--------------------------------------------------------- KexiTableView (and KexiDataTableView) Issues Document Started 2003-10-13 Copyright (C) 2003 Jaroslaw Staniek js at iidea dot pl (C) OpenOffice Polska 2003 Kexi home page: http://www.kexi-project.org/ --------------------------------------------------- 2003-10-13 Assumptions 1. Now, I dont think about yet about features like data editing, sorting etc. so, I try to forget about KexiTableList, until sorting will be readded. 2. I will try to reimpl. KexiTableView to accept (reuse) raw data offered internally by KexiDB::Cursor: const char ** recordData() const; This is easy at least for buffered read-only data. So, we also consider that cursor used as datasource is buffered. It would be way more offective than using soooo many allocations and classes with KexiTableItem ; btw, KexiTableItem is oversized: KexiTableView pointer is stored with each KexiTableItem :) result: for 1st step I keep KexiTableItem with some changes, code polishing - KexiTableItem is internal class so accessors will be removed; shortly speaking - KexiTableItem is just a data structure