/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright 1998, 1999 Torben Weis Copyright 1999- 2003 The KSpread Team www.koffice.org/kspread This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include "kspread_cell.h" #include "kspread_sheet.h" #include "kspread_doc.h" #include "kspread_style.h" #include "kspread_style_manager.h" #include "kspread_util.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kspread_condition.h" using namespace KSpread; Conditional::Conditional(): val1( 0.0 ), val2( 0.0 ), strVal1( 0 ), strVal2( 0 ), colorcond( 0 ), fontcond( 0 ), styleName( 0 ), style( 0 ), cond( None ) { } Conditional::~Conditional() { delete strVal1; delete strVal2; delete colorcond; delete fontcond; delete styleName; } Conditional::Conditional( const Conditional& c ) { operator=( c ); } Conditional& Conditional::operator=( const Conditional& d ) { strVal1 = d.strVal1 ? new QString( *d.strVal1 ) : 0; strVal2 = d.strVal2 ? new QString( *d.strVal2 ) : 0; styleName = d.styleName ? new QString( *d.styleName ) : 0; fontcond = d.fontcond ? new QFont( *d.fontcond ) : 0; colorcond = d.colorcond ? new QColor( *d.colorcond ) : 0; val1 = d.val1; val2 = d.val2; style = d.style; cond = d.cond; return *this; } bool Conditional::operator==(const Conditional& other) const { if ( cond == other.cond && val1 == other.val1 && val2 == other.val2 && *strVal1 == *other.strVal1 && *strVal2 == *other.strVal2 && *colorcond == *other.colorcond && *fontcond == *other.fontcond && *styleName == *other.styleName && *style == *other.style ) { return true; } return false; } Conditions::Conditions( const Cell * ownerCell ) : m_cell( ownerCell ), m_matchedStyle( 0 ) { Q_ASSERT( ownerCell != NULL ); } Conditions::~Conditions() { m_condList.clear(); } void Conditions::checkMatches() { Conditional condition; if ( currentCondition( condition ) ) m_matchedStyle = condition.style; else m_matchedStyle = 0; } bool Conditions::currentCondition( Conditional & condition ) { /* for now, the first condition that is true is the one that will be used */ QValueList::const_iterator it; double value = m_cell->value().asFloat(); QString strVal = m_cell->value().asString(); for ( it = m_condList.begin(); it != m_condList.end(); ++it ) { condition = *it; // if ( (*it).styleName ) // kdDebug()<<"*it :"<< *( ( *it ).styleName ) <value().isNumber() ) continue; switch ( condition.cond ) { case Conditional::Equal: if ( condition.strVal1 ) { if ( strVal == *condition.strVal1 ) return true; } else if ( value - condition.val1 < DBL_EPSILON && value - condition.val1 > (0.0 - DBL_EPSILON) ) { return true; } break; case Conditional::Superior: if ( condition.strVal1 ) { if ( strVal > *condition.strVal1 ) return true; } else if ( value > condition.val1 ) { return true; } break; case Conditional::Inferior: if ( condition.strVal1 ) { if ( strVal < *condition.strVal1 ) return true; } else if ( value < condition.val1 ) { return true; } break; case Conditional::SuperiorEqual : if ( condition.strVal1 ) { if ( strVal >= *condition.strVal1 ) return true; } else if ( value >= condition.val1 ) { return true; } break; case Conditional::InferiorEqual : if ( condition.strVal1 ) { if ( strVal <= *condition.strVal1 ) return true; } else if ( value <= condition.val1 ) { return true; } break; case Conditional::Between : if ( condition.strVal1 && condition.strVal2 ) { if ( strVal > *condition.strVal1 && strVal < *condition.strVal2 ) return true; } else if ( ( value > QMIN(condition.val1, condition.val2 ) ) && ( value < QMAX(condition.val1, condition.val2 ) ) ) { return true; } break; case Conditional::Different : if ( condition.strVal1 && condition.strVal2 ) { if ( strVal < *condition.strVal1 || strVal > *condition.strVal2 ) return true; } else if ( ( value < QMIN(condition.val1, condition.val2 ) ) || ( value > QMAX(condition.val1, condition.val2) ) ) { return true; } break; case Conditional::DifferentTo : if ( condition.strVal1 ) { if ( strVal != *condition.strVal1 ) return true; } else if ( value != condition.val1 ) { return true; } break; default: break; } } return false; } QValueList Conditions::conditionList() const { return m_condList; } void Conditions::setConditionList( const QValueList & list ) { m_condList.clear(); QValueList::const_iterator it; for ( it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it ) { Conditional d = *it; m_condList.append( Conditional( d ) ); } } void Conditions::saveOasisConditions( KoGenStyle ¤tCellStyle ) { //todo fix me with kspread old format!!! if ( m_condList.isEmpty() ) return; QValueList::const_iterator it; int i = 0; for ( it = m_condList.begin(); it != m_condList.end(); ++it, ++i ) { Conditional condition = *it; // QMap map; map.insert( "style:condition", saveOasisConditionValue( condition ) ); map.insert( "style:apply-style-name", *( condition.styleName ) ); //map.insert( ""style:base-cell-address", "..." );//todo currentCellStyle.addStyleMap( map ); } } QString Conditions::saveOasisConditionValue( Conditional &condition) { //we can also compare text value. //todo adapt it. QString value; switch( condition.cond ) { case Conditional::None: break; case Conditional::Equal: value="cell-content()="; if ( condition.strVal1 ) value+=*condition.strVal1; else value+=QString::number( condition.val1 ); break; case Conditional::Superior: value="cell-content()>"; if ( condition.strVal1 ) value+=*condition.strVal1; else value+=QString::number( condition.val1 ); break; case Conditional::Inferior: value="cell-content()<"; if ( condition.strVal1 ) value+=*condition.strVal1; else value+=QString::number( condition.val1 ); break; case Conditional::SuperiorEqual: value="cell-content()>="; if ( condition.strVal1 ) value+=*condition.strVal1; else value+=QString::number( condition.val1 ); break; case Conditional::InferiorEqual: value="cell-content()<="; if ( condition.strVal1 ) value+=*condition.strVal1; else value+=QString::number( condition.val1 ); break; case Conditional::Between: value="cell-content-is-between("; if ( condition.strVal1 ) { value+=*condition.strVal1; value+=","; if ( condition.strVal2 ) value+=*condition.strVal2; } else { value+=QString::number( condition.val1 ); value+=","; value+=QString::number( condition.val2 ); } value+=")"; break; case Conditional::DifferentTo: value="cell-content()!="; //FIXME not good here ! if ( condition.strVal1 ) value+=*condition.strVal1; else value+=QString::number( condition.val1 ); break; case Conditional::Different: value="cell-content-is-not-between("; if ( condition.strVal1 ) { value+=*condition.strVal1; value+=","; if ( condition.strVal2 ) value+=*condition.strVal2; } else { value+=QString::number( condition.val1 ); value+=","; value+=QString::number( condition.val2 ); } value+=")"; break; } return value; } QDomElement Conditions::saveConditions( QDomDocument & doc ) const { QDomElement conditions = doc.createElement("condition"); QValueList::const_iterator it; QDomElement child; int num = 0; QString name; for ( it = m_condList.begin(); it != m_condList.end(); ++it ) { Conditional condition = *it; /* the name of the element will be "condition" * This is unimportant now but in older versions three conditions were * hardcoded with names "first" "second" and "third" */ name.setNum( num ); name.prepend( "condition" ); child = doc.createElement( name ); child.setAttribute( "cond", (int) condition.cond ); // TODO: saving in KSpread 1.1 | KSpread 1.2 format if ( condition.strVal1 ) { child.setAttribute( "strval1", *condition.strVal1 ); if ( condition.strVal2 ) child.setAttribute( "strval2", *condition.strVal2 ); } else { child.setAttribute( "val1", condition.val1 ); child.setAttribute( "val2", condition.val2 ); } if ( condition.styleName ) { child.setAttribute( "style", *condition.styleName ); } else { child.setAttribute( "color", condition.colorcond->name() ); child.appendChild( util_createElement( "font", *condition.fontcond, doc ) ); } conditions.appendChild( child ); ++num; } if ( num == 0 ) { /* there weren't any real conditions -- return a null dom element */ return QDomElement(); } else { return conditions; } } void Conditions::loadOasisConditions( const QDomElement & element ) { kdDebug(36003) << "Loading conditional styles" << endl; QDomNode node( element ); StyleManager * manager = m_cell->sheet()->doc()->styleManager(); while ( !node.isNull() ) { QDomElement elementItem = node.toElement(); if ( elementItem.tagName()== "map" && elementItem.namespaceURI() == KoXmlNS::style ) { bool ok = true; kdDebug(36003) << "\tcondition: "<< elementItem.