/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Reginald Stadlbauer Copyright (C) 2001, S.R.Haque Copyright (C) 2001, David Faure This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "KoSearchDia.h" #include "KoTextParag.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include KoSearchContext::KoSearchContext() { m_family = "times"; m_color = Qt::black; m_backGroundColor = Qt::black; m_size = 12; m_vertAlign = KoTextFormat::AlignNormal; m_optionsMask = 0; m_options = KFindDialog::FromCursor | KReplaceDialog::PromptOnReplace; m_underline = KoTextFormat::U_NONE; m_strikeOut = KoTextFormat::S_NONE; m_attribute = KoTextFormat::ATT_NONE; m_language = QString::null; } KoSearchContext::~KoSearchContext() { } KoSearchContextUI::KoSearchContextUI( KoSearchContext *ctx, QWidget *parent ) : QObject(parent), m_ctx(ctx), m_parent(parent) { m_bOptionsShown = false; m_btnShowOptions = new QPushButton( i18n("Show Formatting Options"), parent ); connect( m_btnShowOptions, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( slotShowOptions() ) ); m_grid = new QGridLayout( m_parent, 1, 1, 0, 6 ); m_grid->addWidget( m_btnShowOptions, 0, 0 ); m_btnShowOptions->setEnabled( true ); } void KoSearchContextUI::slotShowOptions() { KoFormatDia * dlg = new KoFormatDia( m_parent, i18n("Formatting Options"), m_ctx ); if ( dlg->exec()) { dlg->ctxOptions( ); m_bOptionsShown = true; } delete dlg; } void KoSearchContextUI::setCtxOptions( long options ) { if ( m_bOptionsShown ) { options |= m_ctx->m_options; } m_ctx->m_options = options; } void KoSearchContextUI::setCtxHistory( const QStringList & history ) { m_ctx->m_strings = history; } KoSearchDia::KoSearchDia( QWidget * parent,const char *name, KoSearchContext *find, bool hasSelection, bool hasCursor ) : KFindDialog( parent, name, find->m_options, find->m_strings ) { // The dialog extension. m_findUI = new KoSearchContextUI( find, findExtension() ); setHasSelection(hasSelection); setHasCursor(hasCursor); } void KoSearchDia::slotOk() { KFindDialog::slotOk(); // Save the current state back into the context required. if ( optionSelected() ) m_findUI->setCtxOptions( options() ); m_findUI->setCtxHistory( findHistory() ); } KoReplaceDia::KoReplaceDia( QWidget *parent, const char *name, KoSearchContext *find, KoSearchContext *replace, bool hasSelection, bool hasCursor ) : KReplaceDialog( parent, name, find->m_options, find->m_strings, replace->m_strings ) { // The dialog extension. m_findUI = new KoSearchContextUI( find, findExtension() ); m_replaceUI = new KoSearchContextUI( replace, replaceExtension() ); // Look whether we have a selection, and/or a cursor setHasSelection(hasSelection); setHasCursor(hasCursor); } void KoReplaceDia::slotOk() { KReplaceDialog::slotOk(); // Save the current state back into the context required. m_findUI->setCtxHistory( findHistory() ); if ( optionFindSelected() ) m_findUI->setCtxOptions( KReplaceDialog::options() ); m_replaceUI->setCtxHistory( replacementHistory() ); if ( optionReplaceSelected() ) m_replaceUI->setCtxOptions( KReplaceDialog::options() ); } KoFindReplace::KoFindReplace( QWidget * parent, KoSearchDia * dialog, const QValueList & lstObject, KoTextView* textView ) : m_find( new KoTextFind( dialog->pattern(), dialog->options(), this, parent ) ), m_replace( 0L ), m_searchContext( *dialog->searchContext() ), m_replaceContext(), m_searchContextEnabled( dialog->optionSelected() ), m_doCounting( true ), m_macroCmd( 0L ), m_offset( 0 ), m_textIterator( lstObject, textView, dialog->options() ), m_lastTextObjectHighlighted( 0 ) { connectFind( m_find ); } KoFindReplace::KoFindReplace( QWidget * parent, KoReplaceDia * dialog, const QValueList & lstObject, KoTextView* textView ) : m_find( 0L ), m_replace( new KoTextReplace( dialog->pattern(), dialog->replacement(), dialog->options(), this, parent ) ), m_searchContext( *dialog->searchContext() ), m_replaceContext( *dialog->replaceContext() ), m_searchContextEnabled( dialog->optionFindSelected() ), m_doCounting( true ), m_macroCmd( 0L ), m_offset( 0 ), m_textIterator( lstObject, textView, dialog->options() ), m_lastTextObjectHighlighted( 0 ) { connectFind( m_replace ); connect( m_replace, SIGNAL( replace( const QString &, int , int, int ) ), this, SLOT( replace( const QString &, int , int,int ) ) ); } void KoFindReplace::connectFind( KFind* find ) { connect( find, SIGNAL( optionsChanged() ), this, SLOT( optionsChanged() ) ); connect( find, SIGNAL( dialogClosed() ), this, SLOT( dialogClosed() ) ); // Connect highlight signal to code which handles highlighting // of found text. connect( find, SIGNAL( highlight( const QString &, int, int ) ), this, SLOT( highlight( const QString &, int, int ) ) ); // Connect findNext signal - called when pressing the button in the dialog connect( find, SIGNAL( findNext() ), this, SLOT( slotFindNext() ) ); m_bInit = true; m_currentParagraphModified = false; m_matchingIndex = -1; // Also connect to the textiterator connect( &m_textIterator, SIGNAL( currentParagraphModified( int, int, int ) ), this, SLOT( slotCurrentParagraphModified( int, int, int ) ) ); } KoFindReplace::~KoFindReplace() { removeHighlight(); //kdDebug(32500) << "KoFindReplace::~KoFindReplace" << endl; delete m_find; delete m_replace; } void KoFindReplace::optionsChanged() { m_textIterator.setOptions( options() ); } void KoFindReplace::dialogClosed() { removeHighlight(); emitUndoRedo(); // we have to stop the match counting when closing the dialog, // because Shift-F3 (find previous) would keep increasing that count, wrongly. m_doCounting = false; } void KoFindReplace::removeHighlight() { if ( m_lastTextObjectHighlighted ) m_lastTextObjectHighlighted->removeHighlight(true); m_lastTextObjectHighlighted = 0L; } void KoFindReplace::emitUndoRedo() { // Emit the command containing the replace operations // #### We allow editing text during a replace operation, so we need // to call this more often... so that 'undo' undoes the last // replace operations. TODO! if(m_macroCmd) emitNewCommand(m_macroCmd); m_macroCmd = 0L; } /** * * This whole code should be rewritten at some point: * if we want to allow matches across paragraph borders, * then we need to send the whole text of a textobject at once, * instead of paragraph-after-paragraph. * */ bool KoFindReplace::findNext() { KFind::Result res = KFind::NoMatch; while ( res == KFind::NoMatch && !m_textIterator.atEnd() ) { //kdDebug(32500) << "findNext loop. m_bInit=" << m_bInit << " needData=" << needData() << " m_currentParagraphModified=" << m_currentParagraphModified << endl; if ( needData() || m_currentParagraphModified ) { if ( !m_bInit && !m_currentParagraphModified ) { ++m_textIterator; if ( m_textIterator.atEnd() ) break; } m_bInit = false; QPair c = m_textIterator.currentTextAndIndex(); m_offset = c.first; if ( !m_currentParagraphModified ) setData( c.second ); else setData( c.second, m_matchingIndex ); m_currentParagraphModified = false; } if ( m_find ) // Let KFind inspect the text fragment, and display a dialog if a match is found res = m_find->find(); else res = m_replace->replace(); } //kdDebug(32500) << k_funcinfo << "we're done. res=" << res << endl; if ( res == KFind::NoMatch ) // i.e. at end { emitUndoRedo(); removeHighlight(); if ( shouldRestart() ) { m_textIterator.setOptions( m_textIterator.options() & ~KFindDialog::FromCursor ); m_textIterator.restart(); m_bInit = true; if ( m_find ) m_find->resetCounts(); else