/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2005 Tomas Mecir This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KSPREAD_VALUECALC #define KSPREAD_VALUECALC #include #include #include #include "kspread_value.h" namespace KSpread { class Doc; class ValueCalc; class ValueConverter; // Condition structures enum Comp { isEqual, isLess, isGreater, lessEqual, greaterEqual, notEqual }; enum Type { numeric, string }; struct Condition { Comp comp; int index; double value; TQString stringValue; Type type; }; typedef TQValueList ConditionList; typedef void (*arrayWalkFunc) (ValueCalc *, Value &result, Value val, Value param); /** The ValueCalc class is used to perform all sorts of calculations. No other means of calculation should be performed, to achieve transparency, and to ease addition of new datatypes. Currently, most functions simply convert data to double and work with that. The idea is such that after we add support for bigger precision, we only need to adjust this class and the parsing/formatting/converting classes. All function implementations will remain exactly the same. Of course, for some functions, it might be impossible to apply them on all datatypes, but since all of them can be applied on both doubles and GnuMP-based numbers, that is not of much concern ;) */ class ValueCalc { public: ValueCalc (ValueConverter* c); ValueConverter *conv () { return converter; }; // some functions need access to the document void setDoc (Doc *d) { _doc = d; }; Doc *doc () { return _doc; }; /** basic arithmetic operations */ Value add (const Value &a, const Value &b); Value sub (const Value &a, const Value &b); Value mul (const Value &a, const Value &b); Value div (const Value &a, const Value &b); Value mod (const Value &a, const Value &b); Value pow (const Value &a, const Value &b); Value sqr (const Value &a); Value sqrt (const Value &a); Value add (const Value &a, double b); Value sub (const Value &a, double b); Value mul (const Value &a, double b); Value div (const Value &a, double b); Value pow (const Value &a, double b); Value abs (const Value &a); /** comparison and related */ bool isZero (const Value &a); bool isEven (const Value &a); /** numerical comparison */ bool equal (const Value &a, const Value &b); /** numerical comparison with a little epsilon tolerance */ bool approxEqual (const Value &a, const Value &b); /** numerical comparison */ bool greater (const Value &a, const Value &b); /** numerical comparison - greater or equal */ bool gequal (const Value &a, const Value &b); /** numerical comparison */ bool lower (const Value &a, const Value &b); /** string comparison */ bool strEqual (const Value &a, const Value &b, bool CS = true); /** string comparison */ bool strGreater (const Value &a, const Value &b, bool CS = true); /** string comparison - greater or equal */ bool strGequal (const Value &a, const Value &b, bool CS = true); /** string comparison */ bool strLower (const Value &a, const Value &b, bool CS = true); /** string or numerical comparison */ bool naturalEqual (const Value &a, const Value &b, bool CS = true); /** string or numerical comparison */ bool naturalGreater (const Value &a, const Value &b, bool CS = true); /** string or numerical comparison - greater or equal */ bool naturalGequal (const Value &a, const Value &b, bool CS = true); /** string or numerical comparison */ bool naturalLower (const Value &a, const Value &b, bool CS = true); int sign (const Value &a); /** rounding */ Value roundDown (const Value &a, const Value &digits); Value roundUp (const Value &a, const Value &digits); Value round (const Value &a, const Value &digits); Value roundDown (const Value &a, int digits = 0); Value roundUp (const Value &a, int digits = 0); Value round (const Value &a, int digits = 0); /** logarithms and exponentials */ Value log (const Value &number, const Value &base); Value log (const Value &number, double base = 10); Value ln (const Value &number); Value exp (const Value &number); /** constants */ Value pi (); Value eps (); /** random number from <0.0, range) */ Value random (double range = 1.0); Value random (Value range); /** some computational functions */ Value fact (const Value &which); Value fact (const Value &which, const Value &end); Value fact (int which, int end = 0); /** double factorial (every other number