2.1. What is Kexi?

Briefly speaking, Kexi is the application for creating databases and for data management. It enables you:

Kexi is a member of a PlusOfficePL family of products offered by OpenOffice Polska together with technical support. Kexi należący do rodziny programów PlusOfficePL, oferowanej wraz ze wsparciem technicznym przez firmę OpenOffice Polska.

The motto of Kexi application is "Database creation for everyone". Introduction of this product was motivated by the lack of software Rapid Application Development tools similiar to Microsoft Access, FoxPro, Oracle Forms or FileMaker, that would be available for all contemporary hardware and system platforms. Kexi was made to fill this gap.

Kexi is the first large KDE application available for Microsoft Windows, which makes it easier for the user to transfer data between platforms, integrate and migrate for more cost-efficient systems like Linux.

Kexi is also one of the products of an international K Desktop Environment project, a graphic environment for Unix/Linux systems. The KDE project involves many companies (including the largest ones such as Novell and IBM), organisations and independent authors.