Alexander Dymo
Phil Thompson
<sgmltag class="element">KugarData element</sgmltag> The KugarData element defines a report's data source. The basic structure is a collection of rows and columns. This document does not define data types and their attributes. The report template defines column data type information. The document creator can apply an &XSL; style sheet to an existing document to convert it to this format. If &XSL; is used, the creator can apply custom macros using &XSL; for column calculations, sorting, &etc;. <!ELEMENT KugarData (Row*)> <!ATTLIST KugarData Template CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ELEMENT Row EMPTY> <!ATTLIST Row level CDATA #REQUIRED col1 CDATA #IMPLIED col2 CDATA #IMPLIED ... CDATA #IMPLIED coln CDATA #IMPLIED> Kugar data element The KugarData element contains zero or more Row elements. A Row must contain one level attribute with a value corresponding to detail level in the template. Other attributes represent data columns. The value of the Template attribute is the &URL; of the report template used to format the data. Row element Attributes level The attribute value indicates which detail in the report template is used to display data. Rows can contain various column sets for various levels, so any attribute except level should be stated as #IMPLIED. column The name of the attribute is the column name, and uses the format as given in the KugarData definition. The attribute name is used in the report template to bind the data to the report fields.