multiplied) */ Value factDouble (int which); Value factDouble (Value which); /** combinations */ Value combin (int n, int k); Value combin (Value n, Value k); /** greatest common divisor */ Value gcd (const Value &a, const Value &b); /** lowest common multiplicator */ Value lcm (const Value &a, const Value &b); /** base conversion 10 -> base */ Value base (const Value &val, int base = 16, int prec = 0); /** base conversion base -> 10 */ Value fromBase (const Value &val, int base = 16); /** goniometric functions */ Value sin (const Value &number); Value cos (const Value &number); Value tg (const Value &number); Value cotg (const Value &number); Value asin (const Value &number); Value acos (const Value &number); Value atg (const Value &number); Value atan2 (const Value &y, const Value &x); /** hyperbolic functions */ Value sinh (const Value &number); Value cosh (const Value &number); Value tgh (const Value &number); Value asinh (const Value &number); Value acosh (const Value &number); Value atgh (const Value &number); /** some statistical stuff TODO: we may want to move these over to a separate class or something, as the functions are mostly big */ Value phi (Value x); Value gauss (Value xx); Value gaussinv (Value xx); Value GetGamma (Value _x); Value GetLogGamma (Value _x); Value GetGammaDist (Value _x, Value _alpha, Value _beta); Value GetBeta (Value _x, Value _alpha, Value _beta); /** bessel functions - may also end up being separated from here */ Value besseli (Value v, Value x); Value besselj (Value v, Value x); Value besselk (Value v, Value x); Value besseln (Value v, Value x); /** error functions (see: man erf) */ Value erf (Value x); Value erfc (Value x); /** array/range walking */ void arrayWalk (const Value &range, Value &res, arrayWalkFunc func, Value param); /** Walk the array in function-like style. This method is here to avoid duplication in function handlers. */ void arrayWalk (TQValueVector &range, Value &res, arrayWalkFunc func, Value param); void twoArrayWalk (const Value &a1, const Value &a2, Value &res, arrayWalkFunc func); void twoArrayWalk (TQValueVector &a1, TQValueVector &a2, Value &res, arrayWalkFunc func); arrayWalkFunc awFunc (const TQString &name); void registerAwFunc (const TQString &name, arrayWalkFunc func); /** basic range functions */ // if full is true, A-version is used (means string/bool values included) Value sum (const Value &range, bool full = true); Value sumsq (const Value &range, bool full = true); Value sumIf (const Value &range, const Value &checkRange, const Condition &cond); int count (const Value &range, bool full = true); int countIf (const Value &range, const Condition &cond); Value avg (const Value &range, bool full = true); Value max (const Value &range, bool full = true); Value min (const Value &range, bool full = true); Value product (const Value &range, Value init, bool full = true); Value stddev (const Value &range, bool full = true); Value stddev (const Value &range, Value avg, bool full = true); Value stddevP (const Value &range, bool full = true); Value stddevP (const Value &range, Value avg, bool full = true); /** range functions using value lists */ Value sum (TQValueVector range, bool full = true); int count (TQValueVector range, bool full = true); Value avg (TQValueVector range, bool full = true); Value max (TQValueVector range, bool full = true); Value min (TQValueVector range, bool full = true); Value product (TQValueVector range, Value init, bool full = true); Value stddev (TQValueVector range, bool full = true); Value stddev (TQValueVector range, Value avg, bool full = true); Value stddevP (TQValueVector range, bool full = true); Value stddevP (TQValueVector range, Value avg, bool full = true); /** This method parses the condition in string text to the condition cond. It sets the condition's type and value. */ void getCond (Condition &cond, Value val); /** Returns true if value d matches the condition cond, built with getCond(). Otherwise, it returns false. */ bool matches (const Condition &cond, Value d); protected: ValueConverter* converter; /** return result formatting, based on these two values */ Value::Format format (Value::Format a, Value::Format b); Doc *_doc; /** registered array-walk functions */ std::map awFuncs; }; } //namespace KSpread #endif // KSPREAD_VALUECALC