ImportDialogUI Import dialog for KWord's MS Write import filter Nicolas GOUTTE <> ImportDialogUI 0 0 343 221 MS Write Import Dialog unnamed 11 6 buttonGroupEncoding 3 5 0 0 &Encoding Select the encoding of the Write document.<br><br>Try the Default Encoding (CP 1252), if unsure. unnamed 11 6 comboBoxEncoding 1 5 0 0 radioEncodingOther &Other encoding: false 1 Spacer5 Horizontal Expanding 20 20 radioEncodingDefault &Default encoding (CP 1252) true 0 Most Write documents are stored using this encoding (also known as windows-1252).<br><br>Select this if unsure. Spacer4 Horizontal Expanding 20 20 groupAdvanced &Advanced These advanced options allow you to fine-tune the importing of formatting information. They compensate for differences between KWord and MS Write by adding extra formatting information (not found in the original document), to try to make the imported document look as close to the original as possible.<br><br>It is safe to use the defaults, if unsure. unnamed 11 6 checkBoxLinespacing 1 0 0 0 Compensate for &linespacing differences Try to simulate Write's linespacing by adding some spaces before each paragraph. Spacer3 Horizontal Expanding 20 20 checkBoxImageOffset Enable &image positioning true Use paragraph indentation to position images. Spacer5_2 Horizontal Expanding 20 20 Spacer6 Vertical Expanding 20 20 radioEncodingDefault comboBoxEncoding checkBoxLinespacing checkBoxImageOffset