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::style, "condition", QString::null )<style( *newCondition.styleName ); if ( !newCondition.style ) ok = false; else ok = true; } if ( ok ) m_condList.append( newCondition ); else kdDebug(36003) << "Error loading condition " << elementItem.nodeName()<< endl; } node = node.nextSibling(); } } void Conditions::loadOasisConditionValue( const QString &styleCondition, Conditional &newCondition ) { QString val( styleCondition ); if ( val.contains( "cell-content()" ) ) { val = val.remove( "cell-content()" ); loadOasisCondition( val,newCondition ); } //GetFunction ::= cell-content-is-between(Value, Value) | cell-content-is-not-between(Value, Value) //for the moment we support just int/double value, not text/date/time :( if ( val.contains( "cell-content-is-between(" ) ) { val = val.remove( "cell-content-is-between(" ); val = val.remove( ")" ); QStringList listVal = QStringList::split( "," , val ); loadOasisValidationValue( listVal, newCondition ); newCondition.cond = Conditional::Between; } if ( val.contains( "cell-content-is-not-between(" ) ) { val = val.remove( "cell-content-is-not-between(" ); val = val.remove( ")" ); QStringList listVal = QStringList::split( ",", val ); loadOasisValidationValue( listVal,newCondition ); newCondition.cond = Conditional::Different; } } void Conditions::loadOasisCondition( QString &valExpression, Conditional &newCondition ) { QString value; if (valExpression.find( "<=" )==0 ) { value = valExpression.remove( 0,2 ); newCondition.cond = Conditional::InferiorEqual; } else if (valExpression.find( ">=" )==0 ) { value = valExpression.remove( 0,2 ); newCondition.cond = Conditional::SuperiorEqual; } else if (valExpression.find( "!=" )==0 ) { //add Differentto attribute value = valExpression.remove( 0,2 ); newCondition.cond = Conditional::DifferentTo; } else if ( valExpression.find( "<" )==0 ) { value = valExpression.remove( 0,1 ); newCondition.cond = Conditional::Inferior; } else if(valExpression.find( ">" )==0 ) { value = valExpression.remove( 0,1 ); newCondition.cond = Conditional::Superior; } else if (valExpression.find( "=" )==0 ) { value = valExpression.remove( 0,1 ); newCondition.cond = Conditional::Equal; } else kdDebug()<<" I don't know how to parse it :"<sheet()->doc()->styleManager(); for ( int i = 0; i < (int)(nodeList.length()); ++i ) { newCondition.strVal1 = 0; newCondition.strVal2 = 0; newCondition.styleName = 0; newCondition.fontcond = 0; newCondition.colorcond = 0; QDomElement conditionElement = nodeList.item( i ).toElement(); ok = conditionElement.hasAttribute( "cond" ); if ( ok ) newCondition.cond = (Conditional::Type) conditionElement.attribute( "cond" ).toInt( &ok ); else continue; if ( conditionElement.hasAttribute( "val1" ) ) { newCondition.val1 = conditionElement.attribute( "val1" ).toDouble( &ok ); if ( conditionElement.hasAttribute( "val2" ) ) newCondition.val2 = conditionElement.attribute("val2").toDouble( &ok ); } if ( conditionElement.hasAttribute( "strval1" ) ) { newCondition.strVal1 = new QString( conditionElement.attribute( "strval1" ) ); if ( conditionElement.hasAttribute( "strval2" ) ) newCondition.strVal2 = new QString( conditionElement.attribute( "strval2" ) ); } if ( conditionElement.hasAttribute( "color" ) ) newCondition.colorcond = new QColor( conditionElement.attribute( "color" ) ); QDomElement font = conditionElement.namedItem( "font" ).toElement(); if ( !font.isNull() ) newCondition.fontcond = new QFont( util_toFont( font ) ); if ( conditionElement.hasAttribute( "style" ) ) { newCondition.styleName = new QString( conditionElement.attribute( "style" ) ); newCondition.style = manager->style( *newCondition.styleName ); if ( !newCondition.style ) ok = false; } if ( ok ) { m_condList.append( newCondition ); } else { kdDebug(36001) << "Error loading condition " << conditionElement.nodeName()<< endl; } } } bool Conditions::operator==( const Conditions& other ) const { if ( !( *m_matchedStyle == *other.m_matchedStyle ) ) return false; if ( m_condList.count() != other.m_condList.count() ) return false; QValueList::ConstIterator end( m_condList.end() ); for ( QValueList::ConstIterator it( m_condList.begin() ); it != end; ++it ) { bool found = false; QValueList::ConstIterator otherEnd( other.m_condList.end() ); for ( QValueList::ConstIterator otherIt( other.m_condList.begin() ); otherIt != otherEnd; ++otherIt ) { if ( (*it) == (*otherIt) ) found = true; } if ( !found ) return false; } return true; }