix ) if ( postfix->isEnabled()) { // If we are in here it *never* can be disabled - FIXME (Werner)! if ( postfix->isEnabled()) _obj->setPostfix( postfix->text() ); else _obj->setPostfix( "" ); } if ( prefix->text() != dlg->prefix ) if (prefix->isEnabled()) _obj->setPrefix( prefix->text() ); else _obj->setPrefix( "" ); if ( dlg->precision != precision->value() ) _obj->setPrecision( precision->value() ); if (m_bFormatColorChanged) { switch( format->currentItem() ) { case 0: _obj->setFloatFormat( Format::OnlyNegSigned ); _obj->setFloatColor( Format::AllBlack ); break; case 1: _obj->setFloatFormat( Format::OnlyNegSigned ); _obj->setFloatColor( Format::NegRed ); break; case 2: _obj->setFloatFormat( Format::AlwaysUnsigned ); _obj->setFloatColor( Format::NegRed ); break; case 3: _obj->setFloatFormat( Format::AlwaysSigned ); _obj->setFloatColor( Format::AllBlack ); break; case 4: _obj->setFloatFormat( Format::AlwaysSigned ); _obj->setFloatColor( Format::NegRed ); break; } } if (m_bFormatTypeChanged) { _obj->setFormatType (newFormatType); if (money->isChecked()) { Format::Currency cur; int index = currency->currentItem(); if (index == 0) { if ( currency->currentText() == i18n( "Automatic" ) ) { cur.symbol = dlg->locale()->currencySymbol(); cur.type = 0; } else { cur.type = 1; cur.symbol = currency->currentText(); } } else { cur.type = ++index; cur.symbol = Currency::getDisplaySymbol( index ); } _obj->setCurrency( cur.type, cur.symbol ); } } } /*************************************************************************** * * CellFormatPageProtection * ***************************************************************************/ CellFormatPageProtection::CellFormatPageProtection( TQWidget* parent, CellFormatDialog * _dlg ) : ProtectionTab( parent ), m_dlg( _dlg ) { m_bDontPrint->setChecked( m_dlg->bDontPrintText ); m_bHideAll->setChecked( m_dlg->bHideAll ); m_bHideFormula->setChecked( m_dlg->bHideFormula ); m_bIsProtected->setChecked( m_dlg->bIsProtected ); } CellFormatPageProtection::~CellFormatPageProtection() { } void CellFormatPageProtection::apply( CustomStyle * style ) { if ( m_dlg->bDontPrintText != m_bDontPrint->isChecked() ) { if ( m_bDontPrint->isChecked() ) style->addProperty( Style::PDontPrintText ); else style->removeProperty( Style::PDontPrintText ); } if ( m_dlg->bIsProtected != m_bIsProtected->isChecked() ) { if ( !m_bIsProtected->isChecked() ) style->addProperty( Style::PNotProtected ); else style->removeProperty( Style::PNotProtected ); } if ( m_dlg->bHideAll != m_bHideAll->isChecked() ) { if ( m_bHideAll->isChecked() ) style->addProperty( Style::PHideAll ); else style->removeProperty( Style::PHideAll ); } if ( m_dlg->bHideFormula != m_bHideFormula->isChecked() ) { if ( m_bHideFormula->isChecked() ) style->addProperty( Style::PHideFormula ); else style->removeProperty( Style::PHideFormula ); } } void CellFormatPageProtection::apply(FormatManipulator* _obj) { if ( m_dlg->bDontPrintText != m_bDontPrint->isChecked()) _obj->setDontPrintText( m_bDontPrint->isChecked() ); if ( m_dlg->bIsProtected != m_bIsProtected->isChecked()) _obj->setNotProtected( !m_bIsProtected->isChecked() ); if ( m_dlg->bHideAll != m_bHideAll->isChecked()) _obj->setHideAll( m_bHideAll->isChecked() ); if ( m_dlg->bHideFormula != m_bHideFormula->isChecked()) _obj->setHideFormula( m_bHideFormula->isChecked() ); } /*************************************************************************** * * CellFormatPageFont * ***************************************************************************/ CellFormatPageFont::CellFormatPageFont( TQWidget* parent, CellFormatDialog *_dlg ) : FontTab( parent ) { dlg = _dlg; bTextColorUndefined = !dlg->bTextColor; connect( textColorButton, TQT_SIGNAL( changed( const TQColor & ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotSetTextColor( const TQColor & ) ) ); TQStringList tmpListFont; TQFontDatabase *fontDataBase = new TQFontDatabase(); tmpListFont = fontDataBase->tqfamilies(); delete fontDataBase; family_combo->insertStringList( tmpListFont); selFont = dlg->textFont; if ( dlg->bTextFontFamily ) { selFont.setFamily( dlg->textFontFamily ); kdDebug(36001) << "Family = " << dlg->textFontFamily << endl; if ( !family_combo->findItem(dlg->textFontFamily)) { family_combo->insertItem("",0); family_combo->setCurrentItem(0); } else family_combo->setCurrentItem(family_combo->index(family_combo->findItem(dlg->textFontFamily))); } else { family_combo->insertItem("",0); family_combo->setCurrentItem(0); } connect( family_combo, TQT_SIGNAL(highlighted(const TQString &)), TQT_SLOT(family_chosen_slot(const TQString &)) ); TQStringList lst; lst.append(""); for ( unsigned int i = 1; i < 100; ++i ) lst.append( TQString( "%1" ).tqarg( i ) ); size_combo->insertStringList( lst ); size_combo->setInsertionPolicy(TQComboBox::NoInsertion); connect( size_combo, TQT_SIGNAL(activated(const TQString &)), TQT_SLOT(size_chosen_slot(const TQString &)) ); connect( size_combo ,TQT_SIGNAL( textChanged(const TQString &)), this,TQT_SLOT(size_chosen_slot(const TQString &))); connect( weight_combo, TQT_SIGNAL(activated(const TQString &)), TQT_SLOT(weight_chosen_slot(const TQString &)) ); connect( style_combo, TQT_SIGNAL(activated(const TQString &)), TQT_SLOT(style_chosen_slot(const TQString &)) ); strike->setChecked(dlg->strike); connect( strike, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked()), TQT_SLOT(strike_chosen_slot()) ); underline->setChecked(dlg->underline); connect( underline, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked()), TQT_SLOT(underline_chosen_slot()) ); example_label->setText(i18n("Dolor Ipse")); connect(this,TQT_SIGNAL(fontSelected( const TQFont& )), this,TQT_SLOT(display_example( const TQFont&))); setCombos(); display_example( selFont ); fontChanged=false; this->resize( 400, 400 ); } void CellFormatPageFont::slotSetTextColor( const TQColor &_color ) { textColor = _color; bTextColorUndefined = false; } void CellFormatPageFont::apply( CustomStyle * style ) { if ( !bTextColorUndefined && textColor != dlg->textColor ) style->changeTextColor( textColor ); if ( ( size_combo->currentItem() != 0 ) && ( dlg->textFontSize != selFont.pointSize() ) ) style->changeFontSize( selFont.pointSize() ); if ( ( selFont.family() != dlg->textFontFamily ) && !family_combo->currentText().isEmpty() ) style->changeFontFamily( selFont.family() ); uint flags = 0; if ( weight_combo->currentItem() != 0 && selFont.bold() ) flags |= Style::FBold; else flags &= ~(uint) Style::FBold; if ( style_combo->currentItem() != 0 && selFont.italic() ) flags |= Style::FItalic; else flags &= ~(uint) Style::FItalic; if ( strike->isChecked() ) flags |= Style::FStrike; else flags &= ~(uint) Style::FStrike; if ( underline->isChecked() ) flags |= Style::FUnderline; else flags &= ~(uint) Style::FUnderline; style->changeFontFlags( flags ); } void CellFormatPageFont::apply(FormatManipulator* _obj) { if ( !bTextColorUndefined && textColor != dlg->textColor ) _obj->setTextColor( textColor ); if (fontChanged) { if ( ( size_combo->currentItem() != 0 ) && ( dlg->textFontSize != selFont.pointSize() ) ) _obj->setFontSize( selFont.pointSize() ); if ( ( selFont.family() != dlg->textFontFamily ) && ( !family_combo->currentText().isEmpty() ) ) _obj->setFontFamily( selFont.family() ); if ( weight_combo->currentItem() != 0 ) _obj->setFontBold( selFont.bold() ); if ( style_combo->currentItem() != 0 ) _obj->setFontItalic( selFont.italic() ); _obj->setFontStrike( strike->isChecked() ); _obj->setFontUnderline(underline->isChecked() ); } } void CellFormatPageFont::underline_chosen_slot() { selFont.setUnderline( underline->isChecked() ); emit fontSelected(selFont); } void CellFormatPageFont::strike_chosen_slot() { selFont.setStrikeOut( strike->isChecked() ); emit fontSelected(selFont); } void CellFormatPageFont::family_chosen_slot(const TQString & family) { selFont.setFamily(family); emit fontSelected(selFont); } void CellFormatPageFont::size_chosen_slot(const TQString & size) { TQString size_string = size; selFont.setPointSize(size_string.toInt()); emit fontSelected(selFont); } void CellFormatPageFont::weight_chosen_slot(const TQString & weight) { TQString weight_string = weight; if ( weight_string == i18n("Normal")) selFont.setBold(false); if ( weight_string == i18n("Bold")) selFont.setBold(true); emit fontSelected(selFont); } void CellFormatPageFont::style_chosen_slot(const TQString & style) { TQString style_string = style; if ( style_string == i18n("Roman")) selFont.setItalic(false); if ( style_string == i18n("Italic")) selFont.setItalic(true); emit fontSelected(selFont); } void CellFormatPageFont::display_example(const TQFont& font) { TQString string; fontChanged=true; example_label->setFont(font); example_label->tqrepaint(); } void CellFormatPageFont::setCombos() { TQString string; TQComboBox* combo; int number_of_entries; bool found; if ( dlg->bTextColor ) textColor = dlg->textColor; else textColor = colorGroup().text(); if ( !textColor.isValid() ) textColor =colorGroup().text(); textColorButton->setColor( textColor ); combo = size_combo; if ( dlg->bTextFontSize ) { kdDebug(36001) << "SIZE=" << dlg->textFontSize << endl; selFont.setPointSize( dlg->textFontSize ); number_of_entries = size_combo->count(); string.setNum( dlg->textFontSize ); found = false; for (int i = 0; i < number_of_entries ; i++){ if ( string == (TQString) combo->text(i)){ combo->setCurrentItem(i); found = true; // kdDebug(36001) << "Found Size " << string.data() << " setting to item " i << endl; break; } } } else combo->setCurrentItem( 0 ); if ( !dlg->bTextFontBold ) weight_combo->setCurrentItem(0); else if ( dlg->textFontBold ) { selFont.setBold( dlg->textFontBold ); weight_combo->setCurrentItem(2); } else { selFont.setBold( dlg->textFontBold ); weight_combo->setCurrentItem(1); } if ( !dlg->bTextFontItalic ) weight_combo->setCurrentItem(0); else if ( dlg->textFontItalic ) { selFont.setItalic( dlg->textFontItalic ); style_combo->setCurrentItem(2); } else { selFont.setItalic( dlg->textFontItalic ); style_combo->setCurrentItem(1); } } /*************************************************************************** * * CellFormatPagePosition * ***************************************************************************/ CellFormatPagePosition::CellFormatPagePosition( TQWidget* parent, CellFormatDialog *_dlg ) : PositionTab(parent ), dlg( _dlg ) { if ( dlg->alignX == Format::Left ) left->setChecked( true ); else if ( dlg->alignX == Format::Center ) center->setChecked( true ); else if ( dlg->alignX == Format::Right ) right->setChecked( true ); else if ( dlg->alignX == Format::Undefined ) standard->setChecked( true ); connect(horizontalGroup, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked(int)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotStateChanged(int))); if ( dlg->alignY ==Format::Top ) top->setChecked( true ); else if ( dlg->alignY ==Format::Middle ) middle->setChecked(true ); else if ( dlg->alignY ==Format::Bottom ) bottom->setChecked( true ); multi->setChecked(dlg->bMultiRow); vertical->setChecked(dlg->bVerticalText); angleRotation->setValue(-dlg->textRotation);//annma spinBox3->setValue(-dlg->textRotation); if ( dlg->textRotation != 0 ) { multi->setEnabled(false ); vertical->setEnabled(false); } mergeCell->setChecked(dlg->isMerged); mergeCell->setEnabled(!dlg->oneCell && ((!dlg->isRowSelected) && (!dlg->isColumnSelected))); TQGridLayout *grid2 = new TQGridLayout(indentGroup, 1, 1, KDialog::marginHint(), KDialog::spacingHint()); grid2->addRowSpacing( 0, indentGroup->fontMetrics().height()/8 ); // groupbox title m_indent = new KoUnitDoubleSpinBox( indentGroup, 0.0, 400.0, 10.0,dlg->indent,dlg->getDoc()->unit() ); grid2->addWidget(m_indent, 0, 0); width = new KoUnitDoubleSpinBox( m_widthPanel ); TQGridLayout *gridWidth = new TQGridLayout(m_widthPanel, 1, 1, 0, 0); gridWidth->addWidget(width, 0, 0); width->setValue ( dlg->widthSize ); width->setUnit( dlg->getDoc()->unit() ); //to ensure, that we don't get rounding problems, we store the displayed value (for later check for changes) dlg->widthSize = width->value(); if ( dlg->isRowSelected ) width->setEnabled(false); defaultWidth->setText(i18n("Default width (%1 %2)").tqarg(KoUnit::toUserValue(dlg->defaultWidthSize, dlg->getDoc()->unit()), 0, 'f', 2).tqarg(dlg->getDoc()->unitName())); if ( dlg->isRowSelected ) defaultWidth->setEnabled(false); height=new KoUnitDoubleSpinBox( m_heightPanel ); TQGridLayout *gridHeight = new TQGridLayout(m_heightPanel, 1, 1, 0, 0); gridHeight->addWidget(height, 0, 0); height->setValue( dlg->heightSize ); height->setUnit( dlg->getDoc()->unit() ); //to ensure, that we don't get rounding problems, we store the displayed value (for later check for changes) dlg->heightSize = height->value(); if ( dlg->isColumnSelected ) height->setEnabled(false); defaultHeight->setText(i18n("Default height (%1 %2)").tqarg(KoUnit::toUserValue(dlg->defaultHeightSize, dlg->getDoc()->unit()), 0, 'f', 2).tqarg(dlg->getDoc()->unitName())); //annma if ( dlg->isColumnSelected ) defaultHeight->setEnabled(false); // in case we're editing a style, we disable the cell size settings if (dlg->getStyle()) { defaultHeight->setEnabled(false); defaultWidth->setEnabled(false); } connect(defaultWidth , TQT_SIGNAL(clicked() ),this, TQT_SLOT(slotChangeWidthState())); connect(defaultHeight , TQT_SIGNAL(clicked() ),this, TQT_SLOT(slotChangeHeightState())); connect(vertical , TQT_SIGNAL(clicked() ),this, TQT_SLOT(slotChangeVerticalState())); connect(multi , TQT_SIGNAL(clicked() ), this, TQT_SLOT(slotChangeMultiState())); connect(angleRotation, TQT_SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotChangeAngle(int))); slotStateChanged( 0 ); m_bOptionText = false; this->resize( 400, 400 ); } void CellFormatPagePosition::slotChangeMultiState() { m_bOptionText = true; if (vertical->isChecked()) { vertical->setChecked(false); } } void CellFormatPagePosition::slotChangeVerticalState() { m_bOptionText=true; if (multi->isChecked()) { multi->setChecked(false); } } void CellFormatPagePosition::slotStateChanged(int) { if (right->isChecked() || center->isChecked()) m_indent->setEnabled(false); else m_indent->setEnabled(true); } bool CellFormatPagePosition::getMergedCellState() const { return mergeCell->isChecked(); } void CellFormatPagePosition::slotChangeWidthState() { if ( defaultWidth->isChecked()) width->setEnabled(false); else width->setEnabled(true); } void CellFormatPagePosition::slotChangeHeightState() { if ( defaultHeight->isChecked()) height->setEnabled(false); else height->setEnabled(true); } void CellFormatPagePosition::slotChangeAngle(int _angle) { if ( _angle == 0 ) { multi->setEnabled( true ); vertical->setEnabled( true ); } else { multi->setEnabled( false ); vertical->setEnabled( false ); } } void CellFormatPagePosition::apply( CustomStyle * style ) { if ( top->isChecked() && dlg->alignY != Format::Top ) style->changeAlignY( Format::Top ); else if ( bottom->isChecked() && dlg->alignY != Format::Bottom ) style->changeAlignY( Format::Bottom ); else if ( middle->isChecked() && dlg->alignY != Format::Middle ) style->changeAlignY( Format::Middle ); if ( left->isChecked() && dlg->alignX != Format::Left ) style->changeAlignX( Format::Left ); else if ( right->isChecked() && dlg->alignX != Format::Right ) style->changeAlignX( Format::Right ); else if ( center->isChecked() && dlg->alignX != Format::Center ) style->changeAlignX( Format::Center ); else if ( standard->isChecked() && dlg->alignX != Format::Undefined ) style->changeAlignX( Format::Undefined ); if ( m_bOptionText ) { if ( multi->isEnabled() ) { if ( multi->isChecked() ) style->addProperty( Style::PMultiRow ); else style->removeProperty( Style::PMultiRow ); } } if ( m_bOptionText ) { if ( vertical->isEnabled() ) { if ( vertical->isChecked() ) style->addProperty( Style::PVerticalText ); else style->removeProperty( Style::PVerticalText ); } } if ( dlg->textRotation != angleRotation->value() ) style->changeRotateAngle( (-angleRotation->value()) ); if ( m_indent->isEnabled() && dlg->indent != m_indent->value() ) style->changeIndent( m_indent->value() ); // setting the default column width and row height if ( dlg->getStyle()->type() == Style::BUILTIN && dlg->getStyle()->name() == "Default" ) { if ( (int) height->value() != (int) dlg->heightSize ) { Format::setGlobalRowHeight( height->value() ); } if ( (int) width->value() != (int) dlg->widthSize ) { Format::setGlobalColWidth( width->value() ); } } } void CellFormatPagePosition::apply(FormatManipulator* _obj) { Format::Align ax; Format::AlignY ay; if ( top->isChecked() ) ay = Format::Top; else if ( bottom->isChecked() ) ay = Format::Bottom; else if ( middle->isChecked() ) ay = Format::Middle; else ay = Format::Middle; // Default, just in case if ( left->isChecked() ) ax = Format::Left; else if ( right->isChecked() ) ax = Format::Right; else if ( center->isChecked() ) ax = Format::Center; else if ( standard->isChecked() ) ax = Format::Undefined; else ax = Format::Undefined; //Default, just in case if ( top->isChecked() && ay != dlg->alignY ) _obj->setVerticalAlignment( Format::Top ); else if ( bottom->isChecked() && ay != dlg->alignY ) _obj->setVerticalAlignment( Format::Bottom ); else if ( middle->isChecked() && ay != dlg->alignY ) _obj->setVerticalAlignment( Format::Middle ); if ( left->isChecked() && ax != dlg->alignX ) _obj->setHorizontalAlignment( Format::Left ); else if ( right->isChecked() && ax != dlg->alignX ) _obj->setHorizontalAlignment( Format::Right ); else if ( center->isChecked() && ax != dlg->alignX ) _obj->setHorizontalAlignment( Format::Center ); else if ( standard->isChecked() && ax != dlg->alignX ) _obj->setHorizontalAlignment( Format::Undefined ); if ( m_bOptionText ) { if ( multi->isEnabled() ) _obj->setMultiRow( multi->isChecked() ); else _obj->setMultiRow( false ); } if ( m_bOptionText ) { if ( vertical->isEnabled() ) _obj->setVerticalText( vertical->isChecked() ); else _obj->setVerticalText( false ); } if ( dlg->textRotation!=angleRotation->value() ) _obj->setAngle( (-angleRotation->value() ) ); if ( m_indent->isEnabled() && dlg->indent != m_indent->value() ) _obj->setIndent( m_indent->value() ); } double CellFormatPagePosition::getSizeHeight() const { if ( defaultHeight->isChecked() ) return dlg->defaultHeightSize; // guess who calls this! else return height->value(); } double CellFormatPagePosition::getSizeWidth() const { if ( defaultWidth->isChecked() ) return dlg->defaultWidthSize; // guess who calls this! else return width->value(); } /*************************************************************************** * * BorderButton * ***************************************************************************/ BorderButton::BorderButton( TQWidget *parent, const char *_name ) : TQPushButton(parent,_name) { penStyle = Qt::NoPen; penWidth = 1; penColor = colorGroup().text(); setToggleButton( true ); setOn( false); setChanged(false); } void BorderButton::mousePressEvent( TQMouseEvent * ) { this->setOn(!isOn()); emit clicked( this ); } void BorderButton::setUndefined() { setPenStyle(Qt::SolidLine ); setPenWidth(1); setColor(colorGroup().midlight()); } void BorderButton::unselect() { setOn(false); setPenWidth(1); setPenStyle(Qt::NoPen); setColor( colorGroup().text() ); setChanged(true); } /*************************************************************************** * * Border * ***************************************************************************/ Border::Border( TQWidget *parent, const char *_name,bool _oneCol, bool _oneRow ) : TQFrame( parent, _name ) { oneCol=_oneCol; oneRow=_oneRow; } #define OFFSETX 5 #define OFFSETY 5 void Border::paintEvent( TQPaintEvent *_ev ) { TQFrame::paintEvent( _ev ); TQPen pen; TQPainter painter; painter.begin( this ); pen=TQPen( colorGroup().midlight(),2,SolidLine); painter.setPen( pen ); painter.drawLine( OFFSETX-5, OFFSETY, OFFSETX , OFFSETY ); painter.drawLine( OFFSETX, OFFSETY-5, OFFSETX , OFFSETY ); painter.drawLine( width()-OFFSETX, OFFSETY, width() , OFFSETY ); painter.drawLine( width()-OFFSETX, OFFSETY-5, width()-OFFSETX , OFFSETY ); painter.drawLine( OFFSETX, height()-OFFSETY, OFFSETX , height() ); painter.drawLine( OFFSETX-5, height()-OFFSETY, OFFSETX , height()-OFFSETY ); painter.drawLine( width()-OFFSETX, height()-OFFSETY, width() , height()-OFFSETY ); painter.drawLine( width()-OFFSETX, height()-OFFSETY, width()-OFFSETX , height() ); if (oneCol==false) { painter.drawLine( width()/2, OFFSETY-5, width()/2 , OFFSETY ); painter.drawLine( width()/2-5, OFFSETY, width()/2+5 , OFFSETY ); painter.drawLine( width()/2, height()-OFFSETY, width()/2 , height() ); painter.drawLine( width()/2-5, height()-OFFSETY, width()/2+5 , height()-OFFSETY ); } if (oneRow==false) { painter.drawLine( OFFSETX-5, height()/2, OFFSETX , height()/2 ); painter.drawLine( OFFSETX, height()/2-5, OFFSETX , height()/2+5 ); painter.drawLine( width()-OFFSETX, height()/2, width(), height()/2 ); painter.drawLine( width()-OFFSETX, height()/2-5, width()-OFFSETX , height()/2+5 ); } painter.end(); emit redraw(); } void Border::mousePressEvent( TQMouseEvent* _ev ) { emit choosearea(_ev); } /*************************************************************************** * * CellFormatPageBorder * ***************************************************************************/ CellFormatPageBorder::CellFormatPageBorder( TQWidget* parent, CellFormatDialog *_dlg ) : TQWidget( parent ), dlg( _dlg ) { sheet = dlg->getSheet(); InitializeGrids(); InitializeBorderButtons(); InitializePatterns(); SetConnections(); preview->slotSelect(); pattern[2]->slotSelect(); style->setEnabled(false); size->setEnabled(false); preview->setPattern( black , 1, Qt::SolidLine ); this->resize( 400, 400 ); } void CellFormatPageBorder::InitializeGrids() { TQGridLayout *grid = new TQGridLayout(this,5,2,KDialog::marginHint(), KDialog::spacingHint()); TQGridLayout *grid2 = NULL; TQGroupBox* tmpTQGroupBox = NULL; /***********************/ /* here is the data to initialize all the border buttons with */ const char borderButtonNames[BorderType_END][20] = {"top", "bottom", "left", "right", "vertical", "fall", "go", "horizontal"}; const char shortcutButtonNames[BorderShortcutType_END][20] = {"remove", "all", "outline"}; TQString