/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2001 Andrea Rizzi Ulrich Kuettler Copyright (C) 2006 Alfredo Beaumont Sainz This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include "contextstyle.h" #include "elementvisitor.h" #include "spaceelement.h" KFORMULA_NAMESPACE_BEGIN SpaceElement::SpaceElement( SpaceWidth space, bool tab, BasicElement* parent ) : BasicElement( parent ), m_tab( tab ), m_widthType( NoSize ), m_heightType( NoSize ), m_depthType( NoSize ), m_lineBreak( NoBreakType ) { // Backwards compatibility with KFO format switch ( space ) { case NEGTHIN: m_widthType = NegativeThinMathSpace; break; case THIN: m_widthType = ThinMathSpace; break; case MEDIUM: m_widthType = MediumMathSpace; break; case THICK: m_widthType = ThickMathSpace; break; case TQUAD: m_widthType = VeryVeryThickMathSpace; break; } } SpaceElement::SpaceElement( const SpaceElement& other ) : BasicElement( other ), m_widthType( other.m_widthType ), m_width( other.m_width ), m_heightType( other.m_heightType ), m_height( other.m_height ), m_depthType( other.m_depthType ), m_depth( other.m_depth ), m_lineBreak( other.m_lineBreak ) { } bool SpaceElement::accept( ElementVisitor* visitor ) { return visitor->visit( this ); } void SpaceElement::calcSizes( const ContextStyle& context, ContextStyle::TextStyle tstyle, ContextStyle::IndexStyle /*istyle*/, StyleAttributes& style ) { double factor = style.sizeFactor(); luPt mySize = context.getAdjustedSize( tstyle, factor ); TQFont font = context.getDefaultFont(); font.setPointSize( mySize ); TQFontMetrics fm( font ); TQChar w = 'M'; LuPixelRect hbound = fm.boundingRect( w ); TQChar h = 'x'; LuPixelRect vbound = fm.boundingRect( h ); double width = style.getSpace( m_widthType, m_width ); if ( m_widthType == AbsoluteSize ) { width = m_width / context.layoutUnitPtToPt( context.getBaseSize() ); } else if ( m_widthType == PixelSize ) { width = context.pixelYToPt( m_width ) / context.layoutUnitPtToPt( context.getBaseSize() ); } double height = style.getSpace( m_heightType, m_height ); if ( m_heightType == AbsoluteSize ) { height = m_height / context.layoutUnitPtToPt( context.getBaseSize() ); } else if ( m_heightType == PixelSize ) { height = context.pixelYToPt( m_height ) / context.layoutUnitPtToPt( context.getBaseSize() ); } double depth = style.getSpace( m_depthType, m_depth ); if ( m_depthType == AbsoluteSize ) { depth = m_depth / context.layoutUnitPtToPt( context.getBaseSize() ); } else if ( m_depthType == PixelSize ) { depth = context.pixelYToPt( m_depth ) / context.layoutUnitPtToPt( context.getBaseSize() ); } setWidth( hbound.width() * width ); setHeight( vbound.height() * height + vbound.height() * depth ); setBaseline( vbound.height() * height ); if ( m_tab ) { getParent()->registerTab( this ); } } void SpaceElement::draw( TQPainter& painter, const LuPixelRect& /*r*/, const ContextStyle& context, ContextStyle::TextStyle /*tstyle*/, ContextStyle::IndexStyle /*istyle*/, StyleAttributes& /*style*/, const LuPixelPoint& parentOrigin ) { LuPixelPoint myPos(parentOrigin.x()+getX(), parentOrigin.y()+getY()); // there is such a thing as negative space! //if ( !LuPixelRect( myPos.x(), myPos.y(), getWidth(), getHeight() ).intersects( r ) ) // return; if ( context.edit() ) { painter.setPen( context.getEmptyColor() ); painter.drawLine( context.layoutUnitToPixelX( myPos.x() ), context.layoutUnitToPixelY( myPos.y()+getHeight() ), context.layoutUnitToPixelX( myPos.x()+getWidth()-1 ), context.layoutUnitToPixelY( myPos.y()+getHeight() ) ); painter.drawLine( context.layoutUnitToPixelX( myPos.x() ), context.layoutUnitToPixelY( myPos.y()+getHeight() ), context.layoutUnitToPixelX( myPos.x() ), context.layoutUnitToPixelY( myPos.y()+getHeight()-getHeight()/5 ) ); painter.drawLine( context.layoutUnitToPixelX( myPos.x()+getWidth()-1 ), context.layoutUnitToPixelY( myPos.y()+getHeight() ), context.layoutUnitToPixelX( myPos.x()+getWidth()-1 ), context.layoutUnitToPixelY( myPos.y()+getHeight()-getHeight()/5 ) ); } } void SpaceElement::writeDom(TQDomElement element) { BasicElement::writeDom(element); switch ( m_widthType ) { case NegativeVeryVeryThinMathSpace: case NegativeVeryThinMathSpace: case NegativeThinMathSpace: case NegativeMediumMathSpace: case NegativeThickMathSpace: case NegativeVeryThickMathSpace: case NegativeVeryVeryThickMathSpace: element.setAttribute( "WIDTH", "negthin" ); break; case VeryVeryThinMathSpace: case VeryThinMathSpace: case ThinMathSpace: element.setAttribute( "WIDTH", "thin" ); break; case MediumMathSpace: element.setAttribute( "WIDTH", "medium" ); break; case ThickMathSpace: element.setAttribute( "WIDTH", "thick" ); break; case VeryThickMathSpace: case VeryVeryThickMathSpace: element.setAttribute( "WIDTH", "quad" ); break; case AbsoluteSize: case RelativeSize: case PixelSize: if ( m_width < 0 ) { element.setAttribute( "WIDTH", "negthin" ); } else { element.setAttribute( "WIDTH", "thin" ); } default: break; } if ( m_tab ) { element.setAttribute( "TAB", "true" ); } } bool SpaceElement::readAttributesFromDom( TQDomElement element ) { if ( !BasicElement::readAttributesFromDom( element ) ) { return false; } TQString widthStr = element.attribute( "WIDTH" ); if( !widthStr.isNull() ) { if ( widthStr.lower() == "quad" ) { m_widthType = VeryVeryThickMathSpace; } else if ( widthStr.lower() == "thick" ) { m_widthType = ThickMathSpace; } else if ( widthStr.lower() == "medium" ) { m_widthType = MediumMathSpace; } else if ( widthStr.lower() == "negthin" ) { m_widthType = NegativeThinMathSpace; } else { m_widthType = ThinMathSpace; } } else { return false; } TQString tabStr = element.attribute( "TAB" ); m_tab = !tabStr.isNull(); return true; } bool SpaceElement::readContentFromDom(TQDomNode& node) { return BasicElement::readContentFromDom( node ); } bool SpaceElement::readAttributesFromMathMLDom(const TQDomElement& element) { if ( ! BasicElement::readAttributesFromMathMLDom( element ) ) { return false; } TQString widthStr = element.attribute( "width" ).stripWhiteSpace().lower(); if ( ! widthStr.isNull() ) { m_width = getSize( widthStr, &m_widthType ); if ( m_widthType == NoSize ) { m_widthType = getSpace( widthStr ); } } TQString heightStr = element.attribute( "height" ).stripWhiteSpace().lower(); if ( ! heightStr.isNull() ) { m_height = getSize( heightStr, &m_heightType ); } TQString depthStr = element.attribute( "depth" ).stripWhiteSpace().lower(); if ( ! depthStr.isNull() ) { m_depth = getSize( depthStr, &m_depthType ); } TQString linebreakStr = element.attribute( "linebreak" ).stripWhiteSpace().lower(); if ( ! linebreakStr.isNull() ) { if ( linebreakStr == "auto" ) { m_lineBreak = AutoBreak; } else if ( linebreakStr == "newline" ) { m_lineBreak = NewLineBreak; } else if ( linebreakStr == "indentingnewline" ) { m_lineBreak = IndentingNewLineBreak; } else if ( linebreakStr == "nobreak" ) { m_lineBreak = NoBreak; } else if ( linebreakStr == "goodbreak" ) { m_lineBreak = GoodBreak; } else if ( linebreakStr == "badbreak" ) { m_lineBreak = BadBreak; } } return true; } void SpaceElement::writeMathMLAttributes( TQDomElement& element ) const { switch ( m_widthType ) { case AbsoluteSize: element.setAttribute( "width", TQString( "%1pt" ).tqarg( m_width ) ); break; case RelativeSize: element.setAttribute( "width", TQString( "%1%" ).tqarg( m_width * 100.0 ) ); break; case PixelSize: element.setAttribute( "width", TQString( "%1px" ).tqarg( m_width ) ); break; case NegativeVeryVeryThinMathSpace: element.setAttribute( "width", "negativeveryverythinmathspace" ); break; case NegativeVeryThinMathSpace: element.setAttribute( "width", "negativeverythinmathspace" ); break; case NegativeThinMathSpace: element.setAttribute( "width", "negativethinmathspace" ); break; case NegativeMediumMathSpace: element.setAttribute( "width", "negativemediummathspace" ); break; case NegativeThickMathSpace: element.setAttribute( "width", "negativethickmathspace" ); break; case NegativeVeryThickMathSpace: element.setAttribute( "width", "negativeverythickmathspace" ); break; case NegativeVeryVeryThickMathSpace: element.setAttribute( "width", "negativeveryverythickmathspace" ); break; case VeryVeryThinMathSpace: element.setAttribute( "width", "veryverythinmathspace" ); break; case VeryThinMathSpace: element.setAttribute( "width", "verythinmathspace" ); break; case ThinMathSpace: element.setAttribute( "width", "thinmathspace" ); break; case MediumMathSpace: element.setAttribute( "width", "mediummathspace" ); break; case ThickMathSpace: element.setAttribute( "width", "thickmathspace" ); break; case VeryThickMathSpace: element.setAttribute( "width", "verythickmathspace" ); break; case VeryVeryThickMathSpace: element.setAttribute( "width", "veryverythickmathspace" ); break; default: break; } switch ( m_heightType ) { case AbsoluteSize: element.setAttribute( "height", TQString( "%1pt" ).tqarg( m_height ) ); break; case RelativeSize: element.setAttribute( "height", TQString( "%1%" ).tqarg( m_height * 100.0 ) ); break; case PixelSize: element.setAttribute( "height", TQString( "%1px" ).tqarg( m_height ) ); break; default: break; } switch ( m_depthType ) { case AbsoluteSize: element.setAttribute( "depth", TQString( "%1pt" ).tqarg( m_depth ) ); break; case RelativeSize: element.setAttribute( "depth", TQString( "%1%" ).tqarg( m_depth * 100.0 ) ); break; case PixelSize: element.setAttribute( "depth", TQString( "%1px" ).tqarg( m_depth ) ); break; default: break; } switch ( m_lineBreak ) { case AutoBreak: element.setAttribute( "linebreak", "auto" ); break; case NewLineBreak: element.setAttribute( "linebreak", "newline" ); break; case IndentingNewLineBreak: element.setAttribute( "linebreak", "indentingnewline" ); break; case NoBreak: element.setAttribute( "linebreak", "nobreak" ); break; case GoodBreak: element.setAttribute( "linebreak", "goodbreak" ); break; case BadBreak: element.setAttribute( "linebreak", "badbreak" ); break; default: break; } } TQString SpaceElement::toLatex() { switch ( m_widthType ) { case NegativeVeryVeryThinMathSpace: case NegativeVeryThinMathSpace: case NegativeThinMathSpace: case NegativeMediumMathSpace: case NegativeThickMathSpace: case NegativeVeryThickMathSpace: case NegativeVeryVeryThickMathSpace: return "\\!"; case VeryVeryThinMathSpace: case VeryThinMathSpace: case ThinMathSpace: return "\\,"; case MediumMathSpace: return "\\>"; case ThickMathSpace: return "\\;"; case VeryThickMathSpace: case VeryVeryThickMathSpace: return "\\quad "; case AbsoluteSize: case RelativeSize: case PixelSize: if ( m_width < 0 ) { return "\\!"; } else { return "\\,"; } default: break; } return ""; } KFORMULA_NAMESPACE_END