m_replace->resetCounts(); return findNext(); } else { // done, close the 'find next' dialog if ( m_find ) m_find->closeFindNextDialog(); else m_replace->closeReplaceNextDialog(); } return false; } return true; } void KoFindReplace::slotFindNext() // called by the button in the small "find next?" dialog { bool ret = findNext(); Q_UNUSED(ret); } bool KoFindReplace::findPrevious() { int opt = options(); bool forw = ! ( options() & KFindDialog::FindBackwards ); if ( forw ) setOptions( opt | KFindDialog::FindBackwards ); else setOptions( opt & ~KFindDialog::FindBackwards ); bool ret = findNext(); setOptions( opt ); // restore initial options return ret; } long KoFindReplace::options() const { return m_find ? m_find->options() : m_replace->options(); } void KoFindReplace::setOptions(long opt) { if ( m_find ) m_find->setOptions(opt); else m_replace->setOptions(opt); m_textIterator.setOptions( opt ); } void KoFindReplace::slotCurrentParagraphModified( int, int pos, int ) { if ( pos >= m_offset ) m_currentParagraphModified = true; // (this bool forces the next findNext() to call setData again) } // slot connected to the 'highlight' signal void KoFindReplace::highlight( const QString &, int matchingIndex, int matchingLength ) { m_matchingIndex = matchingIndex; if ( m_lastTextObjectHighlighted ) m_lastTextObjectHighlighted->removeHighlight(true); m_lastTextObjectHighlighted = m_textIterator.currentTextObject(); //kdDebug(32500) << "KoFindReplace::highlight " << matchingIndex << "," << matchingLength << endl; KDialogBase* dialog = m_find ? m_find->findNextDialog() : m_replace->replaceNextDialog(); highlightPortion(m_textIterator.currentParag(), m_offset + matchingIndex, matchingLength, m_lastTextObjectHighlighted->textDocument(), dialog ); } // slot connected to the 'replace' signal void KoFindReplace::replace( const QString &text, int matchingIndex, int replacementLength, int matchedLength ) { //kdDebug(32500) << "KoFindReplace::replace m_offset=" << m_offset << " matchingIndex=" << matchingIndex << " matchedLength=" << matchedLength << " options=" << options() << endl; m_matchingIndex = matchingIndex; int index = m_offset + matchingIndex; // highlight might not have happened (if 'prompt on replace' is off) if ( (options() & KReplaceDialog::PromptOnReplace) == 0 ) highlight( text, matchingIndex, matchedLength ); KoTextObject* currentTextObj = m_textIterator.currentTextObject(); KoTextDocument * textdoc = currentTextObj->textDocument(); KoTextCursor cursor( textdoc ); cursor.setParag( m_textIterator.currentParag() ); cursor.setIndex( index ); //reactive spellchecking currentTextObj->setNeedSpellCheck(true); if ( m_replaceContext.m_optionsMask ) { replaceWithAttribut( &cursor, index ); } // Don't repaint if we're doing batch changes bool repaint = options() & KReplaceDialog::PromptOnReplace; // Grab replacement string QString rep = text.mid( matchingIndex, replacementLength ); // Don't let the replacement set the paragraph to "modified by user" disconnect( &m_textIterator, SIGNAL( currentParagraphModified( int, int, int ) ), this, SLOT( slotCurrentParagraphModified( int, int, int ) ) ); KCommand *cmd = currentTextObj->replaceSelectionCommand( &cursor, rep, QString::null, KoTextDocument::HighlightSelection, repaint ? KoTextObject::DefaultInsertFlags : KoTextObject::DoNotRepaint ); connect( &m_textIterator, SIGNAL( currentParagraphModified( int, int, int ) ), this, SLOT( slotCurrentParagraphModified( int, int, int ) ) ); if( cmd ) macroCommand()->addCommand(cmd); } void KoFindReplace::replaceWithAttribut( KoTextCursor * cursor, int index ) { KoTextFormat * lastFormat = m_textIterator.currentParag()->at( index )->format(); KoTextFormat * newFormat = new