/*************************************************************************** mlabelobject.h - Kugar report label object ------------------- begin : Wed Aug 11 1999 copyright : (C) 1999 by Mutiny Bay Software email : info@mutinybaysoftware.com ***************************************************************************/ #ifndef MLABELOBJECT_H #define MLABELOBJECT_H #include #include #include "mreportobject.h" /**Kugar report label object *@author Mutiny Bay Software */ namespace Kugar { class MLabelObject : public MReportObject { public: /** Font weight constants */ enum FontWeight { Light = 25, Normal = 50, DemiBold = 63, Bold = 75, Black = 87 }; /**Qt::Horizontal alignment constants */ enum HAlignment { Left = 0, Center, Right }; /** Vertial alignment constants */ enum VAlignment { Top = 0, Middle, Bottom }; /** Constructor */ MLabelObject(); /** Copy constructor */ MLabelObject( const MLabelObject& mLabelObject ); /** Assignment operator */ MLabelObject operator=( const MLabelObject& mLabelObject ); /** Destructor */ virtual ~MLabelObject(); protected: /** Label text */ TQString text; /** Label text font family */ TQString fontFamily; /** Label text font size in points */ int fontSize; /** Label text font weight */ int fontWeight; /** Label text font italic flag */ bool fontItalic; /** Lable text horizontal alignment */ int hAlignment; /** Label text vertical alignment */ int vAlignment; /** Label text word wrap flag */ bool wordWrap; private: /** Label text horizontal margin spacing */ const int xMargin; /** Label text vertical margin spacing */ const int yMargin; public: /** Sets the label's text string - default is an empty string*/ virtual void setText( const TQString txt ); /** Sets the label's text font - default is Times,10,Normal,false */ void setFont( const TQString family, int size, int weight, bool italic ); /** Sets the label's horizontal alignment -default is Left */ void setHorizontalAlignment( int a ); /** Sets the label's vertical alignment - default is Top */ void setVerticalAlignment( int a ); /** Sets the label's word wrap flag - default is false */ void setWordWrap( bool state ); /** Draws the label using the specificed painter & x/y-offsets */ void draw( TQPainter* p, int xoffset, int yoffset ); private: /** Copies member data from one object to another. * Used by the copy constructor and assignment operator */ void copy( const MLabelObject* mLabelObject ); }; } #endif