#include "xmlwritertest.h" #include "KoXmlWriter.h" #include #include #include static const int numParagraphs = 30000; void speedTest() { QTime time; time.start(); QString paragText = QString::fromUtf8( "This is the text of the paragraph. I'm including a euro sign to test encoding issues: €" ); QCString styleName = "Heading 1"; QFile out( QString::fromLatin1( "out5.xml" ) ); if ( out.open(IO_WriteOnly) ) { KoXmlWriter writer( &out ); writer.startDocument( "rootelem" ); writer.startElement( "rootelem" ); for ( int i = 0 ; i < numParagraphs ; ++i ) { writer.startElement( "paragraph" ); writer.addAttribute( "text:style-name", styleName ); writer.addTextNode( paragText ); writer.endElement(); } writer.endElement(); writer.endDocument(); } out.close(); qDebug( "writing %i XML elements using KoXmlWriter: %i ms", numParagraphs, time.elapsed() ); } int main( int argc, char** argv ) { QApplication app( argc, argv, QApplication::Tty ); TEST_BEGIN( 0, 0 ); TEST_END( "framework test", "\n" ); TEST_BEGIN( "-//KDE//DTD kword 1.3//EN", "http://www.koffice.org/DTD/kword-1.3.dtd" ); TEST_END( "doctype test", "\n\n" ); TEST_BEGIN( 0, 0 ); writer.addAttribute( "a", "val" ); writer.addAttribute( "b", "<\">" ); writer.addAttribute( "c", -42 ); writer.addAttribute( "d", 1234.56789012345 ); writer.addAttributePt( "e", 1234.56789012345 ); TEST_END( "attributes test", "\n" ); TEST_BEGIN( 0, 0 ); writer.startElement( "m" ); writer.endElement(); TEST_END( "empty element test", "\n \n\n" ); TEST_BEGIN( 0, 0 ); writer.startElement( "a" ); writer.startElement( "b" ); writer.startElement( "c" ); writer.endElement(); writer.endElement(); writer.endElement(); TEST_END( "indent test", "\n \n \n \n \n \n\n" ); TEST_BEGIN( 0, 0 ); writer.startElement( "a" ); writer.startElement( "b", false /*no indent*/ ); writer.startElement( "c" ); writer.endElement(); writer.addTextNode( "te" ); writer.addTextNode( "xt" ); writer.endElement(); writer.endElement(); TEST_END( "textnode test", "\n \n text\n \n\n" ); TEST_BEGIN( 0, 0 ); writer.startElement( "p", false /*no indent*/ ); writer.addTextSpan( QString::fromLatin1( " \t\n foo " ) ); writer.endElement(); TEST_END( "textspan test", "\n" "


\n" "
\n" ); TEST_BEGIN( 0, 0 ); writer.startElement( "p", false /*no indent*/ ); QMap tabCache; tabCache.insert( 3, 0 ); writer.addTextSpan( QString::fromUtf8( " \t\n foö " ), tabCache ); writer.endElement(); TEST_END( "textspan with tabcache", "\n" "


\n" "
\n" ); TEST_BEGIN( 0, 0 ); writer.startElement( "p", false /*no indent*/ ); writer.addProcessingInstruction( "opendocument foobar" ); writer.addTextSpan( QString::fromLatin1( "foo" ) ); writer.endElement(); TEST_END( "processinginstruction test", "\n" "


\n" "
\n" ); TEST_BEGIN( 0, 0 ); writer.addManifestEntry( QString::fromLatin1( "foo/bar/blah" ), QString::fromLatin1( "mime/type" ) ); TEST_END( "addManifestEntry", "\n \n\n" ); int sz = 15000; // must be more than KoXmlWriter::s_escapeBufferLen QCString x( sz ); x.fill( 'x', sz ); x += '&'; QCString expected = "\n"; TEST_BEGIN( 0, 0 ); writer.addAttribute( "a", x ); TEST_END( "escaping long cstring", expected.data() ); QString longPath; for ( uint i = 0 ; i < 1000 ; ++i ) longPath += QString::fromLatin1( "M10 10L20 20 " ); expected = "\n"; TEST_BEGIN( 0, 0 ); writer.addAttribute( "a", longPath ); TEST_END( "escaping long qstring", expected.data() ); TEST_BEGIN( 0, 0 ); bool val = true; int num = 1; double numdouble = 5.0; writer.addConfigItem( QString::fromLatin1( "TestConfigBool" ), val ); writer.addConfigItem( QString::fromLatin1( "TestConfigInt" ), num ); writer.addConfigItem( QString::fromLatin1( "TestConfigDouble" ), numdouble ); TEST_END( "test config", "\n" " true\n" " 1\n" " 5\n" "\n" ); speedTest(); }