/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Torben Weis 2000, 2001 Werner Trobin Copyright (C) 2004 Nicolas Goutte This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class KoFilterManager::Private { public: bool m_batch; }; KoFilterChooser::KoFilterChooser (TQWidget *parent, const TQStringList &mimeTypes, const TQString &nativeFormat) : KDialogBase (parent, "kofilterchooser", true, i18n ("Choose Filter"), KDialogBase::Ok | KDialogBase::Cancel, KDialogBase::Ok, true), m_mimeTypes (mimeTypes) { setInitialSize (TQSize (300, 350)); TQWidget *page = new TQWidget (this); setMainWidget (page); // looks too squashed together without * 2 TQVBoxLayout *tqlayout = new TQVBoxLayout (page, marginHint (), spacingHint () * 2); TQLabel *filterLabel = new TQLabel (i18n ("Select a filter:"), page, "filterlabel"); tqlayout->addWidget (filterLabel); m_filterList = new KListBox (page, "filterlist"); tqlayout->addWidget (m_filterList); Q_ASSERT (!m_mimeTypes.isEmpty ()); for (TQStringList::ConstIterator it = m_mimeTypes.begin (); it != m_mimeTypes.end (); it++) { KMimeType::Ptr mime = KMimeType::mimeType (*it); m_filterList->insertItem (mime->comment ()); } if (nativeFormat == "application/x-kword") { const int index = m_mimeTypes.findIndex ("text/plain"); if (index > -1) m_filterList->setCurrentItem (index); } if (m_filterList->currentItem () == -1) m_filterList->setCurrentItem (0); m_filterList->centerCurrentItem (); m_filterList->setFocus (); connect (m_filterList, TQT_SIGNAL (selected (int)), this, TQT_SLOT (slotOk ())); } KoFilterChooser::~KoFilterChooser () { } TQString KoFilterChooser::filterSelected () { const int item = m_filterList->currentItem (); if (item > -1) return m_mimeTypes [item]; else return TQString(); } // static cache for filter availability TQMap KoFilterManager::m_filterAvailable; const int KoFilterManager::s_area = 30500; KoFilterManager::KoFilterManager( KoDocument* document ) : m_document( document ), m_parentChain( 0 ), m_graph( "" ), d( 0 ) { d = new KoFilterManager::Private; d -> m_batch = false; if ( document ) TQObject::connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( sigProgress( int ) ), document, TQT_SIGNAL( sigProgress( int ) ) ); } KoFilterManager::KoFilterManager( const TQString& url, const TQCString& mimetypeHint, KoFilterChain* const parentChain ) : m_document( 0 ), m_parentChain( parentChain ), m_importUrl( url ), m_importUrlMimetypeHint( mimetypeHint ), m_graph( "" ), d( 0 ) { d = new KoFilterManager::Private; d -> m_batch = false; } KoFilterManager::~KoFilterManager() { delete d; } TQString KoFilterManager::import( const TQString& url, KoFilter::ConversionStatus& status ) { // Find the mime type for the file to be imported. KURL u; u.setPath( url ); KMimeType::Ptr t = KMimeType::findByURL( u, 0, true ); m_graph.setSourceMimeType( t->name().latin1() ); // .latin1() is okay here (Werner) if ( !m_graph.isValid() ) { bool userCancelled = false; kdWarning(s_area) << "Can't open " << t->name () << ", trying filter chooser" << endl; if ( m_document ) { if ( !m_document->isAutoErrorHandlingEnabled() ) { status = KoFilter::BadConversionGraph; return TQString(); } TQCString nativeFormat = m_document->nativeFormatMimeType (); TQApplication::setOverrideCursor( arrowCursor ); KoFilterChooser chooser(0, KoFilterManager::mimeFilter (nativeFormat, KoFilterManager::Import, m_document->extraNativeMimeTypes()), nativeFormat); if (chooser.exec ()) { TQCString f = chooser.filterSelected ().latin1(); if (f == nativeFormat) { status = KoFilter::OK; TQApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); return url; } m_graph.setSourceMimeType (f); } else userCancelled = true; TQApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); } if (!m_graph.isValid()) { kdError(s_area) << "Couldn't create a valid graph for this source mimetype: " << t->name() << endl; importErrorHelper( t->name(), userCancelled ); status = KoFilter::BadConversionGraph; return TQString(); } } KoFilterChain::Ptr chain( 0 ); // Are we owned by a KoDocument? if ( m_document ) { TQCString mimeType = m_document->nativeFormatMimeType(); TQStringList extraMimes = m_document->extraNativeMimeTypes(); int i=0, n = extraMimes.count(); chain = m_graph.chain( this, mimeType ); while( !chain && iname() ); status = KoFilter::BadConversionGraph; return TQString(); } // Okay, let's invoke the filters one after the other m_direction = Import; // vital information! m_importUrl = url; // We want to load that file m_exportUrl = TQString(); // This is null for sure, as embedded stuff isn't // allowed to use that method status = chain->invokeChain(); m_importUrl = TQString(); // Reset the import URL if ( status == KoFilter::OK ) return chain->chainOutput(); return TQString(); } KoFilter::ConversionStatus KoFilterManager::exp0rt( const TQString& url, TQCString& mimeType ) { bool userCancelled = false; // The import url should already be set correctly (null if we have a KoDocument // file manager and to the correct URL if we have an embedded manager) m_direction = Export; // vital information! m_exportUrl = url; KoFilterChain::Ptr chain = 0; if ( m_document ) { // We have to pick the right native mimetype as source. TQStringList nativeMimeTypes; nativeMimeTypes.append( m_document->nativeFormatMimeType() ); nativeMimeTypes += m_document->extraNativeMimeTypes(); TQStringList::ConstIterator it = nativeMimeTypes.begin(); const TQStringList::ConstIterator end = nativeMimeTypes.end(); for ( ; !chain && it != end; ++it ) { m_graph.setSourceMimeType( (*it).latin1() ); if ( m_graph.isValid() ) chain = m_graph.chain( this, mimeType ); } } else if ( !m_importUrlMimetypeHint.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(s_area) << "Using the mimetype hint: '" << m_importUrlMimetypeHint << "'" << endl; m_graph.setSourceMimeType( m_importUrlMimetypeHint ); } else { KURL u; u.setPath( m_importUrl ); KMimeType::Ptr t = KMimeType::findByURL( u, 0, true ); if ( t->name() == KMimeType::defaultMimeType() ) { kdError(s_area) << "No mimetype found for " << m_importUrl << endl; return KoFilter::BadMimeType; } m_graph.setSourceMimeType( t->name().latin1() ); if ( !m_graph.isValid() ) { kdWarning(s_area) << "Can't open " << t->name () << ", trying filter chooser" << endl; TQApplication::setOverrideCursor( arrowCursor ); KoFilterChooser chooser(0, KoFilterManager::mimeFilter ()); if (chooser.exec ()) m_graph.setSourceMimeType (chooser.filterSelected ().latin1 ()); else userCancelled = true; TQApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); } } if (!m_graph.isValid ()) { kdError(s_area) << "Couldn't create a valid graph for this source mimetype." << endl; if (!userCancelled) KMessageBox::error( 0L, i18n("Could not export file."), i18n("Missing Export Filter") ); return KoFilter::BadConversionGraph; } if ( !chain ) // already set when coming from the m_document case chain = m_graph.chain( this, mimeType ); if ( !chain ) { kdError(s_area) << "Couldn't create a valid filter chain to " << mimeType << " !" << endl; KMessageBox::error( 0L, i18n("Could not export file."), i18n("Missing Export Filter") ); return KoFilter::BadConversionGraph; } return chain->invokeChain(); } namespace // in order not to mess with the global namespace ;) { // This class is needed only for the static mimeFilter method class Vertex { public: Vertex( const TQCString& mimeType ) : m_color( White ), m_mimeType( mimeType ) {} enum Color { White, Gray, Black }; Color color() const { return m_color; } void setColor( Color color ) { m_color = color; } TQCString mimeType() const { return m_mimeType; } void addEdge( Vertex* vertex ) { if ( vertex ) m_edges.append( vertex ); } TQPtrList edges() const { return m_edges; } private: Color m_color; TQCString m_mimeType; TQPtrList m_edges; }; // Some helper methods for the static stuff // This method builds up the graph in the passed ascii dict void buildGraph( TQAsciiDict& vertices, KoFilterManager::Direction direction ) { TQStringList stopList; // Lists of mimetypes that are considered end of chains stopList << "text/plain"; stopList << "text/csv"; stopList << "text/x-tex"; stopList << "text/html"; vertices.setAutoDelete( true ); // partly copied from build graph, but I don't see any other // way without crude hacks, as we have to obey the direction here TQValueList parts( KoDocumentEntry::query(false, TQString()) ); TQValueList::ConstIterator partIt( parts.begin() ); TQValueList::ConstIterator partEnd( parts.end() ); while ( partIt != partEnd ) { TQStringList nativeMimeTypes = ( *partIt ).service()->property( "X-KDE-ExtraNativeMimeTypes" ).toStringList(); nativeMimeTypes += ( *partIt ).service()->property( "X-KDE-NativeMimeType" ).toString(); TQStringList::ConstIterator it = nativeMimeTypes.begin(); const TQStringList::ConstIterator end = nativeMimeTypes.end(); for ( ; it != end; ++it ) if ( !