borderButtonIconNames[BorderType_END] = {"border_top", "border_bottom", "border_left", "border_right", "border_vertical", "border_horizontal", "border_fall", "border_up"}; TQString shortcutButtonIconNames[BorderShortcutType_END] = { "border_remove", "", "border_outline"}; int borderButtonPositions[BorderType_END][2] = {{0,2}, {4,2}, {2,0}, {2,4}, {4,4}, {4,0}, {0,0}, {0,4}}; int shortcutButtonPositions[BorderShortcutType_END][2] = { {0,0}, {0,1},{0,2} }; /***********************/ /* set up a tqlayout box for most of the border setting buttons */ tmpTQGroupBox = new TQGroupBox( this, "GroupBox_1" ); tmpTQGroupBox->setFrameStyle( TQFrame::Box | TQFrame::Sunken ); tmpTQGroupBox->setTitle( i18n("Border") ); tmpTQGroupBox->setAlignment( AlignLeft ); grid2 = new TQGridLayout(tmpTQGroupBox,6,5,KDialog::marginHint(), KDialog::spacingHint()); int fHeight = tmpTQGroupBox->fontMetrics().height(); grid2->addRowSpacing( 0, fHeight/2 ); // groupbox title area=new Border(tmpTQGroupBox,"area",dlg->oneCol,dlg->oneRow); grid2->addMultiCellWidget(area,2,4,1,3); area->setBackgroundColor( colorGroup().base() ); /* initailize the buttons that are in this box */ for (int i=BorderType_Top; i < BorderType_END; i++) { borderButtons[i] = new BorderButton(tmpTQGroupBox, borderButtonNames[i]); loadIcon(borderButtonIconNames[i], borderButtons[i]); grid2->addWidget(borderButtons[i], borderButtonPositions[i][0] + 1, borderButtonPositions[i][1]); } grid->addMultiCellWidget(tmpTQGroupBox,0,2,0,0); /* the remove, all, and outline border buttons are in a second box down below.*/ tmpTQGroupBox = new TQGroupBox( this, "GroupBox_3" ); tmpTQGroupBox->setFrameStyle( TQFrame::Box | TQFrame::Sunken ); tmpTQGroupBox->setTitle( i18n("Preselect") ); tmpTQGroupBox->setAlignment( AlignLeft ); grid2 = new TQGridLayout(tmpTQGroupBox,1,3,KDialog::marginHint(), KDialog::spacingHint()); /* the "all" button is different depending on what kind of region is currently selected */ if ((dlg->oneRow==true)&&(dlg->oneCol==false)) { shortcutButtonIconNames[BorderShortcutType_All] = "border_vertical"; } else if ((dlg->oneRow==false)&&(dlg->oneCol==true)) { shortcutButtonIconNames[BorderShortcutType_All] = "border_horizontal"; } else { shortcutButtonIconNames[BorderShortcutType_All] = "border_inside"; } for (int i=BorderShortcutType_Remove; i < BorderShortcutType_END; i++) { shortcutButtons[i] = new BorderButton(tmpTQGroupBox, shortcutButtonNames[i]); loadIcon(shortcutButtonIconNames[i], shortcutButtons[i]); grid2->addWidget(shortcutButtons[i], shortcutButtonPositions[i][0], shortcutButtonPositions[i][1]); } if (dlg->oneRow && dlg->oneCol) { shortcutButtons[BorderShortcutType_All]->setEnabled(false); } grid->addMultiCellWidget(tmpTQGroupBox,3,4,0,0); /* now set up the group box with the pattern selector */ tmpTQGroupBox = new TQGroupBox( this, "GroupBox_10" ); tmpTQGroupBox->setFrameStyle( TQFrame::Box | TQFrame::Sunken ); tmpTQGroupBox->setTitle( i18n("Pattern") ); tmpTQGroupBox->setAlignment( AlignLeft ); grid2 = new TQGridLayout(tmpTQGroupBox,7,2,KDialog::marginHint(), KDialog::spacingHint()); fHeight = tmpTQGroupBox->fontMetrics().height(); grid2->addRowSpacing( 0, fHeight/2 ); // groupbox title char name[] = "PatternXX"; Q_ASSERT(NUM_BORDER_PATTERNS < 100); for (int i=0; i < NUM_BORDER_PATTERNS; i++) { name[7] = '0' + (i+1) / 10; name[8] = '0' + (i+1) % 10; pattern[i] = new PatternSelect( tmpTQGroupBox, name ); pattern[i]->setFrameStyle( TQFrame::Panel | TQFrame::Sunken ); grid2->addWidget(pattern[i], i % 5 + 1, i / 5); /* this puts them in the pattern: 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 10 */ } color = new KColorButton (tmpTQGroupBox, "PushButton_1" ); grid2->addWidget(color,7,1); TQLabel *tmpTQLabel = new TQLabel( tmpTQGroupBox, "Label_6" ); tmpTQLabel->setText( i18n("Color:") ); grid2->addWidget(tmpTQLabel,7,0); /* tack on the 'customize' border pattern selector */ TQGridLayout *grid3 = new TQGridLayout( this, 2, 2, KDialog::marginHint(), KDialog::spacingHint() ); customize = new TQCheckBox(i18n("Customize"),tmpTQGroupBox); grid3->addWidget(customize,0,0); connect( customize, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked()), TQT_SLOT(cutomize_chosen_slot()) ); size=new TQComboBox(true,tmpTQGroupBox); grid3->addWidget(size,1,1); size->setValidator(new KIntValidator( size )); TQString tmp; for ( int i=0;i<10;i++) { tmp=tmp.setNum(i); size->insertItem(tmp); } size->setCurrentItem(1); style=new TQComboBox(tmpTQGroupBox); grid3->addWidget(style,1,0); style->insertItem(paintFormatPixmap(DotLine),0 ); style->insertItem(paintFormatPixmap(DashLine) ,1); style->insertItem(paintFormatPixmap(DashDotLine),2 ); style->insertItem(paintFormatPixmap(DashDotDotLine),3 ); style->insertItem(paintFormatPixmap(SolidLine),4); style->setBackgroundColor( colorGroup().background() ); grid2->addMultiCell(grid3,6,6,0,1); grid->addMultiCellWidget(tmpTQGroupBox,0,3,1,1); /* Now the preview box is put together */ tmpTQGroupBox = new TQGroupBox(this, "GroupBox_4" ); tmpTQGroupBox->setFrameStyle( TQFrame::Box | TQFrame::Sunken ); tmpTQGroupBox->setTitle( i18n("Preview") ); tmpTQGroupBox->setAlignment( AlignLeft ); grid2 = new TQGridLayout(tmpTQGroupBox,1,1,KDialog::marginHint(), KDialog::spacingHint()); fHeight = tmpTQGroupBox->fontMetrics().height(); grid2->addRowSpacing( 0, fHeight/2 ); // groupbox title preview = new PatternSelect( tmpTQGroupBox, "Pattern_preview" ); preview->setFrameStyle( TQFrame::Panel | TQFrame::Sunken ); grid2->addWidget(preview,1,0); grid->addWidget(tmpTQGroupBox,4,1); } void CellFormatPageBorder::InitializeBorderButtons() { for (int i=BorderType_Top; i < BorderType_END; i++) { if (dlg->borders[i].style != TQt::NoPen || !dlg->borders[i].bStyle ) { /* the horozontil and vertical buttons might be disabled depending on what kind of area is selected so check that first. */ if ((dlg->oneRow == true && i == BorderType_Horizontal) || (dlg->oneCol == true && i == BorderType_Vertical)) { borderButtons[i]->setEnabled(false); } else if ( dlg->borders[i].bColor && dlg->borders[i].bStyle ) { borderButtons[i]->setPenStyle(dlg->borders[i].style ); borderButtons[i]->setPenWidth(dlg->borders[i].width); borderButtons[i]->setColor(dlg->borders[i].color); borderButtons[i]->setOn(true); } else { borderButtons[i]->setUndefined(); } } } } void CellFormatPageBorder::InitializePatterns() { pattern[0]->setPattern( black, 1, Qt::DotLine ); pattern[1]->setPattern( black, 1, Qt::DashLine ); pattern[2]->setPattern( black, 1, Qt::SolidLine ); pattern[3]->setPattern( black, 1, Qt::DashDotLine ); pattern[4]->setPattern( black, 1, Qt::DashDotDotLine ); pattern[5]->setPattern( black, 2, Qt::SolidLine ); pattern[6]->setPattern( black, 3, Qt::SolidLine ); pattern[7]->setPattern( black, 4, Qt::SolidLine ); pattern[8]->setPattern( black, 5, Qt::SolidLine ); pattern[9]->setPattern( black, 1, Qt::NoPen ); slotSetColorButton( black ); } void CellFormatPageBorder::SetConnections() { connect( color, TQT_SIGNAL( changed( const TQColor & ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotSetColorButton( const TQColor & ) ) ); for (int i=0; i < NUM_BORDER_PATTERNS; i++) { connect( pattern[i], TQT_SIGNAL( clicked( PatternSelect* ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotUnselect2( PatternSelect* ) ) ); } for (int i = BorderType_Top; i < BorderType_END; i++) { connect( borderButtons[i], TQT_SIGNAL( clicked (BorderButton *) ), this, TQT_SLOT( changeState( BorderButton *) ) ); } for (int i = BorderShortcutType_Remove; i < BorderShortcutType_END; i++) { connect( shortcutButtons[i], TQT_SIGNAL( clicked(BorderButton *) ), this, TQT_SLOT( preselect(BorderButton *) ) ); } connect( area ,TQT_SIGNAL( redraw()),this,TQT_SLOT(draw())); connect( area ,TQT_SIGNAL( choosearea(TQMouseEvent * )), this,TQT_SLOT( slotPressEvent(TQMouseEvent *))); connect( style, TQT_SIGNAL( activated(int)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotChangeStyle(int))); connect( size, TQT_SIGNAL( textChanged(const TQString &)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotChangeStyle(const TQString &))); connect( size ,TQT_SIGNAL( activated(int)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotChangeStyle(int))); } void CellFormatPageBorder::cutomize_chosen_slot() { if ( customize->isChecked() ) { style->setEnabled( true ); size->setEnabled( true ); slotUnselect2( preview ); } else { style->setEnabled( false ); size->setEnabled( false ); pattern[2]->slotSelect(); preview->setPattern( black , 1, Qt::SolidLine ); } } void CellFormatPageBorder::slotChangeStyle(const TQString &) { /* if they try putting text in the size box, then erase the line */ slotChangeStyle(0); } void CellFormatPageBorder::slotChangeStyle(int) { int index = style->currentItem(); TQString tmp; int penSize = size->currentText().toInt(); if ( !penSize) { preview->setPattern( preview->getColor(), penSize, Qt::NoPen ); } else { switch(index) { case 0: preview->setPattern( preview->getColor(), penSize, Qt::DotLine ); break; case 1: preview->setPattern( preview->getColor(), penSize, Qt::DashLine ); break; case 2: preview->setPattern( preview->getColor(), penSize, Qt::DashDotLine ); break; case 3: preview->setPattern( preview->getColor(), penSize, Qt::DashDotDotLine ); break; case 4: preview->setPattern( preview->getColor(), penSize, Qt::SolidLine ); break; default: kdDebug(36001)<<"Error in combobox\n"; break; } } slotUnselect2(preview); } TQPixmap CellFormatPageBorder::paintFormatPixmap(PenStyle _style) { TQPixmap pixmap( style->width(), 14 ); TQPainter painter; TQPen pen; pen=TQPen( colorGroup().text(),1,_style); painter.begin( &pixmap ); painter.fillRect( 0, 0, style->width(), 14, colorGroup().background() ); painter.setPen( pen ); painter.drawLine( 0, 7, style->width(), 7 ); painter.end(); return pixmap; } void CellFormatPageBorder::loadIcon( TQString _pix, BorderButton *_button) { _button->setPixmap( TQPixmap( BarIcon(_pix, Factory::global()) ) ); } void CellFormatPageBorder::apply(FormatManipulator* obj) { if (borderButtons[BorderType_Horizontal]->isChanged()) applyHorizontalOutline(obj); if (borderButtons[BorderType_Vertical]->isChanged()) applyVerticalOutline(obj); if ( borderButtons[BorderType_Left]->isChanged() ) applyLeftOutline(obj); if ( borderButtons[BorderType_Right]->isChanged() ) applyRightOutline(obj); if ( borderButtons[BorderType_Top]->isChanged() ) applyTopOutline(obj); if ( borderButtons[BorderType_Bottom]->isChanged() ) applyBottomOutline(obj); if ( borderButtons[BorderType_RisingDiagonal]->isChanged() || borderButtons[BorderType_FallingDiagonal]->isChanged() ) applyDiagonalOutline(obj); } void CellFormatPageBorder::applyTopOutline(FormatManipulator* obj) { BorderButton * top = borderButtons[BorderType_Top]; TQPen tmpPen( top->getColor(), top->getPenWidth(), top->getPenStyle()); if ( dlg->getStyle() ) { dlg->getStyle()->changeTopBorderPen( tmpPen ); } else { if (borderButtons[BorderType_Top]->isChanged()) obj->setTopBorderPen( tmpPen ); } } void CellFormatPageBorder::applyBottomOutline(FormatManipulator* obj) { BorderButton * bottom = borderButtons[BorderType_Bottom]; TQPen tmpPen( bottom->getColor(), bottom->getPenWidth(), bottom->getPenStyle() ); if ( dlg->getStyle() ) { dlg->getStyle()->changeBottomBorderPen( tmpPen ); } else { if (borderButtons[BorderType_Bottom]->isChanged()) obj->setBottomBorderPen( tmpPen ); } } void CellFormatPageBorder::applyLeftOutline(FormatManipulator* obj) { BorderButton * left = borderButtons[BorderType_Left]; TQPen tmpPen( left->getColor(), left->getPenWidth(), left->getPenStyle() ); if ( dlg->getStyle() ) { dlg->getStyle()->changeLeftBorderPen( tmpPen ); } else { if (borderButtons[BorderType_Left]->isChanged()) obj->setLeftBorderPen( tmpPen ); } } void CellFormatPageBorder::applyRightOutline(FormatManipulator* obj) { BorderButton* right = borderButtons[BorderType_Right]; TQPen tmpPen( right->getColor(), right->getPenWidth(), right->getPenStyle() ); if ( dlg->getStyle() ) { dlg->getStyle()->changeRightBorderPen( tmpPen ); } else { if (borderButtons[BorderType_Right]->isChanged()) obj->setRightBorderPen( tmpPen ); } } void CellFormatPageBorder::applyDiagonalOutline(FormatManipulator* obj) { BorderButton * fallDiagonal = borderButtons[BorderType_FallingDiagonal]; BorderButton * goUpDiagonal = borderButtons[BorderType_RisingDiagonal]; TQPen tmpPenFall( fallDiagonal->getColor(), fallDiagonal->getPenWidth(), fallDiagonal->getPenStyle()); TQPen tmpPenGoUp( goUpDiagonal->getColor(), goUpDiagonal->getPenWidth(), goUpDiagonal->getPenStyle()); if ( dlg->getStyle() ) { if ( fallDiagonal->isChanged() ) dlg->getStyle()->changeFallBorderPen( tmpPenFall ); if ( goUpDiagonal->isChanged() ) dlg->getStyle()->changeGoUpBorderPen( tmpPenGoUp ); } else { if ( fallDiagonal->isChanged() ) obj->setFallDiagonalPen( tmpPenFall ); if ( goUpDiagonal->isChanged() ) obj->setGoUpDiagonalPen( tmpPenGoUp ); } } void CellFormatPageBorder::applyHorizontalOutline(FormatManipulator* obj) { TQPen tmpPen( borderButtons[BorderType_Horizontal]->getColor(), borderButtons[BorderType_Horizontal]->getPenWidth(), borderButtons[BorderType_Horizontal]->getPenStyle()); if ( dlg->getStyle() ) { dlg->getStyle()->changeTopBorderPen( tmpPen ); } else { if (borderButtons[BorderType_Horizontal]->isChanged()) obj->setHorizontalPen( tmpPen ); } } void CellFormatPageBorder::applyVerticalOutline(FormatManipulator* obj) { BorderButton* vertical = borderButtons[BorderType_Vertical]; TQPen tmpPen( vertical->getColor(), vertical->getPenWidth(), vertical->getPenStyle()); if ( dlg->getStyle() ) { dlg->getStyle()->changeLeftBorderPen( tmpPen ); } else { if (borderButtons[BorderType_Vertical]->isChanged()) obj->setVerticalPen( tmpPen ); } } void CellFormatPageBorder::slotSetColorButton( const TQColor &_color ) { currentColor = _color; for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_BORDER_PATTERNS; ++i ) { pattern[i]->setColor( currentColor ); } preview->setColor( currentColor ); } void CellFormatPageBorder::slotUnselect2( PatternSelect *_p ) { for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_BORDER_PATTERNS; ++i ) { if ( pattern[i] != _p ) { pattern[i]->slotUnselect(); } } preview->setPattern( _p->getColor(), _p->getPenWidth(), _p->getPenStyle() ); } void CellFormatPageBorder::preselect( BorderButton *_p ) { BorderButton* top = borderButtons[BorderType_Top]; BorderButton* bottom = borderButtons[BorderType_Bottom]; BorderButton* left = borderButtons[BorderType_Left]; BorderButton* right = borderButtons[BorderType_Right]; BorderButton* vertical = borderButtons[BorderType_Vertical]; BorderButton* horizontal = borderButtons[BorderType_Horizontal]; BorderButton* remove = shortcutButtons[BorderShortcutType_Remove]; BorderButton* outline = shortcutButtons[BorderShortcutType_Outline]; BorderButton* all = shortcutButtons[BorderShortcutType_All]; _p->setOn(false); if (_p == remove) { for (int i=BorderType_Top; i < BorderType_END; i++) { if (borderButtons[i]->isOn()) { borderButtons[i]->unselect(); } } } if (_p==outline) { top->setOn(true); top->setPenWidth(preview->getPenWidth()); top->setPenStyle(preview->getPenStyle()); top->setColor( currentColor ); top->setChanged(true); bottom->setOn(true); bottom->setPenWidth(preview->getPenWidth()); bottom->setPenStyle(preview->getPenStyle()); bottom->setColor( currentColor ); bottom->setChanged(true); left->setOn(true); left->setPenWidth(preview->getPenWidth()); left->setPenStyle(preview->getPenStyle()); left->setColor( currentColor ); left->setChanged(true); right->setOn(true); right->setPenWidth(preview->getPenWidth()); right->setPenStyle(preview->getPenStyle()); right->setColor( currentColor ); right->setChanged(true); } if (_p==all) { if (dlg->oneRow==false) { horizontal->setOn(true); horizontal->setPenWidth(preview->getPenWidth()); horizontal->setPenStyle(preview->getPenStyle()); horizontal->setColor( currentColor ); horizontal->setChanged(true); } if (dlg->oneCol==false) { vertical->setOn(true); vertical->setPenWidth(preview->getPenWidth()); vertical->setPenStyle(preview->getPenStyle()); vertical->setColor( currentColor ); vertical->setChanged(true); } } area->tqrepaint(); } void CellFormatPageBorder::changeState( BorderButton *_p) { _p->setChanged(true); if (_p->isOn()) { _p->setPenWidth(preview->getPenWidth()); _p->setPenStyle(preview->getPenStyle()); _p->setColor( currentColor ); } else { _p->setPenWidth(1); _p->setPenStyle(Qt::NoPen); _p->setColor( colorGroup().text() ); } area->tqrepaint(); } void CellFormatPageBorder::draw() { BorderButton* top = borderButtons[BorderType_Top]; BorderButton* bottom = borderButtons[BorderType_Bottom]; BorderButton* left = borderButtons[BorderType_Left]; BorderButton* right = borderButtons[BorderType_Right]; BorderButton* risingDiagonal = borderButtons[BorderType_RisingDiagonal]; BorderButton* fallingDiagonal = borderButtons[BorderType_FallingDiagonal]; BorderButton* vertical = borderButtons[BorderType_Vertical]; BorderButton* horizontal = borderButtons[BorderType_Horizontal]; TQPen pen; TQPainter painter; painter.begin( area ); if ((bottom->getPenStyle())!=TQt::NoPen) { pen=TQPen( bottom->getColor(), bottom->getPenWidth(),bottom->getPenStyle()); painter.setPen( pen ); painter.drawLine( OFFSETX, area->height()-OFFSETY, area->width()-OFFSETX , area->height()-OFFSETY ); } if ((top->getPenStyle())!=TQt::NoPen) { pen=TQPen( top->getColor(), top->getPenWidth(),top->getPenStyle()); painter.setPen( pen ); painter.drawLine( OFFSETX, OFFSETY, area->width() -OFFSETX, OFFSETY ); } if ((left->getPenStyle())!=TQt::NoPen) { pen=TQPen( left->getColor(), left->getPenWidth(),left->getPenStyle()); painter.setPen( pen ); painter.drawLine( OFFSETX, OFFSETY, OFFSETX , area->height()-OFFSETY ); } if ((right->getPenStyle())!=TQt::NoPen) { pen=TQPen( right->getColor(), right->getPenWidth(),right->getPenStyle()); painter.setPen( pen ); painter.drawLine( area->width()-OFFSETX, OFFSETY, area->width()-OFFSETX, area->height()-OFFSETY ); } if ((fallingDiagonal->getPenStyle())!=TQt::NoPen) { pen=TQPen( fallingDiagonal->getColor(), fallingDiagonal->getPenWidth(), fallingDiagonal->getPenStyle()); painter.setPen( pen ); painter.drawLine( OFFSETX, OFFSETY, area->width()-OFFSETX, area->height()-OFFSETY ); if (dlg->oneCol==false&& dlg->oneRow==false) { painter.drawLine( area->width()/2, OFFSETY, area->width()-OFFSETX, area->height()/2 ); painter.drawLine( OFFSETX,area->height()/2 , area->width()/2, area->height()-OFFSETY ); } } if ((risingDiagonal->getPenStyle())!=TQt::NoPen) { pen=TQPen( risingDiagonal->getColor(), risingDiagonal->getPenWidth(), risingDiagonal->getPenStyle()); painter.setPen( pen ); painter.drawLine( OFFSETX, area->height()-OFFSETY , area->width()-OFFSETX , OFFSETY ); if (dlg->oneCol==false&& dlg->oneRow==false) { painter.drawLine( area->width()/2, OFFSETY, OFFSETX, area->height()/2 ); painter.drawLine( area->width()/2,area->height()-OFFSETY , area->width()-OFFSETX, area->height()/2 ); } } if ((vertical->getPenStyle())!=TQt::NoPen) { pen=TQPen( vertical->getColor(), vertical->getPenWidth(), vertical->getPenStyle()); painter.setPen( pen ); painter.drawLine( area->width()/2, 5 , area->width()/2 , area->height()-5 ); } if ((horizontal->getPenStyle())!=TQt::NoPen) { pen=TQPen( horizontal->getColor(), horizontal->getPenWidth(), horizontal->getPenStyle()); painter.setPen( pen ); painter.drawLine( OFFSETX,area->height()/2,area->width()-OFFSETX, area->height()/2 ); } painter.end(); } void CellFormatPageBorder::invertState(BorderButton *_p) { if (_p->isOn()) { _p->unselect(); } else { _p->setOn(true); _p->setPenWidth(preview->getPenWidth()); _p->setPenStyle(preview->getPenStyle()); _p->setColor( currentColor ); _p->setChanged(true); } } void CellFormatPageBorder::slotPressEvent(TQMouseEvent *_ev) { BorderButton* top = borderButtons[BorderType_Top]; BorderButton* bottom = borderButtons[BorderType_Bottom]; BorderButton* left = borderButtons[BorderType_Left]; BorderButton* right = borderButtons[BorderType_Right]; BorderButton* vertical = borderButtons[BorderType_Vertical]; BorderButton* horizontal = borderButtons[BorderType_Horizontal]; TQRect rect(OFFSETX,OFFSETY-8,area->width()-OFFSETX,OFFSETY+8); if (rect.contains(TQPoint(_ev->x(),_ev->y()))) { if (((top->getPenWidth()!=preview->getPenWidth()) || (top->getColor()!=currentColor) || (top->getPenStyle()!=preview->getPenStyle())) && top->isOn()) { top->setPenWidth(preview->getPenWidth()); top->setPenStyle(preview->getPenStyle()); top->setColor( currentColor ); top->setChanged(true); } else invertState(top); } rect.setCoords(OFFSETX,area->height()-OFFSETY-8,area->width()-OFFSETX, area->height()-OFFSETY+8); if (rect.contains(TQPoint(_ev->x(),_ev->y()))) { if (((bottom->getPenWidth()!=preview->getPenWidth()) || (bottom->getColor()!=currentColor) || (bottom->getPenStyle()!=preview->getPenStyle())) && bottom->isOn()) { bottom->setPenWidth(preview->getPenWidth()); bottom->setPenStyle(preview->getPenStyle()); bottom->setColor( currentColor ); bottom->setChanged(true); } else invertState(bottom); } rect.setCoords(OFFSETX-8,OFFSETY,OFFSETX+8,area->height()-OFFSETY); if (rect.contains(TQPoint(_ev->x(),_ev->y()))) { if (((left->getPenWidth()!=preview->getPenWidth()) || (left->getColor()!=currentColor) || (left->getPenStyle()!=preview->getPenStyle())) && left->isOn()) { left->setPenWidth(preview->getPenWidth()); left->setPenStyle(preview->getPenStyle()); left->setColor( currentColor ); left->setChanged(true); } else invertState(left); } rect.setCoords(area->width()-OFFSETX-8,OFFSETY,area->width()-OFFSETX+8, area->height()-OFFSETY); if (rect.contains(TQPoint(_ev->x(),_ev->y()))) { if (((right->getPenWidth()!=preview->getPenWidth()) || (right->getColor()!=currentColor) || (right->getPenStyle()!=preview->getPenStyle())) && right->isOn()) { right->setPenWidth(preview->getPenWidth()); right->setPenStyle(preview->getPenStyle()); right->setColor( currentColor ); right->setChanged(true); } else invertState(right); } //don't work because I don't know how create a rectangle //for diagonal /*rect.setCoords(OFFSETX,OFFSETY,XLEN-OFFSETX,YHEI-OFFSETY); if (rect.contains(TQPoint(_ev->x(),_ev->y()))) { invertState(fallDiagonal); } rect.setCoords(OFFSETX,YHEI-OFFSETY,XLEN-OFFSETX,OFFSETY); if (rect.contains(TQPoint(_ev->x(),_ev->y()))) { invertState(goUpDiagonal); } */ if (dlg->oneCol==false) { rect.setCoords(area->width()/2-8,OFFSETY,area->width()/2+8, area->height()-OFFSETY); if (rect.contains(TQPoint(_ev->x(),_ev->y()))) { if (((vertical->getPenWidth()!