/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2001,2002,2003,2004 Laurent Montel This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kchartHeaderFooterConfigPage.h" #include "kchartHeaderFooterConfigPage.moc" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kchart_params.h" namespace KChart { KChartHeaderFooterConfigPage::KChartHeaderFooterConfigPage( KChartParams* params, QWidget* parent ) : QWidget( parent ),_params( params ) { QGridLayout* layout = new QGridLayout( this, 4, 3 ); layout->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() ); layout->setMargin( KDialog::marginHint() ); QLabel *lab=new QLabel(i18n("Title:"), this); QWhatsThis::add(lab, i18n("Write here the title of your chart if you want one. The title will be centered on top above your chart.")); layout->addWidget(lab,0,0); titleEdit=new QLineEdit(this); QWhatsThis::add(titleEdit, i18n("Write here the title of your chart if you want one. The title will be centered on top above your chart.")); layout->addWidget(titleEdit,0,1); titleColorButton=new KColorButton(this); QWhatsThis::add(titleColorButton, i18n("Click on this button to choose the color for the title font.")); layout->addWidget(titleColorButton,0,2); titleFontButton=new QPushButton(i18n("Font..."),this); QWhatsThis::add(titleFontButton, i18n("Click on this button to choose the font family, style and size for the title.")); layout->addWidget(titleFontButton,0,3); connect( titleFontButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(changeTitleFont())); lab=new QLabel(i18n("Subtitle:"),this); QWhatsThis::add(lab, i18n("Write here the subtitle of your chart if you want one. The subtitle will be centered on top just below the title.")); layout->addWidget(lab,1,0); subtitleEdit=new QLineEdit(this); QWhatsThis::add(subtitleEdit, i18n("Write here the subtitle of your chart if you want one. The subtitle will be centered on top just below the title.")); layout->addWidget(subtitleEdit,1,1); subtitleColorButton=new KColorButton(this); QWhatsThis::add(subtitleColorButton, i18n("Click on this button to choose the color for the subtitle font.")); layout->addWidget(subtitleColorButton,1,2); subtitleFontButton=new QPushButton(i18n("Font..."),this); QWhatsThis::add(subtitleFontButton, i18n("Click on this button to choose the font family, style and size for the subtitle.")); layout->addWidget(subtitleFontButton,1,3); connect( subtitleFontButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(changeSubtitleFont())); lab=new QLabel(i18n("Footer:"),this); QWhatsThis::add(lab, i18n("Write here the footer of your chart if you want one. The footer will be centered at the bottom just below your chart.")); layout->addWidget(lab,2,0); footerEdit=new QLineEdit(this); QWhatsThis::add(footerEdit, i18n("Write here the subtitle of your chart if you want one. The subtitle will be centered on top just below the title.")); layout->addWidget(footerEdit,2,1); footerColorButton=new KColorButton(this); QWhatsThis::add(footerColorButton, i18n("Click on this button to choose the color for the footer font.")); layout->addWidget(footerColorButton,2,2); footerFontButton=new QPushButton(i18n("Font..."),this); QWhatsThis::add(footerFontButton, i18n("Click on this button to choose the font family, style and size for the footer.")); connect( footerFontButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(changeFooterFont())); layout->addWidget(footerFontButton,2,3); layout->addItem( new QSpacerItem( 5, 5, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Expanding ), 3, 0 ); layout->activate(); } void KChartHeaderFooterConfigPage::init() { titleColorButton->setColor(_params->headerFooterColor( KDChartParams::HdFtPosHeader ) ); subtitleColorButton->setColor(_params->headerFooterColor( KDChartParams::HdFtPosHeader2 )); footerColorButton->setColor(_params->headerFooterColor( KDChartParams::HdFtPosFooter ) ); titleEdit->setText(_params->header1Text()); subtitleEdit->setText(_params->header2Text()); footerEdit->setText(_params->footerText()); titleFont = _params->header1Font(); titleFontIsRelative = _params->headerFooterFontUseRelSize(KDChartParams::HdFtPosHeader) ? QButton::On : QButton::Off; if( QButton::On == titleFontIsRelative ) titleFont.setPointSize( _params->headerFooterFontRelSize(KDChartParams::HdFtPosHeader) ); subtitleFont = _params->header2Font(); subtitleFontIsRelative = _params->headerFooterFontUseRelSize(KDChartParams::HdFtPosHeader2) ? QButton::On : QButton::Off; if( QButton::On == subtitleFontIsRelative ) subtitleFont.setPointSize( _params->headerFooterFontRelSize(KDChartParams::HdFtPosHeader2) ); footerFont = _params->footerFont(); footerFontIsRelative = _params->headerFooterFontUseRelSize(KDChartParams::HdFtPosFooter) ? QButton::On : QButton::Off; if( QButton::On == footerFontIsRelative ) footerFont.setPointSize( _params->headerFooterFontRelSize(KDChartParams::HdFtPosFooter) ); } void KChartHeaderFooterConfigPage::apply() { _params->setHeaderFooterColor( KDChartParams::HdFtPosHeader,titleColorButton->color() ); _params->setHeaderFooterColor( KDChartParams::HdFtPosHeader2,subtitleColorButton->color() ); _params->setHeaderFooterColor( KDChartParams::HdFtPosFooter, footerColorButton->color() ); _params->setHeader1Text(titleEdit->text()); _params->setHeader2Text(subtitleEdit->text()); _params->setFooterText(footerEdit->text()); _params->setHeaderFooterFont( KDChartParams::HdFtPosHeader, titleFont, titleFontIsRelative, titleFont.pointSize() ); _params->setHeaderFooterFont( KDChartParams::HdFtPosHeader2, subtitleFont, subtitleFontIsRelative, subtitleFont.pointSize() ); _params->setHeaderFooterFont( KDChartParams::HdFtPosFooter, footerFont, footerFontIsRelative, footerFont.pointSize() ); } void KChartHeaderFooterConfigPage::changeTitleFont() { QButton::ToggleState state = titleFontIsRelative; if ( KFontDialog::getFont( titleFont,false,this, true,&state ) != QDialog::Rejected && QButton::NoChange != state ) titleFontIsRelative = state; } void KChartHeaderFooterConfigPage::changeSubtitleFont() { QButton::ToggleState state = subtitleFontIsRelative; if ( KFontDialog::getFont( subtitleFont,false,this, true,&state ) != QDialog::Rejected && QButton::NoChange != state ) subtitleFontIsRelative = state; } void KChartHeaderFooterConfigPage::changeFooterFont() { QButton::ToggleState state = footerFontIsRelative; if ( KFontDialog::getFont( footerFont,false,this, true,&state ) != QDialog::Rejected && QButton::NoChange != state ) footerFontIsRelative = state; } } //KChart namespace