#!/usr/bin/env python import time from xml.sax import saxutils, handler, make_parser tqunicodetable = { "normal":{}, "bold":{}, "italic":{}, "slant":{}, "boldItalic":{} } fonttable = {} class ContentGenerator(handler.ContentHandler): def __init__(self): handler.ContentHandler.__init__(self) self.font = None def startElement(self, name, attrs): if name == 'tqunicodetable': self.font = None for (name, value) in attrs.items(): if name == "font" and value: self.font = value if value not in fonttable: fonttable[value] = [] elif self.font and name == 'entry': number = '' for (name, value) in attrs.items(): if name == "key": key = int(value) elif name == "number": number = value elif name == "name": latexName = value elif name == "class": charClass = value elif name == "style": style = value if number != '': tqunicodetable[style][number] = (latexName, charClass) fonttable[self.font].append((key, number, style)) def fontkey(font, style, number): for mapping in fonttable[font]: k, n, s = mapping if s == style and n == number: return k def writeFontTable(fontname, f): f.write('\n\nstatic InternFontTable ' + fontname + 'Map[] = {\n') for style in tqunicodetable: for key in tqunicodetable[style]: latexName, charClass = tqunicodetable[style][key] pos = fontkey(fontname, style, key) if pos: f.write(' { ' + key + ', ' + hex(pos) + ', ' + charClass + ', ' + style + 'Char },\n') f.write(' { 0, 0, ORDINARY, normalChar }\n};\n\n') def write_header(f): print >>f, '''// // Created: ''' + time.ctime(time.time()) + ''' // by: gensymbolfontmap.py // from: symbol.xml // // WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost! ''' def main(): f = open('../symbolfontmapping.cc', 'w') write_header(f) writeFontTable("symbol", f) f.close() f = open('../esstixfontmapping.cc', 'w') write_header(f) fontnames = [ "esstixnine", "esstixthirteen", "esstixeleven", "esstixfourteen", "esstixfive", "esstixfifteen", "esstixeight", "esstixthree", "esstixten", "esstixsixteen", "esstixone", "esstixtwo", "esstixsix", "esstixseven", "esstixtwelve", "esstixseventeen", "esstixfour" ] for fn in fontnames: writeFontTable(fn, f) f.close() f = open('../cmmapping.cc', 'w') write_header(f) fontnames = [ "cmbx10", "cmex10", "cmmi10", "cmr10", #"cmsl10", "cmsy10", #"cmti10", #"cmtt10", "msam10", "msbm10" ] for fn in fontnames: writeFontTable(fn, f) f.close() f = open('../tqunicodenames.cc', 'w') write_header(f) print >>f, 'struct UnicodeNameTable { short tqunicode; const char* name; };' print >>f, 'static UnicodeNameTable nameTable[] = {' nameDir = {} table = {} for style in tqunicodetable: table.update(tqunicodetable[style]) for key in table: latexName, charClass = table[key] if len(latexName) > 0: #for fn in fontnames: # if fontkey(fn, style, key): print >>f, ' { ' + key + ', "' + latexName + '" },' #break print >>f, ' { 0, 0 }\n};' f.close() def make_tqunicode_table(): header = [] codes = {} f = open('../config/tqunicode.tbl', 'r') for line in f.xreadlines(): if line[0] == '#': header.append(line.strip()) else: break for line in f.xreadlines(): if len(line) > 0: codes[line.split(',')[0].strip()] = line f.close() for key in tqunicodetable: latexName, charClass = tqunicodetable[key] if len(latexName) > 0: codes[key] = key + ', ' + charClass + ', ' + latexName.replace('\\', '') else: codes[key] = key + ', ' + charClass f = open('../config/tqunicode.tbl', 'w') for line in header: print >> f, line for key in codes: print >> f, codes[key] f.close() def make_font_table(font): ## header = [] ## try: ## f = open('../config/' + font + '.font', 'r') ## for line in f.xreadlines(): ## if line[0] == '#': ## header.append(line.strip()) ## else: ## break ## f.close() ## except IOError: ## pass #f = open('../config/' + font + '.font', 'w') f = open(font + '.font', 'w') ## for line in header: ## print >> f, line #print >> f, "name = " + font for key in tqunicodetable: latexName, charClass = tqunicodetable[key] pos = fontkey(font, key) if pos: print >> f, str(pos), key, charClass, latexName f.close() def make_all_font_tables(): for font in fonttable: make_font_table(font) def symbol_entry(pos, tqunicode, charClass, name): return ' ' % \ (pos, tqunicode, name, charClass) def compare_font(font): for line in file(font+".font"): list = line.split() pos = int(list[0]) tqunicode = list[1] charClass = list[2] if len(list)>3: name = list[3] else: name = "" if (pos, tqunicode) not in fonttable[font]: print "not in font", font, (pos, tqunicode) print symbol_entry(pos, tqunicode, charClass, name) if tqunicode not in tqunicodetable: print font, tqunicode, (name, charClass) print symbol_entry(pos, tqunicode, charClass, name) elif tqunicodetable[tqunicode] != (name, charClass): print font, tqunicode, pos, tqunicodetable[tqunicode], "!=", (name, charClass) def compare(): fontnames = [ "symbol", "esstixnine", "esstixthirteen", "esstixeleven", "esstixfourteen", "esstixfive", "esstixfifteen", "esstixeight", "esstixthree", "esstixten", "esstixsixteen", "esstixone", "esstixtwo", "esstixsix", "esstixseven", "esstixtwelve", "esstixseventeen", "esstixfour" ] for font in fontnames: compare_font(font) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = make_parser() parser.setContentHandler(ContentGenerator()) parser.parse("symbol.xml") #print fonttable #print tqunicodetable #compare() main() #make_tqunicode_table() #make_all_font_tables()