KivioProtectionPanelBase KivioProtectionPanelBase 0 0 124 147 0 0 32767 32767 Protection unnamed m_checkWidth &Width Toggles the ability to change the width of the selected stencils m_checkHeight Hei&ght Toggles the ability to change the height of the selected stencils m_checkAspect &Aspect ratio Toggles the ability to change the aspect ratio of the selected stencils m_checkXPosition &X position Toggles the ability to protect the x position of the selected stencils m_checkYPosition &Y position Toggles the ability to protect the y position of the selected stencils m_checkDeletion Deletio&n Toggles the ability to delete the selected stencils spacer1 Vertical Expanding 20 281 m_checkWidth m_checkHeight m_checkAspect m_checkXPosition m_checkYPosition m_checkDeletion