/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2001 Andrea Rizzi Ulrich Kuettler This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "basicelement.h" #include "formulacursor.h" #include "formulaelement.h" #include "kformulacontainer.h" #include "kformuladocument.h" #include "kformulaview.h" KFORMULA_NAMESPACE_BEGIN struct View::View_Impl { View_Impl(Container* doc, View* view) : smallCursor(false), activeCursor(true), cursorHasChanged(true), document(doc) { connect(document, TQ_SIGNAL(elementWillVanish(BasicElement*)), view, TQ_SLOT(slotElementWillVanish(BasicElement*))); connect(document, TQ_SIGNAL(formulaLoaded(FormulaElement*)), view, TQ_SLOT(slotFormulaLoaded(FormulaElement*))); connect(document, TQ_SIGNAL(cursorMoved(FormulaCursor*)), view, TQ_SLOT(slotCursorMoved(FormulaCursor*))); cursor = document->createCursor(); blinkTimer = new TQTimer( view ); connect( blinkTimer, TQ_SIGNAL( timeout() ), view, TQ_SLOT( slotBlinkCursor() ) ); if ( TQApplication::cursorFlashTime() > 0 ) blinkTimer->start( TQApplication::cursorFlashTime() / 2 ); } void startTimer() { if ( TQApplication::cursorFlashTime() > 0 ) blinkTimer->start( TQApplication::cursorFlashTime() / 2 ); } void stopTimer() { blinkTimer->stop(); } ~View_Impl() { if ( document->activeCursor() == cursor ) { document->setActiveCursor( 0 ); } delete cursor; delete blinkTimer; } /** * If set the cursor will never be bigger that the formula. */ bool smallCursor; /** * Whether the cursor is visible (for blinking) */ bool activeCursor; /** * Whether the cursor changed since the last time * we emitted a cursorChanged signal. */ bool cursorHasChanged; /** * Timer for cursor blinking */ TQTimer *blinkTimer; /** * The formula we show. */ Container* document; /** * Out cursor. */ FormulaCursor* cursor; }; FormulaCursor* View::cursor() const { return impl->cursor; } bool& View::cursorHasChanged() { return impl->cursorHasChanged; } bool& View::smallCursor() { return impl->smallCursor; } bool& View::activeCursor() { return impl->activeCursor; } Container* View::container() const { return impl->document; } void View::startCursorTimer() { impl->startTimer(); } void View::stopCursorTimer() { impl->stopTimer(); } View::View(Container* doc) { impl = new View_Impl(doc, this); cursor()->calcCursorSize( contextStyle(), smallCursor() ); } View::~View() { delete impl; } TQPoint View::getCursorPoint() const { return contextStyle().layoutUnitToPixel( cursor()->getCursorPoint() ); } void View::setReadOnly(bool ro) { cursor()->setReadOnly(ro); } void View::calcCursor() { cursor()->calcCursorSize( contextStyle(), smallCursor() ); } void View::draw(TQPainter& painter, const TQRect& rect, const TQColorGroup& cg) { // kdDebug( DEBUGID ) << "View::draw: " << rect.x() << " " << rect.y() << " " // << rect.width() << " " << rect.height() << endl; container()->draw( painter, rect, cg, true ); if ( cursorVisible() ) { StyleAttributes style; cursor()->draw( painter, contextStyle(), style, smallCursor(), activeCursor() ); } } void View::draw(TQPainter& painter, const TQRect& rect) { container()->draw( painter, rect, true ); if ( cursorVisible() ) { StyleAttributes style; cursor()->draw( painter, contextStyle(), style, smallCursor(), activeCursor() ); } } void View::keyPressEvent( TQKeyEvent* event ) { container()->input( event ); } void View::focusInEvent(TQFocusEvent*) { //cursor()->calcCursorSize( contextStyle(), smallCursor() ); container()->setActiveCursor(cursor()); activeCursor() = true; startCursorTimer(); smallCursor() = false; emitCursorChanged(); } void View::focusOutEvent(TQFocusEvent*) { //container()->setActiveCursor(0); activeCursor() = false; stopCursorTimer(); smallCursor() = true; emitCursorChanged(); } void View::mousePressEvent( TQMouseEvent* event ) { const ContextStyle& context = contextStyle(); mousePressEvent( event, context.pixelToLayoutUnit( event->pos() ) ); } void View::mouseReleaseEvent( TQMouseEvent* event ) { const ContextStyle& context = contextStyle(); mouseReleaseEvent( event, context.pixelToLayoutUnit( event->pos() ) ); } void View::mouseDoubleClickEvent( TQMouseEvent* event ) { const ContextStyle& context = contextStyle(); mouseDoubleClickEvent( event, context.pixelToLayoutUnit( event->pos() ) ); } void View::mouseMoveEvent( TQMouseEvent* event ) { const ContextStyle& context = contextStyle(); mouseMoveEvent( event, context.pixelToLayoutUnit( event->pos() ) ); } void View::wheelEvent( TQWheelEvent* event ) { const ContextStyle& context = contextStyle(); wheelEvent( event, context.pixelToLayoutUnit( event->pos() ) ); } void View::mousePressEvent( TQMouseEvent* event, const PtPoint& pos ) { const ContextStyle& context = contextStyle(); mousePressEvent( event, context.ptToLayoutUnitPix( pos ) ); } void View::mouseReleaseEvent( TQMouseEvent* event, const PtPoint& pos ) { const ContextStyle& context = contextStyle(); mouseReleaseEvent( event, context.ptToLayoutUnitPix( pos ) ); } void View::mouseDoubleClickEvent( TQMouseEvent* event, const PtPoint& pos ) { const ContextStyle& context = contextStyle(); mouseDoubleClickEvent( event, context.ptToLayoutUnitPix( pos ) ); } void View::mouseMoveEvent( TQMouseEvent* event, const PtPoint& pos ) { const ContextStyle& context = contextStyle(); mouseMoveEvent( event, context.ptToLayoutUnitPix( pos ) ); } void View::wheelEvent( TQWheelEvent* event, const PtPoint& pos ) { const ContextStyle& context = contextStyle(); wheelEvent( event, context.ptToLayoutUnitPix( pos ) ); } void View::mousePressEvent( TQMouseEvent* event, const LuPixelPoint& pos ) { int flags = movementFlag( event->state() ); cursor()->mousePress( pos, flags ); emitCursorChanged(); } void View::mouseReleaseEvent( TQMouseEvent* event, const LuPixelPoint& pos ) { int flags = movementFlag( event->state() ); cursor()->mouseRelease( pos, flags ); emitCursorChanged(); } void View::mouseDoubleClickEvent( TQMouseEvent*, const LuPixelPoint& ) { cursor()->moveRight( WordMovement ); cursor()->moveLeft( SelectMovement | WordMovement ); emitCursorChanged(); } void View::mouseMoveEvent( TQMouseEvent* event, const LuPixelPoint& pos ) { int flags = movementFlag( event->state() ); cursor()->mouseMove( pos, flags ); emitCursorChanged(); } void View::wheelEvent( TQWheelEvent*, const LuPixelPoint& ) { } void View::slotCursorMoved(FormulaCursor* c) { if (c == cursor()) { cursorHasChanged() = true; emitCursorChanged(); } } void View::slotFormulaLoaded(FormulaElement* formula) { cursor()->formulaLoaded(formula); } void View::slotElementWillVanish(BasicElement* element) { cursor()->elementWillVanish(element); emitCursorChanged(); } void View::slotBlinkCursor() { activeCursor() = ! activeCursor(); emitCursorChanged(); } void View::slotSelectAll() { cursor()->moveHome(WordMovement); cursor()->moveEnd(SelectMovement | WordMovement); emitCursorChanged(); } void View::moveLeft( int flag ) { cursor()->moveLeft( flag ); emitCursorChanged(); } void View::moveRight( int flag ) { cursor()->moveRight( flag ); emitCursorChanged(); } void View::moveUp( int flag ) { cursor()->moveUp( flag ); emitCursorChanged(); } void View::moveDown( int flag ) { cursor()->moveDown( flag ); emitCursorChanged(); } void View::moveHome( int flag ) { cursor()->moveHome( flag ); emitCursorChanged(); } void View::moveEnd( int flag ) { cursor()->moveEnd( flag ); emitCursorChanged(); } void View::setSmallCursor(bool small) { smallCursor() = small; } bool View::isHome() const { return cursor()->isHome(); } bool View::isEnd() const { return cursor()->isEnd(); } void View::eraseSelection( Direction direction ) { DirectedRemove r( req_remove, direction ); container()->performRequest( &r ); } void View::addText( TQString str ) { TextRequest r( str ); container()->performRequest( &r ); } void View::emitCursorChanged() { if (cursor()->hasChanged() || cursorHasChanged()) { getDocument()->updateMatrixActions(); cursor()->clearChangedFlag(); cursorHasChanged() = false; cursor()->calcCursorSize( contextStyle(), smallCursor() ); activeCursor() = true; startCursorTimer(); } emit cursorChanged(cursorVisible(), cursor()->isSelection()); } const ContextStyle& View::contextStyle() const { return container()->document()->getContextStyle(); } bool View::cursorVisible() { return !cursor()->isReadOnly() || cursor()->isSelection(); } KFORMULA_NAMESPACE_END using namespace KFormula; #include "kformulaview.moc"