=preview->getPenWidth()) || (vertical->getColor()!=currentColor) || (vertical->getPenStyle()!=preview->getPenStyle())) && vertical->isOn()) { vertical->setPenWidth(preview->getPenWidth()); vertical->setPenStyle(preview->getPenStyle()); vertical->setColor( currentColor ); vertical->setChanged(true); } else invertState(vertical); } } if (dlg->oneRow==false) { rect.setCoords(OFFSETX,area->height()/2-8,area->width()-OFFSETX, area->height()/2+8); if (rect.contains(TQPoint(_ev->x(),_ev->y()))) { if (((horizontal->getPenWidth()!=preview->getPenWidth()) || (horizontal->getColor()!=currentColor) || (horizontal->getPenStyle()!=preview->getPenStyle())) && horizontal->isOn()) { horizontal->setPenWidth(preview->getPenWidth()); horizontal->setPenStyle(preview->getPenStyle()); horizontal->setColor( currentColor ); horizontal->setChanged(true); } else invertState(horizontal); } } area->tqrepaint(); } /*************************************************************************** * * BrushSelect * ***************************************************************************/ BrushSelect::BrushSelect( TQWidget *parent, const char * ) : TQFrame( parent ) { brushStyle = Qt::NoBrush; brushColor = TQt::red; selected = false; } void BrushSelect::setPattern( const TQColor &_color,Qt::BrushStyle _style ) { brushStyle = _style; brushColor = _color; tqrepaint(); } void BrushSelect::paintEvent( TQPaintEvent *_ev ) { TQFrame::paintEvent( _ev ); TQPainter painter; TQBrush brush(brushColor,brushStyle); painter.begin( this ); painter.setPen( TQt::NoPen ); painter.setBrush( brush); painter.drawRect( 2, 2, width()-4, height()-4); painter.end(); } void BrushSelect::mousePressEvent( TQMouseEvent * ) { slotSelect(); emit clicked( this ); } void BrushSelect::slotUnselect() { selected = false; setLineWidth( 1 ); setFrameStyle( TQFrame::Panel | TQFrame::Sunken ); tqrepaint(); } void BrushSelect::slotSelect() { selected = true; setLineWidth( 2 ); setFrameStyle( TQFrame::Panel | TQFrame::Plain ); tqrepaint(); } /*************************************************************************** * * CellFormatPagePattern * ***************************************************************************/ CellFormatPagePattern::CellFormatPagePattern( TQWidget* parent, CellFormatDialog *_dlg ) : TQWidget( parent ) { dlg = _dlg; bBgColorUndefined = !dlg->bBgColor; TQGridLayout *grid = new TQGridLayout(this,5,2,KDialog::marginHint(), KDialog::spacingHint()); TQGroupBox* tmpTQGroupBox; tmpTQGroupBox = new TQGroupBox( this, "GroupBox_20" ); tmpTQGroupBox->setFrameStyle( TQFrame::Box | TQFrame::Sunken ); tmpTQGroupBox->setTitle( i18n("Pattern") ); tmpTQGroupBox->setAlignment( AlignLeft ); TQGridLayout *grid2 = new TQGridLayout(tmpTQGroupBox,8,3,KDialog::marginHint(), KDialog::spacingHint()); int fHeight = tmpTQGroupBox->fontMetrics().height(); grid2->addRowSpacing( 0, fHeight/2 ); // groupbox title brush1 = new BrushSelect( tmpTQGroupBox, "Frame_1" ); brush1->setFrameStyle( TQFrame::Panel | TQFrame::Sunken ); grid2->addWidget(brush1,1,0); brush2 = new BrushSelect( tmpTQGroupBox, "Frame_2" ); brush2->setFrameStyle( TQFrame::Panel | TQFrame::Sunken ); grid2->addWidget(brush2,1,1); brush3 = new BrushSelect( tmpTQGroupBox, "Frame_3" ); brush3->setFrameStyle( TQFrame::Panel | TQFrame::Sunken ); grid2->addWidget(brush3,1,2); brush4 = new BrushSelect( tmpTQGroupBox, "Frame_4" ); brush4->setFrameStyle( TQFrame::Panel | TQFrame::Sunken ); grid2->addWidget(brush4,2,0); brush5 = new BrushSelect( tmpTQGroupBox, "Frame_5" ); brush5->setFrameStyle( TQFrame::Panel | TQFrame::Sunken ); grid2->addWidget(brush5,2,1); brush6 = new BrushSelect( tmpTQGroupBox, "Frame_6" ); brush6->setFrameStyle( TQFrame::Panel | TQFrame::Sunken ); grid2->addWidget(brush6,2,2); brush7 = new BrushSelect( tmpTQGroupBox, "Frame_7" ); brush7->setFrameStyle( TQFrame::Panel | TQFrame::Sunken ); grid2->addWidget(brush7,3,0); brush8 = new BrushSelect( tmpTQGroupBox, "Frame_8" ); brush8->setFrameStyle( TQFrame::Panel | TQFrame::Sunken ); grid2->addWidget(brush8,3,1); brush9 = new BrushSelect( tmpTQGroupBox, "Frame_9" ); brush9->setFrameStyle( TQFrame::Panel | TQFrame::Sunken ); grid2->addWidget(brush9,3,2); brush10 = new BrushSelect( tmpTQGroupBox, "Frame_10" ); brush10->setFrameStyle( TQFrame::Panel | TQFrame::Sunken ); grid2->addWidget(brush10,4,0); brush11 = new BrushSelect( tmpTQGroupBox, "Frame_11" ); brush11->setFrameStyle( TQFrame::Panel | TQFrame::Sunken ); grid2->addWidget(brush11,4,1); brush12 = new BrushSelect( tmpTQGroupBox, "Frame_12" ); brush12->setFrameStyle( TQFrame::Panel | TQFrame::Sunken ); grid2->addWidget(brush12,4,2); brush13 = new BrushSelect( tmpTQGroupBox, "Frame_13" ); brush13->setFrameStyle( TQFrame::Panel | TQFrame::Sunken ); grid2->addWidget(brush13,5,0); brush14 = new BrushSelect( tmpTQGroupBox, "Frame_14" ); brush14->setFrameStyle( TQFrame::Panel | TQFrame::Sunken ); grid2->addWidget(brush14,5,1); brush15 = new BrushSelect( tmpTQGroupBox, "Frame_15" ); brush15->setFrameStyle( TQFrame::Panel | TQFrame::Sunken ); grid2->addWidget(brush15,5,2); TQGridLayout *grid3 = new TQGridLayout( 1, 2 ); color = new KColorButton (tmpTQGroupBox, "ColorButton_1" ); grid3->addWidget(color,0,1); TQLabel *tmpTQLabel = new TQLabel( tmpTQGroupBox, "Label_1" ); tmpTQLabel->setText( i18n("Color:") ); grid3->addWidget(tmpTQLabel,0,0); grid2->addMultiCell(grid3,6,6,0,2); grid3 = new TQGridLayout( 1, 3 ); grid3->setSpacing(KDialog::spacingHint()); tmpTQLabel = new TQLabel( tmpTQGroupBox, "Label_2" ); grid3->addWidget(tmpTQLabel,0,0); tmpTQLabel->setText( i18n("Background color:") ); bgColorButton = new KColorButton( tmpTQGroupBox, "ColorButton" ); grid3->addWidget(bgColorButton,0,1); if ( dlg->bBgColor ) bgColor = dlg->bgColor; else bgColor = colorGroup().base(); if (!bgColor.isValid()) bgColor = colorGroup().base(); bgColorButton->setColor( bgColor ); connect( bgColorButton, TQT_SIGNAL( changed( const TQColor & ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotSetBackgroundColor( const TQColor & ) ) ); notAnyColor=new TQPushButton(i18n("No Color"),tmpTQGroupBox); grid3->addWidget(notAnyColor,0,2); connect( notAnyColor, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked( ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotNotAnyColor( ) ) ); b_notAnyColor=false; grid2->addMultiCell(grid3,7,7,0,2); grid->addMultiCellWidget(tmpTQGroupBox,0,3,0,0); tmpTQGroupBox = new TQGroupBox( this, "GroupBox1" ); tmpTQGroupBox->setTitle( i18n("Preview") ); tmpTQGroupBox->setFrameStyle( TQFrame::Box | TQFrame::Sunken ); tmpTQGroupBox->setAlignment( AlignLeft ); grid2 = new TQGridLayout(tmpTQGroupBox,2,1,KDialog::marginHint(), KDialog::spacingHint()); fHeight = tmpTQGroupBox->fontMetrics().height(); grid2->addRowSpacing( 0, fHeight/2 ); // groupbox title current = new BrushSelect( tmpTQGroupBox, "Current" ); current->setFrameStyle( TQFrame::Panel | TQFrame::Sunken ); grid2->addWidget(current,1,0); grid->addWidget( tmpTQGroupBox,4,0); connect( brush1, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked( BrushSelect* ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotUnselect2( BrushSelect* ) ) ); connect( brush2, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked( BrushSelect* ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotUnselect2( BrushSelect* ) ) ); connect( brush3, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked( BrushSelect* ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotUnselect2( BrushSelect* ) ) ); connect( brush4, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked( BrushSelect* ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotUnselect2( BrushSelect* ) ) ); connect( brush5, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked( BrushSelect* ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotUnselect2( BrushSelect* ) ) ); connect( brush6, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked( BrushSelect* ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotUnselect2( BrushSelect* ) ) ); connect( brush7, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked( BrushSelect* ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotUnselect2( BrushSelect* ) ) ); connect( brush8, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked( BrushSelect* ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotUnselect2( BrushSelect* ) ) ); connect( brush9, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked( BrushSelect* ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotUnselect2( BrushSelect* ) ) ); connect( brush10, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked( BrushSelect* ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotUnselect2( BrushSelect* ) ) ); connect( brush11, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked( BrushSelect* ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotUnselect2( BrushSelect* ) ) ); connect( brush12, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked( BrushSelect* ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotUnselect2( BrushSelect* ) ) ); connect( brush13, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked( BrushSelect* ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotUnselect2( BrushSelect* ) ) ); connect( brush14, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked( BrushSelect* ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotUnselect2( BrushSelect* ) ) ); connect( brush15, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked( BrushSelect* ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotUnselect2( BrushSelect* ) ) ); brush1->setPattern( TQt::red,Qt::VerPattern ); brush2->setPattern( TQt::red,Qt::HorPattern ); brush3->setPattern( TQt::red,Qt::Dense1Pattern ); brush4->setPattern( TQt::red,Qt::Dense2Pattern ); brush5->setPattern( TQt::red,Qt::Dense3Pattern ); brush6->setPattern( TQt::red,Qt::Dense4Pattern ); brush7->setPattern( TQt::red,Qt::Dense5Pattern ); brush8->setPattern( TQt::red,Qt::Dense6Pattern ); brush9->setPattern( TQt::red,Qt::Dense7Pattern ); brush10->setPattern( TQt::red,Qt::CrossPattern ); brush11->setPattern( TQt::red,Qt::BDiagPattern ); brush12->setPattern( TQt::red,Qt::FDiagPattern ); brush13->setPattern( TQt::red,Qt::VerPattern ); brush14->setPattern( TQt::red,Qt::DiagCrossPattern ); brush15->setPattern( TQt::red,Qt::NoBrush ); current->setPattern(dlg->brushColor,dlg->brushStyle); current->slotSelect(); selectedBrush=current; color->setColor(dlg->brushColor); current->setBackgroundColor( bgColor ); connect( color, TQT_SIGNAL( changed( const TQColor & ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotSetColorButton( const TQColor & ) ) ); slotSetColorButton( dlg->brushColor ); init(); this->resize( 400, 400 ); } void CellFormatPagePattern::slotNotAnyColor() { b_notAnyColor = true; bgColorButton->setColor( colorGroup().base() ); current->setBackgroundColor( colorGroup().base() ); } void CellFormatPagePattern::slotSetBackgroundColor( const TQColor &_color ) { bgColor =_color; current->setBackgroundColor( bgColor ); bBgColorUndefined = false; b_notAnyColor = false; } void CellFormatPagePattern::init() { if (dlg->brushStyle == TQt::VerPattern) { brush1->slotSelect(); } else if (dlg->brushStyle == TQt::HorPattern) { brush2->slotSelect(); } else if (dlg->brushStyle == TQt::Dense1Pattern) { brush3->slotSelect(); } else if (dlg->brushStyle == TQt::Dense2Pattern) { brush4->slotSelect(); } else if (dlg->brushStyle == TQt::Dense3Pattern) { brush5->slotSelect(); } else if (dlg->brushStyle == TQt::Dense4Pattern) { brush6->slotSelect(); } else if (dlg->brushStyle == TQt::Dense5Pattern) { brush7->slotSelect(); } else if (dlg->brushStyle == TQt::Dense6Pattern) { brush8->slotSelect(); } else if (dlg->brushStyle == TQt::Dense7Pattern) { brush9->slotSelect(); } else if (dlg->brushStyle == TQt::CrossPattern) { brush10->slotSelect(); } else if (dlg->brushStyle == TQt::BDiagPattern) { brush11->slotSelect(); } else if (dlg->brushStyle == TQt::FDiagPattern) { brush12->slotSelect(); } else if (dlg->brushStyle == TQt::VerPattern) { brush13->slotSelect(); } else if (dlg->brushStyle == TQt::DiagCrossPattern) { brush14->slotSelect(); } else if (dlg->brushStyle == TQt::NoBrush) { brush15->slotSelect(); } else kdDebug(36001) << "Error in brushStyle" << endl; } void CellFormatPagePattern::slotSetColorButton( const TQColor &_color ) { currentColor = _color; brush1->setBrushColor( currentColor ); brush2->setBrushColor( currentColor ); brush3->setBrushColor( currentColor ); brush4->setBrushColor( currentColor ); brush5->setBrushColor( currentColor ); brush6->setBrushColor( currentColor ); brush7->setBrushColor( currentColor ); brush8->setBrushColor( currentColor ); brush9->setBrushColor( currentColor ); brush10->setBrushColor( currentColor ); brush11->setBrushColor( currentColor ); brush12->setBrushColor( currentColor ); brush13->setBrushColor( currentColor ); brush14->setBrushColor( currentColor ); brush15->setBrushColor( currentColor ); current->setBrushColor( currentColor ); } void CellFormatPagePattern::slotUnselect2( BrushSelect *_p ) { selectedBrush = _p; if ( brush1 != _p ) brush1->slotUnselect(); if ( brush2 != _p ) brush2->slotUnselect(); if ( brush3 != _p ) brush3->slotUnselect(); if ( brush4 != _p ) brush4->slotUnselect(); if ( brush5 != _p ) brush5->slotUnselect(); if ( brush6 != _p ) brush6->slotUnselect(); if ( brush7 != _p ) brush7->slotUnselect(); if ( brush8 != _p ) brush8->slotUnselect(); if ( brush9 != _p ) brush9->slotUnselect(); if ( brush10 != _p ) brush10->slotUnselect(); if ( brush11 != _p ) brush11->slotUnselect(); if ( brush12 != _p ) brush12->slotUnselect(); if ( brush13 != _p ) brush13->slotUnselect(); if ( brush14 != _p ) brush14->slotUnselect(); if ( brush15 != _p ) brush15->slotUnselect(); current->setBrushStyle( selectedBrush->getBrushStyle() ); } void CellFormatPagePattern::apply( CustomStyle * style ) { if ( selectedBrush != 0L && ( dlg->brushStyle != selectedBrush->getBrushStyle() || dlg->brushColor != selectedBrush->getBrushColor() ) ) style->changeBackGroundBrush( TQBrush( selectedBrush->getBrushColor(), selectedBrush->getBrushStyle() ) ); /* TODO: check... if ( b_notAnyColor) style->changeBgColor( TQColor() ); else */ if ( bgColor != dlg->getStyle()->bgColor() ) style->changeBgColor( bgColor ); } void CellFormatPagePattern::apply(FormatManipulator *_obj) { if ( selectedBrush != 0L && ( dlg->brushStyle != selectedBrush->getBrushStyle() || dlg->brushColor != selectedBrush->getBrushColor() ) ) _obj->setBackgroundBrush( TQBrush( selectedBrush->getBrushColor(), selectedBrush->getBrushStyle() ) ); if ( bgColor == dlg->bgColor ) return; if ( b_notAnyColor) _obj->setBackgroundColor( TQColor() ); else if ( !bBgColorUndefined ) _obj->setBackgroundColor( bgColor ); } #include "kspread_dlg_layout.moc"