/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2005 Dag Andersen This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KPTACCOUNT_H #define KPTACCOUNT_H #include #include #include #include #include "kpteffortcostmap.h" #include "kptnode.h" #include class QDomElement; class QString; namespace KPlato { class Accounts; class Account; /** * Account holds one account. * An account can have any number of sub-accounts. * Account names must be unique. */ class Account { public: /** * Constructor. */ Account(); /** * */ Account(QString name, QString description=QString::null); /** * Destructor. */ ~Account(); QString name() const { return m_name; } void setName(QString name); QString description() const { return m_description; } void setDescription(QString desc) { m_description = desc; } bool isElement() const { return m_accountList.isEmpty(); } Accounts *list() const { return m_list; } void setList(Accounts *list) { m_list = list; } Account *parent() const { return m_parent; } void setParent(Account *parent) { m_parent = parent; } void clear() { m_accountList.clear(); } void append(Account *account); void take(Account *account); void insertChildren(); bool load(QDomElement &element, const Project &project); void save(QDomElement &element) const; const QPtrList &accountList() const { return m_accountList; } Account *findAccount() const { return findAccount(m_name); } Account *findAccount(const QString &id) const; bool removeId() { return removeId(m_name); } bool removeId(const QString &id); bool insertId(); bool insertId(const Account *account); class CostPlace { public: CostPlace() : m_account(0), m_nodeId(), m_node(0), m_running(false), m_startup(false), m_shutdown(false) {} CostPlace(Account *acc) : m_account(acc), m_nodeId(), m_node(0), m_running(false), m_startup(false), m_shutdown(false) {} CostPlace(Account *acc, Node *node, bool running=false, bool strtup=false, bool shutdown=false) : m_account(acc), m_nodeId(node->id()), m_node(node) { if (node) { setRunning(running); setStartup(strtup); setShutdown(shutdown); } } CostPlace(CostPlace *cp) { m_account = cp->m_account; m_nodeId = cp->m_nodeId; m_node = cp->m_node; m_running = cp->m_running; m_startup = cp->m_startup; m_shutdown = cp->m_shutdown; } ~CostPlace(); bool isEmpty() { return !(m_running || m_startup || m_shutdown); } Node *node() const { return m_node; } bool running() const { return m_running; } void setRunning(bool on ); bool startup() const { return m_startup; } void setStartup(bool on); bool shutdown() const { return m_shutdown; } void setShutdown(bool on); bool load(QDomElement &element, const Project &project); void save(QDomElement &element) const; private: Account *m_account; QString m_nodeId; Node *m_node; bool m_running; bool m_startup; bool m_shutdown; }; void append(const CostPlace *cp) { m_costPlaces.append(cp); } const QPtrList &costPlaces() const {return m_costPlaces; } Account::CostPlace *findCostPlace(const Node &node) const; CostPlace *findRunning(const Node &node) const; void removeRunning(const Node &node); void addRunning(Node &node); CostPlace *findStartup(const Node &node) const; void removeStartup(const Node &node); void addStartup(Node &node); CostPlace *findShutdown(const Node &node) const; void removeShutdown(const Node &node); void addShutdown(Node &node); private: QString m_name; QString m_description; Accounts *m_list; Account *m_parent; QPtrList m_accountList; QPtrList m_costPlaces; #ifndef NDEBUG public: void printDebug(QString indent); #endif }; typedef QPtrList AccountList; typedef QPtrListIterator AccountListIterator; /** * Accounts administrates all accounts. */ class Accounts { public: Accounts(Project &project); ~Accounts(); Account *defaultAccount() const { return m_defaultAccount; } void setDefaultAccount(Account *account) { m_defaultAccount = account; } EffortCostMap plannedCost(const Account &account, const QDate &start, const QDate &end); void clear() { m_accountList.clear(); m_idDict.clear(); } void append(Account *account); void take(Account *account); bool load(QDomElement &element, const Project &project); void save(QDomElement &element) const; QStringList costElements() const; QStringList nameList() const; const AccountList &accountList() const { return m_accountList; } Account *findRunningAccount(const Node &node) const; Account *findStartupAccount(const Node &node) const; Account *findShutdownAccount(const Node &node) const; Account *findAccount(const QString &id) const; bool insertId(const Account *account); bool removeId(const QString &id); void accountDeleted(Account *account) { if (account == m_defaultAccount) m_defaultAccount = 0; } private: Project &m_project; AccountList m_accountList; QDict m_idDict; Account *m_defaultAccount; #ifndef NDEBUG public: void printDebug(QString indent); #endif }; } //namespace KPlato #endif