(*it).isEmpty() ) vertices.insert( (*it).latin1(), new Vertex( (*it).latin1() ) ); ++partIt; } TQValueList filters = KoFilterEntry::query(); // no constraint here - we want *all* :) TQValueList::ConstIterator it = filters.begin(); const TQValueList::ConstIterator end = filters.end(); for ( ; it != end; ++it ) { TQStringList impList; // Import list TQStringList expList; // Export list const TQStringList::Iterator stopEnd = stopList.end(); // Now we have to exclude the "stop" mimetypes (in the right direction!) if ( direction == KoFilterManager::Import ) { // Import: "stop" mime type should not appear in export TQStringList::ConstIterator testIt = ( *it )->export_.begin(); TQStringList::ConstIterator testEnd = ( *it )->export_.end(); for ( ; testIt != testEnd ; ++testIt ) { if ( stopList.find( *testIt ) == stopEnd ) { expList.append( *testIt ); } } impList = ( *it )->import; } else { // Export: "stop" mime type should not appear in import TQStringList::ConstIterator testIt = ( *it )->import.begin(); const TQStringList::ConstIterator testEnd = ( *it )->import.end(); for ( ; testIt != testEnd ; ++testIt ) { if ( stopList.find( *testIt ) == stopEnd ) { impList.append( *testIt ); } } expList = ( *it )->export_; } if ( impList.empty() || expList.empty() ) { // This filter cannot be used under these conditions kdDebug( 30500 ) << "Filter: " << ( *it )->service()->name() << " ruled out" << endl; continue; } // First add the "starting points" to the dict TQStringList::ConstIterator importIt = impList.begin(); const TQStringList::ConstIterator importEnd = impList.end(); for ( ; importIt != importEnd; ++importIt ) { const TQCString key = ( *importIt ).latin1(); // latin1 is okay here (werner) // already there? if ( !vertices[ key ] ) vertices.insert( key, new Vertex( key ) ); } // Are we allowed to use this filter at all? if ( KoFilterManager::filterAvailable( *it ) ) { TQStringList::ConstIterator exportIt = expList.begin(); const TQStringList::ConstIterator exportEnd = expList.end(); for ( ; exportIt != exportEnd; ++exportIt ) { // First make sure the export vertex is in place const TQCString key = ( *exportIt ).latin1(); // latin1 is okay here Vertex* exp = vertices[ key ]; if ( !exp ) { exp = new Vertex( key ); vertices.insert( key, exp ); } // Then create the appropriate edges depending on the // direction (import/export) // This is the chunk of code which actually differs from the // graph stuff (apart from the different vertex class) importIt = impList.begin(); // ### TODO: why only the first one? if ( direction == KoFilterManager::Import ) { for ( ; importIt != importEnd; ++importIt ) exp->addEdge( vertices[ ( *importIt ).latin1() ] ); } else { for ( ; importIt != importEnd; ++importIt ) vertices[ ( *importIt ).latin1() ]->addEdge( exp ); } } } else kdDebug( 30500 ) << "Filter: " << ( *it )->service()->name() << " does not apply." << endl; } } // This method runs a BFS on the graph to determine the connected // nodes. Make sure that the graph is "cleared" (the colors of the // nodes are all white) TQStringList connected( const TQAsciiDict& vertices, const TQCString& mimetype ) { if ( mimetype.isEmpty() ) return TQStringList(); Vertex *v = vertices[ mimetype ]; if ( !v ) return TQStringList(); v->setColor( Vertex::Gray ); std::queue queue; queue.push( v ); TQStringList connected; while ( !queue.empty() ) { v = queue.front(); queue.pop(); TQPtrList edges = v->edges(); TQPtrListIterator it( edges ); for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) { if ( it.current()->color() == Vertex::White ) { it.current()->setColor( Vertex::Gray ); queue.push( it.current() ); } } v->setColor( Vertex::Black ); connected.append( v->mimeType() ); } return connected; } } // The static method to figure out to which parts of the // graph this mimetype has a connection to. TQStringList KoFilterManager::mimeFilter( const TQCString& mimetype, Direction direction, const TQStringList& extraNativeMimeTypes ) { //kdDebug(s_area) << "mimetype=" << mimetype << " extraNativeMimeTypes=" << extraNativeMimeTypes << endl; TQAsciiDict vertices; buildGraph( vertices, direction ); // TODO maybe use the fake vertex trick from the method below, to make the search faster? TQStringList nativeMimeTypes; nativeMimeTypes.append( TQString::fromLatin1( mimetype ) ); nativeMimeTypes += extraNativeMimeTypes; // Add the native mimetypes first so that they are on top. TQStringList lst = nativeMimeTypes; // Now look for filters which output each of those natives mimetypes for( TQStringList::ConstIterator natit = nativeMimeTypes.begin(); natit != nativeMimeTypes.end(); ++natit ) { const TQStringList outMimes = connected( vertices, (*natit).latin1() ); //kdDebug(s_area) << k_funcinfo << "output formats connected to mime " << *natit << " : " << outMimes << endl; for ( TQStringList::ConstIterator mit = outMimes.begin(); mit != outMimes.end(); ++mit ) if ( lst.find( *mit ) == lst.end() ) // append only if not there already. TQt4: TQSet? lst.append( *mit ); } return lst; } TQStringList KoFilterManager::mimeFilter() { TQAsciiDict vertices; buildGraph( vertices, KoFilterManager::Import ); TQValueList parts( KoDocumentEntry::query(false, TQString()) ); TQValueList::ConstIterator partIt( parts.begin() ); TQValueList::ConstIterator partEnd( parts.end() ); if ( partIt == partEnd ) return TQStringList(); // To find *all* reachable mimetypes, we have to resort to // a small hat trick, in order to avoid multiple searches: // We introduce a fake vertex, which is connected to every // single KOffice mimetype. Due to that one BFS is enough :) // Now we just need an... ehrm.. unique name for our fake mimetype Vertex *v = new Vertex( "supercalifragilistic/x-pialadocious" ); vertices.insert( "supercalifragilistic/x-pialadocious", v ); while ( partIt != partEnd ) { TQStringList nativeMimeTypes = ( *partIt ).service()->property( "X-KDE-ExtraNativeMimeTypes" ).toStringList(); nativeMimeTypes += ( *partIt ).service()->property( "X-KDE-NativeMimeType" ).toString(); TQStringList::ConstIterator it = nativeMimeTypes.begin(); const TQStringList::ConstIterator end = nativeMimeTypes.end(); for ( ; it != end; ++it ) if ( !(*it).isEmpty() ) v->addEdge( vertices[ (*it).latin1() ] ); ++partIt; } TQStringList result = connected( vertices, "supercalifragilistic/x-pialadocious" ); // Finally we have to get rid of our fake mimetype again result.remove( "supercalifragilistic/x-pialadocious" ); return result; } // Here we check whether the filter is available. This stuff is quite slow, // but I don't see any other convenient (for the user) way out :} bool KoFilterManager::filterAvailable( KoFilterEntry::Ptr entry ) { if ( !entry ) return false; if ( entry->available != "check" ) return true; //kdDebug( 30500 ) << "Checking whether " << entry->service()->name() << " applies." << endl; // generate some "unique" key TQString key( entry->service()->name() ); key += " - "; key += entry->service()->library(); if ( !m_filterAvailable.contains( key ) ) { //kdDebug( 30500 ) << "Not cached, checking..." << endl; KLibrary* library = KLibLoader::self()->library( TQFile::encodeName( entry->service()->library() ) ); if ( !library ) { kdWarning( 30500 ) << "Huh?? Couldn't load the lib: " << KLibLoader::self()->lastErrorMessage() << endl; m_filterAvailable[ key ] = false; return false; } // This code is "borrowed" from klibloader ;) TQCString symname; symname.sprintf("check_%s", library->name().latin1() ); void* sym = library->symbol( symname ); if ( !sym ) { kdWarning( 30500 ) << "The library " << library->name() << " does not offer a check_" << library->name() << " function." << endl; m_filterAvailable[ key ] = false; } else { typedef int (*t_func)(); t_func check = (t_func)sym; m_filterAvailable[ key ] = check() == 1; } } return m_filterAvailable[ key ]; } void KoFilterManager::importErrorHelper( const TQString& mimeType, const bool suppressDialog ) { TQString tmp = i18n("Could not import file of type\n%1").tqarg( mimeType ); // ###### FIXME: use KLibLoader::lastErrorMessage() here if (!suppressDialog) KMessageBox::error( 0L, tmp, i18n("Missing Import Filter") ); } void KoFilterManager::setBatchMode( const bool batch ) { d->m_batch = batch; } bool KoFilterManager::getBatchMode( void ) const { return d->m_batch; } #include #include