/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2004 Lucijan Busch Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Jaroslaw Staniek This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ %{ #include #include #include "sqlparser.h" #include "sqltypes.h" #include #include #include #define YY_NO_UNPUT #define ECOUNT current += yyleng; ctoken = yytext extern void setError(const QString& errDesc); extern void setError(const QString& errName, const QString& errDesc); %} /* *** Please reflect changes to this file in ../driver_p.cpp *** */ %option case-insensitive %option noyywrap %option never-interactive whitespace [ \t\n] digit [0-9] /*identifier [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]* */ identifier [a-zA-Z_0-9]+ /* quoted_identifier (\"[a-zA-Z_0-9]+\") */ query_parameter \[[^\[\]]+\] integer {digit}+ decimal (({digit}*\.{digit}+)|({digit}+\.{digit}*)) real ((({digit}*\.{digit}+)|({digit}+\.{digit}*)|({digit}+))([Ee][-+]?{digit}+)) /* todo: support for real numbers */ %% "<>" { ECOUNT; return NOT_EQUAL; } "!=" { ECOUNT; return NOT_EQUAL2; } "==" { ECOUNT; return '='; } "<=" { ECOUNT; return LESS_OR_EQUAL; } ">=" { ECOUNT; return GREATER_OR_EQUAL; } "IN" { ECOUNT; return SQL_IN; } {integer} { //TODO: what about hex or octal values? //we're using QString:toLongLong() here because atoll() is not so portable: ECOUNT; bool ok; yylval.integerValue = QString(yytext).toLongLong( &ok ); if (!ok) { setError(i18n("Invalid integer number"),i18n("This integer number may be too large.")); return SCAN_ERROR; } // yylval.integerValue = atol(yytext); return INTEGER_CONST; } {decimal} { char *p = yytext; if (yytext[0]=='.') { /* no integer part */ yylval.realValue.integer = 0; } else { yylval.realValue.integer = atoi(p); int i=0; while (p && i < yyleng && *p != '.') { i++; p++; } if (i==0 || !p || *p!='.') { yylval.realValue.fractional = 0; return REAL_CONST; } } /* fractional part */ p++; yylval.realValue.fractional = atoi(p); return REAL_CONST; } ("AND"|"&&") { ECOUNT; return AND; } "AS" { ECOUNT; return AS; } "CREATE" { ECOUNT; return CREATE; } "FROM" { ECOUNT; return FROM; } "INTEGER" { ECOUNT; return SQL_TYPE; } "JOIN" { ECOUNT; return JOIN; } "LEFT" { ECOUNT; return LEFT; } "LIKE" { ECOUNT; return LIKE; } "NOT"{whitespace}+"SIMILAR"{whitespace}+"TO" { ECOUNT; return NOT_SIMILAR_TO; } "SIMILAR"{whitespace}+"TO" { ECOUNT; return SIMILAR_TO; } "IS"{whitespace}+"NOT"{whitespace}+"NULL" { ECOUNT; return SQL_IS_NOT_NULL; } "IS"{whitespace}+"NULL" { ECOUNT; return SQL_IS_NULL; } "NOT" { ECOUNT; return NOT; } "IS" { ECOUNT; return SQL_IS; } "NULL" { ECOUNT; return SQL_NULL; } "ON" { ECOUNT; return SQL_ON; } "OR" { ECOUNT; return OR; } "||" { /* also means OR for numbers (mysql) */ ECOUNT; return CONCATENATION; } "<<" { ECOUNT; return BITWISE_SHIFT_LEFT; } ">>" { ECOUNT; return BITWISE_SHIFT_RIGHT; } "XOR" { ECOUNT; return XOR; } "RIGHT" { ECOUNT; return RIGHT; } "SELECT" { ECOUNT; return SELECT; } "TABLE" { ECOUNT; return TABLE; } "WHERE" { ECOUNT; return WHERE; } "ORDER" { ECOUNT; return ORDER; } "BY" { ECOUNT; return BY; } "ASC" { ECOUNT; return ASC; } "DESC" { ECOUNT; return DESC; } (['][^']*[']|["][^\"]*["]) { ECOUNT; yylval.stringValue = new QString(QString::fromUtf8(yytext+1, yyleng-2)); return CHARACTER_STRING_LITERAL; /* "ZZZ" sentinel for script */ } {identifier} { KexiDBDbg << "yytext: '" << yytext << "' (" << yyleng << ")" << endl; ECOUNT; yylval.stringValue = new QString(QString::fromUtf8(yytext, yyleng)); if (yytext[0]>='0' && yytext[0]<='9') { setError(i18n("Invalid identifier"), i18n("Identifiers should start with a letter or '_' character")); return SCAN_ERROR; } return IDENTIFIER; } {query_parameter} { KexiDBDbg << "yytext: '" << yytext << "' (" << yyleng << ")" << endl; ECOUNT; yylval.stringValue = new QString(QString::fromUtf8(yytext+1, yyleng-2)); return QUERY_PARAMETER; } {whitespace}+ { ECOUNT; } [\~\!\@\#\^\&\|\`\?,()\[\]\.;\:\+\-\*\/\%\^\<\>\=] { KexiDBDbg << "char: '" << yytext[0] << "'" << endl; ECOUNT; return yytext[0]; } %% void tokenize(const char *data) { yy_switch_to_buffer(yy_scan_string(data)); ctoken = ""; current = 0; }