KoTextFormat(*lastFormat); int flags = 0; if (m_replaceContext.m_optionsMask & KoSearchContext::Bold) { flags |= KoTextFormat::Bold; newFormat->setBold( (bool)(m_replaceContext.m_options & KoSearchContext::Bold) ); } if (m_replaceContext.m_optionsMask & KoSearchContext::Size) { flags |= KoTextFormat::Size; newFormat->setPointSize( m_replaceContext.m_size ); } if ( m_replaceContext.m_optionsMask & KoSearchContext::Family) { flags |= KoTextFormat::Family; newFormat->setFamily( m_replaceContext.m_family ); } if ( m_replaceContext.m_optionsMask & KoSearchContext::Color) { flags |= KoTextFormat::Color; newFormat->setColor( m_replaceContext.m_color ); } if ( m_replaceContext.m_optionsMask & KoSearchContext::Italic) { flags |= KoTextFormat::Italic; newFormat->setItalic( (bool)(m_replaceContext.m_options & KoSearchContext::Italic) ); } if ( m_replaceContext.m_optionsMask & KoSearchContext::Underline) { flags |= KoTextFormat::ExtendUnderLine; newFormat->setUnderlineType( m_replaceContext.m_underline ); } if ( m_replaceContext.m_optionsMask & KoSearchContext::VertAlign) { flags |= KoTextFormat::VAlign; newFormat->setVAlign( m_replaceContext.m_vertAlign); } if ( m_replaceContext.m_optionsMask & KoSearchContext::StrikeOut) { flags |= KoTextFormat::StrikeOut; newFormat->setStrikeOutType( m_replaceContext.m_strikeOut); } if ( m_replaceContext.m_optionsMask & KoSearchContext::BgColor) { newFormat->setTextBackgroundColor(m_replaceContext.m_backGroundColor); flags |= KoTextFormat::TextBackgroundColor; } if (m_replaceContext.m_optionsMask & KoSearchContext::Shadow) { flags |= KoTextFormat::ShadowText; // If shadow has been selected, we set a shadow (any shadow) in the new format if ( m_replaceContext.m_options & KoSearchContext::Shadow ) newFormat->setShadow( 1, 1, Qt::gray ); else newFormat->setShadow( 0, 0, QColor() ); } if (m_replaceContext.m_optionsMask & KoSearchContext::WordByWord) { flags |= KoTextFormat::WordByWord; newFormat->setWordByWord( (bool)(m_replaceContext.m_options & KoSearchContext::WordByWord) ); } if (m_replaceContext.m_optionsMask & KoSearchContext::Language) { flags |= KoTextFormat::Language; newFormat->setLanguage( m_replaceContext.m_language ); } KCommand *cmd = m_textIterator.currentTextObject()->setFormatCommand( cursor, &lastFormat ,newFormat,flags , false, KoTextDocument::HighlightSelection ); if( cmd ) macroCommand()->addCommand(cmd); } KMacroCommand* KoFindReplace::macroCommand() { // Create on demand, to avoid making an empty command if(!m_macroCmd) m_macroCmd = new KMacroCommand(i18n("Replace Text")); return m_macroCmd; } void KoFindReplace::setActiveWindow() { KDialogBase* dialog = m_find ? m_find->findNextDialog() : m_replace->replaceNextDialog(); if ( dialog ) dialog->setActiveWindow(); } /*int KoFindReplace::numMatches() const { return m_find->numMatches(); } int KoFindReplace::numReplacements() const { return m_replace->numReplacements(); }*/ //// KoTextFind::KoTextFind( const QString &pattern, long options, KoFindReplace *_findReplace, QWidget *parent ) : KFind( pattern, options, parent), m_findReplace( _findReplace) { } KoTextFind::~KoTextFind() { } bool KoTextFind::validateMatch( const QString &text, int index, int matchedlength ) { return m_findReplace->validateMatch( text, index, matchedlength ); } KoTextReplace::KoTextReplace(const QString &pattern, const QString &replacement, long options, KoFindReplace *_findReplace, QWidget *parent ) : KReplace( pattern, replacement, options, parent), m_findReplace( _findReplace) { } KoTextReplace::~KoTextReplace() { } bool KoTextReplace::validateMatch( const QString &text, int index, int matchedlength ) { return m_findReplace->validateMatch( text, index, matchedlength ); } KoFormatDia::KoFormatDia( QWidget* parent, const QString & _caption, KoSearchContext *_ctx , const char* name) : KDialogBase( parent, name, true, _caption, Ok|Cancel|User1 |User2 ), m_ctx(_ctx) { QWidget *page = new QWidget( this ); setMainWidget(page); setButtonText( KDialogBase::User1, i18n("Reset") ); setButtonText( KDialogBase::User2, i18n("Clear") ); connect( this, SIGNAL( user1Clicked() ), this, SLOT(slotReset())); connect( this, SIGNAL( user2Clicked() ), this, SLOT(slotClear())); QGridLayout *m_grid = new QGridLayout( page, 15, 2, 0, 6 ); m_checkFamily = new QCheckBox( i18n( "Family:" ),page ); m_checkSize = new QCheckBox( i18n( "Size:" ), page ); m_checkColor = new QCheckBox( i18n( "Color:" ), page ); m_checkBgColor = new QCheckBox( i18n( "Background color:" ), page ); m_checkBold = new QCheckBox( i18n( "Bold:" ), page ); m_checkItalic = new QCheckBox( i18n( "Italic:" ),page ); m_checkShadow = new QCheckBox( i18n( "Shadow:" ), page ); m_checkWordByWord = new QCheckBox( i18n( "Word by word:" ), page ); m_checkUnderline = new QCheckBox( i18n( "Underline:" ), page); m_underlineItem = new QComboBox( page ); // This has to be the type list, not the style list (we need the "no underline" case). // Of course we could even have both... m_underlineItem->insertStringList( KoTextFormat::underlineTypeList() ); m_underlineItem->setCurrentItem( (int)m_ctx->m_underline ); m_checkStrikeOut= new QCheckBox( i18n( "Strikeout:" ), page); m_strikeOutItem = new QComboBox( page ); m_strikeOutItem->insertStringList( KoTextFormat::strikeOutTypeList() ); m_strikeOutItem->setCurrentItem( (int)m_ctx->m_strikeOut ); m_checkFontAttribute = new QCheckBox( i18n( "Capitalization:" ), page); m_fontAttributeItem = new QComboBox( page ); m_fontAttributeItem->insertStringList( KoTextFormat::fontAttributeList() ); m_fontAttributeItem->setCurrentItem( (int)m_ctx->m_attribute ); m_checkLanguage = new QCheckBox( i18n( "Language:" ), page); m_languageItem = new QComboBox( page ); m_languageItem->insertStringList( KoGlobal::listOfLanguages() ); m_languageItem->setCurrentText( KoGlobal::languageFromTag( m_ctx->m_language ) ); m_checkVertAlign = new QCheckBox( i18n( "Vertical alignment:" ), page ); m_familyItem = new KFontCombo(page); m_familyItem->setCurrentFont(m_ctx->m_family); m_sizeItem = new QSpinBox( 4, 100, 1, page ); m_sizeItem->setValue( m_ctx->m_size ); m_colorItem = new KColorButton( page ); m_colorItem->setColor( m_ctx->m_color ); m_bgColorItem = new KColorButton( page ); m_bgColorItem->setColor( m_ctx->m_backGroundColor); QButtonGroup *grpBold = new QButtonGroup( 1, QGroupBox::Vertical, page ); grpBold->setRadioButtonExclusive( TRUE ); grpBold->layout(); m_boldYes=new QRadioButton( i18n("Yes"), grpBold ); m_boldNo=new QRadioButton( i18n("No"), grpBold ); QButtonGroup *grpItalic = new QButtonGroup( 1, QGroupBox::Vertical, page ); grpItalic->setRadioButtonExclusive( TRUE ); grpItalic->layout(); m_italicYes=new QRadioButton( i18n("Yes"), grpItalic ); m_italicNo=new QRadioButton( i18n("No"), grpItalic ); QButtonGroup *grpShadow = new QButtonGroup( 1, QGroupBox::Vertical, page ); grpShadow->setRadioButtonExclusive( TRUE ); grpShadow->layout(); m_shadowYes=new QRadioButton( i18n("Yes"), grpShadow ); m_shadowNo=new QRadioButton( i18n("No"), grpShadow ); QButtonGroup *grpWordByWord = new QButtonGroup( 1, QGroupBox::Vertical, page ); grpWordByWord->setRadioButtonExclusive( TRUE ); grpWordByWord->layout(); m_wordByWordYes=new QRadioButton( i18n("Yes"), grpWordByWord ); m_wordByWordNo=new QRadioButton( i18n("No"), grpWordByWord ); m_vertAlignItem = new QComboBox( false, page ); m_vertAlignItem->insertItem( i18n( "Normal" ), -1 ); m_vertAlignItem->insertItem( i18n( "Subscript" ), -1 ); m_vertAlignItem->insertItem( i18n( "Superscript" ), -1 ); m_vertAlignItem->setCurrentItem( (int)m_ctx->m_vertAlign ); m_grid->addWidget( m_checkFamily, 1, 0 ); m_grid->addWidget( m_checkSize, 2, 0 ); m_grid->addWidget( m_checkColor, 3, 0 ); m_grid->addWidget( m_checkBgColor, 4, 0); m_grid->addWidget( m_checkBold, 5, 0 ); m_grid->addWidget( m_checkItalic, 6, 0 ); m_grid->addWidget( m_checkStrikeOut, 7, 0 ); m_grid->addWidget( m_checkUnderline, 8, 0 ); m_grid->addWidget( m_checkVertAlign, 9, 0 ); m_grid->addWidget( m_checkShadow, 10, 0 ); m_grid->addWidget( m_checkWordByWord, 11, 0 ); m_grid->addWidget( m_checkFontAttribute, 12, 0 ); m_grid->addWidget( m_familyItem, 1, 1 ); m_grid->addWidget( m_sizeItem, 2, 1 ); m_grid->addWidget( m_colorItem, 3, 1 ); m_grid->addWidget( m_bgColorItem, 4, 1); m_grid->addWidget( grpBold, 5, 1 ); m_grid->addWidget( grpItalic, 6, 1 ); m_grid->addWidget( m_strikeOutItem, 7, 1 ); m_grid->addWidget( m_underlineItem, 8, 1 ); m_grid->addWidget( m_vertAlignItem, 9, 1 ); m_grid->addWidget( grpShadow, 10, 1 ); m_grid->addWidget( grpWordByWord, 11, 1 ); m_grid->addWidget( m_fontAttributeItem, 12, 1); m_grid->addWidget( m_checkLanguage, 13, 0); m_grid->addWidget( m_languageItem, 13, 1); KSeparator *tmpSep = new KSeparator( page ); m_grid->addMultiCellWidget( tmpSep, 14, 14, 0, 1 ); // signals and slots connections QObject::connect( m_checkFamily, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), m_familyItem, SLOT( setEnabled( bool ) ) ); QObject::connect( m_checkSize, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), m_sizeItem, SLOT( setEnabled( bool ) ) ); QObject::connect( m_checkColor, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), m_colorItem, SLOT( setEnabled( bool ) ) ); QObject::connect( m_checkBgColor, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), m_bgColorItem, SLOT( setEnabled( bool ) ) ); QObject::connect( m_checkBold, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), m_boldYes, SLOT( setEnabled( bool ) ) ); QObject::connect( m_checkItalic, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), m_italicYes, SLOT( setEnabled( bool ) ) ); QObject::connect( m_checkStrikeOut, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), m_strikeOutItem, SLOT( setEnabled( bool ) ) ); QObject::connect( m_checkShadow, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), m_shadowYes, SLOT( setEnabled( bool ) ) ); QObject::connect( m_checkWordByWord, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), m_wordByWordYes, SLOT( setEnabled( bool ) ) ); QObject::connect( m_checkFontAttribute, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), m_fontAttributeItem, SLOT( setEnabled( bool ) ) ); QObject::connect( m_checkLanguage, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), m_languageItem, SLOT( setEnabled( bool ) ) ); QObject::connect( m_checkBold, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), m_boldNo, SLOT( setEnabled( bool ) ) ); QObject::connect( m_checkItalic, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), m_italicNo, SLOT( setEnabled( bool ) ) ); QObject::connect( m_checkShadow, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), m_shadowNo, SLOT( setEnabled( bool ) ) ); QObject::connect( m_checkWordByWord, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), m_wordByWordNo, SLOT( setEnabled( bool ) ) ); QObject::connect( m_checkVertAlign, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), m_vertAlignItem, SLOT( setEnabled( bool ) ) ); QObject::connect( m_checkUnderline, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), m_underlineItem, SLOT( setEnabled( bool ) ) ); slotReset(); } void KoFormatDia::slotClear() { m_ctx->m_optionsMask = 0; m_ctx->m_options = 0; slotReset(); } void KoFormatDia::slotReset() { m_checkFamily->setChecked( m_ctx->m_optionsMask & KoSearchContext::Family ); m_familyItem->setEnabled(m_checkFamily->isChecked()); m_checkSize->setChecked( m_ctx->m_optionsMask & KoSearchContext::Size ); m_sizeItem->setEnabled(m_checkSize->isChecked()); m_checkColor->setChecked( m_ctx->m_optionsMask & KoSearchContext::Color ); m_colorItem->setEnabled(m_checkColor->isChecked()); m_checkBgColor->setChecked( m_ctx->m_optionsMask & KoSearchContext::BgColor ); m_bgColorItem->setEnabled(m_checkBgColor->isChecked()); m_checkBold->setChecked( m_ctx->m_optionsMask & KoSearchContext::Bold ); m_boldYes->setEnabled(m_checkBold->isChecked()); m_boldNo->setEnabled(m_checkBold->isChecked()); m_checkShadow->setChecked( m_ctx->m_optionsMask & KoSearchContext::Shadow ); m_shadowYes->setEnabled(m_checkShadow->isChecked()); m_shadowNo->setEnabled(m_checkShadow->isChecked()); m_checkWordByWord->setChecked( m_ctx->m_optionsMask & KoSearchContext::WordByWord ); m_wordByWordYes->setEnabled(m_checkWordByWord->isChecked()); m_wordByWordNo->setEnabled(m_checkWordByWord->isChecked()); m_checkStrikeOut->setChecked( m_ctx->m_optionsMask & KoSearchContext::StrikeOut ); m_strikeOutItem->setEnabled( m_checkStrikeOut->isChecked()); m_checkItalic->setChecked( m_ctx->m_optionsMask & KoSearchContext::Italic ); m_italicNo->setEnabled(m_checkItalic->isChecked()); m_italicYes->setEnabled(m_checkItalic->isChecked()); m_checkUnderline->setChecked( m_ctx->m_optionsMask & KoSearchContext::Underline ); m_underlineItem->setEnabled(m_checkUnderline->isChecked()); m_checkVertAlign->setChecked( m_ctx->m_optionsMask & KoSearchContext::VertAlign ); m_vertAlignItem->setEnabled(m_checkVertAlign->isChecked()); m_checkFontAttribute->setChecked( m_ctx->m_optionsMask & KoSearchContext::Attribute ); m_fontAttributeItem->setEnabled(m_checkFontAttribute->isChecked()); m_checkLanguage->setChecked( m_ctx->m_optionsMask & KoSearchContext::Language ); m_languageItem->setEnabled(m_checkLanguage->isChecked()); if (m_ctx->m_options & KoSearchContext::Bold) m_boldYes->setChecked( true ); else m_boldNo->setChecked( true ); if (m_ctx->m_options & KoSearchContext::Italic) m_italicYes->setChecked( true ); else m_italicNo->setChecked( true ); if (m_ctx->m_options & KoSearchContext::Shadow) m_shadowYes->setChecked( true ); else m_shadowNo->setChecked( true ); if (m_ctx->m_options & KoSearchContext::WordByWord) m_wordByWordYes->setChecked( true ); else m_wordByWordNo->setChecked( true ); } void KoFormatDia::ctxOptions( ) { long optionsMask = 0; long options = 0; if ( m_checkFamily->isChecked() ) optionsMask |= KoSearchContext::Family; if ( m_checkSize->isChecked() ) optionsMask |= KoSearchContext::Size; if ( m_checkColor->isChecked() ) optionsMask |= KoSearchContext::Color; if ( m_checkBgColor->isChecked() ) optionsMask |= KoSearchContext::BgColor; if ( m_checkBold->isChecked() ) optionsMask |= KoSearchContext::Bold; if ( m_checkItalic->isChecked() ) optionsMask |= KoSearchContext::Italic; if ( m_checkUnderline->isChecked() ) optionsMask |= KoSearchContext::Underline; if ( m_checkVertAlign->isChecked() ) optionsMask |= KoSearchContext::VertAlign; if ( m_checkStrikeOut->isChecked() ) optionsMask |= KoSearchContext::StrikeOut; if ( m_checkShadow->isChecked() ) optionsMask |= KoSearchContext::Shadow; if ( m_checkWordByWord->isChecked() ) optionsMask |= KoSearchContext::WordByWord; if ( m_checkLanguage->isChecked() ) optionsMask |= KoSearchContext::Language; if ( m_boldYes->isChecked() ) options |= KoSearchContext::Bold; if ( m_italicYes->isChecked() ) options |= KoSearchContext::Italic; if ( m_shadowYes->isChecked() ) options |= KoSearchContext::Shadow; if ( m_wordByWordYes->isChecked() ) options |= KoSearchContext::WordByWord; m_ctx->m_optionsMask = optionsMask; m_ctx->m_family = m_familyItem->currentText(); m_ctx->m_size = m_sizeItem->cleanText().toInt(); m_ctx->m_color = m_colorItem->color(); m_ctx->m_backGroundColor = m_bgColorItem->color(); m_ctx->m_vertAlign = (KoTextFormat::VerticalAlignment)m_vertAlignItem->currentItem(); m_ctx->m_underline = (KoTextFormat::UnderlineType)m_underlineItem->currentItem(); m_ctx->m_strikeOut = (KoTextFormat::StrikeOutType)m_strikeOutItem->currentItem(); m_ctx->m_attribute = (KoTextFormat::AttributeStyle)m_fontAttributeItem->currentItem(); m_ctx->m_language = KoGlobal::listTagOfLanguages()[m_languageItem->currentItem()]; m_ctx->m_options = options; } bool KoFindReplace::validateMatch( const QString & /*text*/, int index, int matchedlength ) { if ( !m_searchContextEnabled || !m_searchContext.m_optionsMask ) return true; KoTextString * s = currentParag()->string(); for ( int i = index ; i < index+matchedlength ; ++i ) { KoTextStringChar & ch = s->at(i); KoTextFormat *format = ch.format(); if (m_searchContext.m_optionsMask & KoSearchContext::Bold) { if ( (!format->font().bold() && (m_searchContext.m_options & KoSearchContext::Bold)) || (format->font().bold() && ((m_searchContext.m_options & KoSearchContext::Bold)==0))) return false; } if (m_searchContext.m_optionsMask & KoSearchContext::Shadow) { bool hasShadow = format->shadowDistanceX() != 0 || format->shadowDistanceY() != 0; if ( (!hasShadow && (m_searchContext.m_options & KoSearchContext::Shadow)) || (hasShadow && ((m_searchContext.m_options & KoSearchContext::Shadow)==0)) ) return false; } if (m_searchContext.m_optionsMask & KoSearchContext::WordByWord) { if ( (!format->wordByWord() && (m_searchContext.m_options & KoSearchContext::WordByWord)) || (format->wordByWord() && ((m_searchContext.m_options & KoSearchContext::WordByWord)==0))) return false; } if (m_searchContext.m_optionsMask & KoSearchContext::Size) { if ( format->font().pointSize() != m_searchContext.m_size ) return false; } if ( m_searchContext.m_optionsMask & KoSearchContext::Family) { if (format->font().family() != m_searchContext.m_family) return false; } if ( m_searchContext.m_optionsMask & KoSearchContext::Color) { if (format->color() != m_searchContext.m_color) return false; } if ( m_searchContext.m_optionsMask & KoSearchContext::BgColor) { if (format->textBackgroundColor() != m_searchContext.m_backGroundColor) return false; } if ( m_searchContext.m_optionsMask & KoSearchContext::Italic) { if ( (!format->font().italic() && (m_searchContext.m_options & KoSearchContext::Italic)) || (format->font().italic() && ((m_searchContext.m_options & KoSearchContext::Italic)==0))) return false; } if ( m_searchContext.m_optionsMask & KoSearchContext::Underline) { if ( format->underlineType() != m_searchContext.m_underline ) return false; } if ( m_searchContext.m_optionsMask & KoSearchContext::StrikeOut) { if ( format->strikeOutType() != m_searchContext.m_strikeOut ) return false; } if ( m_searchContext.m_optionsMask & KoSearchContext::VertAlign) { if ( format->vAlign() != m_searchContext.m_vertAlign ) return false; } if ( m_searchContext.m_optionsMask & KoSearchContext::Language) { if ( format->language() != m_searchContext.m_language ) return false; } if ( m_searchContext.m_optionsMask & KoSearchContext::Attribute) { if ( format->attributeFont() != m_searchContext.m_attribute ) return false; } } return true; } bool KoFindReplace::shouldRestart() { if ( m_find ) return m_find->shouldRestart( true /*since text is editable*/, m_doCounting ); else return m_replace->shouldRestart( true /*since text is editable*/, m_doCounting ); } #include "KoSearchDia.moc"